Crafts with Miss Minnesota candidates
Miss Minnesota candidates Alexis Lombard, Savannah Harrison, Natalie Berg, Jordyn Harrison, Lydia Jagodzinski make crowns at a craft night at Centennial Library. If you missed the first craft night, another one is planned for 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, May 13. See story on page 8.
mother and involved community member. Her story, “Defining Moments,” is featured in the book “So God Made a Mother.”
Q: Tell us about yourself.
A: My name is Michelle Koch, and I’ve lived in this area all of my life except for college. I’m a wife, mom, business owner, involved community member and chronic volunteer.
Q. Is writing your full-time gig? A part-time gig? A hobby?
TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 30 $1.00 SPOTTED AROUND TOWN: See photo submissions PAGE 15 CIRCULATION 651-407-1234 NEWS 651-407-1227 ADVERTISING 651-407-1200 CLASSIFIED 651-407-1250 PRODUCTION 651-407-1220 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Carter Johnson, Publisher Dear reader, Now more than ever, your Quad Community Press newspaper needs your support. We need 764 more paid subscribers to reach our sustainable goal of 20%. Last chance to be entered in our $250 gift card drawing. Thank you, Mother’s Day May 14th 2023 768026 We Deliver! Centerville Floral & Design 651-653-9399 • 1865 Main Street, Centerville Ronin Schmidt First grade “She bakes cakes, cookies and cupcakes.” Liam Yang Second grade “She cooks for me and watches movies with me.” Jack Faulken Third grade “She plays the Sponge Bob game with me.” Lucy Leischner Fourth grade “She takes me to my activities and is a great cook.” Alexandra Spenner Fifth grade “She is kind, helpful and likes to play games.” Centerville Elementary students reflect on their mothers Sofiva Abdulla Kindergarten “She cooks for me and buys me stuff.” In honor of Mother’s Day, the Quad Community Press visited Centerville Elementary to ask students, “What is your favorite thing about your mother?”
Michelle Koch is a local business owner, wife,
Area business owner’s story featured in book
Meat Raffle Mon & Thurs 5:00PM @ Blue Heron Grill License number 03934-008 14725 Victor Hugo Blvd |Hugo 8001 Lake Drive Lino Lakes License number 03934-007 Pull Tabs 11:00AM to Close @ Blue Heron Grill & The Tavern on Main 773437
If you sleep better, you can certainly live better. It’s pretty clear,” says Raymonde Jean, MD, director of sleep medicine and associate director of critical care at St. Luke’sRoosevelt Hospital Center in New York City.
Improve Your Memory
If you’re trying to learn something new, you’ll perform better after sleeping. During sleep, you can strengthen memories or “practice” skills learned while you were awake (it’s a process called consolidation).
Live Longer
Too much or too little sleep can be associated with a shorter lifespan. This is because of sleep’s relationship to the rest of the body’s processes. According to the Sleep Foundation, oversleeping (sleeping longer than 9 hours within 24 hours) can result in chronic diseases or conditions like heart disease, obesity or diabetes. Some of those conditions can lead to early death, per the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP). Those who slept between seven to eight and a half hours—but not less than seven hours or more than nine hours—could expect to have one to three more years of longer, healthier lives
Decrease Inflammation
Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis and premature aging. People who get less sleep—six or fewer hours a night—have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins than those who get more. In a September 2020 study published in Frontiers in Neurology, researchers noted that C-reactive protein (CRP), which increases whenever inflammation is present in the body, is linked to worse sleep. People who have sleep apnea or insomnia can have an improvement in blood pressure and inflammation with treatment of the sleep disorders.
Maintain a Healthier Weight
According to David Rapoport, MD, founder and president of the Foundation for Research in Sleep Disorders, “Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain. When you’re sleepy, certain hormones go up in your blood, and those same hormones drive appetite.” Researchers of an International Journal of Obesity study published in March 2021 found that the better the participants slept, the more weight and fat they lost.
Improve School Performance
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that grade-age students could have poorer academic
performance when they don’t get the sleep they need. For college students, sleeping for a sufficient amount of time, can improve GPA, while insufficient sleep could lead to, for example, a lower speed of cognitive processing—according to a January 2022 review published in Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
A lack of sleep can result in ADHDlike symptoms in kids, Dr. Rapaport said. The Sleep Foundation noted that children could switch from grumpiness to hyperactivity when they haven’t had enough sleep as well. Better sleep can improve their focus. It’s important they get the recommended amount of sleep for their age (which could range from eight to 13 hours), as noted in a June 2016 Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine article.
Better sleep can also
• Boost creativity;
• Improve athletes’ physical performance;
• Lower stress;
• Reduce accidents; and Improve mood.
Ultimately, if you find that you’re having major problems with sleep, you’ll want to talk to your healthcare provider for advice and treatment options based on your situation.
This information was found on www.
Most people sleep best in a bedroom around 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. JON’S A-1 MAINTENANCE, INC. Phone: 651-771-2654 Email: Website: Credit Cards Accepted 769804 Let’s Cut a Deal Tree Removal Tree Trimming Stump Grinding Shrub Pruning In Office and Telehealth...AVAILABLE NOW! CENTERVILLE | 7039 20th Ave S. | 651-288-0332 WHITE BEAR LAKE | 4444 Centerville Road, Suite 235 | 651-289-3111 763341 651-746-4582 | Bonded Insured | Lic #BC638094 • Decks • Paver Patios/ Driveways • Retaining/Boulder Walls • Ponds • Waterfalls • Sod • Grading/Excavating • Mulch/Rock • Edging • Planting • Tree Trimming/Spading, Stump Grinding 769873 CUSTOM WOODWORKS Commercial & Residential 651-213-6638 Call for a FREE Estimate! Custom • Kitchen • Theatre • Built-ins • Trim • Counters • Vanities 769872 YOUR LOCAL HOMETOWN BUILDER FOR OVER 35 YEARS CUSTOM BUILDER AND REMODELER DREAM@SHERCOHOMEBUILDERS.COM 651-462-1817 BC627690 651-462-1817 NO PROJECT TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL – FREE ESTIMATES - FINANCING AVAILABLE 769702 NO PROJECT TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL – FREE ESTIMATES - FINANCING AVAILABLE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Fall Clean Ups • Snow Plowing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawncare and Landscaping • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing • Retaining Walls • Mulching • Edging • Patio Pavers Jeff Irsfeld 651-428-3509 |
When: 1 p.m. Monday, May 15; the 3rd Monday of every month
Where: Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Monthly meeting followed by afternoon of games. Refreshments served.
Contact: 651-592-0369 or
When: 12:45 p.m. Thursday, May 18; and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of every month
Where: Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Games begin at 12:45 p.m. Refreshments and coffee served. All senior citizens from the area invited. Contact: 651-592-0369 or
When: 12:45 p.m. Monday, May 22; the 4th Monday of every month
Where: Rice Lake Centre, east end of Hugo Public Works building, 6900 137th Street N.
Details: Senior citizens from Hugo and surrounding area are invited to an afternoon of cribbage. Coffee and refreshments served.
Contact: 651-429-4413
When: 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays, April 28-May 21; 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 15
Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake
Details: Comic play performed by Lakeshore Players Theatre. Tickets $10-$30.
Contact: 651-478-7427 or
When: Thursday, May 11
Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.
Details: Fundraising event for White Bear Center for
the Arts has three sessions: 8-9 a.m. breakfast; noon-1 p.m. lunch; or 5:30-7:30 p.m. social hour and dinner.
When: 9-11 a.m. Thursday, May 11
Where: Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve, 7373 Main St., Lino Lakes
Details: Walk through the park with an experienced birder and hear 20-60+ species of birds. All ages and abilities. See registration and cost information online. Contact: 763-324-3350 or
When: 5-7 p.m. Thursday, May 11
Where: Matoska International IB School, 2530 Spruce Place, White Bear Lake
Details: Student art, art activities, art projects for sale, and food by Donatelli’s. Fundraiser for Art Enrichment Program.
When: 6:30-7:45 p.m. Thursday, May 11
Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake
Details: Empty nesters can learn how to rethink spaces
in their home, downsize and plan for life transitions with a professional organizer. Registration required. Contact:
When: 8 to 9:15 p.m. Friday, May 12
Where: Centennial Performing Arts Center, 4757 North Road, Circle Pines
Details: Music by Britten, Stozel, Travassos, Turner, and a new work by Standridge. Grand Symphonic Winds is a Twin Cities based wind ensemble with a reputation for excellence, well known for bringing original music to a diverse audience. During its 30 year history, it has championed new music, including dozens of unique compositions from across the globe.
When: 2 p.m. Saturday, May 13
Where: White Bear Lake Unitarian Church, 328 Maple St., Mahtomedi
Details: Free jazz concert directed by Larry Neumann. Contact:
When: 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, May 15
Where: National Sports Center, Blaine
Details: Two ‘Big Ideas’ learning lab trailers provide immersive virtual reality systems that introduce a variety of trades to high school students and young adults. Attendess can visit with local employers and exhibitors providing hands-on activities. Sponsored by Anoka County Job Training Center and Anoka Technical College. General public encouraged to attend 2-5 p.m.
When: 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, May 16 and 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Wednesday, May 17
Where: Anoka County Fairgrounds
Details: Purchase Minnesota-grown plants including native plants, sun and shade perennials, annuals, vegetables, and flowers for pollinators. Also opportunity to ask gardening questions. Plants discounted from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday.
The following names were omitted from the Centen nial High School Honor Roll published in the April 25 issue. We apologize for the omission.
Marina Allen – term 1 GPA 3.75
Erin Burns – term 1 GPA 4.125
Garrett Burns – term 1 GPA 4.111
Jacob Hosfield – term 1 GPA 3.917
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To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052
Directory Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us! Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site 14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center 6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville
761757 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 762801 We welcome you to worship with us Virtually and in Person Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship & refreshments following the service 7330 Lake Drive | 651-784-7667 & directions (1 mile south of Target on Lake Dr) Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis.
your local church or
church web sites for service time
online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE CHURCH 3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines 761679 “Because we’re in this together.”
MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/7/2023 Metro Become a Tutor! 773391
The Minnesota Display Ad Network
ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/7/2023 Metro Become a Tutor! 773392
The Anoka County Master Gardeners will host a plant sale May 16 and 17. See calendar listing for more information.
My first Mother’s Day
I want to be 100% transparent. And what better time to do that during the month of May, which happens to be Mental Health Awareness Month.
Shannon Granholm
My son was born Dec. 26. His birth was pretty traumatic and I ended up needing to be hospitalized, which was even more traumatic. Being separated from my son when he was just days old was really tough. I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out on that really important bonding time. And I felt so much guilt for my husband having to do everything on his own.
Being separated from my son brought on this level of shame and guilt I had never experienced before. That coupled with my dog needing emergency eye surgery, my other dog needing a wheel chair and the mommy blues was the perfect storm, leading to postpartum anxiety/depression.
The months after Royce was born are such a blur to me. I cried every day. I couldn’t help but feel like the worst mom on this planet. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I did everything to prepare for him but it wasn’t enough.
Postpartum depression is characterized by feelings of sadness, tearfulness, appetite changes and sleep disturbance. I had all of those. Many women with postpartum depression also have significant anxiety symptoms. This most commonly takes the form of generalized anxiety, persistent and excessive worries, feelings of tension and inability to relax. I had those too.
Many postpartum women also have symptoms consistent with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Obsessional thoughts are experienced as intrusive, unwanted and inconsistent with one’s typical personality or behavior.
I was so embarrassed and ashamed of what I was going through that it caused me to completely shut down. I stopped checking social media and stopped responding to texts and calls from friends and family. I didn’t know how to explain what I was going through and didn’t think people would understand. But what I didn’t know is by doing that I would make what I was experiencing even worse.
I discovered that even though I felt alone, I wasn’t. According to the National Library of Medicine, around one in seven women develop postpartum depression (PPD). As many as half of PPD in new mothers go undiagnosed because of not wanting to disclose to family members.
It’s taken me months to open up about what I experienced for that exact reason. Fear that my family, friends and society would judge me for something I couldn’t prevent. I have had to take it one day at a time, some days one minute at a time, but I’m feeling more and more like myself every day.
And every time I see Royce smile or hear him laugh, I’m reminded that I was meant to be a mother and I will continue to fight for him, because he deserves it.
So, to all the moms out there who are doing the best they can to be the best parents they can be and struggling. I see you. You are doing a great job and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Happy Mother’s Day.
Shannon Granholm is the Managing Editor at Press Publications. 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.
I read “What to Expect When you’re Expecting,” took a birth class and multiple new mother classes while I was pregnant. With the exception of a brief mention of them, none of those prepared me for the “mommy blues” or the more severe postpartum anxiety/depression.Preparing skilled workers amid shortage
& Shakers
he Centennial School District’s motto of Connecting. Achieving. Preparing. drives the focus on providing students with learning opportunities to help them be successful in life. While some students are taking college preparatory classes, students in my technical education classroom and learning lab are preparing for a career in manufacturing after graduation from high school. Manufacturing is the second largest employment sector in the state of Minnesota, and we have large manufacturing companies right here in our own backyard that are reputable on the global market.
Our local manufacturing companies tell us there is a shortage of skilled workers; the need and demand for this skillset is high. Many positions are going unfilled locally for welders, press brake operators, CNC machinists and other related jobs in manufacturing. The entry-level
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Carter C. Johnson Publisher Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus Shannon Granholm Managing Editor Patty Steele Director of Sales & Marketing
At Centennial High School, we are responding to the need to develop highly skilled people in the trades. The school is expanding its offerings and hands-on lab space to help support student interests and give them opportunities to explore career paths and options available to them in manufacturing. With generous support from the Centennial Area Education Foundation’s spring gala, the organization’s “Fund the Need” donor opportunity is helping jump start a redesign of our current lab and equipment purchases so we can teach specific skills identified by local industry for those much-needed entry level positions.
The students in my classroom are excited about the many career paths and options available to them in manufacturing and the trades industry. We are working on identifying manufacturing companies who we can partner with to offer students with a passion in welding, machining, sheet metal, and fabrication internships, jobs and work programs as well as other workforce opportunities. The connections with our local industries coupled with donors
jobs pay high livable wages with benefits and opportunities for our community can help pave the way to preparing students for successful careers. If you are an individual or organization interested in becoming a partner, mentor, or making a donation to our program, please reach out to me at Centennial High School.
The manufacturing courses complement other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) courses currently offered at the high school. Since 2014, Centennial High School has offered courses through Project Lead the Way, a leading national STEM program. Under this program, I have taught Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Civil Engineering and Architecture, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. The expansion of manufacturing classes will only help students prepare for a successful future. Through partnerships with our local business community, we can help students prepare for a successful future. Together, we can do great things for our students!
Andy Angell is the technology education teacher at Centennial High School.
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Publications Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Winter Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at
• To submit a letter, e-mail it to 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes
his year will be my first Mother’s Day after having my son Royce, who already 4 months old. Being a mom is HARD. Prior to becoming a mom, I had often been told that being a parent is the most challenging yet rewarding job you’ll ever do — I know that’s true, but nothing prepared me for what my motherhood journey would look like.
Andy Angell
Protect wolves
It is critical to protect the wolves of Minnesota.
Wolves live in packs and depend on each other for survival. The mother and father are the leaders. The grown siblings all help to raise the pups, bringing them food, playing with them, watching over them while the rest of the pack hunts, and teaching them how to be a wolf. Each wolf is an important and valued member of the pack.
The science has shown that hunting and trapping wolves hurts the pack structure, which leads to additional deaths in the pack due to the loss of a pack member.
When wolves were briefly unprotected in Minnesota between 2012 and 2014, 923 wolves were killed in the trophy hunting and trapping seasons, disrupting untold numbers of family units. While wolves in Minnesota are currently federally protected, that protection could be lost, and wolves would be vulnerable to trophy hunting and trapping once again.
Trophy hunting and trapping of wolves has no place in Minnesota, and we cannot return to the practice of needless killing.
The Minnesota House of Representatives recently voted to prohibit wolf trophy hunting and trapping. Now is the time for the Minnesota Senate to do the same.
Megan Helling Lino Lakes
Thank you from Powerpack
Thank you to all who supported the Powerpack program this school year!
For the 2022-23 school year the Powerpack program distributed on average 351 packs per week (beginning in September with 246/week and ending in May with 388/week) to the 10 Centennial schools (one preschool, five elementary, one
middle school, one high school and two alternative learning centers).
Total packs distributed will be 13,345 with a total of 27,539 pounds of food. Powerpack is entirely run by volunteers. We rely 100% on food and monetary donations.
If you would like to contribute or learn more, please email powerpackdistrict12@ or see
Julia Anderson and the entire Powerpack Team
Collar counties seek transportation fairness to ease the squeeze
State leaders are negotiating a deal to bring the first substantial infusion of state road, bridge and transit funding in 15 years. Support varies for the funding sources in play, but there is widespread agreement that we as a state have shortchanged transportation needs for years.
Unfortunately, transportation in the Twin Cities “collar counties” of Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Scott and Washington has been particularly squeezed for decades. The funding inequities are stark and growing worse.
For example, the collar counties’ 1.3 million residents represent 24% of the state population and generate 25% of state taxes for transportation. However, we receive just 13% of state trunk highway funds and only 14% of total state funding for county roads.
Contrast this with the rest of the state, which receives almost 90% of the state funding, while serving a declining population. Meanwhile, the collar counties anticipate growth of nearly 100,000 more people over the coming decade.
Despite our population growth and economic importance, the state still severely underfunds its transportation
responsibilities in our counties.
For example, from 2013–2018, MnDOT awarded more than $1.1 billion in Corridors of Commerce grants for highway projects to foster economic growth in the state. Greater Minnesota received $636 million. Hennepin and Ramsey counties were awarded $468.6 million. The collar counties received a paltry $3.4 million — less than 1% — and that was awarded to just two of the five counties for planning, not construction.
Our five county boards agreed on principles for transportation funding that will enhance public safety, mobility and economic development. They include:
·Make transportation policy fair and flexible and provide adequate state transportation funding.
·State funding for roads and transit should be raised from statewide sources.
·Any new transportation revenues should be distributed more proportionally to where they were generated.
·Retain the current distribution of the leased motor vehicle sales tax (LMVST).
·The Legislature should pursue a comprehensive post-pandemic performance study of existing and future transit needs, strategies and goals.
Please contact your legislators and urge them to apply these principles to adequately fund transportation in the collar counties.
Commissioner Matt Look
Anoka County Board chair
Commissioner John Fahey
Carver County Board chair
Commissioner Liz Workman
Dakota County Board chair
Commissioner Tom Wolf
Scott County Board chair
Commissioner Gary Kriesel
Washington County Board chair
Kallie is a friendly, playful, sometimes goofy, intelligent, affectionate young lady. She is a German shepherd/Vizsla mix, weighs about 40 pounds, and is just over a year old. Kallie is a sweet ball of energy who is social with other dogs and loves all the people she meets. She also loves the lake life. Kallie enjoys swimming and playing fetch. When she’s not at the lake, Kallie likes to play outside, so a forever home with a secure fenced yard would suit her well. She would also do well with a companion dog.
Kallie is house-trained and crate-trained. She knows her basic commands and some little tricks, but she is very smart and treat-motivated, and is ready to learn so much more. She is a gentle and sweet young lady who would do best with an active family who can provide her with ample exercise and play.
If she sounds like a good fit with your family, then Kallie is waiting for you. If you are interested in learning more about Kallie or adopting her, please fill out an application at www. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.
MAY 9, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Readers’ Choice 2023 BEST OF NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED: Wednesday, May 3 – Friday, May 19 VOTING: July 12 – August 6 • WINNERS ANNOUNCED: October 4 Sports & Recreation Health & Fitness Shopping Arts & Entertainment Local Eating & Drinking Services Scan Here to Nominate 2023 of the Press The Citizen
The Lino Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• A community service officer received a complaint from the 7600 block of Lake Drive of a bright light from a neighboring property shining into a house at night April 25. The complaint was forwarded to city building inspectors.
• Officers responded to a report of a large wildland fire near the 1100 block of Holly Court April 25. Multiple fire departments responded and put out the fire. A power company was advised due to affected power poles in the burn area.
• An officer responded to a report of a theft of gas in the 7000 block of 21st Avenue South April 25. The incident is under investigation.
• An officer responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle in the 500 block of Lilac Street April 25. The officer was unable to locate the vehicle.
• An officer was dispatched a phone call report regarding a theft from motor vehicle in the 6200 block of South Glen Trail April 26. The investigation is ongoing.
• An officer responded to a delayed traffic complaint in the area of Sioux Lane and Ware Road April 26. The driver turned out to be a juvenile, and their parent was contacted and made aware of the complaint.
• An officer stopped a vehicle for speeding on I-35E near 80th Street April 27. The adult female driver was arrested and booked into jail
for third-degree DWI, alcohol content 0.0• or more within two hours and speeding.
• An officer was dispatched to a residence in the 6900 block of Lakeview Drive regarding a theft from motor vehicle April 27. The investigation is ongoing.
• An officer was dispatched to a residence on Ash Street for a report regarding damage to property April 27. The incident was documented and the investigation is ongoing.
• An officer responded to the 2200 block of Lacasse Drive for a call of a suspicious male, believed to be a solicitor April 28. The male was found and admitted to soliciting. The male had a permit to solicit in a neighboring city and didn’t realize he had crossed into Lino Lakes. The male was made aware of the Lino Lakes ordinance and left the area.
• Officers responded to a report of juveniles in the 400 block of I-35W April 28. Officers located the juveniles and spoke to them about their actions.
• An officer responded to an ongoing neighbor dispute in the 100 block of Green Briar Drive April 29. The parties had already separated upon police arrival, and the incident was documented.
• An officer responded to a report of found drugs at a juvenile secure facility in the 7500 block of Fourth Avenue April 29. The incident was documented and the juvenile's probation officer was notified.
• Officers responded to a hit-andrun property damage accident in the area of Hodgson Road and Birch Street April 29. The incident was documented and is under investigation.
• Officers responded to a call of a suspicious vehicle in the 600 block of Arlo Lane April 30. Officers located the vehicle and occupants, who were playing a virtual game.
• While on patrol, an officer stopped a vehicle for a moving violation in the area of Lake Drive and Marshan Lane April 30. After an investigation, the driver was arrested for third-degree DWI and was later booked into the Anoka County Jail.
• An officer took a report of damage to property in the 6500 block of Sherman Lake Road May 1. The investigation is ongoing.
The Centennial Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:
• An officer was dispatched to a barking dog on Shady Way in Circle Pines April 26.
• Officers responded to a report of theft from motor vehicle in the 200 block of Galaxy Drive in Circle Pines April 27. A caller advised that two items were stolen from their vehicle overnight. Police recovered one of the items. The estimated loss is $50. Another theft was also reported on Galaxy Drive with an estimated loss of $100.
• Harassment was reported in the
Notice is hereby given that the Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. on May 24, 2023 to consider, and possibly adopt a proposed reassessment against abutting property for the cost of improvement (2022 Thin Mill & Overlay Project improving roadways/streets: within the Hunter’s Crossing 2nd and 3rd Additions, Pheasant Marsh 1st, 2nd and 3rd Additions, Dupre Road – from Partridge Place to a point 200’ north of Center Street and Progress Road – north of Main Street). This public hearing is held pursuant to Minn. Stat. §429.071, subd. 2, and is limited to the reassessment of the cost of improvements only to the following parcels:
1617 Dupre Road – PIN #23-31-22-33-0062
1644 Dupre Road – PIN #26-31-22-22-0015
1694 Dupre Road – PIN #26-31-22-22-0020
1715 Dupre Road – PIN #23-31-22-34-0005
1640 Widgeon Circle – PIN #23-31-22-33-0058
Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment may occur following the hearing. The area proposed to be assessed is the abutting property.
Such assessment is proposed to be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three (3) years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2024, and will bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum commencing November 16, 2023. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 16, 2023 to December 31, 2023. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one (1) year on all unpaid installment.
You may at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the entire assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Clerk. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within thirty (30) days from the adoption of this assessment. You may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Clerk the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. If you decide not to prepay the assessment for the date given above the rate of interest that will apply is five (5) percent per year. Partial prepayments may be made within 30 days of adoption of the special assessment.
The proposed assessment roll is on file for public inspection at the City Clerk’s office. The total amount of the proposed assessment is $118,891.50 of which $7,286.50 is for City owned property and will be paid by the City leaving a total of $111,605 for the proposed assessment to abutting property owners. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal to district court may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a written objection signed by the affected property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at
the hearing. The Council may upon such notice consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting upon such further notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable.
Under Minn. Stat. §§ 435.193 to 435.195 and City Code Chapter 33, the Council may, in its discretion, defer the payment of this special assessment for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older, one retired by virtue of a permanent and total disability, or a member of the National Guard or other reserves ordered to active military service for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. When deferment of the special assessment has been granted and is terminated for any reason provided in that law and City Code, all amounts accumulated plus applicable interest become due. Any assessed property owner meeting the requirements of this law and City Code, may, within thirty (30) days of the confirmation of the assessment, apply to the City Clerk for the prescribed form for such deferral of payment of this special assessment on his/her property.
An owner may appeal an assessment to district court pursuant to Minn. Stat. §429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the City Administrator or Clerk of the City within thirty (30) days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within ten (10) days after service upon the City Administrator or Clerk.
Teresa Bender, CMC, City Clerk
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on May 9, 2023.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Circle Pines Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 22, 2023, at the Circle Pines City Hall.
The purpose of this meeting will be to review a conditional use permit for Shoreland Alterations, specifically grading at 76 East Golden Lake Road, Circle Pines, Minnesota.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disabled individual may one week in advance contact City Hall by phone at (763) 784-5898, or TDD (763) 231-2617; or in writing to request reasonable assistance to be able to participate in these proceedings.
Patrick Antonen, Circle Pines City Administrator
Dated: May 3, 2023
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on May 9, 2023.
COURT FILE NO. 62-CO-92-009427
In the Matter of the Trust Created for the Benefit of Mario Valencia
9100 of Lexington Avenue in Lexington April 27.
• Officers were dispatched to the 200 block of Twilite Terrace in Circle Pines April 27 for a report of motor vehicle tampering.
• Two suspicious males were reported on South Pine Drive in Circle Pines April 27.
• An animal complaint was received in the 1800 block of Prairie Drive in Centerville April 29.
• Officers responded to the 9000 block of Griggs Ave. in Lexington April 30 for a suspicious male.
• An officer observed a traffic violation at the intersection of Main Street and 20th Avenue in Centerville April 30. The vehicle was subsequently stopped and the driver was cited for driving without insurance and driving after revocation.
• Officers responded to a theft report in the 3800 block of Woodland Road in Lexington May 2. The caller advised that an unknown suspect removed the catalytic converter from her work truck overnight. The estimated loss is $1,500.
• An officer observed a vehicle with several equipment violations in the area of Main Street and Centerville Road in Centerville May 2. The vehicle was stopped and the driver was cited for one violation and warned for the other two violations.
IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS GIVEN that a Petition to Allow Trustee’s Annual Accounts Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 501C.0202, signed by Jaclyn Binus, as an Assistant Vice President of Trustee US Bank National Association, dated April 19, 2023 has been filed with the Court. The Petition requests an order for the following relief:
1. Settling and allowing the Trustee’s annual accounts covering the continuous administration of the Trust from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2022;
2. Approving and confirming all acts of the Trustee in selling or retaining Trust assets, in investing the funds of the Trust in the securities and properties shown in the accounts, and in charging or crediting disbursements or receipts to principal or income as shown in the accounts, and, in general, approving and confirming in all respects all acts of the Trustee in the administration of the Trust up to and including December 31, 2022;
3. Approving payment from the Trust, of the Trustee’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with this proceeding; and
4. Granting such other relief as may be proper.
Any objections to the Petition must be filed with the Court prior to or at the hearing. If no objections are filed the Petition may be granted.
The Court represents all persons in interest who are minors or incapacitated, or unborn, unascertained or whose identity or address is unknown and not reasonably ascertainable, and has determined that all other persons with an interest in the Trust are represented under sections 501C.0301 to 501C.0304.
IT IS ORDERED, that the Petition will be heard on June 12, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. by this Court virtually by Zoom Video Conference, Ramsey County Courthouse, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102. Information on how to participate in the remote hearing may be obtained by calling the Court at 651-266-8145.
1. Notice shall be given to all persons named in the Petition as having or as claiming an interest in the Trust.
2. Notice shall be given by mailing a copy of this Notice and Order for Hearing to all persons named in the Petition as having or who may claim to have an interest in the Trust, at their last known addresses by U.S. Postal Service at least 15 days prior to the hearing date, and Publishing this Notice and Order for Hearing one time at least 20 days prior to the hearing date in a legal newspaper of Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Dated: April 20, 2023
/s/ Kimberly Smith, Deputy Court Administrator
Attorney for Petitioner
Serena O’Neil, #399368
100 South Fifth Street, Suite 2500, Minneapolis, MN 55402
Telephone: (612) 268-7021; Facsimile: (612) 268-7001
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Published one time in the Quad Community Press on May 9, 2023.
From, Dear readers, Have something you are curious about in the community? Submit your questions to the news team. Send your questions to ou asked
Northwoods hosts online auction
Northwoods Humane Society will host a Pawsitively Springtime online auction from 8 p.m. Sunday, May 14, through 11:45 p.m. Sunday, May 21. Bid on gift baskets, household items, vintage items and other fun stuff. The funds raised will benefit the more than 1,200 cats and dogs the Humane Society helps each year. For more information, or to bid, visit https://northwoodshs. org/fundraising-events/springauction23/.
‘Big Ideas’ career exploration and hiring event planned for May 15
From 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, May 15, students and the general public are invited to the National Sports Center in Blaine for a career exploration and hiring event.
“In partnership with the Anoka County Job Training Center and Anoka Technical College, we are very pleased to be bringing in two ‘Big Ideas’ learning lab trailers, which provide immersive virtual reality systems that introduce a variety of trades –– for example, virtual reality (VR) welding,” said Lori Higgins, president, MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce. “This free, unique opportunity provides high school students and young adults virtual immersive job experiences with a variety of career choices.”
When not in the trailer, attendees can visit with local employers and organizations to learn more about career options, including current job openings. Many exhibitors will have hands-on experiential activities.
11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. will be reserved for school groups interested in the immersive trailers. The general public and other interested youth/students
are encouraged to attend between 2-5 p.m. The Big Ideas trailers are available until 3:30 p.m., and the exhibitor section will continue until 5 p.m. For more information, visit or email
Anoka County Master Gardeners host plant sale
Looking to try new plants in your garden and pots this growing season? Want advice about tomato varieties before you buy? Stop by the Anoka County Extension Master Gardener plant sale May 16-17 at the Anoka County fairgrounds, where hundreds of Minnesota-grown plants will be available. Varieties include native plants, sun and shade perennials, annuals, vegetables, and flowers for pollinators.
The plant sale will be open from 3-7 p.m. Tuesday, May 16, and 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, May 17, at the Anoka County Fairgrounds. Returning for a second year is the Last Chance Sale from 2-4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 17. Prices on remaining plants will be marked down, with up to 50% off the original prices.
The Master Gardener annual plant sale, which started in 2003, is a key fundraiser for the Anoka County volunteer program. The 2022 sale alone netted more than $13,000 in profit. Funds help support Master Gardener volunteer activities and projects. Those include educational garden programs at county libraries, community vegetable and flower garden support, and plant and insect diagnostic clinics held throughout the summer at the Bunker Hills Activities Center in Andover. For more information on the UMN Extension Master Gardener program in Anoka County, visit
Guns-N-Hoses donates $29K
Members of the Lino Lakes Volunteers in Public Safety Board recently donated $29,000 to Protector’s Peak at Shiloh Ranch, a place where servants
can rest, renew and reconnect with God.
The funds were raised from the seventh annual Guns-N-Hoses Hockey Classic. To learn more, visit www.
MAY 9, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 7 Turkish & Mediterranean cuisine 1581 E. County Rd. E • Hwy. 61 & Co. Rd. E White Bear Lake 651-484-0600 DISH Black Sea Turkish & Mediterranean 1581 E. County Rd E Hwy 61 & CR E White Bear Lake The Winkin Rooster Soups & Sandwiches 3600 Lexington Ave Suite 106, Shoreview
Craft smoked meats, classic Memphis style BBQ & comfort food since 2012 552 Lincoln Drive, East Bethel Red Luna Taco Factory Authentic Mexican 5960 Hwy 61 North, White Bear Lake Carbones Pizzeria & Pub Pizza, Burgers, Pastas, Hot Hoagies, Wraps, Soup & Salads Rudy’s Redeye Grill Upscale Steakhouse, Pan Fried Walley, Drunk ‘N Dirty Pork Chops, Bull Bites and Martinis Red Luna Seasons Authentic Mexican 114 Mahtomedi Ave Mahtomedi Green Mill Pizza, Salads, Enchiladas & much more 1000 Gramsie Road Shoreview 773025 Get the most out of your lawn this spring. Your First Application 50% OFF* Save now with *Requires purchase of annual plan. Special price is for first Lawn application only. Requires purchase of annual plan, for new residential EasyPay or PrePay customers only. Valid at participating TruGreen locations. Availability of services may vary by geography. Not to be combined with or used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Additional restrictions may apply. Consumer responsible for all sales tax. †Purchase of annual lawn plan required forTruGreen Lawn Assessment, which is performed at the first visit. Guarantee applies to annual plan customers only. BBB accredited since 07/01/2012. ©2023 TruGreen Limited Partnership. All rights reserved. In Connecticut, B-0153, B-1380, B-0127, B-0200, B-0151. SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! 1-833-914-2939 TruGreen® will gladly visit your property as needed between scheduled visits to ensure your satisfaction◆
A couple of members of the Lino Lakes Public Safety Board present a $29,000 check to Protector’s Peak.
MISS AMERICA: Area young women prepare for titles
If you missed the first chance to make crowns, paint artwork, weave paper baskets and read books with Miss Minnesota candidates, you have another chance.
The Miss Chain of lakes Scholarship organization will sponsor another craft night from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, May 13 at Centennial Library. Attendees can make Mother’s Day cards and see performances by titleholders.
The road to Miss America starts with local organizations throughout each state. The Miss Chain of Lakes Scholarship Program, founded in 2013 by Lino Lakes resident Katherine Majkrzak, is currently sponsoring five young women to compete for the title of Miss Minnesota June 21 to 23 at the Treasure Island Casino Event Center in Welch, Minnesota. Each contestant prepares by designing a social impact initiative, preparing a talent, and advocating for the program by doing other community service events throughout the year.
Meet the titleholders
Natalie Berg won the state teen title in March and will advance to the national Miss America’s Teen competition in August. Natalie is from Coon Rapids and has been a part of the Miss Minnesota organization from the time she was involved in the Northern Lights Princess program. She advocates for children’s
• The City Council has given its consent for city staff to continue moving forward on the establishment of a wetland bank on property located east of I-35E and north of Main Street. Community Development Director Michael Grochala explained that the process will require three steps:
• Draft prospectus. A scoping document that provides baseline site information, project goals and objectives, site constraints, an initial wetland assessment and proposed mitigation approach. The document is used by regulating agencies to determine if the project has the potential to provide compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts. This step of the process is already complete.
• Prospectus. This step provides review agencies with a conceptual overview of the proposed wetland bank. This includes collection of data including hydrology, survey and vegetative information to support design and credit estimates. Based on this information, agencies will make a
finding and provide recommendations regarding the establishment of the bank.
• Mitigation banking instrument. This is the detailed mitigation plan and design information necessary for formal review and approval of the bank.
City staff will now move forward with the first phase of the prospectus, which will cost approximately $25,000 to $30,000. The complete prospectus can take up to 18 months to complete and could cost upwards of $80,000.
The City Council was expected to approve a proposal from WSB at its May 8 meeting (after press deadline).
• Going forward, the City Council has directed city staff to limit its focus for a new public works facility to one location, where the existing facility sits currently.
Council Member Christopher Lyden said, “We have kicked this can down the road for a decade or more … Everything points to this site.”
• The next round of street improvements are planned for 2024 and 2027. The
reading and keeps children’s books in her car ready for any reading emergency.
Miss Chain of Lakes Alexis Lombard, a former Lino Lakes Ambassador, is committed to solving the emergency in health disparities. Her experiences as an emergency medical technician showed her how many people are at risk because of inequities. She aspires to become a physician to build preventive programs and drive legislative reform that combats preventable health conditions and premature death. Her talent at the Miss Minnesota competition will be a safety demonstration on how to tourniquet.
Miss Heartland Lydia Jagodzinski is from Andover and works toward building community through mentorship. Currently working as a guidance counselor in the St. Paul area, Lydia has been involved in a long list of youth programs, including Girls on the Run, Kid ‘N Kinship, Girl Scouts and many others.
The three other titleholders are Miss Great Lakes Rachel Weyandt, Miss Capital City Kayla Boettcher, and Miss Monarch Paige Nikodem. More information about the program can be found at and
$4.5 million project is proposed to include the reconstruction of 81st Street, Elbe Street, Danube Street and Red Maple Lane, and bituminous overlays of Diane Street and Evergreen Trail in 2024. The 2027 project, which is also estimated to cost $4.5 million, is proposed to include Lakeview (from Elm to Glenview), Fairmont (from Sunrise to Sunset) and Gladstone (from Sunrise to Sunset). Grochala explained that a public hearing will need to be held for the 2024 project no later than the first meeting in July.
• The city will allow Lyngblomsten to use motorized carts on Blanchard Boulevard. Public Safety Director John Swenson explained that the city received a request from Lyngblomsten management for the use of golf carts and maintenance carts throughout their property located in the 6000 block of Blanchard Boulevard. Lyngblomsten staff would like to use golf carts to transport prospective residents throughout the campus as an efficient means of transportation when showing the campus property. Addition-
ally, Lyngblomsten would like to use motorized maintenance carts to conduct utility and maintenance work throughout their properties.
Per city ordinance, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are prohibited from operation on any city street, unless a specific area is approved by council by resolution.
The council is expected to pass the ordinance May 8 (after press deadline), which includes some conditions: The motorized golf carts/maintenance carts cannot be used on sidewalks or walkways used by pedestrians, and Lyngblomsten must post signage at all entrances to alert motorists of slow-moving vehicles.
• The City Council is in the process of negotiating a purchase price for property located at 6510 12th Ave. for the purpose of constructing a water treatment plant.
The next City Council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 22, at City Hall.
Shannon Granholm
8 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 9, 2023 The Next Generation of Auto Repair CERTIFIED • Family Owned and Operated • Dealership level service with personal feel! • Full service Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair. 16 Factory Scheduled Maintenance Starting at just $99 Everyday Low Price. Spray in Bed-Liners • Complete Auto Repair Vehicle Accessories • Automotive Detailing Oil Change & Tire Rotation $ 19.90 Reg $50.89 Find Facebook for More Great Deals! Pod s O fers Free Wireless Internet While Y Wait! Find Deals! Pod Offers Free Wireless Internet While Y Wait! Ryan & Nicole Podewils OPEN: Monday – Friday • 8am-6pm 3634 Scheuneman Rd. • White Bear Lake, MN • (651) 426-4640 27 Years of Excellence 3634 Scheuneman Rd. | White Bear Lake • 651-426-4640 Exp. 7/31/22 772975 Some restrictions may apply. Exp.5/31/23 Standard brake service: Replace brake pads or shoes. Clean and lube brake hardware. Parts will be additional. Complete Brake Service $149 Front or Rear Brake Service (Includes free brake inspection) MAY SPECIALS! 3634 Scheuneman Rd. • White Bear Lake • 651-426-4640 Pothole Special Increase tire longevity, gas mileage, and safety! Exp. 5/31/23 WBC105 $14900 Oil Change & Tire Rotation WB Includes: Wheel Alignment, Rotate and Balance Tires, Adjust Tires to Proper Pressure, Complete Safety Inspection Most cars and light trucks. Some restrictions may apply Full service oil change (up to 5 qts) & Tire Rotation 21-point inspections Top off all fluids Most cars and light trucks Some restrictions may apply. Exp. 5/31/23 Semi-Synthetic $24.90 Prem Synthetic $59.90 Full Synthetic $49.90 Pod’s is your one stop shop for all your automotive needs. We offer full service auto repair, vehicle accessories and automotive detailing! > > > < < < Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minnesota Display Ad Network program by running these ads in the main news section of your newspaper (not the classified section of your newspaper). At times, advertisers may request a specific section. However, the decision is ultimately up to each newspaper. Ads may need to be decreased/increased slightly in size to fit your column sizes. Please do not bill for these ads. If you have questions, please call MNA at 800/279-2979. Thank you. The Minnesota Display Ad Network MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/7/2023 Metro Become a Tutor! 773393 Book a free, no obligation phone call: Phone: 1-234-273-3487 Promotional offer: some restriction apply. East Tax Credits not responsible for fulfillment of promotional offer. Attention: Business owners YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR A TAX CREDIT OF UP TO $26,000 PER EMPLOYEE Use reference code Quad for $1,000 of additional free advertising with the code per-email for our ERTC consulting services
Miss Minnesota’s Teen Natalie Berg with Savannah and Jordyn Harrison, Emily Nesser, Kaija Mertz at Centennial Library.
AUTHOR Q&A: Story tells author’s ‘defining moment’
A: The style of writing I did for the book and that I share on my blog/social pages One Grateful Girl is a hobby. I do incorporate writing into my day job, helping small businesses and nonprofits tell their stories. This is my favorite type of work and what I specialize in.
Q. Tell us about the story you wrote for “So God Made a Mother.” Where did the idea for the story come from?
A: I’m still surprised my story was included in the book, because it isn’t focused on motherhood. The story is called “Defining Moments,” and it was inspired by an experience I had taking my grandma to a doctor appointment to see if her cancer had returned.
Q. Tell us about the process you went through to get your story published.
A. I’ve been submitting stories to the website Her View from Home for several years when the owner, Leslie Means, put a call out for submissions for their first book together. Writers in the group could submit two pieces for consideration, and I was convinced I wouldn’t write some-
thing that would be good enough (plenty of self-doubt and imposter syndrome), but I forced myself to submit. Just trying felt like a victory; then I learned I’d made the first-round cut and eventually into the book. They received over 500 submissions and chose 80 or so stories for the book.
Q. What did you enjoy about writing this piece?
A. Writing is often therapeutic for me and as the title of my story suggests, it is a reflection on a defining moment in my life. I vividly remember details of it over 20 years later.
Q. What do you hope people gain from reading your story and the entire book?
A. The stories in “So God Made a Mother” are written by women all over the country with various backgrounds, beliefs and experiences. I hope women will feel seen and connect with the stories. Motherhood is beautiful, but it can be lonely. This book celebrates the joys and acknowledges the heartbreak that is universal to mothers. It truly is a perfect gift for all mothers of any age or stage.
Q. Where can people purchase the book?
A. The book is available on Amazon and ranks high in several categories. It is also available at Barnes & Noble, and we’ve got our fingers crossed that Target will begin carrying it soon.
The Centennial Area Education Foundation (CAEF) Gala raised more than $78,000 for Centennial Schools.
Annual gala raises over $78K
The Centennial Area Education Foundation (CAEF), held April 1 at Majestic Oaks Golf Club in Ham Lake, raised more than $78,000 for Centennial Schools. Of that $78,000, $42,000 was raised for the Fund the Need campaign. The funds will go to the future Centennial High School Manufacturing Pathways program. The program, in the beginning stages, will be a joint effort between the school district, several manufacturing companies and donors. CHS is hoping to secure enough to purchase a press brake, which costs approximately $80,000. Donations can still be made to Fund the Need by visiting https://
MAY 9, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 9 License number 03934-008 Pull Tabs 11:00AM to Close Meat Raffle Mon & Thurs 5:00PM @ Blue Heron Grill 14725 Victor Hugo Blvd |Hugo 8001 Lake Drive Lino Lakes License number 03934-007 @ Blue Heron Grill & The Tavern on Main 768822 MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 5/7/2023 Metro Become a Tutor! 773394 SAVE BIG WITH MULTIPLE POLICIES 651.357.6000 Ashley Cokley Your Local Agents Call/Text Us Anne Doerrer 15780433 Contact us! 764516 Call/Text Us 651.357.6000 Your Local Agents BEST Insurance Agent 651-644-6659 May 9-14 vs. Indianapolis Indians May 23-28 vs Omaha Storm Chasers 766610
Upcoming Games
Writers from “So God Made a Mother” gather in Omaha, Nebraska for a book launch party.
Quad area business owner Michelle Koch wrote a story that is featured in the book “So God Made a Mother.”
Cougar nine wins 2 of 3 in challenging week
Centennial cruised to victories over two strong teams, Elk River 10-4 on Tuesday and East Ridge 8-0 on Thursday, last week, then lost a non-conference game to another, Chanhassen, 8-4, on Friday. The Cougars are 9-3 overall.
Against the first-place Elks (9-3), Owen Hackett slammed a three-run homer and Aidan
May 9
Lieser hit a solo shot. Josh Lee pitched 5 2/3 innings (four runs, three strikeouts) to get the win, and Luke Gunderman
3 p.m. Golf: girls varsity dual vs. Champlin Park at Edinburgh USA Golf Course
3:30 p.m. Track and field: girls and boys varsity vs. multiple schools at Forest Lake Area High School
4:30 a.m. Softball: girls varsity vs. Spring Lake Park at Spring Lake Park High School
5 p.m. Baseball: varsity vs. Spring Lake Park at Spring Lake Park High School
May 10 10 a.m. Golf: Boys varsity match vs. multiple schools at Keller Golf Course
4 p.m. Tennis: Boys varsity match vs. TBD at home
7 p.m. Lacrosse: girls varsity match vs. Champlin Park at home
7 p.m. Lacrosse: boys varsity match vs. Champlin Park at Champlin Park High School
May 11
1 p.m. Golf: girls varsity dual vs. Coon Rapids at Chomonix Golf Course
4:30 p.m. Baseball: varsity game vs. Armstrong at home
4:30 p.m. Softball: girls varisty game vs. Armstrong at home
May 12
4 p.m. Tennis: Boys varsity match vs. Roseville Area at Roseville High School
7 p.m. Baseball: varsity game vs. Champlin Park at Champlin Park High School
May 15
12 p.m. Golf: girls varsity invitational vs. Elk River at Links at Northfork Golf Course
4:30 p.m. Softball: girls varsity game vs. St. Anthony Village at home
7 p.m. Lacrosse: girls varsity game vs. Elk River at home
7 p.m. Lacrosse: boys varsity game vs. Elk River at Elk River High School
Maple Grove handed Centennial its first loss 6-1 in a duel for the Northwest Suburban lead on Thursday. The Cougars are 7-1 in the conference and 8-1 overall with Park Center left. Centennial’s lone point came from Jesse Simso at 4-singles 6-3, 6-1. Maple Grove (9-0 conference, 12-6 overall) beat Sean Oslund, Zach Chaffey, Joaquin Bliss, JJ Bliss/Ian Gangl, Trevor Allen/Brody Johnson and Andrew Abraham/Ander Julson, all in straight sets. The Cougars beat Anoka 7-0 on Monday with straight-set wins from Oslund, Chaffey, Jesse Simso, Gangl in singles, and Joaquin and JJ Bliss, Allen/Johnson and Ayden Boehlke/Erik Jensen in doubles.
Riley O’Connell had a couple hardluck losses for Centennial last week, each time notching 12 strikeouts but losing to Elk River 4-3 on Tuesday and Forest Lake 3-0 on Thursday. The Cougars (5-5) beat Coon Rapids 12-7 on Friday. Against the Elks (6-5), Jordan Lemire was 2-for-3 with a two-run double and three RBI’s. Celsi Burn, Lily Cummans, and O’Connell had two hits each. No. 4 ranked Forest Lake (9-3) rode Avery Muellner’s one-hitter with one walk and 12 strikeouts. O’Connell allowed six hits and one earned run. Burn had the lone hit. Maggie Olson pitched against Coon Rapids (0-11) allowing 10 hits, two walks, four earned runs, striking out five. Lemire was 2-for-4 (double, three RBI’s), Burn 3-for-4 (two runs), Lily Renslow 1-for-2 (double, two runs, RBI, two walks), Gilmore 1-for-2 (RBI), Allison Hamming 1-for-4 (two
notched the last four outs, two by strikeout. Lieser was 2-for-3 (two RBI’s, two runs), Tyler Gruye 2-for-3 (double, run, RBI), and Anders Wessman
1-for-2 (RBI, run, two walks).
Against East Ridge (8-5), Will Whelan fired a four-hit shutout with 11 strikeouts and one walk. The Cougars rapped 11 hits. Jack Dagostino was 2-for-3 (double, two RBIs), Vinny Wry 2-for-4, Gunderman
2-for-3 (RBI), Wessman 1-for-3 (double, RBI, two runs, walk), and Sam Menne 1-for-2 (two RBI’s, walk). ER's Trevor Lee,
RBI’s), and Adrianna Thomas 1-for-2 (double, walk, RBI).
Centennial placed fifth of seven teams Tuesday in a Blaine meet won by Champlin Park. The Cougar 4x400 team of Samuel Zeresenay, Jacob Podratz, Eli Berg, and Max Johnson won in 3:32.01. The 4x800 team was second (8:46) with Kyler Nelson, Matthew Washburn, Charles Bolkcom and Talen Greeson. Berg took second in the 800 run (2:02.27) with Podratz fifth (2:07.41). Placing third were Timmy Ball in shot put (48-5) and discus (142-9), Trystan Green in the 100 (11.40) and Podratz in the 400 (52.20). Placing fourth were Zeresenay in the 200 (23.45) and Lukas Andrie in 300 hurdles (44.44). Bolkcom was fifth in the pole vault (10-6).
Centennial placed fourth of seven teams in a meet Tuesday at Blaine, won by the host team. Kylie Nelson won the 1600 (5:11.99) with Abigail Wood third (5:39.95). Lauren Klein won the 800 (2:19.39). Alyssa Draheim was second in high jump (5-2), Annelise Offerdahl third in the 3200 (12:41) with Ava Nibbelink fourth (13:02), and Madeline Haider fourth in pole vault (8-0). Placing second in relays were the 4x800 (10:57) with Anna Swanson, Emma Magnuson, Wood and Eva Maier and the 4x400 (4:16.30) with Julia Zalewski, Amelia Lauinger, Nelson and Klein.
yielding eight runs in three innings, took the loss.
Against Chanhassen (6-3), Centennial used four pitchers: Dagostino (two innings, one run), Gruye (two innings, three runs), Lieser (two innings, four runs) and Gunderman (one scoreless inning). Peyton Streit was 2-for-4 (RBI) and Whelan 1-for-3 (RBI).
In the congested NWSC race, the top five of 14 teams currently are Elk River 7-2, Anoka 5-2, Centennial 5-2, Champlin Park 5-2, and Rogers 4-2.
Centennial edged Armstrong 9-8 on Wednesday — handing the Falcons their first loss after five wins — in their lone game last week. Ella O’Hearn delivered four goals and two assists. Callie Cody and Noelle Hemr added two goals each and Anna Jarpy one. It was a clash of a strong defensive team versus a potent offensive team. Centennial had allowed nine goals in its previous five games (following an 11-6 loss to Maple Grove). Armstrong had been averaging 16 goals per game. The Cougars limited Armstrong to 10 shots on goal, although the Falcons got eight of them past goalie Peyton Brezny. In the 13-team Northwest Suburban, Maple Grove is 7-0, Champlin Park 6-0, and the Cougars and Armstrong each 5-1.
Centennial lost to Robbinsdale Armstrong 16-8 in their lone game last week on Tuesday at home. Scoring for the Cougars (4-3) were Brol Scherman (two), Logan Adams (two), Kellen Krumwiede, Colden Anderson, Samuel Lewis, and Gavin Krage. Goalie Trenton Kramer faced 36 shots and saved 20. Nate Albrecht notched six goals and Jameson Essen four for the Falcons (6-1).
Centennial holds fifth place among 13 teams in the Northwest Suburban after four of seven conference meets. Maple Grove has won all four meets, including one tie with Totino-Grace.
Charles Bolkcom, Centennial senior, is a rare combination of distance runner and pole vaulter, consistently placing in each. At the White Bear Lake Invitational, Bolkcom won the 800 in 2:08 and placed sixth in the pole vault with 10-0 (in poor conditions). At the Blaine Invitational, he was fifth in pole vault with 10-6 and ran on the second-place 4x800 relay. His PR’s are 2:03 in the 800 and 11-0 in pole vault. “I have been around for a while, and I don’t ever recall a boy or girl that pole-vaulted and also ran distance events,” observed John Kretschmer, co-head coach. From now on, he said, Bolkcom will just run the meet-opening 4x800 and not the 800 later on, so he can concentrate on pole vault. “Charles has goals to make state in both pole vault and the 4x800,” Kretschmer said. In cross country, Bolkcom lettered five years, with two seventh-place finishes in the section and top-half finishes at state (80th and 67th).
4661 Highway 61 | White Bear Lake | 651-429-4531 “Your Financial Partner”
Centennial Track-and-Field SPORTS AND OUTDOORS 10 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 9, 2023 When you need us, we are here to help. *Servicing all brands Read our reviews and check out our current promotions at Licensed, Bonded, Insured Serving the St. Paul and Surrounding Area 651-426-5220 24/7 Emergency Service 2022 of the Press 771097 FREE TRIP CHARGE With repair $109 value! Valid during regular business hours • Expires 5/31/23
Aidan Lieser chases Elk River’s Sam Stockman in a hotbox play; he then turns to throw out another runner at home plate.
PHOTOS BY JON NAMYST | CONTRIBUTED Josh Lee let fly with a pitch against the Elks.
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY, all real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any
Do you like helping solve problems? Can you make quick decisions? Have you considered a position helping move freight/ load s for our business community? Call Mark at Redline Logistics 651-481-0060
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Staff Writer
Do you have a Classic or Vintage Boat? (Outboard, Inboard, or Non-Motor) Join us at the WBL Boat Show on June 24th, 2023. Call 651-407-1200 to reserve a spot
Do you have any Nautical themed items to sell? Join the Nautical Market at the WBL Boat Show on June 24th 2023. Call 651-407-1200 to reserve a table
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Imagine cruising the St Croix River this spring in a 25.5' Bayliner Cruiser. The Saratoga will make memories! Grill steaks or impossible burgers, the sky is the limit!
Boat has Refrigerator, Sink, Grill, 2 batteries, Marine radio, hardtop, full canvas,new power, 260hp, 5.7 MerCruiser $7500. Located at Wolf's Marina in Stillwater Must sell due to ski accident 612-599-1729
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Press Publications in White Bear Lake is seeking a staff writer to join its award-winning team. As a staff writer-reporter you will be responsible for coordinating editorial content and layout for our newspapers, website and social media pages. In addition to writing stories, the job will require attending meetings, taking photographs, assisting with the layout process, coordinating, writing occasional editorial columns and maintaining a positive relationship with the community at large. We are looking for a candidate who is an efficient writer, passionate about local community news and great at time managment. Candidates should have a degree in journalism (or a
PT Admin Position in WBL Circulation Dept. 15-20 hrs/week. Call Lisa 651-407-1205 COUPONS eEDITION NOW HIRING DAY SHIFT TEAM LEADER 651-653-9845 4687 Bald Eagle Ave., WBL 55110 Hauling Construction Material No Overnights Flexible Scheduling JLSJOBS COM CLASS A CDL DRIVER 612-290-5452 2 Yr Degree or 1 Yr Experience Full Time with Benefits Mon- Fri 7:30am-4:00pm Entry Level or Experienced Office in Hugo ACCOUNTING NOW HIRING! $5,000 SOB Join Our Shipping Team Hiring FT in White Bear Lake at Snuggle Me Organic. Mon-Fri. Flexible Hrs; Send Resume to: Memorial Day Holiday Early Deadline Tuesday, May 23 10 AM 651-407-1250 Scan this QR Code to see Employment opportunities in Eastern Minnesota and Western Wisconsin communities.
a Job?
The Cougars have placed eighth, third, fourth and fifth. Among 78 golfers, Payton Blair placed fourth at Golden Valley with 74, and Hayden Frank tied for third at Rush Creek with 78. Blair is averaging 80.0 in two conference meets, Hunter Ubel 80.3 in three, Frank 80.5 in four, Searles 81.0 in two, Tanner Youngbauer 82.3 in three, and Cooper Daikawa 84.0 in four.
Annual booster meeting scheduled
The annual Centennial baseball booster meeting is scheduled for 5 p.m. Sunday, May 21, at American Legion 566 in Lino Lakes. During the meeting, the boosters will discuss the current season and start looking at next season. Anyone interested in joining the board should plan on attending the meeting, as the board will vote on the new positions.
Weekly Outlook
Weekly Outlook
Weekly Outlook
to remember.
Extend best wishes to your favorite graduate in our special section appearing in the:
White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press
Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Citizen
Issue Date: Week of June 9 Deadline: Wednesday, May 10, 3p.m.
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4779 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 | (651) 407-1200 | White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press | Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Lowdown | The Citizen | North Oaks News
4779 Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 | (651) 407-1200 | White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press | Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Lowdown | The Citizen | North Oaks News
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Weather Tidbits
Weather Tidbits
Weather Tidbits
Frank Watson
Neighbor Terry has his vegetable garden planted. He noted that we're past the average date of the last frost and his plants were getting too big to stay indoors. I warned him that this is Minnesota and you just never know. All he wanted was some rain and we did have a gentle thunder shower on Saturday that produced about 1/3 inch. Sunday, the sun broke out and this may be the beginning of at least warmer temperatures. White Bear Lake levels past four years on this date: 922.9' (2023), 233.9' (2022), 924.5' (2021), 924.9' (2020).
Neighbor Terry has his vegetable garden planted. He noted that we're past the average date of the last frost and his plants were getting too big to stay indoors. I warned him that this is Minnesota and you just never know. All he wanted was some rain and we did have a gentle thunder shower on Saturday that produced about 1/3 inch. Sunday, the sun broke out and this may be the beginning of at least warmer temperatures. White Bear Lake levels past four years on this date: 922.9' (2023), 233.9' (2022), 924.5' (2021), 924.9' (2020).
Neighbor Terry has his vegetable garden planted. He noted that we're past the average date of the last frost and his plants were getting too big to stay indoors. I warned him that this is Minnesota and you just never know. All he wanted was some rain and we did have a gentle thunder shower on Saturday that produced about 1/3 inch. Sunday, the sun broke out and this may be the beginning of at least warmer temperatures. White Bear Lake levels past four years on this date: 922.9' (2023), 233.9' (2022), 924.5' (2021), 924.9' (2020).
Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station
White Bear / Vadnais Heights / Shoreview / Quad Press / The Citizen Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: School:
Student’s Name: Message:
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Bloom Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110 | (651) 407-1200 | White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press | Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Lowdown | The Citizen | North Oaks News Frank
12 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 9, 2023 WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT AUTO SERVICE 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom oodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours 651-213-6638 Commercial & Resid CARPENTRY CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE Chimney Inspections/Sweeps Chimney Repair/Rebuilds Tuckpointing Stainless Steel Liner Installations • Gas Fireplace Services Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g co m CONCRETE Concrete Work Driveways, Steps & Patios Sean: 651-210-0061 SCH Services CONCRETE FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs • Sidewalks/Steps Repair & Replacement • Block Repair Interior/Exterior • Residential/Commercial Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 DECKS 651-746-4582 www.northlandlandscap Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC Residential Commercial Competitive Rates FERTILIZING R.P.M. Lawncare FERTILIZATION Call Jim 651-226-5779 & Insured 651.426.4233 HEATING & COOLING Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Odd Jobs Under $100 Give me a call HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAWN CARE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES 651410-3889 SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured Lic. #BC638094 , , Grading, Sod, Retaining, Walls & Tree Work, Plants, Mulch and Rock. Email Then and Now photos to or fill out form and mail or stop in to: Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Congratulate your Graduate in the paper with a then childhood photo and Now Graduate photo for a fun keepsake to remember. HEY Extend best wishes to your favorite graduate in our special section appearing in the: White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Citizen Issue Date: Week of June 9 Deadline: Wednesday, May 10, 3p.m. Cost: $39/per paper Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 651-407-1250 *Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for us to return your photos. Circle your publication choice: White Bear / Vadnais Heights / Shoreview / Quad Press / The Citizen Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: School: Student’s
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Code: MOM & DAD!
observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at
Credit Card: -Visa -Mastercard
3 Digit
Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and
to you by WEEKLY AVERAGES HIGH LOW SUN PCP 69° 47º 58% 0.80“
SUNRISE/SUNSET MAY 10 TO 16, 2023 5:49 8:30 5:48 8:32 5:47 8:33 5:46 8:34 5:45 8:35 5:43 8:36 5:42 8:37
WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT AUTO SERVICE 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours 651-213-6638 Commercial & Reside OO CARPENTRY CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE Chimney Inspections/Sweeps • Chimney Repair/Rebuilds Tuckpointing • Stainless Steel Liner Installations Gas Fireplace Services • Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g co m CONCRETE Concrete Work Driveways, Steps & Patios Sean: 651-210-0061 SCH Services CONCRETE FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs Sidewalks/Steps • Repair & Replacement Block Repair • Interior/Exterior Residential/Commercial Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 DECKS 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER TO KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates 651-307-6502 FERTILIZING R.P.M. Lawncare FERTILIZATION Call Jim 651-226-5779 Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 HEATING & COOLING Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Odd Jobs Under $100 Give me a call HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAWN CARE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES • 651410-3889 SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured Lic. #BC638094 www Concret e, Bobcat Work, Grading, Sod, Retaining, Walls & Tree Work, Plants, Mulch and Rock. Email Then and Now photos to or fill out form and mail or stop in to: Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Congratulate your Graduate in the paper with a then childhood photo and Now Graduate photo for a fun keepsake to remember. HEY Extend best wishes to your favorite graduate in our special section appearing in the: White Bear Press | Vadnais Heights Press Quad Community Press | Shoreview Press | The Citizen Issue Date: Week of June 9 Deadline: Wednesday, May 10, 3p.m. Cost: $39/per paper Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 651-407-1250 *Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for us to return your photos. Circle your publication choice: White Bear / Vadnais Heights / Shoreview / Quad Press / The Citizen Name: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone: School: Student’s Name: Message:
#: Expires:
Code: MOM & DAD!
Credit Card: -Visa -Mastercard -Discover -AMEX
3 Digit
in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at
Brought to you by WEEKLY AVERAGES HIGH LOW SUN PCP 69° 47º 58% 0.80“
SUNRISE/SUNSET MAY 10 TO 16, 2023 5:49 8:30 5:48 8:32 5:47 8:33 5:46 8:34 5:45 8:35 5:43 8:36 5:42 8:37
Frank Watson
WHITE BEAR PRESS | VADNAIS PRESS | QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS | SHOREVIEW PRESS | NORTH OAKS NEWS | THE CITIZEN | THE LOWDOWN EMAIL: callaspecialist@ PHONE: 651-407-1250 Honest Work for Honest Pay 651-270-7360 Reasonable Rates - all jokes and laughs are free Servicing All Major Appliance Brands Major Credit Cards Accepted APPLIANCE REPAIR EARTH WIZARDS 763-784-3833 Asphalt Concrete Eco options Driveways, Sidewalks, Garage Floors, Aprons Family-operated for 3 generations Woman-owned, employee-centered PAVING for smart living ASPHALT AUTO SERVICE • Auto Repair • Oil Lube & Filter Service 20 Years of experience serving White Bear Lake & Centerville - Friendly, Honest Service 651.226.4235 Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm 7137 20th Avenue North - Centerville H UG E S AVING S! Lic. #20060261 651-257-4706 • Design • Bath Repair • Remodeling • Tub Surrounds • Free Estimates Bathrooms by BATHROOMS BLACK DIRT Screened Black Dirt Delivery Available 651.387.2098 Schneider Custom Woodworks Custom CABINETRY! Free Estimates & Callbacks within 24 hours 651-213-6638 Commercial & Residential CUSTOM WOOD WOR KS CARPENTRY CHIMNEY/FIREPLACE Chimney Inspections/Sweeps • Chimney Repair/Rebuilds • Tuckpointing Stainless Steel Liner Installations Gas Fireplace Services Fireplace Installations Masonry, Chimney & Fireplace 651-565-9916 CLEANING Household Waste Construction Debris Appliances Furniture 651-323-4682 Settled Concrete? Lakes Area Mudjacking - Since 1983Don’ t replace it, RAISE it and save $$$! Walks • Patios • Steps • Garage Floors Aprons • Driveways • Fill Voids Free Estimates Guaranteed 612-310-1485 Ask for Jim l a ke s a re a mudj a c k in g co m CONCRETE Concrete Work Driveways, Steps & Patios Sean: 651-210-0061 SCH Services CONCRETE FULLY INSURED • FREE ESTIMATES 651-308-1101 BillLe e • Specialist in Driveways/ Garage Slabs Sidewalks/Steps Repair & Replacement Block Repair Interior/Exterior Residential/Commercial Deck Cleaning & Staining Professional - Prompt Guaranteed Results 651-699-3504 DECKS 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured • Lic #BC638094 Custom Decks/Footing Repair Screen Rooms/Additions Garages/Roofing/Siding Aluminum/Glass/Cable Railings All Repairs LORENZ DRYWALL • CHANGING CEILINGS OVER KNOCK DOWNS • TAPING • SPRAYING • ADDITIONS • BASEMENTS • NEW HOMES • GARAGES No job too small! Kerry 651-653-9021 (Cell) 651-271-4221 DRYWALL Wolf Bros. Dr ywall Co. Total Dr ywall Ser vices Residential/Commercial New Const & Basement Finishes Family Owned & Operated Forest Lake Insured CALL LEE (651) 428-0229 40 yrs • Since 1979 DRYWALL/PLASTER ELECTRIC New Construction/Remodel Residential Commercial Competitive Rates ELECTRICAL SERVICES 651-307-6502 FERTILIZING R.P.M. Lawncare FERTILIZATION Call Jim 651-226-5779 Furnace & A/C Installations and Service Licensed, Bonded & Insured 651.426.4233 HEATING & COOLING Small Job Specialist 45 years experience 651.653.9920 / 612.816.8544 Odd Jobs Under $100 Give me a call HOME IMPROVEMENTS LAWN CARE Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Core Aerating • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing Jeff Irsfeld 651.428.3509 Northeast Metro Lawn Care • Lawn Mowing • Sprinkler Repair • Spring Clean Ups • Fertilizing MOKI E’S Lawn Service 1 ST T IM E D I SCO U NT L AWN MOWING • TREE TRIMMING • REASONABLE RATES • 651410-3889 SCH Services, LLC Lawn Care Contracts commercial and residential monthly or per visit Sean 651-210-0061 LANDSCAPING 651-746-4582 Bonded Insured Lic. #BC638094 Ponds & Wat er falls, Paver Patios, Driveways, Concret e, Bobcat Work, Grading, Sod, Retaining, Walls & Tree Work, Plants, Mulch and Rock.
Then and Now photos to or fill out form and mail or stop in to: Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Now Graduate
for a fun keepsake
Congratulate your
in the paper with a then
photo and
Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at
Brought to you by WEEKLY AVERAGES HIGH LOW SUN PCP 69° 47º 58% 0.80“
SUNRISE/SUNSET MAY 10 TO 16, 2023 5:49 8:30 5:48 8:32 5:47 8:33 5:46 8:34 5:45 8:35 5:43 8:36 5:42 8:37
Frank Watson
MAY 9, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 13 No Finer Painting & Staining Richard 612-730-8788 •Wallpaper Stripping •More •Interior/Exterior •Deck Staining •Wood Staining •Knockdown •Water Damage •Popcorn Removal •Polyurethane • Interior/Exterior Painting • Ceiling Popcorn Removal Knockdown •Wallpaper Stripping • Water Damage & More AAA Painting Your Hometown Painter Exterior • Interior Fully Insured Free Estimates! No solicitations please 45 Years Experience 612-381-6614 Specializing in: • Cabinet Enameling • Interior Painting and Exterior Painting. • Hardboard Painting (Hardie Plank and LP) • Texture Removal/Repair CALL US FOR A FREE PROPOSAL 651-336-0561 16 years in business servicing the North East Metro. Discounts for Veterans and Senior Citizens. Warrantied work done by insured Employees. 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Classifieds TREE SERVICE Cameron Tree Service (651) 775-8602 • Affordable Tree Trimming & Removal • Hedge & Shrub Shaping • Senior & Vets Discounts • Stump Grinding Licensed & Insured ROOFING/RESTORATION License #BC545108 (763) 315-3911 Roofing • Siding • Windows FREE ESTIMATES! A Cut Above Tree Service is family owned and operated. We are licensed by the state of Minnesota and have a long history of integrity and quality in everything we do. With almost 20 years experience, we are the go-to partner providing a broad range of tree services to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Our mission is simple; deliver the highest possible quality service at a fair and competitive price. At A Cut Above Tree Service we take great pride in paying attention to detail, safety, and clean up. We are proud of our long list of satisfied customers. They understand how much we value their business and their property. We believe good ethics and moral values are more than just business speak - they are the backbone of our business. Safety is foremost in everything we do. We take every precaution to minimize property damage or personal injury. Our clean safety record speaks for itself. But just in case, we are fully insured! We are integrity-driven and proud of our honest, straight-forward approach with our customers and our own team. We promise to always do our best to provide accurate estimates at a price that is fair for everyone. Call today for a FREE estimate! Phone: 651-334-9063 A Cut Above Tree Service
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Comedy de Mayo
The Chain of Lakes Rotary hosted its annual Chain of Giving event May 6 at the Peder Pedersen Pavilion in Hugo. This year’s theme was “Comedy de Mayo” since the event fell the day after Cinco de Mayo. The event raises money for Centennial Schools’ Angel Fund.
1. Lino Lakes resident Jordan Swanson was able to capture this photograph of the northern lights. — Jordan Swanson, contributed
2. Hugo resident Deb Barnes captured this photograph of this pod of pelicans on Centerville Lake. — Deb Barnes, contributed
3. Lino Lakes photographer LeAnn Michael spotted these wood ducks in the Quad area. — LeAnn Michael, contributed
4. The Centennial Lakes Police Department’s recent Coffee with a Cop at Dunn Brothers in Lexington saw a good turnout. — Centennial Lakes Police Department, contributed
MAY 9, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 15 ATTICS BASEMENTS CRAWL SPACES CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE! $250 OFF ATTIC INSULATION BASEMENT REPAIR or WATERPROOFING CRAWL SPACE ENCAPSULATION CANNOT BE COMB NED W TH OTHER OFFERS MUST BE PRESENTED AT THE TIME OF THE APPOINTMENT NOT VALID FOR PR OR WORK OFFER EXPIRES 6/30/2023 651-369-7776 www DBSQuadCommunity com F i n a n c i n g O p t i o n s A v a i l a b l e ! A T T I C N S U L A T O N C R A W L S P A C E E N C A P S U L A T O N B A S E M E N T W A L L R E P A I R #1 Trusted, Local Expert * 770494 SP TTEDAROUND TOWN Send us your photos for possible inclusion in Spotted Around Town. Please email your best shot to Please include information about when and where it was taken and who is in the photo. 1 2 3 4 7% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER & 1 FREE 21/2” Perennial with Purchase of $20 or more • Tomatoes - many varieties • Hanging baskets • Geraniums • Rieger begonias • Disease resistant impatiens • Many bedding plants • Cole crops • Herbs • Perennials • Peppers -many varieties including world’s hottest • Sun/shade coleus • And so much more! M-F 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6/22/2023 Buy Direct from the Grower & Save. Urban’s FARM & GREENHOUSES 772956 Curbside order and pickup available. Call
more information. ***while supplies last OPEN APRIL 28TH SVP 3781 Labore Rd., Vadnais Heights 651-248-9696 | Your Local Remodeling, Custom Home MARVIN License: BC692167 769088
Mother’s Day fishing challenge
Join this Mother’s Day weekend fishing challenge
Moms who live in Minnesota are invited to join a free virtual fishing challenge Saturday, May 13, through Sunday, May 14, during Take a Mom Fishing Weekend, when all Minnesota moms can fish without purchasing a fishing license.
To participate in the Mother’s Day weekend fishing challenge, moms simply need to join the Minnesota Moms Fishing Challenge Facebook group and submit one photo of each fish they catch. All participants who submit a fish will be entered in a random drawing for prizes provided by the Student Anglers Organization, including SCHEELS gift cards. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is partnering with the Student Anglers Organization to organize the challenge.
“I am excited to celebrate Mother’s Day weekend by fish-
ing and join this fun fishing challenge,” DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen said. “Fishing has always been one of the ways my son and I spend time together. I invite all Minnesota moms to get outdoors and spend some time with family and friends enjoying our state’s beautiful waters and making memories.”
Contest details are available online at In the contest, no fish is too small and all fish species count.
“What better way to show appreciation for moms on Mother’s Day weekend than sharing time on Minnesota’s waters,” said Jimmy Bell, president of the Student Anglers Organization. “In this way, moms across the state can share in the legacy of the outdoor life and tradition of fishing.”
The Minnesota State Legislature established Take a Mom Fishing Weekend in 1988 to coincide with Mother’s Day. This
year, the weekend also happens during fishing opener — seasons begin Saturday, May 13, for walleye, northern pike, bass, and trout in lakes.
To celebrate the fishing season, the Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener event will take place May 12-14 in Mankato. During the event on May 13, several anglers with the Student Anglers Organization will be fishing with their moms on Madison Lake, and the moms will be taking part in the Minnesota Moms Fishing Challenge.
Fishing season dates and regulations are available online at Find out how and where to fish, learn about fishing equipment, read about ways to catch different kinds of fish and get acquainted with fishing ethics and being stewards of Minnesota’s natural resources, all online at
16 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS MAY 9, 2023 A member of Minnesota State Fall Semester begins August 21. Learn more at Century College is a member of Minnesota State. We are an af rmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator. This document can be available in alternative formats to individuals with disabilities by calling 651.773.1745 or emailing Discover What’s Next! 773059 2023 Summer Camp Directory Use QR Code for more details on individual camps Since 1950 Keep dancing the Larkin way 1400 East Highway 36, Maplewood | 651-770-0764 ScanQRCode ForAllClasses Summer Dance June 12th - 22nd Enroll Now For Summer or to Finish Up The School year Strong! BEFOREENROLLMAY 20 SAVE $50 SUMMER MATH PROGRAM! June - August We make math make sense to kids! White Bear Lake • 4715 Highway 61 N • 651-888-2541 CAMP June 26 – August 18, 2023 ARTS DANCE • MUSIC • THEATER • VISUAL ARTS SUMMER 715.961.1003 Hudson, WI CENTER FOR THE ARTS Lakeshore Players Theatre Summer Theatre Camps June 12-August 11 Grades K-12 651-478-7427 www lakeshoreplayers org L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e L e a r n P l a y C r e a t e Secure your spot and save today at Camp Lakeshore Players Camp Invention WB Center for the Arts The Phipps Larkin Dance Studio Mathnasium Price & Length Morning/Afternoon: 3-5 Days See for details $176-440 4 days, half & full days See for details See June - August Ages Grades K - 12 5 to 11 Years 2 to 12 years 3 to 18 years
to 18 years
1 - 12 Dance, Music, Art & Theatre Academics & Day Camp Art & Theatre Day Camp, Nature, Dance, Music, Art, & Theatre Dance Academics
Activities NAMES
Miss Lino Lakes Ambassador Lauren Scheurer will represent Lino Lakes at the 2023 Minneapolis Aquatennial this summer.