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Anoka County Composite Squadron receives Squadron of Distinction award

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The Anoka County Composite Squadron has been named the 2023 Squadron of Distinction. The Squadron of Distinction award recognizes the top Civil Air Patrol (CAP) composite or cadet squadron regionally and nationally for distinctive accomplishments in the cadet program during the preceding calendar year. Anoka is one of eight squadrons nominated for the National Squadron of Distinction award.


“Dedication to our cadet programs mission is the cornerstone for our success,” said Lt. Col. Mary Albright, deputy commander for cadets at Anoka. The unit’s success crosses many areas: cadets earn leadership roles locally, statewide and regionally; participate and achieve in STEM competitions like CyberPatriot, StellarXplorers and the High Altitude Balloon Challenge; and deepen adult mentorship and support for the next leaders of tomorrow.

Based at the Anoka-Blaine Airport, Anoka is the largest CAP Squadron in the North Central Region. Youth ages 12-18 are eligible to join the year-round cadet program. Learn more about the Anoka County Composite Squadron and its cadet program at anokacap.com


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