Quad Community Press

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Flag facts:

Did you know?

The United States flag was first imagined after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The Continental Congress authorized creation of the first national flag on June 14, 1777. It was decided that the flag should have 13 stripes, alternating red and white, to represent the original 13 colonies, and that the new union be represented by 13 white stars in a blue field to signify a "new constellation." Francis Hopkinson, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, is most often credited with the original design.

Today there are 50 stars on the flag to represent the 50 states, while the 13 stripes still represent the 13 British colonies that became the first states. While this may be common knowledge, Public Law 94-344, known as the Federal Flag Code, may not be as widely known. The code dictates that the flag is to be treated with respect and proper etiquette. The code is extensive, but the following guidelines can help private individuals interested in displaying their flags do so in accordance with the law:

• Flags should only be displayed in public from sunrise to sunset, unless the flag can be properly illuminated during darkness. In this instance, it may be displayed at all times.

• When displayed with other flags,


Capitol recap: Area legislators reflect on session

Each year, it is a tradition at Press Publications to touch base with local state representatives and senators to find out how they feel about the legislative session that just wrapped up.

Rep. Elliott Engen District

The 2023 Minnesota legislative session can be summed up in one word: Expensive. With a nearly $18 billion surplus, the Legislature should have spent all session delivering family-focused tax relief. It is disappointing that taxes are instead set to increase by $10 billion.

I was disheartened by the unwillingness of the Majority party to work across the aisle. My bill to eliminate the sales tax on infant care items, like strollers and car seats, received unanimous support in both the House and Senate. Unfortunately, this provision was stripped from the Tax bill during Conference Committee.

Our small Main Street businesses are the lifeblood of our communities. During COVID, these job creators struggled to keep their doors open amidst shutdowns. Ever since the COVID restrictions lifted, workforce shortages, supply chain issues and inflation have continued to impact their recovery. Instead of supporting our job creators, this session the Legislature passed a host of new mandates that will drive our Main Street businesses out of operation.


Centennial graduates: Where are they off to?

Jess Swenson –Attending Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, majoring in communications disorders, minor creative writing.

Nicole Kammer –Attending Davidson College in North Carolina, majoring in political science and minoring in theater.

Will Kalvin –Attending Florida Gulf Coast University in Fort Myers, Florida, majoring in civil engineering.

Trevor Frederickson –Attending Film School at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois.

Lizzie Elsenpeter – Attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, majoring in English.

Paxton Wade – Attending Century College online for two years with hopes of one day opening a small coffee shop.

TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 35 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00 CENTENNIAL GRADUATES: ‘Here’s to the rest of our lives’ PAGE 5 CIRCULATION 651-407-1234 circ@presspubs.com NEWS 651-407-1227 quadnews@presspubs.com ADVERTISING 651-407-1200 marketing@presspubs.com CLASSIFIED 651-407-1250 classified@presspubs.com PRODUCTION 651-407-1220 art@presspubs.com PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Meat Raffle Mon & Thurs 5:00PM @ Blue Heron Grill License number 03934-008 14725 Victor Hugo Blvd |Hugo 8001 Lake Drive Lino Lakes License number 03934-007 Pull Tabs 11:00AM to Close @ Blue Heron Grill & The Tavern on Main 770314 BEST OF THE PRESS 2022 of the Press Vadnais Heights 2022 of the Press 651-483-4055 WH Y C HOOSE US? Family owned and operated since 1975 Certified Expert Technicians Lifetime Warranty Collision & Mechanical Services Hail Damage Specialists www.fairwaycollisioncenter.com 125 E. Cty Rd. F • Vadnais Heights, 55127 F co ll is io n a a i rw Y an d au to moti ve 761579 FILE Flag Day falls on Wednesday, June 14.
Nicole Kammer Will Kalvin Trevor Frederickson
Paxton Wade
Rep. Elliott Engen Jess Swenson

CAPITOL RECAP: Area legislators share successes and disappointments

It's time we put the needs of Minnesota families before the wish lists of state government. I am proud that despite all the new wasteful spending and burdensome mandates, I was able to deliver needed results for our community. I secured $13.5 million for clean water upgrades at the water treatment facility in Lino Lakes. My bills to crack down on fentanyl, provide mental health support for students and increase transparency in government spending also passed.

Republicans also secured $300 million in the final hours of session to save our nursing homes. Fifteen facilities in our state have closed since 2021, and many seniors are being forced to move hours away from their communities and loved ones. This critical funding will go towards saving our nursing homes and supporting the seniors they serve.

Minnesotans are more than willing to spend money to support those in need and ensure everyone has access to good roads and clean water. Unfortunately, this session is going to have severe consequences for family budgets. I will keep fighting for commonsense tax relief measures, and I hope my Democrat colleagues will join.

Rep. Patti Anderson District 33A

This session proved challenging for those of us who prioritize fiscal responsibility. We went in hoping to return the $17.5 billion surplus to taxpayers through large rebate checks, income tax cuts and the complete elimination of Social Security tax. However, the DFL’s narrowly-held trifecta not only spent the entire surplus but also raised taxes by an additional $10 billion.

Starting in July, the state budget will increase by 38%, all funded by your tax dollars.

While we did secure a partial Social Security tax exemption and $260 per-person rebate checks (subject to income limits), Minnesotans will face a wide array

of new tax increases: hikes on sales tax and gas tax, a new delivery tax, a new payroll tax and significant fee increases. Most of the sales tax increase will go toward metro area transit and low-income housing. Businesses will also see tax increases, as our corporate income tax is now the highest in the nation.

The Democrat trifecta passed an agenda that differed significantly from their campaign promises. Most Democrat legislators hail from Minneapolis, St. Paul or inner-ring suburbs, and many openly identify as “Democratic Socialists.” This fringe agenda ultimately prevailed and will affect everyone in the state after July 1. Left-wing special interest groups’ wishlists dominated the legislative process, and I believe Minnesotans will be shocked and angry when these policies are implemented.

As a republic, our 50 states serve as testing grounds for political ideas and governance. Minnesota’s policies now lean further left than California’s, and will serve as an experiment in “democratic socialism.” The outcome remains uncertain — perhaps piling on the same ill-advised policies will somehow right the ship, or perhaps it will only accelerate the population loss Minnesota has been experiencing. I’m betting on the latter. Supporters of this transformation believe these policies will attract like-minded individuals from across the country. Time will tell if they are productive taxpayers, since we are quickly running out of other people’s money. Elections have consequences — serious ones for Minnesotans.

Rep. Matt Norris District 32B

The 2023 legislative session was a historic one, focused on improving the lives of working- and middle-class Minnesotans. And we got our work done on time!

I’m most proud of the $102.75 million for Highway 65 I worked in bipartisan fashion to secure. This major state investment will remove the stop-

lights from 99th Avenue to 117th Avenue, improving safety on this dangerous stretch of road. Construction is expected to begin in 2025.

As vice chair of the House Tax Committee, I helped pass the largest tax cut in Minnesota history! Based on resident feedback, I proudly authored a “supercharged” targeted property tax refund for homeowners who see a big property tax spike. Another bill I drafted increased the limits for the Homestead Market Value Exclusion. Both bills became law. I also led the push that eliminated the tax on Social Security benefits for the vast majority of Minnesota seniors.

I know public safety is important to our community as well. I was the chief author in the House for $300 million in public safety aid we’re providing to cities and counties to help keep our neighborhoods safe. I also led the bipartisan effort to renew key powers for the Anoka County Joint Law Enforcement Council. This group allows law enforcement agencies to coordinate and save money for county taxpayers.

In response to the needs of Centennial Schools, I introduced a bill that resulted in a 4% and 2% boost in funding for Minnesota public schools the next two years. I also included adjustments for inflation in the future so political gridlock doesn’t keep our schools from getting the funding they need.

We also have a lot of manufactured housing in our district. I secured $17 million for manufactured home park infrastructure grants and loans and another $10 million for manufactured home financing, down payment assistance and repair/renovation funds. I championed legislation creating new ways to help convert parks to resident cooperative ownership.

All told, I was able to pass 24 bills into law. Learn more about my work this session, including videos, photos and media links at https://www.facebook.com/ repmattnorris/.

Editor’s note: We did not hear from Sen. Heather Gustafson by press deadline.

If you work from home, you’re at home more than you’re away, and you’re looking for a wonderful home companion to keep you company, then Spock is waiting for you. Spock soaks up love and attention, and he likes to spend time with his people. Spock is an American Staffordshire terrier mix. He is just over a year old and weighs about 40 pounds. Spock is social with other dogs but is a bit cautious until he is comfortable with them. He is also curious and likes to chase cats. So, Spock may be his best as an only pet for you and your family. He is social around all people. Although social, Spock does like his space when eating and sleeping. Spock arrived at Ruff Start Rescue from a local impound and is still learning his manners, but he learns quickly and is eager to please. He likes to play ball and play with his stuffed toys.

If you are interested in learning more about Spock or adopting him, please fill out an application at www.ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.

2 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JUNE 1 3, 2023 www.presspubs.com 651-335-9351 Ron Mikolai Home Team Contact the Experts Shift? Market 651-644-6659 saintsbaseball.com June 28-July 3 vs. Gwinnett Stripers 766610 Upcoming
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Rep. Patti Anderson Rep. Matt Norris




When: 7 p.m. Thursdays

Where: Trail Side Park - Centerville Lake

Details: Bald Eagle Waterski Shows offers free, family-frienldy entertainment from June through August.

Contact: www.baldeaglewaterskishows.net/


When: 3-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14Oct. 4

Where: Back parking lot, Lexington Municipal Liquor Store, 4139 Woodland Rd.

Details: Open air market with local vegetables, crafters, and baked goods. Rain or shine.

Contact: 612-272-3386


When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays, June 15 through July 27

Where: Downtown White Bear Lake

Details: Community summer festival with 160+ food and vendor booths, live music, car show, kids activities, specials at local merchants. Theme weeks include: Kickoff and Kiddie Parade on June 15; History Night June 22, and Avenue for the Arts June 29.

Contact: marketfestwbl.com



When: Opens Thursday, June 15

Where: White Bear Lake Armory, 2228 Fourth Street

Details: Interactive exhibit highlighting the 1920's as a turning point when White Bear transitioned from a summer destination to a year-round community. Runs through Aug. 1. Contact: whitebearhistory.org


When: 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.

Details: Discussion with Drew Hammond, part of the AHHA! Series. Free with registration.

Contact: whitebeararts.org


When: 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 16

Where: Begins at 2nd Street and Clark Avenue; ends at Memorial Beach

Details: Floats, marching bands, local organizations, and more travel through downtown and along Lake Avenue toward the beach.

Contact: manitoudays.com


When: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 15 and Friday, June 16; 2 & 7 p.m. Saturday, June 17; 2 p.m. Sunday, June 18

Where: Hanifl Performing Arts Center, 4941 Long Ave., White Bear Lake

Details: Student actors with Children's Performing Arts perform story of an orphan who becomes the boy who would not grow up. Tickets information online.

Contact: childrensperformingartsmn. org


When: 7 p.m. Thursday, June 15 and Friday, June 16; 2 p.m. Saturday, June 17 and Sunday, June 18

Where: Liberty Classical Academy Theater 3878 Highland Ave., White Bear Lake

Details: Performance by “Fools for Christ” community theatre group, includes live orchestra. Ticket prices online.

Contact: foolsdrama.com/tickets


When: Parade 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 16 followed by beach dance 8-11 p.m.

Where: Begins at 2nd Street and Clark Avenue; ends at Memorial Beach

Details: Floats, marching bands, local organizations, and more travel through downtown and along Lake Avenue, ending with the beach dance with live music by the Free & Easy Band. Contact: manitoudays.com


When: 8:30 a.m. Saturday, June 17

Where: Memorial Beach, 4980 Lake Avenue

Details: Annual fundraiser for the White Bear Area Food Shelf. RSVP requested. Contact: yogadevotion.com



When: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, June 17

Where: Historic White Bear Town Hall, 1280 Hammond Rd., White Bear Township

Details: Kids in grades 3-6 can drop-in to participate in hands-on, interactive programs about local history.

Contact: 651-407-5327 or whitebearhistory.org



When: 10 a.m.-noon Saturday, June 17

Where: Memorial Beach

Details: Gather family and friends to build a sandcastle, sand creature, or sand sculpture in a free event hosted by White Bear Center for the Arts. Prizes awarded at noon.

Church Directory

Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center

6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville

Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site  14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo

Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center

6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville

Contact: manitoudays.com


When: 7-8 p.m. Saturday, June 17

Where: Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park Reserve; 7373 Main St, Lino Lakes

Details: Join a naturalist at the campground amphitheater for a campfire, interactive activities, and presentations. Free.

Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com




When: Monday, June 19

Where: Oak Glen Golf Course, Stillwater

Details: Proceeds support teachers and students in the White Bear Lake Area School District.

Contact: wblaef.org/golf-tournament


Music on the Lake kicks off

Circle Pines Music on the Lake summer concerts will kick off Thursday, June 22, from 6 to 7 p.m. at Golden Lake Park. Join Brett of Special Works DJ, who has arranged a playlist full of songs made for dancing. Songs will span generations to appeal to all ages. Other concerts will feature The Revolution 5 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, July 13, and Java Soul Band from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3. Music on the Lake is co-sponsored by Centennial Community Education and the city of Circle Pines.

Registration now open for Fete des Lacs run

Registration for the annual Fete des Lacs 8K/5K run and kids’ run is now open. The 5K and 8K runs will begin at 7:30 a.m. July 15; the kids’ run will follow at 8:30 a.m. For more information, visit https://tinyurl. com/522ma65x or contact info@runningventures.com.

JUNE 13, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 3 To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052
Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us!
www.stgens.org 651‐429‐7937 761757 761676 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 762801 We welcome you to worship with us Virtually and in Person Sunday 9:30 am Fellowship & refreshments following the service 7330 Lake Drive | 651-784-7667 admin@linolakescommunitychurch.com & directions (1 mile south of Target on Lake Dr) Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE CHURCH 3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines togetherplacechurch.org facebook.com/togetherplacechurch 761679 “Because we’re in this together.”
Now that summer is here, you can catch a Bald Eagle Waterski Show on Centerville Lake every Thursday.

Let me introduce myself

Iam Sebastian Studier, a summer intern at Press Publications.

I graduated from Forest Lake Area High School in 2021 and just completed my junior year at Bethel University, where I am majoring in English education and minoring in journalism. At Bethel, I have explored my journalistic interests by serving as the sports reporter for the student newspaper, the Clarion, in addition to completing a spring semester internship in writing with Bethel’s athletic department where I wrote game recaps as well as feature stories. I also play on Bethel’s club hockey team and serve as a BUILD student mentor, tutoring and serving as a mentor for students with intellectual disabilities.

Sebastian’s Script

Sebastian Studier

Rewinding a bit, I was born in Maplewood and spent the majority of my early childhood life in Cottage Grove from age zero to 5. I attended my first day of kindergarten at Columbus Elementary, and my family shortly thereafter moved to Columbus, where I still reside today. Growing up, my days were filled with school of course, but sports, and then more sports. My elementary school days were spent playing a full plate of baseball, basketball, hockey, and lacrosse before I attended Century Junior High and eventually, Forest Lake High School where I narrowed down my sports interest to lacrosse alone and played through my senior year.

This summer, I will be growing as a journalist and professional at Press Publications, working a fulltime internship through the week, coming into the office Monday through Friday while spending my weekends ideally outdoors, avoiding mosquitoes, and spending time with the people that matter to me.

My internship at Press Publications will last through the three months of summer and I will be working a full 40 hours per week. In my first few days in the office, I have been impressed with both the friendliness and interconnectedness that exists in the building. I have seen many different smiling faces and have already received valuable advice from multiple different voices. From the news department where I will be working, to the sales department, to the production department, and beyond, it feels like a team rather than a collection of individuals. Growing up competing as a member of multiple sports teams, I know that a successful team is one that features unique individuals with individual strengths but works together towards a common goal utilizing teamwork. I can sense this team atmosphere already at Press Publications.

I’ve always had a passion and drive to write. Writing always came easily to me, and I always found that I could say what I couldn’t put into words aloud into writing. I remember my parents always telling me before I went to college to minor in something you’re passionate about, and that’s what I did. Although I aspire to become a high school English teacher, I truly believe that my journalistic experience will weave itself into my future career in some fashion, whether that be teaching journalism classes to high school students while advising a student lead newspaper, or simply continuing to write freelance in my spare time. Even though I don’t see myself working as a real-life journalist in the future, I still look forward to the invaluable experience and opportunities that my summer spent in this newsroom will create for me, whether those experiences contribute to educating the next generation of journalists, or even pull me into a fullon career change, because you just never know, after all.

Sebastian Studier is a summer intern at Press Publications.

Quad sweet Quad

Let’s be honest, the Quad Area is not a tourist hot spot. We don’t have any significant natural wonders or historic landmarks, no bustling downtown or big draws. And that’s okay! As summer gets in full swing many are making plans to take some sort of a trip. Exploring the state, country or world is fantastic but at some point, even on a memorable trip, you look forward to going home. Home is what we do best in the Quad Area.

While we may not have anything Travel Channel worthy, what we do have makes this a great place to call home. We have beautiful parks, safe communities, high-ranking schools, employment options and more and that’s why the Quad Area is home to over 30,000 residents.

People who care are what make a community special. I’m fortunate in my role with the chamber to get a front-row seat to witness those people in action. The chamber works with the Centennial School District, city leadership, churches and nonprofit organizations where everyone

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Carter C. Johnson ...........................Publisher

is working to enrich our community.

If you’d like to play a role in that I’d encourage you to look into volunteer opportunities as everyone is looking for engaged community members. We’ve partnered with the Chain of Lakes Rotary and the local Lions Clubs, both groups offer different opportunities but at their core, they’re on a mission to serve and they’d love to get more people involved.

With that said, I’d also like to challenge you to explore the Quad Area. Have you tried all of the great local restaurants? Paddled a local lake? Taken in the waterski show? Visited the Wargo Nature Center? Summer is the perfect time to explore your community.

Another way to make the most of the summer and enjoy your area is by taking part in local festivals. Festival season is upon us and Blue Heron Days and Fete Des Lacs are just around the corner. Make a point to take in what these festivals have to offer!

Centerville celebrates Fete Des Lacs July 11–16 and Lino Lakes holds Blue Heron Days Aug. 17-20. As part of each, the Quad Area Chamber holds business expos on July 15 and Aug. 17 to help showcase local businesses and artisans. For all of the details visit quadchamber.org and look under events.

In addition to all of these fun activities, our area has

some fun places to work. When Fairview vacated their location in Lino Lakes I was curious what that space would become. Recently, I was able to meet with the new owners and tour both Renstrom Dental Studio and Thielen & Green Architecture + Design. The space has completely transformed from a typical clinic to upscale, modern offices. Dozens of people are employed in a variety of hightech positions and is exciting to see how things evolve.

The chamber offers residents and businesses opportunities to come together. We host Lunch & Learns, Nosh & Network Happy Hour, ribbon cuttings, Sip & Learn for Seniors, and more, follow the chamber’s social media to see what’s #coolinthequad and scan this QR code to view the community calendar!

The Quad Area is a great place to call home and we’re richer together!


six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.

• Repeat letters by the same

writer about the same subject matter will not be published.

• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

• Submissions containing facts not previously published in the Press must be accompanied by factual verification.

• All letters are subject to editing.

• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday of the week prior to publication.

• To submit a letter, e-mail it to quadnews@presspubs.com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to:

4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com JUNE 13, 2023
Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News ......................................................651-407-1227 Advertising ...........................................651-407-1200 Circulation ............................................651-407-1234 Classified/Obits ...................................651-407-1250 Production ............................................651-407-1239 FAX .......................................................651-429-1242 Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at presspubs.com
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Movers & Shakers
Michelle Koch, Quad Area Chamber of Commerce President

Every year, it is a tradition of the Quad Community Press to feature the student speeches from Centennial High School’s commencement ceremony. This year’s speeches were given by graduating seniors Nicole Kammer, Ismail Elmi, Naasifaayee Bula and Trevor Frederickson.

Nicole Kammer

Good afternoon fellow graduates, as we sit here today, preparing for the next chapter of our adventure, it is hard not to reflect on the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. Looking back, it's amazing to see how the seemingly trivial lessons we learned when we were young, impact us now.

One of the very first things we all learned was how to play nice with others. How we need to play nice together; clean up, clean up, everybody do your share; and that hitting is bad. The crazy thing is that we still are learning the same thing. We have to interact with so many people daily and work together with them. One of the hardest things for me when I was younger was learning how to stop talking. Many of my report cards are filled with “Nicole is a delight to have in class, but she needs to work on keeping her words to herself.” As I got older, though, I got better at listening to others. It has been one of the best lessons I have learned. Being able to listen to my friends and peers has allowed me to build strong relationships and connections.

Many of us have that childhood show that has given us so many fond memories. For me, that was “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.” One of the most impactful lessons I learned from Mr. Rogers was the value of your emotions. He consistently normalized feeling many different emotions that can be confusing for kids. I have taken his words to heart a lot more as I have grown older. “Being emotional” is often perceived as a weakness in society now, and I have been told many times throughout my life, both as a child and now, that I am “too emotional.” I have begun to learn, though, that when you suppress your emotions, it can cause a lot more harm than good. Graduating is a scary thing. We are all moving onto our journeys, and through

that, we will lose some really amazing friends, but we will also gain more amazing friends. I want all of you to keep in mind, through all of this, that whatever your feelings are, sadness, excitement, nervousness, or multiple at the same time, they are valid. You have every right to feel however you feel. And your friends and family have the right to feel how they feel, too.

Overall, even though it was long ago, all of those early life lessons are just as relevant today. Working with others and being successful requires you to be respectful to others. Going on this journey of life after Centennial, we all have to learn who we are and what makes us, us. I have full confidence that all of us will succeed with the tools we have been given. It just goes to show how important the foundation we build in our early years truly is.

To quote Henrietta the Cat from Mr. Rogers, “Meow, meow, meow, meow, you are valid, meow, meow.”

Ismail Elmi

Perseverance is the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. But it’s much more than that. Perseverance is having the energy, the courage, the mental and physical strength, to keep pushing forward, even with all of the odds against you. Perseverance is knowing that no matter what happens, you can’t give up. I’ve been blessed with being able to come up onto this stage to speak, so I’d like to tell you guys about my own personal struggle with perseverance.

Back in December, I came home from a long day at school to see my dad on the living room floor. When I asked what happened, my stepmom revealed that my dad got into a car accident at work, completely totaling the car. Now at this point my dad was fine, just some muscle aches and whatnot, but it scared the soul out of me. Just the idea that I could’ve lost my dad made me sick to my stomach, but it seemed he was okay and we put it off to the side.

Fast forward to finals week, I come home after the first day of tests and again, I see my dad, laying on the floor. I was told he was throwing up all day and had to come

home from work. I took him to the ER that night and they let us know they found blood leaking in the inside of his head. My dad was going to need brain surgery, and I honestly couldn’t say anything but let out some tears. Somehow, I had to make it through finals while all my thoughts and fears were about my father.

Thankfully the surgery went well.  However, a month later he was in the ER having to have brain surgery again, and I couldn’t handle it anymore. Three times in three months I dealt with the possibility of losing my dad, and it was taking a toll.

I had already lost my mom to leukemia 10 years ago, and I just couldn’t lose the one person who was there with me throughout all of my good and bad times. My mom passed a month before she could even see my older brother graduate, you know?, but my dad and I were determined that he see me walk. And he did. Dad pushed through. And he is here listening to me give this speech right now.

I bring up the things I went through because everyone in this class all goes through their own personal struggles that no else knows, yet they pushed through and got here to this amazing milestone. And to be honest, it won’t get easier from here. Life will always be tough, you’re gonna lose loved ones, you're gonna lose friendships, you will constantly go through pain. But you have to keep pushing, you have to persevere. Because if you don’t do it, who else will do it for you? Don’t let everything you worked for go to waste, be the most successful you can be, honestly bro, JUST BE LIKE THAT, and you’ll do just fine.


Hello, parents/friends/faculty and the students of the class of 2023. After four years, we have finally gotten to the commencement of our high school journey. Firstly, I want to thank everyone in this room that has supported these graduates to get them to this point. Without your guidance and input, we would not be able to walk in front of you all today. To the students, if no one has told you this yet I am proud that you are here, in this room today. No matter if it was academic, social,

or personal I know that you have at least struggled once in these four years but in the end, you are here with a diploma to show for it. So, enjoy this moment because special days like this should not be taken for granted.

As a child this day felt so far off. It was something that was so distant that it felt like it would never happen. But now it’s here and it feels weird to accept. A second ago I was learning how to type with home row but now I'm preparing essays to go to college. And I’m wondering where did the time go. I was supposed to do so many things and be so many things. But I now just feel like a tall child with a lot more responsibilities, and nothing to show for the time I lost.

Throughout the span from childhood to graduation I was always waiting for the next thing. For the next class, the next day, the next year. All the things that would get me closer to the end. Always feeling what I was and had, wasn’t good enough so I wanted more. That I had to do more to prove to myself that I was enough.

Recently I read a letter that I wrote in my seventh grade English class for my senior self. I had asked myself if I had done all the things I wanted to accomplish.

From “if I was super rich or had multiple boyfriends.” But in the end of my letter, I wrote “that even if you’re not doing all these, I’m still so proud of you.” Even when I didn’t feel enough or felt inadequate, still getting to this point makes me special and my younger self knew that before I did.

Now try to look at the time passed as the time I’ve gained. That I was learning to become a better me. Even if I feel just as clueless as I was before, still make so many mistakes, still type as slowly as I did in third grade, I still do things that I cringe at later. I was growing, and still am. I will keep making mistakes. Saying the right things and the wrong things. But you shouldn't look at this time as negative, but us becoming more of our identity.

So, I stand in front of you today proudly in my own identity. As an Oromo American, to be able to walk and receive my diploma proudly while wearing my nation’s flag. As a graduate, that has finally finished so many years of schooling. And


JUNE 13, 2023 Q UAD COMMUNITY PRESS 5 www.presspubs.com Your newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minnesota Display Ad Network program by running MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 6/11/2023 Metro 777036 newspaper has agreed to participate in the Minnesota Display Ad Network program by running MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 6/11/2023 Metro 777037 MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 6/11/2023 777034 MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week 777035 In addition to our award-winning newspaper, your subscription will get you full access to our extensive online content and e-Edition and our VIP coupon sheet Press Publications | 4779 Bloom Ave. | White Bear Lake, MN 55110-2764 | 651-407-1200 LOOK FOR THE WINNER TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON! NANCY BARSKITED TRAHANNORMAN NELSONTERRY & NANCY TOSKEY RITA SHIMOTA Congratulations to the 5 subscriber campaign finalists! 776052
of our
‘Here’s to the rest
Nicole Kammer Naasifaayee Bula Ismail Elmi

FLAG DAY: Etiquette

such as on a single staff or lanyard, the U.S. flag should be above all other flags. If flags are displayed in a row, the U.S. flag goes to the observer's left.

• State and local flags are traditionally flown lower than the American flag.

• During marching ceremonies or parades with other flags, the U.S. flag should be to the observer's left.

• The flag should be displayed at every public institution and at schools during school days.

• When displayed vertically and not on a staff, the union should be on the left when observed. It should be suspended so its folds fall freely as though the flag were staffed.

• The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.

• The flag is often displayed at half-staff on days of mourning, including Memorial Day. The flag should first be hoisted to the peak for an instant, then lowered to half-staff position, which is half the distance between the top and bottom of the staff.

• On a vehicle, the U.S. flag should be displayed from a staff firmly fixed to the chassis. It should not be draped over the hood, top, sides, or back of a vehicle.

• The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water or merchandise. It also should never have anything placed on it.

• A flag in poor condition should be destroyed with dignity, preferably by burning. Most American Legion posts and local Scout troops will have the resources to retire flags accordingly. Many will host annual flag retirement ceremonies on Flag Day.


• The City Council is expected to accept the 2022 audit report at its June 12 meeting (after press deadline). As it typically does, the city received a clean, or unmodified opinion, on its financial statements. The audit didn’t have any internal control findings or findings related to federal compliance, but there was one finding related to legal compliance.

The auditing firm Redpath and Company found the city failed to comply with provisions of the claims and disbursements section of the Minnesota Legal Compliance Audit Guide for Cities, promulgated by the state auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statute § 6.65. The statute requires bills to be paid within 35 days of receipt. During the audit, Redpath noted one instance where the city failed to pay an invoice within that 35day time frame.

City Administrator Sarah Cotton explained that all of the department heads have been instructed to record the date of when an invoice is received. If a particular department head is not able to pay bills in a timely fashion, their authority to spend city funds may be taken away.

• MEP Lino Lakes has applied for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit (CUP) to plat a 1.86-acre lot for the purpose of constructing a 16,941-square-foot day care facility to be known as Lil’ Explorers Childcare Center. The site is located south of Apollo Drive and north of Lilac Street. The day care will be constructed on Lot 1; Outlot A will be reserved for future commercial development, explained City Planner Katie Larsen. The City Council


MEP Lino Lakes has applied for a preliminary plat and conditional use permit to construct a 16,941-squarefoot day care facility to be known as Lil’ Explorers Childcare Center. The site is located south of Apollo Drive and north of Lilac Street.

still needs to approve the final plat for the project.

• The city of Lino Lakes plans to apply for $1.5 million in funding from the state for the purpose of creating a destination, all-inclusive playground somewhere in the city. Community Development Director Michael Grochala explained that every two years, the state of Minnesota provides an opportunity for local communities to submit funding requests for possible inclusion in the governor’s capital budget. These projects are typically considered in even-numbered years as part of the state’s bonding bill.

Mayor Rob Rafferty said, “If we don’t try for it, we are never going to get it. Let’s start the community engagement process and get support for the project.”

Public Services Director Rick DeGardner added, “This is a great opportunity to make this a regional draw … This is some-

thing that could put Lino Lakes on the map. Not too many cities can boast that they have got something like this.”

If the city received the funding, it would require a 50% match from the city.

• The city will likely step up its enforcement of residents who are not following the odd/even and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. irrigation rules. The city of Lino Lakes is currently in the process of appealing amendments made to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) appropriation permit as a result of a court issued judgment regarding the groundwater management of White Bear Lake and the Prairie Du Chien-Jordan Aquifer.

The city of Lino Lakes participated in the first round of mediation last month; another is scheduled for this week (June 13). “We are trying to come out with a settlement that makes sense for all of the communities involved,” Grochala said.

• Every two years, the city reviews the salaries of the City Council. Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, the mayor and council members will see a 6.1% increase. The salary of the mayor would increase to $11,298 and the salary of each council member would increase to $9,497.

Cotton explained that the increase is consistent with the total wage adjustment for city employees for 2022-23. The first reading of the ordinance was scheduled for June 12, after press deadline. A second reading will be held June 26.

6 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JUNE 1 3, 2023 www.presspubs.com , The Rotary Club of White Bear Lake Always doing good things! JOIN US! SATURDAY SEPT. 9, 2-5 P.M. 12TH
Sponsorship and food vendor opportunities are still available. Scan to learn more
Shannon Granholm LINO

The Lino Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:

• While on patrol, an officer attempted to stop a vehicle for several traffic violations in the 8100 block of Diane Street when it fled May 30. The vehicle was located a short time later stopped on a dead-end road, and the driver was arrested and booked into jail.

• A community service officer responded to a call regarding an injured animal in the 7700 block of Town Center Parkway May 30.

• Officers responded to a report of trespassing in the 6500 block of Ware Road May 30. The male suspect was arrested and booked into t he Anoka County Jail.

• An officer responded to a call for a theft of gasoline at a business in the 7000 block of 21st Avenue South May 30. The license plate given by the employee did not match the description of the vehicle. The incident is under investigation.

• A n officer stopped a vehicle for a license violation in the 7500 block of 20th Avenue May 30. The driver was cited for multiple offenses and had their license plates removed because the license plates had been revoked.

• Officers responded to a report of a personal injury crash in the 6900 block of Lake Drive May 31. Officers rendered aid to a victim until a n ambulance arrived to transport the patient. The incident is under investigation for DUI.

• Officers responded to a local business in the 700 block of Apollo Drive on a report of a group of disorderly juveniles May 31. Officers m ade contact with juveniles and advised them to relocate for the evening.

• An officer was dispatched to a delayed report of disorderly conduct


Android update causes problems for emergency communications

The Anoka County Sheriff’s Office and Anoka County Emergency Communications-911 is asking individuals with Android phones to check their Emergency SOS settings after a recent update. According to the ACSO, deputies have been dispatched to an extremely high volume of accidental 911 calls, which were likely caused by the new Android software feature that automatically calls 911 when the power button is pressed five times in a row.

Between May 5 and June 5, Anoka County Emergency Communications received approximately 2,000 more open line/hang-up calls than in March and April of 2023. Law enforcement responds to all calls to ensure that those at the location are safe.

i n the 600 block of Town Center Parkway May 31. The officer documented the incident. One of the p arties involved was not identified. The incident is under investigation.

• A n officer was dispatched to a call of a possible drunk driver in the 2200 block of Main Street June 1. Another agency also responded and subsequently arrested the driver for DWI.

• Officers responded to a report of possible gunshots in the 6600 block of Centerville Road June 1. The officers checked the area and located spent firearm casings. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer was dispatched to a phone call report regarding a fraud in the 6400 block of Fox Road June 2. The investigation is ongoing.

• A n officer responded to a call of a fawn that was stuck in the caller's fenced-in yard in the 100 block of Woodridge Lane June 2. The officer freed the fawn from the fenced yard.

• An officer was dispatched on a call of a felony theft in the 700 block of Apollo Drive June 2. The juvenile suspect will be charged out of c ustody.

• Officers received a report of a group of teenagers that rang a doorbell and ran away in the 6500 block of Clearwater Creek June 3. Officers located the group nearby and the group fled on foot. One individual was stopped, questioned and was later released. The investigation is ongoing.

• A n officer received a report of fireworks being set off in a park in the 2 200 block of Tart Lake Road June

3. The officer located a group of juveniles in the park who were not involved with the fireworks. The

The feature can be turned off by going to your settings and selecting the “Emergency SOS” feature. From there you can select or toggle the option to off. The exact method used to turn off this feature may vary slightly by Android phone.

Time to register for Night to Unite parties

Night to Unite falls on Tuesday, Aug. 1, this year. Night to Unite is sponsored by the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association and local law enforcement agencies. The night aims to celebrate and strengthen neighborhood and community partnerships. To find a list of parties, or register a party, contact your local law enforcement agency.

juveniles were sent home, since the park was closed.

• An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was swerving on I-35E near Lake Drive June 4. The male driver was arrested and later charged with fourth-degree DWI.

• An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for speeding in the 8000 block of I-35E June 5. The male driver showed signs of impairment and was arrested and booked into the Anoka County Jail for third-degree DWI.

• An officer received a school bus stop arm violation report in the 800 block of Main Street June 5. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer responded to the area of Jasper Court and Ada Drive June 5 for a property damage crash involving a vehicle that left the roadway and struck an unoccupied parked vehicle. The incident was documented and the involved parties exchanged information.

• A n officer contacted a resident regarding a possible injured snapping turtle in their yard in the 400 block of Birch Street June 5. It was found that the turtle was going to lay eggs and the caller, who was concerned it would bite someone, was advised to call the next day if it was still there.

The Centennial Lakes Police Department reported the following incidents:

• Police responded to the 9300 block of Lexington Avenue in Lexington June 1 for a delayed property damage accident. The caller advised t hat a blue SUV crashed into his car in the parking lot of a business.

• S uspicious activity was reported in the area of Lovell Road and Syndicate Avenue in Lexington June 1.


Watershed district provides update on ditch project

CIRCLE PINES — The Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) repair of the Anoka County Ditch (ACD) 53-62 main trunk has been on hold since late April due to an accident with the contractor’s equipment. Work is expected to start back up this month. The repair work restores the system’s capacity and efficiency, and helps

• O fficers were dispatched to the 9000 block of Jackson Avenue in Lexington June 1 on report of a transformer that was on fire. Upon arrival, officers determined the fire was already out.

• Police were dispatched to West Golden Lake Road in Circle Pines June 1 regarding a cockatiel in the area. Officers attempted to catch the bird but were unsuccessful.

• While on the scene of another call in the 6700 block of Centerville Road in Centerville June 2, a d river approached an officer. The officer suspected the driver was significantly impaired. The driver cooperated with the officer’s i nvestigation, and the driver was ultimately arrested for fourth-degree DWI.

• O fficers responded to the 2000 block of Main Street in Centerville June 2 on a report of theft. The manager requested payment of $8.21 for the theft. The suspects paid and then were trespassed from the business.

• Damage to property was reported in the 9000 block of North Highway Drive in Lexington June 3.

• Officers responded to a noise complaint in the 9300 block of Griggs Avenue in Lexington June 6. Officers made contact with a renter, who was told to turn down her music.

• Officers observed a driver make a traffic violation at the intersection of Restwood Road and Lake Drive in Lexington June 6. The vehicle then attempted to flee from the officer but was ultimately stopped in a parking lot in the 4100 block of Lovell Road. The driver was arrested for DWI and fleeing in a motor vehicle.

to ensure more predictable and long-term drainage, flood control and stormwater management. Construction is anticipated to be completed this summer, with some additional work needed in the fall. For updates, subscribe to the email list by contacted RCWD staff Ashlee Ricci at aricci@ ricecreek.org or 763-398-3082. For more details on the project, visit www.ricecreek.org.

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CENTENNIAL HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: Now it’s time to look ahead

as myself, who can confidently speak in front of you all tonight.

Like the sun and the moon, we all shine differently. We are each remarkable in our own way. And I am extremely proud that you are here today.

So, don’t stress too much. What matters is that you enjoy the moment. Value the time you have because every moment is more special when you’re living in it instead of living through it.

Lastly, I hope to leave you a quote from one of the most influential people in our generation. He once said. “This is for everybody going through tough times, believe me, been there, done that, but every day above ground is a new day, remember that!”

Congratulations class of 2023! Roll Cougs!

Trevor Frederickson

Good afternoon, Centennial students. We made it! We finally made it through high school. Years of hard work are finally starting to pay off. But now it’s time to look ahead. For many of us, the big question is, “What

Weekly Outlook

Weather Tidbits

Frank Watson

now?” But, to me, the bigger question is, “How?” How do we do what we want to do, go where we want to go, and succeed when we want to succeed?

As we heard from Nicole, Ismail and Naasi, we’ve gotten to this point in our lives by learning, persevering, and living in the moment. One thing all of these have in common is that we did not do them alone. We learned with others, made it through the hardest times of our lives with others, and lived the best moments of our lives surrounded by those whom we love. COVID stopped that. COVID halted our joint learning, presented many of us with the toughest obstacle we’ve ever faced, and ruined the moments we could have had together.

we lived out every moment under lockdown and we persevered, by adapting and learning new ways to stay connected. This, the idea of staying connected, is what I believe the answer is. The question was “How?” The answer is “together.”

But we learned. We fought. We made it through! COVID taught us all how important it is to stay connected. We spent time with family and friends whenever we could. We learned how to contact others in unique ways. By staying united, by sticking together,

Brought to you by WeathermanWatson.com

There was some shower and thunderstorm activity this past weekend; unfortunately, it missed much of the northeastern parts of the Metro. The line of storms blew up Saturday afternoon generally south of 94. I did have a brief sprinkle at my station in White Bear Lake while portions of the southern Metro totaled over an inch! The pattern responsible for our dry weather is known as an Omega block. It cuts off moisture from the Gulf, leaving us dry. It is showing signs of breaking down and hopefully that will mean a more active pattern. Garden notes: My grandson, Leo (2 1/2), and I are picking strawberries. Tomato plants make great strides with the recent warm temperatures.

Frank Watson is a local Meteorologist who operates a weather station in White Bear Lake. Weather data and observation are from his weather station and trips around the area. Frank can be found on the internet at WeathermanWatson.com.

No matter where you go, do not go alone. Whether you stay close to your friends from high school, or you stay close to the friends you meet in the future, stay connected. These are the people that make life worth living. They make life easier. They help us when we’re in doubt, when times get tough, and when the moments fade fast.

Time only goes by quicker. Even now, every moment feels like it’s slipping through our fingers all the time. So, live in the moment, live your best life, learn to be happy with what you have, and never give up. I can’t be certain that everyone in this room will achieve their dreams, but I know one thing for sure, no one will achieve their dreams alone. Here’s to the rest of our lives, Centennial. I hope to see you along the way. Thank you.

JUNE 13, 2023 Q UAD COMMUNITY PRESS 9 www.presspubs.com
SUNRISE/SUNSET JUNE 14 - 20, 2023 5:25 9:015:25 9:025:26 9:02 5:26 9:02 5:26 9:03 5:26 9:035:26 9:03
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Bill Friedrichs, owner of Better Solutions, is a Full Service Contractor. He has lived in the local area since 1972. Bill has over 35 years experience in the remodeling business. Give him a call for all of your home improvement needs including carpentry, siding, windows, interior and exterior work.

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Cougar duo goes 3-1 at state tennis for consolation title

Sean Oslund and Zack Chaffey of Centennial captured the consolation championship in Class 2A doubles on Friday in the state tennis tournament.

In the first round, the Cougar seniors lost to the eventual champions, Kai Chen and Andrew Richardson of Blake, 6-2, 6-1, at the University of Minnesota’s Baseline Courts.

First-round losers drop to the consolation bracket. There, Oslund/Chaffey defeated Duluth East’s Ryan Delaney/Karl Kimber 6-3, 6-0; Alexandria’s Owen Gilbertson/Cole Haabala 6-3, 6-1; and, in the consolation finals, Minneapolis Washburn’s Lou Smith/Samir Stolpman 6-2, 7-5.

Oslund/Chaffey qualified for state as Section 4AA runners-up behind Mahtomedi’s Jack Allaben and Brandon Pham, who reached the finals and lost to the Blake duo.

Oslund finished the season 21-5. Chaffey was 20-6. They alternated at 1- and 2-singles in the regular lineup.


of 19 shots. The Cougars had an 11-5 record. Chisago Lakes is 15-1 heading into state.


Cougars nipped by Anoka twice, place 2nd in section

The Centennial baseball team was runner-up in Section 7AAAA after losing to Anoka 8-7 in the finals on Tuesday, June 7.

The Cougars had three one-run games with Anoka. Centennial won 2-1 in conference, and Anoka won 3-2 and 8-7 in the section. The Cougars, who needed to beat top-seeded Anoka twice in the finals, finished the season 15-10.

Anoka got nine hits and seven runs (four earned) in 4 2/3 innings off Cougar ace Will Whelan, who struck out nine. Jack Dagostino finished with 1 1/3 innings, allowing the go-ahead run, and took the loss.

Sam Poser was 2-for-





4 with two RBI’s for Anoka. Sawyer Chell was 2-for-3 (RBI) and Fred Huebner 2-for-3 (two runs, RBI). Parker Nedland, Evan Freking and Brayden Cherrey pitched.

For the Cougars, Peyton Streit was 2-for-4 (RBI), Vinny Wry 1-for-2 (RBI, run), Dagostino 1-for-4 (double, RBI) and Luke Gunderman 2-for-3 (run).

Centennial thumped Andover 11-3 on Monday to earn another shot at Anoka in the finals. Streit was 2-for-4 with three RBIs. Aidan Lieser had a double and three RBIs and Wry had a double and two RBIs. Lieser pitched four innings, allowing three runs, and Tyler Gruye had three scoreless innings, allowing just one hit.

Submitting Public Notices

Submitting Public Notices





Centennial was runner-up in Section 7 after losing to top-seeded Champlin Park 15-7 in the finals Thursday evening. The Cougars beat Grand Rapids-Greenway 11-5 and Andover 9-6 to reach the finals and finished 11-4. Against No. 2 seed Andover, the Cougars took a 6-5 lead with 15 minutes left and stalled the clock down to 10 minutes. Andover finally got the ball back and tied the score, but the Cougars got two goals from Noelle Hemr and one from Callie Cody in the last 5 1/2 minutes. Cody’s success in winning faceoff draws down the stretch, with Anna

Jarpy snagging the ball from her, were crucial. Ella O’Hearn netted three goals, Cody and Hemr two each, and Lillian Brausen and Jarpy one each. Champlin Park (15-2) ended the suspense early in the finals, taking an 11-2 halftime lead.


Centennial finished runner-up in the Section 7AAAA tournament, losing to Chisago Lakes 8-6 in the finals last Thursday. The Cougars beat Duluth 15-10 semifinals Tuesday with Brol Scherman and Logan Adams tallying five goals apiece and goalie Trenton Kramer stopping nine

Timmy Ball captured Centennial’s lone medal in the state Class 3A track meet, placing fifth in the discus on Saturday at St. Michael-Albertville. Ball, a junior, earned his podium appearance with a throw of 165 feet even. Ball also just missed medaling (top nine) in shot put, placing 10th Thursday with 51-5. Also competing at state were sophomore Trystan Green, who placed 11th in the 100 dash  (11.40); freshman Lauren Kath, 11th in the 800 with a personal best 2:16.43; the boys 4x800 relay, placIng 11th in 8:09.71; and the girls 4x400, placing 15th in 4:09.73. All of those occurred in the preliminaries Thursday.

Aces at Chomonix

Chomonix Golf Club reported two recent holes-in-one, by Jin Baik of Vandais Heights on the 140-yard No. 14 hole with a nine iron, and by Charles Bennett of Afton on the 163-yard No. 4 hole with a pitching wedge. Each man said it was his second ace.

Bruce Strand

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota (the “City”), will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 26, 2023, at or after 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 600 Town Center Parkway in the City, relating to a proposal concerning (1) the adoption of a five-year street reconstruction plan (the “Plan”); and (2) the issuance of general obligation street reconstruction bonds (the “Bonds”) to finance the reconstruction and bituminous overlay of certain streets in the City, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, subdivision 3b, as amended. The Bonds will be issued in a principal amount not to exceed $4,550,000, plus any premium received. A draft copy of the Plan is on file with the City Clerk/Treasurer and is available for public inspection at City Hall during regular business hours.

If a petition requesting a vote on the issuance of the Bonds signed by voters equal to five percent (5%) of the votes cast in the last City general election is filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer within thirty (30) days after the public hearing, the City may issue the Bonds only after obtaining approval of a majority of voters voting on the question at an election.

At the time and place fixed for the public hearing, the City Council will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. In addition, interested persons may direct any questions or file written comments respecting the proposal with the City Clerk/ Treasurer, at or prior to said public hearing.

Dated: June 13, 2023

BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA /s/ Jolleen Chaika, City Clerk City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota Published two times in the Quad Community Press on June 13 and 20, 2023.


Timmy Ball

Centennial Track

Timmy Ball captured a medal at the state track meet by placing fifth in the discus last week. The 6-foot-1, 225-pound Cougar junior threw 165 feet even, just under his personal best. He placed 10th in shot put with a personalbest 51-5. Ball had second-place finishes in both events at the conference (50-0 and 167-10) and the section (50-7 3/4 and 159-3). Last fall, Ball was an all-district middle linebacker for the Cougars’ No. 7 ranked football team last fall.

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JUNE 13, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 11 SPORTS
White Bear
Highway 61 |
STRAND | CONTRIBUTED Ella O’Hearn of the Cougars dashes into scoring position against Andover. CONTRIBUTED
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Cougar coach Dan Haertl hugs Zach Chaffey (left) and Sean Oslund after they won the consolation finals.
Contact: E-Mail: Call: Lisa, Myrna or Evelyn Legals@presspubs.com 651-407-1200 4779 Bloom Ave., WBL, MN 55110 www.presspubs.com, 651-407-1200 Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
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New bond rating cause for celebration

When and if the city of Centerville sells bonds, it will secure a more favorable interest rate, among other benefits, after its bond rating was promoted by Standard & Poor's.

George Eilertson, managing director of public finance at Northland Securities, attended a Centerville City Council meeting to formally deliver the good news.

Eilertson and his firm, who have worked with the city for many years, noted that if the city had a project of any size, it would need to have a bond rating assigned. Historically, the city has had a very strong rating.

Standard & Poor's conducts periodic surveillance reviews, and this year has raised Centerville's bond rating from AA, which is a very strong rating, Eilertson said. Now, the city's rating is AA+.

An AA+ rating will likely earn the city a 2% interest when borrowing, Eilertson said. The interest rate for a borrower will improve by 0.1 to 0.5 % each time the bond rating is raised, he said.

Eilertson gave four reasons for the bond rating promotion: steady growth in market value; historically strong reserves; strong financial policies; and a low debt profile.

Residential property growth and commercial/industrial development has grown by the 30 new homes built over the past several years, and 26 townhomes and commercial/retail development currently in the planning stage. “One of our goals was to increase commercial development, and it has helped us when we weren't looking,” said Council Member Russ Koski. Eilertson agreed that commercial development helped the city achieve the better rating.

The goal of municipalities is to maintain a reserve of three to six months in operating expenses, and Centerville has seven months in reserve. The city has a history of operational financial balance compared with expenditures, with strong reserves and no planned drawdowns, City Administrator/Engineer Mark Statz said.

Strong financial policies mean that the city maintains a capital improvement plan and well-thought-out investment and fund balance policies. The city follows conservative budgeting practices, provides monthly budget-to-actual reporting to the council, has adopted a fund balance policy, and has established a long-term capital and financial plan that is updated every year, Statz said.

A low debt profile means low debt with no medium-term debt plans. Centerville's debt is expected to be completely paid off within 10 years.

The city could lose its high rating if it were to draw down its reserves from 71% to 10%. It could also improve its already high rating to AAA it were to materially improve and maintain its reserves from current levels. The reality is that the city will likely remain at AA+ for the foreseeable future, Eilertson said.

Centerville is now in good financial company with its municipal neighbors, Circle Pines, Forest Lake, Hugo, Lino Lakes and White Bear Lake. The AA+ rating all these cities enjoy indicates a lot of growth in this part of the metropolitan area, Eilertson said.

“The mayor and City Council are to be congratulated for their years of prudent financial management and community development strategies that have come to fruition and have been recognized by our bond rating agency,” Statz said. The responsible actions by city staff have led to better things for the public, he said.

Other action from the May 24 meeting:

In other good financial news for the city, council learned from Tyler See, audit manager at Abdo, that the city received an unmodified opinion in its annual audit for the 2022 fiscal year, which is a clean opinion.

“This is the opinion you would be striving for in a financial statement,” See told council after presenting his annual report, required management communications and audit insights to council. “There were no

compliance issues, material misstatements or control issues — a clean opinion,” he said.

During the 2021 audit, there was one finding considered to be a material weakness. That issue has been corrected for the 2022 audit, and there are no findings for the current year, See said. On council's formal acceptance of the audit, the financial statements will be published on the city's website at www.centervillemn. com and available for inspection by the public.

The new owners of property being assessed for the 2022 thin mill and overlay project had the chance to give input about their assessments, but chose not to. Therefore, council passed a resolution re-adopting the assessment roll for the project. Since the first assessment hearing several months ago, five assessment properties were sold. The public hearing was held for only the five new property owners at 1617, 1644, 1694, and 1715 Dupre Road and at 1640 Widgeon Circle, pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section 429.071, subd. 2. These five new property owners have until November to pay their assessments. “A lot of time left, and one of the five has already paid,” Statz said.

Establishment of no-parking zones will have to wait until the Planning and Zoning Commission conducts further discussion that now will include commentary heard at the council meeting. Because of the extension of Fairview Street, the construction of Michaud Way and the reconstruction of streets downtown, city staff thought it appropriate to revisit the city's no parking zones. The commission already discussed and held a public hearing on the parking issue and will now do it again. Although no public comments were offered during the commission’s public hearing, a local landowner gave input on the matter at the council meeting. The comments stem from discussions regarding trucks lining up on Main Street, waiting to enter the property. One of the options to solve this issue involves allowing on-street parking in the city's industrial district.

The resident at 1818 Old Mill Court will be able to build a fence, after council approved an encroachment agreement on that property to construct a 6-foot vinyl fence within the rear and side yard setbacks within the city's drainage and utility easements.

There will be no summer work session to review progress on the strategic plan; council unanimously (50) agreed to hold that meeting in the fall, when everyone's full slate of activities was expected to settle down.

The council next meets at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, at City Hall, 1880 Main St.

12 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JUNE 1 3, 2023 www.presspubs.com
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CONTRIBUTED George Eilertson, managing director of public finance at Northland Securities, shares the good news with Mayor D. Love that the city’s bond rating was promoted by Standard & Poor’s to AA+.

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