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Centennial Independent School District 12



(Abbreviated—full minutes available at www.isd12.org or call 763-7926010 to request a hard copy) LEGAL NOTICE: School Board, Independent School District 12; 4707 North Road, Circle Pines, Minnesota; May 1, 2023.

1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bettinger called the Work Study Session to order at 5:30 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.

2. ROLL CALL The following members were present: Bettinger, ex-officio Holmberg, Johnson, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Linser. The following members were absent: None.

3. DISTRICT FINANCE UPDATE Executive Director Chaffey gave updates on the following items which will be included in the May 15 Board meeting agenda for approval: Transportation Contracts, Property Purchase, High School West Chiller Replacement Project Bid and Quotation Awards, and Northeast Metro 916 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Budget.

4. 2023-2024 ADOPTED BUDGET The 2023-2024 budget will be brought to the Board for approval at the May 15 Board meeting.

5. ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER SURVEY RESULTS OVERVIEW Directors Bergert and Christensen gave an overview of the results of the survey. The survey results will be shared at the May 15 Board meeting.

6. SUPERINTENDENT EVALUATION TIMELINE The timeline for the superintendent evaluation was shared. Evaluation survey results will be reported out at the June 19 Board meeting. 7. ADJOURN at 6:33 p.m. Sue Linser, School Board Clerk Minutes prepared by Jody Josephson Published one time in the Quad Community Press on June 20, 2023.


Independent School District 12


(Abbreviated—full minutes available at www.isd12.org or call 763-7926010 to request a hard copy) LEGAL NOTICE: School Board, Independent School District 12; 4707 North Road, Circle Pines, Minnesota; May 15, 2023.

1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bettinger called the Regular Meeting of the School Board to order at 6:30 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL The following members were present: Bettinger, ex-officio Holmberg, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. The following members were absent: None. 4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda by Knisely, seconded by Schwinn. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. 5. PRESENTATION - CALC/PINES Director of Alternative Education Nick Christensen gave an overview of Alternative Programming in the Centennial School District. The presentation is included in board packets. 6.PUBLIC COMMENT None. 7. CONSENT ITEMS

7.1. Approval of Minutes: Regular School Board Meeting Minutes of Work Study Session of April 3, 2023 and Regular Board Meeting Minutes of April 17, 2023. 7.2. Approval of Monthly Disbursements. 7.3. Approval of Personnel Items. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda Items as detailed in the enclosures by Murphy, seconded by Schwinn. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. 8. CURRICULUM 8.1. CHS Tech Ed Manufacturing Overview - Report - CHS Principal Breuning, Teacher Andy Angell and Executive Directors Chaffey & Grossklaus provided an update on the Centennial High School Manufacturing Pathways program and future plans for expansion of the program. The presentation is included in board packets. 9. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 9.1. Approval of 2023- 2024 Adopted Budget - Motion to approve the 2023-2024 Adopted Budget by Knisely, seconded by Johnson. Vote: 6-00. Motion carried unanimously. 9.2. Approval of Property Purchase – Motion to approve the property purchase by Johnson, seconded by Schwinn. Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bettinger, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. Motion carried unanimously. 9.3. Approval of Transportation Contracts – Motion to approve the transportation contracts with Lorenz, Safe Tree, and CST by Murphy, seconded by Schwinn. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. 9.4. High School West Chiller Replacement Project Bid and Quotation Awards –Nexus and district administration recommend award of the High School West chiller replacement work scopes as follows: Chiller Unit to Johnson Controls in the amount of $273,930; Installation to BSI Mechanical Inc. in the amount of $147,900; Building Automation/Control Valves to NAC Mechanical & Electrical Service in the amount of $12,317. Motion to award the work scopes to Johnson Controls, BSI Mechanical, Inc. and NAC Mechanical & Electrical Service by Johnson, seconded by Knisely. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously.

9.5. Resolution Placing Teachers on Unrequested Leave of Absence – Motion to adopt the Resolution Placing Teachers on Unrequested Leave of Absence by Johnson, seconded by Schwinn. Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bettinger, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. Nays: None. Motion carried unanimously.

9.6. Approval of Northeast Metro 916 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Plan –

Motion to approve the Northeast Metro 916 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Plan by Linser, seconded by Schwinn. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. 9.7. Adoption of Contributions Resolution – Motion to adopt the Contributions Resolution by Murphy, seconded by Knisely. Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bettinger, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. Nays: None. Motion carried unanimously. 10. SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS 10.1. Stakeholder Survey Results Overview – Directors Bergert and Christensen gave an overview of the Stakeholder Survey Results. Results will be used to celebrate what we are doing well and develop action steps for continued improvement into next year. The presentation is included in board packets. 11. COMMUNICATION As warranted and available, School Board members will report significant activities of and/or actions by organizations in which the school district holds membership and/or serves in a governance capacity. 11.1. AMSD. 11.2. CAEF. 11.3. NE Metro 916. 11.4. SEE. 11.5. District Committee Reports. 12. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT 13. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 13.1. Dates to Note. 14. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn by Knisely, seconded by Jonson. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn at 8:11 p.m. Sue Linser, School Board Clerk Minutes prepared by Jody Josephson

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on June 20, 2023.


Independent School District 12

SCHOOL BOARD SPECIAL MEETING SUMMARY MAY 15, 2023 (Abbreviated—full minutes available at www.isd12.org or call 763-7926010 to request a hard copy) LEGAL NOTICE: School Board, Independent School District 12; 4707 North Road, Circle Pines, Minnesota; May 15, 2023.

1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Bettinger called the Special Meeting of the School Board to order at 5:30 p.m. in the District Office Board Room.

2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL The following members were present: Bettinger, ex-officio Holmberg, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. The following members were absent: None. 4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda by Murphy, seconded by Johnson. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. 5. ADJOURN INTO CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05, Subd. 3(a) the board will adjourn into closed session for the purpose of completing the annual, systematic review and evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance. Motion to adjourn into closed session to complete the annual, systematic review and evaluation of the Superintendent’s performance by Linser, seconded by Knisely. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. The closed session was called to order at 5:35 p.m. in the District Office Conference Room. The following members were present: Bettinger, Knisely, Murphy, Schwinn, Johnson, Linser. The following members were absent: None. Motion to adjourn the closed session by Johnson, seconded by Schwinn. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously.

6. RECONVENE The special meeting of the School Board reconvened at 6:24 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Chairperson Bettinger reported that no action was taken during the closed session. 7. ADJOURN Motion to adjourn by Knisely, seconded by Murphy. Vote: 6-0-0. Motion carried unanimously. Adjourn at 6:25 p.m.

Sue Linser, School Board Clerk

Minutes prepared by Jody Josephson

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on June 20, 2023.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota (the “City”), will hold a public hearing on Monday, June 26, 2023, at or after 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 600 Town Center Parkway in the City, relating to a proposal concerning (1) the adoption of a five-year street reconstruction plan (the “Plan”); and (2) the issuance of general obligation street reconstruction bonds (the “Bonds”) to finance the reconstruction and bituminous overlay of certain streets in the City, all pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.58, subdivision 3b, as amended. The Bonds will be issued in a principal amount not to exceed $4,550,000, plus any premium received. A draft copy of the Plan is on file with the City Clerk/Treasurer and is available for public inspection at City Hall during regular business hours.

If a petition requesting a vote on the issuance of the Bonds signed by voters equal to five percent (5%) of the votes cast in the last City general election is filed with the City Clerk/Treasurer within thirty (30) days after the public hearing, the City may issue the Bonds only after obtaining approval of a majority of voters voting on the question at an election.

At the time and place fixed for the public hearing, the City Council will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal. In addition, interested persons may direct any questions or file written comments respecting the proposal with the City Clerk/ Treasurer, at or prior to said public hearing.

Dated: June 13, 2023

BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA /s/ Jolleen Chaika, City Clerk City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota

Published two times in the Quad Community Press on June 13 and 20, 2023.



The City Council of Lino Lakes Ordains:

Section 1. Section 405.02 of the Lino Lakes City Code is amended by adding the following definitions:

Anti-icing means the application of liquid deicer prior to the onset of a snow event.

Bulk Storage means the storage of any deicing material (liquid or solid used for deicing during winter conditions that is more than five tons in solid form (or 1,000 gallons in liquid form).

Deicer means any substance used to melt snow and ice or used for its anti-icing effects (i.e. salt, treated salt, etc.).

Section 2. Renumbering. Sections 405.05 through 405.09 are hereby renumbered as follows: 405.05 06 NPDES Permits Compliance 405.06 07 Prohibited Discharge, Action Required 405.07 08 Entry Upon Private Property 405.08 09 Suspension of Storm Sewer System Access 405.09 10 Enforcement Section 3. Section 405.05 is inserted to read as follows:

405.05 DEICER STORAGE REQUIREMENTS. The following section applies to all indoor and outdoor bulk deicer storage facilities (temporary and permanent) including salt piles, salt bag storage, salt/sand piles and other storage of deicing materials on commercial, institutional, and non-NPDES permitted industrial properties within the City.

(1) Indoor operations for the storage of deicing materials must be provided wherever possible in order to prevent such materials from being affected by rain, snow and melt water.

(2) All salt, salt/sand mix and other deicing materials stored outdoors must be covered at all times.

(a) When not using a permanent roof, a waterproof impermeable, flexible cover must be placed over all storage piles (to protect against precipitation and surface water runoff).

(b) The cover must prevent runoff and leachate from being generated by the outdoor storage piles.

(c) The cover must be secured to prevent removal by wind or other storm events. Piles must be formed in a conical shape and covered as necessary to prevent leaching.

(3) Facility Siting.

(a) Outdoor storage of deicing materials must be located on an impervious surface.

(b) Each facility must be located outside of floodplains and 75 feet from lakes, rivers, streams, ditches, wetlands and any other areas likely to absorb runoff.

(c) The property must be sloped away from the facility’s deicer storage area.

(d) Practices must be implemented in order to reduce exposure (e.g., sweeping, diversions, and/or containment) when transferring deicing material.

Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect 30 days after publication.

Adopted by the Lino Lakes City Council this 12th day of June, 2023. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing ordinance was introduced by Councilmember Cavegn was duly seconded by Councilmember Lyden and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Cavegn, Lyden, Stoesz, Rafferty. Ruhland absent. The following voted against same:


Rob Rafferty, Mayor

ATTEST: Jolleen Chaika, City Clerk

Published one time in the Quad Community Press on June 20, 2023.

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