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Legislative session produces investments for present, future
By many measures, the 2023 session at the State Capitol was historic. The session was marked by extraordinary investments in Minnesotans, especially workingand middle-class residents, and the systems we use throughout our daily lives.
Some of these investments will be felt almost immediately by Minnesotans. In other cases, it will take years to feel their full effect.
I campaigned on “building bridges and getting results,” and that’s what I tried to do from the start at the Capitol. I was the chief author of 24 bills that became law. And whenever I could, I worked with stakeholders from various viewpoints and members from both parties to craft balanced legislation that will stand the test of time.
My number one priority this session was securing money for the redesign of Highway 65. For far too long, it’s been the most dangerous stretch of roadway in the metro area and a major inconvenience for people in the north metro.
I was able to secure an incredible $102.75 million investment in the
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• Letter writers are limited to highway—enough to remove all the stoplights from 99th Avenue to 117th Avenue! I worked in a bipartisan fashion to secure this money, but I’m proud to be the only legislator representing Blaine or Lexington to vote for all $102.75 million. Construction is likely to begin in late 2025.
One investment Minnesotans will feel even sooner is my commitment to cutting property taxes. I heard a lot about skyrocketing property taxes on the campaign trail. So, when I was chosen to be Vice Chair of the House Tax Committee, I immediately got to work.
I authored a bill to “supercharge” the targeted property tax refund. This means if your property taxes increase by more than 6% from 2023 to 2024, you’ll get a refund of up to $2,500. Based on voter feedback, I also authored a bill to increase the Homestead Market Value Exclusion to $517,200 since home values have increased so much in recent years. This bill became law as well.
Local governments will also see boosts in state funding, with the goal of reducing their reliance on property taxes to pay for basic services. Lexington will get an extra $95,395, a 21% boost. Anoka County will see an increase of 30.7% or almost $6 million.
I know many people are worried about recent spikes in crime as well. So, I authored $300 million in public safety aid for cities and counties. This means $4.1 million for Anoka County, $3.1 million for Blaine, and $114,000 for Lexington to pay for public safety, fire, and emergency services.
One area where our investments will pay off in the long run is education. I was the chief author of a bill that led to a 4% increase in general per student funding for our public schools this year and a 2% increase next year. Even more importantly, my bill adjusts this funding for inflation in future state budgets so political gridlock at the Capitol will never again prevent students and teachers from having the resources they need.
One other key investment for our community is support for manufactured housing residents. I secured $27 million to improve infrastructure in these parks, repair and renovate units and lots, provide financing and down payment assistance, and encourage owners to sell to residents when a park is sold.
These are just a few of the investments Minnesotans will benefit from in the coming months and for decades to come. And, perhaps most importantly, we got our work done on time with no need for a special session!
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