Quad Community Press

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Yoga at the farm

In addition to its weekly flower farm market on Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. this summer, T and Nae have launched “gentle yoga” at the Hugo farm Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. through Aug. 29. The 60-minute class of gentle movements is designed for all skill levels. The farm is located at 15815 Elmcrest Ave. For more information, visit tandnae.com.

Residents speak-up on County Road J, 35E interchange

Come 2025, the County Road J and I-35E interchange could look drastically different than it does today.

County Road J from Centerville Road to Otter Lake Road – including the interchange with I-35E –is scheduled for reconstruction in 2025.

Ramsey County is leading the project in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Anoka County, White Bear Township, North Oaks and Lino Lakes. Two watershed districts, the Rice Creek Watershed District and the Vadnais Lake Water Management Organization are also involved.

The existing I-35E and County Road J interchange –and the surrounding area – has safety, congestion, and access issues that impact pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists.

Additional development is expected near the interchange in the next five years, which will increase traffic and worsen safety issues.

Three areas are targeted for improvement include:

• The I-35E and County Road J interchange.

• County Road J from Centerville Road to Otter Lake Road.

• Centerville Road from County Road J to North Ash Street.

“A major reason for the project was we wanted to make that a full interchange and then also provide

North Metro Fire Buff: Meet the guy behind the camera

Any time 14-year-old Caleb Koskela hears sirens going by his home in Lino Lakes, he has to go check and see what’s going on.

Koskela is the guy behind the North Metro Fire Buff social media platforms. He will be a ninth grader at Centennial High School this fall. He is fascinated by all things fire because he grew up around fire departments. His father, Brent Koskela, has been a firefighter for 29 years. Brent served on the Centennial Fire District for nine years before he left to go to his current fire department, Lake Johanna.

“I always followed him around… just kind of learning everything,” Caleb explained. Around a year and a half ago, Caleb started noticing people taking pictures at fire scenes and posting them online, and that piqued his interest. He started taking videos on his cellphone,

posting them online, and people started to share them. In January 2022, Caleb posted his first TikTok video, and he now has Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

About a month ago, Caleb purchased his first camera, a Cannon Rebel T7, with money he saved up from umping for Centennial softball.

He was inspired to be known as “North Metro Fire Buff” because he primarily covers scenes in the north metro and fire photographers are often called “fire buffs.”

Many of the area fire departments have come to know Caleb and his work.

“We live near a busy road and they always pass by and honk at me,” Caleb said.

In addition to often hearing the commotion go by his house, Caleb stays up to date on north metro happenings with a mobile app called Pulse Point, which shows the calls that departments


TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2023 VOL. 41 NO. 40 www.quadcommunitypress.com $1.00 Charity Bike Run Sun. July 23 WWW.THEAFTERMIDNIGHTGROUP.COM LINO LAKES RESIDENT: Will swim 2.1 miles to raise $25K. PAGE 10 CIRCULATION 651-407-1234 circ@presspubs.com NEWS 651-407-1227 quadnews@presspubs.com ADVERTISING 651-407-1200 marketing@presspubs.com CLASSIFIED 651-407-1250 classified@presspubs.com PRODUCTION 651-407-1220 art@presspubs.com PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 9 CIRCLE PINES, MN Press Publications 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 2022 of the Press White Bear Lake Vadnais Heights 651-483-4055 WHY CHOOSE US? Family owned and operated since 1975 Certified Expert Technicians $10.00 per day Rental Vehicles • Lifetime Warranty Collision & Mechanical Services Hail Damage Specialists www.fairwaycollisioncenter.com 125 E. Cty Rd. F • Vadnais Heights, 55127 F co ll is io n a a i rw Y an d au to moti ve 747963 BEST OF THE PRESS SHANNON GRANHOOM | PRESS PUBLICATIONS
Caleb Koskela, 14, of Lino Lakes, is known as the “North Metro Fire Buff.” He travels around the north metro, taking photographs and videos of all things fire.


INTERCHANGE: Scheduled to start in 2025


better pedestrian accommodations crossing the interstate,” said Project Manager Joey Lundquist of Ramsey County. “We talked with quite a few of the big businesses right there, they have people coming from the north that will appreciate being able to get off there versus having to get off up at County Road 14 and come down.”

The project is estimated to cost $20 to $25 million. Lundquist said at this point, the project is fully funded, with funds coming from regional solicitation money, MnDOT and local participation (cities/counties).

Up to this point, there have been multiple opportunities for community engagement. From December 2021 to January 2022, an online comment map was up and running on the project website for community members to offer feedback on safety, pedestrian and bicyclist access, congestion and access to businesses and neighborhoods.

A virtual open house was also held in September 2022 along with a StoryMap, which allowed the community to comment on the eight design concept alternatives being considered.

Lundquist says up to this point, many of the comments the county has received are from people who do not like roundabouts. The county also received a lot of comments about avoiding the conservation easement that runs west of 20th Avenue and north of County Road J.

“In the first round of the StoryMap we were looking at a few options that bisected that (the conservation easement) We definitely got feedback that people didn’t like that,” she explained. “So, the option we are left with we are trying to just make it in the corner versus impacting it significantly.”

At this point, “alternative 1” has been selected as the preferred plan to proceed with preliminary design and a more detailed analysis. According to the project website, this plan performed better than others based on technical evaluation criteria, MnDOT and county assessment, public feedback and the goal of minimizing impacts to the environment and areas protected by a land trust.

“(This option) had the most support from everybody,” Lundquist said. “It works well with the conservation easement, and it should move traffic well. Everybody seems to be on board with it as being the best option.”

The preferred plan would involve one bridge over I-35E and four roundabouts.

“I think the way the project is recommended, resolves all issues and provides a long desired full north and south access to I-35E,” said Anoka County Commissioner Jeff Reinert. “The roundabouts will eliminate wait times, and keep traffic moving, while mitigating speed issues and safety concerns on Centerville Road. It’s a good plan.”

Residents were given an option to weigh in on the plan at a recent open house.

For more information and project updates, visit: https://www.ramseycounty.us/content/county-road-jand-i-35e-interchange-open-house

White Bear Township resident Marla Amborn lives on Otter Lake Road. “There is a lot of traffic as it is right now on Otter Lake Road and certainly this will create more… I like to ride my bike and walk our dog along there,” she said. “The Otter Lake area is designated as a regional park, but it doesn’t seem to me that the way this is being designed takes that into account.”

She added that she did think the roundabout option would make sense on the Centerville side in front of the businesses, but she didn’t think it would be necessary on the Otter Lake side.

Mary Osterlund of White Bear Township said she was not in favor of the preferred option. She questioned whether there was enough space to make roundabouts.

“I think the least intrusive, the least amount that can be done to improve the situation but not impinge on all of the land around it is what I would be in favor of,” she said.

Linda Meyer, of White Bear Township, said, “It’s been a long time coming … it’s time.” She said she was especially looking forward to being able to hop right on the freeway instead of having to drive to County Road 14 every time she wants to get on the interstate.

Lundquist explained that the project is still in the preliminary design phase. “We have worked through a lot of stuff to get where we are at,” she said. “We think we are on the right track.”

The project team is working on completing the Interstate Access Modification Report currently, which needs to be betted by MnDOT and the Federal Highway Administration. The plan is to start final design this fall, with final design plans ready at the end of 2024. They are aiming for construction in 2025.

Community members will likely have another opportunity to weigh in on the project over the winter with another open house.

Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached at 651-407-1227 or quadnews@presspubs.com.

2 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JULY 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com
County Road J from Centerville Road to Otter Lake Road – including the interchange with I-35E – is scheduled for reconstruction in 2025. Pictured is alternative 1, or the preferred alternative. The proposed plan includes four roundabouts, one bridge, and full access to I-35E.
SHANNON GRANHOLM PRESS PUBLICATIONS A crowd of north metro residents gathers around a map to ask questions about the proposed improvements to the County Road J/I-35E interchange at an open house event held at the Tamarack Nature Center in White Bear Township.



PLAY ‘500’

When: 12:45 p.m. Thursday July 31; and the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of every month

Where: Rice Lake Centre, 6900 137th Street N.

Details: Games begin at 12:45 p.m. Refreshments and coffee served. All senior citizens from the area invited.

Contact: 651-592-0369 or barbconnolly1958@ yahoo.com


When: 12:45 p.m. Monday, July 24; the 4th Monday of every month

Where: Rice Lake Centre, 6900 137th Street N.,

Hugo Details: Senior citizens from Hugo and surrounding area are invited to an afternoon of cribbage. Coffee and refreshments served.

Contact: 651-429-4413


When: 3-7 p.m. Wednesdays, June 14-Oct. 4

Where: Back parking lot, Lexington Municipal Liquor Store, 4139 Woodland Rd.

Details: Open air market with local vegetables, crafters, and baked goods. Rain or shine. Contact: 612-272-3386



When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays, June 15 through July 27

Where: Downtown White Bear Lake

Details: Community summer festival with 160+ food and vendor booths, live music, car show, kids activities, specials at local merchants. Theme weeks include: Kickoff and Kiddie Parade on June 15; History Night June 22, and Avenue for the Arts June 29. Contact: marketfestwbl. com


When: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursdays, July 6-Aug. 10

Where: 1721 West View Ave., next to Centerville Elementary

Details: Items made by local artisans, produce, live music, and food trucks. Stay to watch Bald Eagle Water Ski Show.




When: 6-7:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 18

Where: White Bear Lake Library, 2150 2nd St.

Details: Ar-Dale Dancers teach the basics of square dancing. Solos, couples,


and entering Meeting ID 996 0804 9878 and Passcode 671784 . The as-read online Bid results will be available at www.questcdn.com following the Bid opening. The Project includes the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction complete in-place, of the following approximate quantities:

2 EACH Clearing

2 EACH Grubbing

1 LS Dewatering

80 L F 12” Watermain Ductile Iron Cl 52

1000 L F 14” Watermain HDPE (Directional Drilled)

580 L F Portable Precast Concrete Barrier Design 8337

6 AMBY Temporary Impact Attenuator

0.4 ACRE Seeding

The provisions of MINN. STAT. 16C.285 Responsible Contractor are imposed as a requirement of this contract. All bidders and persons or companies providing a response/submission to the Advertisement for Bids of the City of Lino Lakes shall comply with the provisions of the statute.

Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found at www. questcdn.com. Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the website for a nonrefundable fee of $55 by inputting Quest project #8365798 on the website’s Project Search page.

The website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the website www.questcdn.com. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from other sources.

Bids will only be accepted via the electronic bidding service through QuestCDN. The City Council reserves the right to reject any and all Bids and to waive any Bids received without explanation. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days.

For all further requirements regarding Bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.

DATED: June 26, 2023


s/s Michael Grochala Community Development Director, Lino Lakes, MN

Published two times in the Quad Community Press on July 11 and 18, 2023.

and families welcome. Casual attire. Contact: Rick, 651-2085807


When: 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 18

Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave.

Details: Discussion with Sandra Menefee Taylor. Free with registration. Contact: whitebeararts. org


When: 6-8 p.m. Thursday, July 20 and 27

Where: Hardwood Creek Library, 19955 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake

Details: Explore the benefits of meditation with guided chair yoga nd breathing techniques. Ages 15+. Registration required. Contact: 651-275-7300 or washcolib.org


When: 7-8 p.m. Saturday, July 22

Where: Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Campground; 7373 Main St, Lino Lakes

Details: Join a naturalist at the amphitheater for a program that includes a campfire, interactive activities, and presentation on “Bugs-The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Free. Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com


When: 4-6 p.m. Monday, July 24

Where: Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Campground;

7373 Main St, Lino Lakes

Details:  Learn the basics of kayaking: basic strokes, boat safety, and which boat is best. See registration information online.

Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com



When: 1:30-3 p.m. Monday, July 24

Where: Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Campground; 7373 Main St, Lino Lakes

Details: Paddle boarding for beginners ages 16+. See registration information online.

Contact: 763-324-3350 or anokacountyparks.com


When: 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, July 24

Where: White Bear Lake Library Details: Local author Jay Rendall shares stories from his new book ‘The Boat Builders of White Bear’, highlighting the unique industry that helped shape the community. Free presentation. Contact: 651-407-5327 or whitebearhistory.org


Meet the mayor If you haven’t met him yet, now’s your chance. Lexington Mayor Gary Grote will be at Cowboy’s Saloon from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, July 23.

If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet.

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JULY 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 3
or Venmo to @Paula-Delesha; or email Paula pjtoday18@gmail.com to register if you plan to pay at the door. Mariner High School’s class of 1983 celebrates its Saturday, September 23, 7 - 11 p.m. at the Hugo Legion Post 620, 5383 140th St., Hugo, MN 55038 40th reunion Ticket price: $30 ahead of time for an individual $35 at the door for an individual $55 for a couple — See you there! — 779918 MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week beginning 7/16/2023 Metro Donate Your Vehicle 779870 MDAN ads to run ONE TIME, the week 779869 CONTRIBUTED Stand up paddle boarding is a popular pastime on area lakes.
mail check to Bob Sommerdorf, 2711 Lake Ave., White Bear Lake, MN 55110; or PayPal to marinerdolphin83@gmail.com;
CITY OF LINO LAKES ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2023 LAKE DRIVE TRUNK WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bids for the construction of 2023 Lake Drive Trunk Water main Improvements will be received online through QuestCDN vBid™ until Tuesday, August 8, 2023 at 10:00 am local time. Immediately following expiration of the time for receiving Bids, representatives of the City of Lino Lakes will publicly view Bids at an online Bid opening meeting. Those interested in viewing the online Bid opening are welcome to join the meeting by logging on to https://zoom.us/join or calling 646.931.3860


The eagle has landed

Afew weeks ago one of our Bethel University interns, Sebastian Studier, reported the story of a distressed young eagle who was rescued by local falconoer Frank Taylor and brought to the U of M Raptor Center. The eagle is believed to have strayed from it's nest and was found partially spread out on the ground, showing signs of overheating, dehydration and trouble eating. Once the Raptor Center took in the eagle, they ran a series of tests to make sure it was free of viruses and parasites and then began the process of recovery. Once the raptor was strong enough to be released, the center coordinated with Taylor and the landowner for a release. Friday morning we received a call from Taylor that the eagle would be released Friday night, dependent on weather. We picked up Paul Dols and a few local residents by pontoon and kept in touch with Taylor, who was on another pontoon with staff from the Raptor Center. We were surprised to see two large, soft-sided crates on their boat, and learned the Raptor Center brought along another orphaned juvenile eagle they planned to rehome with the other one. Apparently eagles are known to take in stray babies.

We watched from about 100 feet away as the team cleared brush and prepped a low lying tree as a possible perch for the young eagles. The first eagle was released and flew about chest height right at us before circling back and landing right back where it was rescued from. We were in such awe that most of us missed the release of the second eagle, which quickly hid in the trees.

We have been in contact with the landowner and have learned that the eagle parents have been circling the area and seen with fish in tow. It seems the release is off to a good start.

If you're interested in raptors, check out the good work being done by the Raptor Center. If you ever encounter a raptor in need, keep a safe distance and call the Raptor Center durring regular business hours 612-624-4745; they also have an emergency after hours link on their website. As always when out enjoying nature, hiking, biking, boating or birding, it is critical to respect wildlife, as well as private property. We hope readers enjoy the photos online at presspubs.com.

Johnson is publisher of Press Publications.

Sowing the seeds for a greener future

Start with quick-growing plants

To maintain children’s interest and enthusiasm, opt for plants that have a shorter growing cycle. Fast-growing vegetables like radishes, lettuce, and cherry tomatoes are great choices. Herbs such as basil and mint are also quick to grow and can be used in the kitchen later, adding a culinary element to the experience. Looking for flowers? Zinnias and marigolds germinate quickly and are low maintenance.

Gardener’s Grapevine

Gardening encourages kids to form connections with nature, learn about responsibility and patience, and acquire valuable life skills. By nurturing their love for gardening, we are sowing the seeds for a greener future and raising a generation of environmentally conscious individuals. Here are some practical ideas to help you get started on your gardening adventure with kids: Create a kid-friendly garden space Designate a specific area of your yard or allocate containers for the children’s garden. Make sure the space is easily accessible and safe for them to explore. Consider using raised beds or vertical gardening options to maximize space and make it easier for children to reach the plants.

Let them choose Involve your children in the planning process by allowing them to choose the plants they want to grow. Provide them with a selection of age-appropriate plant options and let their preferences guide the decisions. This empowers them and encourages their active participation in the gardening process.

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Make it hands on Children love to get their hands dirty! Allow them to experience the tactile nature of gardening by involving them in activities like planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, and watering plants. Encourage them to feel the texture of the soil and explore the various parts of the plants.

Teach environmental stewardship

Use gardening as an opportunity to teach children about the importance of caring for the environment. Explain the benefits of composting and recycling and involve them in creating a compost pile. Discuss the significance of pollinators and how to attract them by planting flowers.

Incorporate learning activities

Make learning fun by incorporating educational activities into the gardening experience. Create a scavenger hunt where children search for different types of leaves, insects, or specific plants. Introduce them to the concept

of measuring by asking them to track the growth of plants over time. Engage their creativity by encouraging them to keep a garden journal or draw and paint the plants they observe.

Celebrate harvest time

When it’s time to harvest, involve children in picking the ripe produce. Let them taste the fruits of their labor and encourage them to create simple recipes using the harvested vegetables and herbs. This not only reinforces the connection between gardening and healthy eating but also instills a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Remember, the key to successful gardening with children is to keep it enjoyable and age appropriate. Be patient, embrace their curiosity, and celebrate their achievements. Gardening together fosters a love for nature, instills valuable life skills, and creates lasting memories for the entire family.

Do you have yard and garden questions? Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinics are held at Bunker Hills Activities Center on Wednesdays through Aug. 16 from 6 - 8 p.m. Ask a Master Gardener Online is held the first Tuesday of each month, through December, from 6:30 - 8 p.m. Visit anokamastergardeners.org for more information.

Ella Koshti  is an Anoka County Extension Master Gardener with the University of Minnesota Extension.


six letters per year and at least four weeks must lapse between publication. Exceptions may be made for rebuttal letters.

• Due to space limitations, letters that don’t address local issues are not guaranteed publication.

• Repeat letters by the same writer about the same subject matter will

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• Submissions containing libelous or derogatory statements will not be published.

• Submissions containing facts not previously published in the Press must be accompanied by factual verification.

• All letters are subject to editing.

• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday of the week prior to publication.

• To submit a letter, e-mail it to quadnews@presspubs. com, fax it to 651-429-1242 or mail or deliver it to: Press Publications 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110.

4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com JULY 18, 2023
Publisher’s View Carter Johnson
Distributed weekly in: Blaine • Circle Pines Lexington • Lino Lakes COPYRIGHT© 2023 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever. News 651-407-1227 Advertising 651-407-1200 Circulation 651-407-1234 Classified/Obits 651-407-1250 Production 651-407-1239 FAX 651-429-1242 Published Tuesdays by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday, 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. Mailed Subscription Rate: $52.00 per year. Subscribe online at presspubs.com Carter C. Johnson Publisher cjohnson@presspubs.com Gene Johnson Publisher Emeritus ppinfo@presspubs.com Shannon Granholm Managing Editor quadnews@presspubs.com Patty Steele General Manager marketing@presspubs.com Randy Roberts Director of Sales & Marketing media@presspubs.com Evelyn Duvall Designer art@presspubs.com Brianna Luecken Circulation circ@presspubs.com Paul Dols Photo Journalist photos@presspubs.com Other departments obits@presspubs.com classified@presspubs.com callaspecialist@presspubs.com www.presspubs.com 651-407-1200 DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements appear in Press Publications’ publications, including print and other digital formats. Press Publications does not endorse or evaluate the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. Press Publications reserves the right to refuse, reject, or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability. CONTRIBUTED


Lauren Scheurer will represent Lino Lakes in the Minneapolis Aquatennial Ambassador candidate program from July 17-23. This year, 41 candidates will be participating in the program; one young woman is chosen to be the Queen of the Lakes, and two women are chosen as Princesses. The selection team considers a variety of criteria including: professionalism, public speaking ability, current and future goals, education and co-curricular/extracurricular activities. In addition to the interview process, the candidates also participate in leadership, personal development and other unique experiences.

While in high school, Scheurer was a member of the National Honor Society. She volunteered as a dance teacher assistance at her dance studio, and also continues to be an active volunteer at her church. This fall, she will attend the College of Saint Benedict to major in elementary education.

“I am looking forward to continuing to expand and grow my professional skills including public speaking and networking,” Scheurer said. “I am also looking forward to getting to know more young women who share the same interests as me and connecting with many new people.”

Community members are invited to cheer on Scheurer at the traditional Meet the Candidates event, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, July 19 at the Minneapolis City Center Rotunda.

The week will culminate with the Coronation of the 2024 Aquatennial Ambassadors at 4 p.m. Saturday, July 22 at Ted Mann Concert Hall at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities campus.


Job Corps career training openings at the Hubert H. Humphrey campus

Free career training and help with finding immediate job openings in leading industries is now available at the Job Corps Hubert H. Humphrey campus in Saint Paul to people between the ages of 16 and 24.

Enrollment is open to young adults receiving benefits such as TANF, SNAP, and free or reduced school lunch. It is also open to foster and homeless youth.

This year, the program expedites the enrollment process for to those experiencing homelessness. Training in the summer program will give young adults the tools to get higher-paying jobs and apprenticeships. Participants can expect to train for high-growth jobs such as construction, finance and business, hospitality and health care.

This program is from the U.S. Department of Labor. More information can be found on the Job Corps website jobcorps.gov or call 800-733-JOBS (5627).


County adds Opioid Prevention Specialist position

The Anoka County Board has approved the addition of a full-time senior program specialist opioid prevention position. Funding for this position will come from state opioid settlement funds. This employee will work to coordinate prevention efforts with public safety, health care, behavioral health, social services, educational professionals and others to address the overdose crisis at a community level.

Federal funds secured for construction on Highway 65

Anoka County will receive $20 million of new federal funding for projects along Highway 65.

The sections of Highway 65 slated for enhancements are in the areas of 99th Avenue, 105th Avenue, 109thAvenue and 117th Avenue in Blaine. Projects will include adding frontage roads and overpasses, changing access, and improving facilities for people walking and bicycling. A total of four traffic lights along the thoroughfare will be removed, which will address congestion issues.

The money is part of the $2.2 billion in federal discretionary grant funding to 162 different infrastructure projects across the country.

Over the past three years, Anoka County has piecemealed funding sources together for this nearly $163 million endeavor, and nearly all the funding for these projects has been secured.

Anoka County Fair approaching

The Anoka County Fair runs Tuesday, July 25 to Sunday, July 30. The fair will include a variety of tasty foods, rides, the talent show, the always-popular tractor pull, and plenty of gifted musicians will share their talents on stage throughout the fair. On July 27, country music star Tyler Farr, whose debut album hit No. 2 on the Billboard Country Albums chart, will perform.

County adds corrections positions

Anoka County will create six full-time community corrections probation officer positions. The 2023 Minnesota Legislature allocated additional funds to local county governments to address service gaps in corrections due to systemic lack of funding from the state.

Centerville Lions club donates to county

The Anoka County Board recently accepted a $350 donation from the Centerville Lions Club, which will go towards supporting park operations and natural resources conservation efforts in the Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Parks Reserve.

County accepts $200K for Rice Creek Regional Trail Project

The Anoka County Board received $200,000 from the state of Minnesota for the Rice Creek Regional Trail project and will make a state capital bonding request of $6.75 million to pay for construction of the remaining 1.75 miles of the trail. The project, will fill

the gap in the trail system between Golden Lake Elementary School and Baldwin Park in Circle Pines. County awards contract for Wargo Nature Center

The Anoka County Board awarded a $125,000 contract to Blue Rhino Studios for the exhibit and display/design services for the Wargo Nature Center. The project will enhance the visitor experience on Wargo’s lower level. Funding for the project will come from a Metro Park and Trails Legacy Grant.


Thielen & Green opens doors

The Chain of Lakes Rotary and the Quad Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony to welcome Thielen & Green Architecture and Design, Lino Lakes’ newest business. Kris Thielen founded the business in June 2021 with Kevin Green. The company provides existing conditions/building review, conceptual design/schematic design, space planning/programming, design development/engineering coordination, construction documents and specifications, permitting services and construction administration. The business is located at 7455 Village Drive (Suite 110) in Lino Lakes. Lexington Liquors receives cannabinoids license Lexington Liquors, located at 9271 South Highway Drive, has received a cannabinoid license, which will allow the business to sell gummies and THC infused drinks. The license is now permitted, due to the law change that went into effect earlier this month. City Administrator Bill Petracek said, “I think it will improve our revenues.”


Living Waters hosts annual garage sale

Living Waters Lutheran Church will host its annual garage sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, July 21 and from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 22. Living Waters will begin accepting donations July 15. Check the church’s website for donation drop off times as well as a list of items that can and cannot be accepted. Living Waters is located at 865 Birch St. in Lino Lakes.

JULY 18, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 5 www.presspubs.com To make changes or to advertise here, call at 651-407-1200. 762052
Directory Find the church that fits your needs Celebrate Mass with us!
Saturday at 4:30 pm Parish Community Center  6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville  Sunday at 8:30 am St. John’s Site  14383 Forest Blvd N, Hugo
761757 761676 Join Us for Mass Mass Times: Saturday at 5:00 pm Sunday at 8:30 am and 10:00 am 171 Elm Street • Lino Lakes, MN • 651-784-3015 761677 Service times are subject to change during the coronavirus crisis. Contact your local church or check church web sites for service time and online service information. Family Worship Sunday 10:00 AM Call 763-784-1607 for Together Times TOGETHER PLACE CHURCH 3860 Flowerfield Rd, Circle Pines togetherplacechurch.org facebook.com/togetherplacechurch 761679 “Because we’re in this together.”
Sunday at 10:30 am Parish Community Center  6995 Centerville Rd, Centerville  www.stgens.org 651‐429‐7937
Lauren Scheurer CONTRIBUTED Kevin Green and Kris Thielen open Thielen & Green Architecture and Design in Lino Lakes.



The Lino Lakes Police Department reports the following incidents:

• An officer responded July 4 to a park on County Parkway E for a property damage hit-andrun crash. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer took a phone call regarding a possible vehicle theft July 4 in the 7300 block of Lake Drive. The caller reported their vehicle was sold without their permission. The seller of the vehicle claimed they were given permission to sell it by the owner. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer received a fireworks complaint July 4 in the 100 block of Red Clover Lane. The officer located a family who had been lighting the fireworks and reviewed fireworks laws. Officers responded to numerous fireworks complaints that same day.

• An officer was requested to assist the Minnesota State Patrol on a traffic stop July 4 in the 6400 block of I-35E. The officer ultimately gave two adult males a ride to the closest gas station to wait for a ride.

• A resident reported July 5 that a speed limit sign had been stolen from the eastbound lane (in the 800 block) of Pine Street. Lino Lakes Public Works was notified and requested to replace the sign. The investigation is ongoing.

• Officers responded to a residence July 5 for a domestic situation. An adult male was subsequently arrested and booked into jail.

• An officer took a report July 5 of a damage to property incident at a construction site in the 7700 block of Lake Drive. The investigation is ongoing.

• An officer was dispatched July 6 to a residence regarding a package theft in the 6700 block of 21st Avenue S. The investigation is ongoing.

• Officers assisted the state patrol with a personal injury accident July 6 on I-35W near West Freeway Drive NE. Care was provided until the ambulance staff arrived and took over. The investigation was handled by state patrol.

• A person who wished to remain anonymous called July 6 to report suspicious activity in


the 700 block of Town Center Parkway.

• An officer responded to a wildland fire July 6 in the 2100 block of Phelps Road. The fire was extinguished by staff from Lino Lakes and Hugo Fire Departments.

• An officer responded to a suspicious activity report July 7 in the 6400 block of Tomahawk Trail. The officer made contact with involved parties and at the request of the property owner.

• A community service officer received a report July 7 of a truck that dumped gasoline in the street near Chestnut Street and Cypress Street. It was deemed the gas was not a threat to public safety.

• An officer conducted a traffic stop July 7 on the I-35W ramp off of Lake Drive and detected the odor of marijuana. The officer conducted a vehicle search and seized a small amount of marijuana. An adult female was cited.

• An officer assisted another department on a structure fire July 8 in the 6800 block of Beaver Pond Way. The fire was put out by the fire department and police.

• Officers and fire division responded to a call of a plane that crashed into a pond July 8 near the 7300 block of Watermark Way. The pilot was able to escape the crash and swam to shore. Multiple agencies are investigating the incident.

• An officer received a phone call July 8 of a possible prank phone call to emergency services that was going to take place. The incident was documented.

• An officer responded July 9 to a report of suspicious activity involving a man asking for gas money in the 7500 block of Lake Drive. The male left prior to the officer arriving at the location.

• An officer stopped a vehicle July 10 for speeding and illegal driving conduct in the 200 block of Main Street. The adult male driver was subsequently arrested and booked into jail for third-degree DWI, alcohol content 0.08 or more within two hours and speeding.

2 charged in connection to Blaine explosion

A Blaine man and a woman from Ramsey have been charged with several counts in connection to an explosion incident that occurred in Blaine in March.

After a months-long investigation conducted by the Blaine Police Department, Minneapolis Police Department Bomb Squad and the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Lee John Boatner, 28, is charged with two counts of explosive/incendiary device violation, endangerment of a child and arson in the first-degree. Tayler, 27, is charged with two counts of explosive/incendiary device violation and endangerment of a child.

At approximately 1 a.m. on March 3, 2023 Blaine Police were called to an apartment complex located in the 111 block of 116 Avenue NE for the report of a male, later identified as Lee John Boatner with severe injuries to his hands. Additional callers reported

• An officer checked on a suspicious vehicle July 10 at a closed business in the 7500 block of Lake Drive and observed a controlled substance in plain view. The driver was identified and was issued a citation.

• An officer responded July 10 for a call regarding an aircraft crash investigation in the 2100 block of Bay Drive. A male was later cited for damage to property.

• An officer stopped a vehicle July 10 for speeding and illegal driving conduct in the 1500 block of Birch Street. A juvenile female was cited for speeding and failure to drive in a single lane.

The Centennial Lakes Police Department reports the following incidents:

• Officers were dispatched July 5 to Golden Lake Park in Circle Pines on a report of a tree branch that had fallen. Officers located part of a large tree that had fallen and the public works department was advised.

• Officers conducted a traffic stop July 6 in the 9300 block of Lake Drive in Lexington for a stop sign violation.

• Possible animal neglect was reported July 6 in the 8900 block of North Highway Drive in Lexington.

• Police responded July 6 to a vandalism report in the 7100 block of 21st Avenue in Centerville.

• Damage to property was reported July 7 on Central Street in Circle Pines.

• Officers responded to a house fire July 8 in the 6800 block of Beaver Pond Way in Centerville.

• Police conducted a traffic stop July 8 in the 50 block of West Golden Lake Road in Circle Pines. A stolen vehicle was located and multiple arrests were made.

• Fraud was reported July 10 in the 1800 block of Pioneer Lane in Centerville.

• Officers took a delayed harassment report July 10 at the police station.

hearing a loud explosion and observed Boatner in the hallway bleeding with critical injuries.

Officers learned there was some type of explosion in an apartment on the fifth floor that was occupied by Boatner and Tayler Ann Boatner of Ramsey as well as a young child. The child was not injured.

Officers entered the apartment to confirm nobody else was in the apartment and noted a strong chemical smell and found the bedroom window to be blown out. No other individuals were found in the apartment.

Both Lee and Tayler were transported for medical treatment. The child was released to family members. Although the case has state charges filed within Anoka County, the case has also been forwarded to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for further investigation.

6 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS www.presspubs.com JULY 18, 2023
4687 Bald Eagle Ave. • 651-653-9845 www.WBLPizzaManMN.com Day shift lead NOW HIRING Open Monday-Friday 8:00-6:00 -Full Diagnostic ServiceFleet Service • DOT Inspections COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR • Mufflers & Dual Exhaust • Emission Service • Computerized Vehicles • Tune-ups • Brakes • Air Conditioners TT homas homas M M otors otors Ser Ser ving local Customers 25 Y ving local Customers 25 Y ears ears 651-780-5298 7702 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes 35W Thomas Motors 7 7 t h S Target Kohl’s Cty Rd.23 (Lake Dr.) Thomas Motors Complete Auto & Truck Repair F ULL D IAGNOSTIC S ERVICE Fleet Service • DOT Inspections 7702 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes Open Mon-Fri: 7:00 - 5:30 Proudly serving local customers for over 30 years 651-780-5298 • Tune-ups • Brakes • Air Conditioning • Exhaust Work • Tires & Alignment • RV Repair • Propane Truck Service • Trailer Repair • Medium and Heavy Duty Truck Repair 768086 License number 03934-008 Pull Tabs 11:00AM to Close Meat Raffle Mon & Thurs 5:00PM @ Blue Heron Grill 14725 Victor Hugo Blvd |Hugo 8001 Lake Drive Lino Lakes License number 03934-007 @ Blue Heron Grill & The Tavern on Main 768822

Centerville sets example with junior council member program

The City of Centerville is a League of Minnesota Cities’ 2023 City of Excellence award winner for its Junior Council Member Program.

The award was in the under 5,000 population category and was awarded recently at the league’s annual conference in Duluth.

“The award goes to communities who do something pretty innovative,” said Assistant City

Administrator Athanasia Lewis at the June 28 city council meeting.

The city’s junior council program, initiated in 2021-2022, allows a high school student to be an active, participating member of the city council for one year.

Junior council members are expected to attend monthly meetings, work sessions, budget sessions and other meetings. The students are seated with the council during meeting and provide input on matters brought before council.

For example, Danny Peterson, the city’s first junior council member, lobbied for a more effective way for the city to reach out to residents than just through its website. Since then, the council has approved the implementation of a mobile app, featuring a news section to conveying important information about city services. The app also includes user-friendly bill pay, viewing upcoming city events, reading city codes and ordinances, and completing online permit


Peterson is succeeded by current junior council member, Rowan Shaw. Mayor D. Love is credited with coming up with the idea.

“It’s a proud moment,” Love said. “There’s been a lot of buzz, and a lot of cities asked about the junior council member program and wanted to emulate it,” he said.

“I had my reservations at first when (Love) brought this up,” Council Member Steve King said. Both the junior council members have been excellent, he noted. “They’re actually getting a learning experience. I don’t know how much of this is covered at school, whether they’re just getting the basics. But this is how it’s supposed to work -- I think it’s a good idea.”

Centerville will also receive a plaque, a check for $1,000, and recognition in League of Minnesota Cities publications and promotional activities throughout the upcoming year.

Loretta Harding can be reached by emailing news@presspubs.com or calling 651-407-1200.

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Danny Peterson (front left) and Rowan Shaw (front right) with Mayor D. Love, Assistant City Administrator Athanasia Lewis, Council Member Russ Koski and family members after receiving an award in Duluth.
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Attention big dog lovers, Rosie has arrived and is anxiously waiting to join her forever family. According to her foster, Rosie is the sweetest, most calm dog ever. She is an 83-pound Cane Corso/Mastiff mix who thinks she’s a lap dog. Rosie loves getting pets and will gently nudge your hand if you stop petting her too soon. Besides being affectionate, Rosie is obedient and social. She is fine with other dogs and pets and she loves everyone she meets.

Rosie is house trained and knows her basic commands. She has a low energy level but is always ready to go for a nice, peaceful walk. Mostly, Rosie likes sitting out in the yard in the grass or sitting on the couch with her people. Rosie can also be trusted in the house by herself when her people have to be somewhere else.

Rosie arrived at Ruff Start Rescue from a local impound. She is a gentle giant who loves people and is ready to become part of a loving family. If you are interested in learning more about Rosie or adopting her, please fill out an application at www.ruffstartrescue.org. Once your application is received, Ruff Start Rescue will contact you as soon as possible.

JULY 18, 2023 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS 9 www.presspubs.com 778591 Our focus is on your loved one 2025 Michaud Way, Centerville   651-877-6196 www.norbellaseniorliving.com 2023 of the Press Quad Community Press 779742 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 2023 of the Press Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com 651-275-3000 Stillwater Lino Lakes Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Baldwin Affiliated Clinic In: Scan QR code to vote for us! 778902 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Richmond to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com Fedor, OD Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Stillwater Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Nicole Harris, OD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin oodbur website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com Downie, MD Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Lang, OD, FAAO Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Kelsey Engelbart, OD 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Adam Goddard, DO Now Open in Lino Lakes! 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Ethin Kiekhafer, OD 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Hugo Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of the Twin Cities Western Wisconsin Hudson appointment. 651.275.3000 Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Pediatrics | Retina LASIK | Corneal Disorders Surgery | Eye Alignment Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Woodbury New Richmond Hudson Amery Baldwin Affiliated Clinics In: Visit our website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com | 651.275.3000 Laura Capelle, OD, FAAO Alan Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Susan Schloff, MD Gary Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Ann Hickson, OD Jacob Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 1972–2022 Celebrating 50 years of eye care to the Twin Cities and Western Wisconsin Woodbur website or call to make an appointment. www.associatedeyecare.com Downie, MD Ryan Fedor, OD Adam Goddard, DO Nicole Harris, OD Schwartz, MD, MHA Brian Tienor, MD Jesse Vislisel, MD Charlie Wu, MD, MSBA Lang, OD, FAAO Sean LaVallie, OD Jeffrey Lynch, MD, MPH David Park, MD Glaucoma | Pediatrics | Retina Dry Eye Disease | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision Glaucoma | Retina | Dry Eye Disease Pediatrics | LASIK | Corneal Disorders Advanced Cataract Surgery | Eye Alignment Eye Lid Surgery | Well Vision 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 651-287-3720 728200 Roofing Siding Windows STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS 612-284-5329 2023 of the Press Quad Community Press Vote for Us • Best roofer • Best remodeler 779677 743314 Thank You for Nominating us for LAKEVIEW FAMILY DENTISTRY Located in the northern suburb of Hugo, we offer full-service dental care to meet the needs of your whole family. 14475 Forest Blvd. N., Hugo, MN LakeviewFamilyDentist.com 651-426-8088 Mon, Thurs and Fri: 7:00am-4:00pm Tues-Wed: 7:00am-8:00pm 2022 of the Press 778813 2023 of the Press Quad Community 708013 Thank You for Nominating Us! 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Ace at Chomoix

Eli Hosmer of Lino Lakes shot a hole-in-one Tuesday at Chomonix Golf Club. He got his second lifetime ace, on the 163-yard, par four No. 4 hole, with a pitching wedge.

Lino Lakes resident will swim 2.1 miles to raise $25K

Charlie Swanson, 65, of Lino Lakes, will be competing in the “Point to La Pointe” swim in Bayfield, Wisconsin Aug. 5 in order to raise $25,000 for Crescent Cove, an organization providing hospice care for children as well as respite for their families.

After growing up as a competitive swimmer, he became fascinated with the idea of finishing the famous “Point to La Pointe” race. Completed, the swim would total 2.1 miles and go from Bayfield, Wisconsin all the way to Madeline Island through Lake Superior.

Swanson has been held back from completing the swim for the last few years

but he is excited to have the opportunity to do it this summer. Especially for a cause he is so passionate

After retiring, Swanson started volunteering at Crescent Cove as a cleaner. He first heard about the organization through his daughter-in-law, whose father had volunteered at the home. He also knew of a member of his church who provides grief counseling

Since beginning working at the hospice and respite home in Brooklyn Center, Swanson has made a difference in many lives by creating a clean, welcoming home for parents and kids to cherish moments

Swanson has experienced many impactful moments, and is confident in his role as a volunteer. “I’m a person of faith and I thought to myself, cleaning the floors and surfaces around there is about as close as

The swim will take place on Aug. 5 near the Bayfield Lakeside Pavilion in Wisconsin, and will start at 7:20 a.m. For more information, or to make a donation, go to bit.ly/3A9TP3Z. Donations are also taken year-round on the Crescent Cove website at www.CrescentCove.org.

Cougar lacrosse wrapup: O’Hearn, Cody close prolific careers

Ella O’Hearn and Callie Cody, who combined for 353 career goals, head a list of four Centennial players named to the 2023 all-Northwest Suburban team.

The Cougars were 11-4 overall and 9-3 in conference, and placed second in Section 7.

O’Hearn racked up 56 goals

and 39 assists this year, after tallying 61 goals as a junior, 59 as a sophomore, and 29 in eighth grade. Along with 205 goals, she had 85 assists, for a total of 290 points.

Cody logged 34 goals and 10 assists this year, and totaled 148 career goals. She notched 40, 45 and 29 goals in her previous three seasons.

Centennial won 48 of 61 games

during the tenure of O’Hearn and Cody. They had no freshman season due to the pandemic. Also named all-conference were senior defender Elizabeth Clough and junior midfielder Anna Jarpey.  Team awards went to Cody (team MVP), O’Hearn (best offensive player), and Clough (best defensive player).

Legion, VFW teams are gone; players opting for club teams

This summer, for the first time, Centennial is not fielding either a Legion or VFW baseball team. Both had operated, under the name Lino Lakes, for decades.

“(They) didn’t have enough players for either this year. They are all playing club baseball,” said Robert Lynch, who took over as Cougar varsity coach this spring. “It’s a big bummer.”

The Legion team ceased operations this summer. The VFW team ceased operations last summer.

The Lino Lakes VFW program produced two state champion teams, including 2016 with Mike

Diggins Jr. coaching.

“It’s incredibly sad,” said Diggins, “to see the kids miss the experience of playing with their high school buddies in the summer.”

Diggins played VFW, Legion and high school ball for Centennial, and is currently the football team’s defensive coordinator. He stopped coaching VFW after taking the helm of the Cougars’ summer weight-lifting program two years ago.

The Legion and VFW teams, he noted, have been declining in competitiveness in recent years with players opting for club teams. “It’s a weird world now,” for summer baseball, Diggins said.

Most of the local players in club ball, Lynch said, have gone to Complete Game, a national organization whose Minnesota chapter Is based in Lino Lakes.

“I think it’s mostly because the competition for Legion and VFW ball went way downhill since club moved into the summer,” said Lynch. “Now you pretty much have to play club, to play against the better players or teams.”

Club teams offer training for baseball and softball players year-round, and extensive schedules for several age-group levels. Competition includes out-of-state weekend tournaments that attract college scouts.

PHOTOS BY BRUCE STRAND | CONTRIBUTED Callie Cody notched 148 career goals. Ella O’Hearn tallied 205 career goals. CONTRIBUTED Charlie Swanson, 65, of Lino Lakes, will compete in the “Point to La Pointe” swim in Bayfield, Wisconsin to raise funds for
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Since 1983 our business philosophy has always been to offer quality service at a fair price for a well satisfied customer. We take great pride in our thousands of satisfied customers over the past decades. Contact us today for a free estimate. We look forward to helping you with your concrete service needs. DON’T REPLACE IT, RAISE IT AND SAVE $$$ RAISING SETTLED CONCRETE SINCE 1983 *** Servicing East Central MN, The Northern Tier Twin Cities Suburbs, and West Central WI. *** Find our ad under Concrete

• After a property owner at 6908 Oak Circle requested approval from the city to install 60 feet of draintile/ piping to direct stormwater away from their home while also proposing to participate in the city’s Stormwater Utility Cost Share Program, council discussed the viability of the program. Council took no action in changing any part of the program, except to consider

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making changes in the future.

For now, council will authorize city staff to work with groups of property owners, not single property owners, to resolve private drainage issues where possible by constructing drainage facilities in public easements. The city will contribute 25% of the costs, with the property owners agreeing to be assessed 75% of the costs. The city will contribute a maximum of $10,000 per year using money from the Stormwater Fund. The property owner portion will be paid for by voluntary special assessments paid over a maximum five years at a 4.5% interest rate. Council may one day consider raising the interest rate to 5% or the maximum amount to $20,000.

With the Oak Circle drainage project still calling for a council decision to formally deny or approve the property owner’s waiver of an assessment hearing, council once again tabled action of this item, which had been tabled from the July 14 meeting

• The city will fix rusted areas on the water tower that were recently discovered when the tower was being cleaned. While they were working, the cleaner, Kangas Tank Restoration, noticed many rusted areas without paint in a two-foot area around the tower. Some spots were pitted, they said. The consultants said that repair work would extend the longevity of the tower, and proposed sanding and repainting the area with epoxy primer and finish coat for $11,800. Kangas said the rest of the paint on the tower looked in very good condition. A second quote was obtained for the work described, but was significantly higher. The work will be paid for with money from the Water Fund.


Centennial Lakes Police Chief James Mork recently provided an annual report to the Lexington City Council:

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• Staffing was the biggest issue facing the department throughout year. The department currently is fully staff with 16 officers, although some are still complet-

ing training. Staffing shortages during the year also led to reduction in department activity statistics in 2022 versus 2021. “It’s not an indication of crime going down, but if spots are vacant or if the new officers are in training or classes… they’re certainly not going to be giving parking tickets or catching a speeder or something like that,” Mork said.

• New hires include: Chamberland, Ashley Koivisto, Danelle Wressell and a new Community Service Officer Kaitlynn Morin.

• The highlight of the year was when Sgt. Brian Goetzke received a Life Saving Award after responding to an incident that occurred in

• Council approved three encroachment agreements through the consent agenda process. The first, at 7206 LaValle Drive, was for underground drain tile; the second was at 1805 Laramee Lane for a boulder type retaining wall and the third was at 1872-73rd Street for a fence. All three projects occurred within within the city’s right of way/drainage and utility easements and required approval from the city.

• One of two open seats on the Parks & Recreation Committee has been filled, after council formally approved the appointment to Ashley Fuchs to that vacant seat. Fuchs attended the July 5 committee meeting, participated in the interview process and attended the most recent Main Street Market. One seat on the committee now remains open. The Parks & Recreation Committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. Meanwhile, the Planning & Zoning Commission still has two open seats. The commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month, also at City Hall.

• Public Works Technician James Huisenga has been given a raise, after council approved a step increase from grade 6/step 5 to grade 6/step 6. Huisenga was given a satisfactory performance review by his supervisor, and his pay will be increased by $1.41 per hour, effective on the date of his employment anniversary. The cost is a budgeted expense from the General and Utility Funds.

The council next meets at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 26 at City Hall, 1880 Main St.

Lino Lakes. “The person did not have a pulse, no heartbeat, and they were able to get that person revived,” Mork said.

• Detective Dennis Spreng retired, which was a big change, but Officer Katy Mannin was promoted to fill the position.

• The department’s subscription drug drop-off disposal program took in over 200 pounds of subscription medication. The idea of the program is to prevent subscription pain medication laying around so that someone could break into a house and get their hands on it. “So often times those drugs are used for people to try to get high and once they run out, they move to higher street

drugs… which is what drives so much of the crime,” Mork said.

• 3,100 written warnings and 700 tickets were given in 2022. Mork says often if they pull over a vehicle, they’re usually educating and giving a warning unless the driver was going 20 or 25 mph over in a school zone.

• The department received nearly 1,000 medical calls in 2022. Medical calls are the most common the department receives, which has a lot to do with an aging population.

• There were 80 traffic accidents between the three cities and 79 noise complaints.

14 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS JULY 18, 2023 www.presspubs.com
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Fete des Lacs fun returns to Centerville

And just like that — Another Fete des Lacs celebration is in the books. This year’s festival featured fireworks, a parade, car show, Paddle des Lacs and more. Now the planning will begin for 2024.

5. 1. 4. 2. 1. Public Safety Night returned to kick off Fete des Lacs festivities in Centerville. — Centennial Lakes Police Department, contributed 2 & 3. The Centennial Fire District cools down children at Centerville Elementary. — Centennial Fire District, contributed 4. Lino Lakes resident Dan Nissen brought his 1954 Chevy truck to Marketfest in downtown White Bear Lake. — Carter Johnson, contributed
Send us your photos for possible inclusion in Spotted Around Town. Please email your best shot to quadnews@presspubs.com. Please include information about when and where it was taken and who is in the photo.
5. Sandhill cranes were spotted near Bald Eagle Lake. — Carter Johnson, contributed 3.

FIRE BUFF: 14-year-old hopes to follow in dad’s firefighting footsteps


are responding to.

Caleb usually responds to calls on his bike since he is not old enough to drive. Sometimes he even gets a special invitation to ride along. Recently, Caleb was invited to attend a live burn training in Lino Lakes, and Capital City Fire Photography invited him to go out on calls.

“I love sharing (the pictures) with firefighters and seeing them use them for different things,” Caleb explained. “Seeing my work out there is pretty cool.”

Lino Lakes Fire Deputy Director Dan L’Allier said Caleb is an “excellent talent” and “has an eye for fire photography.”

Caleb’s work tends to focus more on the firefighters themselves and the job they are doing, rather than the scene of a house burning or a car on fire.

When asked whether he plans to become a firefighter, Caleb simply responded “oh yeah.” Brent added, “I’m all for it. That’s what he wants to do.”

For a year now, Caleb has been enrolled in the Roseville Fire Explorers. The group meets every other Sunday. “We do the training that the firefighters do but just tamed down a bit because we are newer,” he said.

In addition to trainings and ridealongs, the Explorers also participate in various activities such as Fridays with Firefighters, fire prevention, fire station open houses, Night to Unite, Rosefest activities and the Roseville Fire Department Leadership Academy.

You can find Caleb’s work on all social media platforms by searching “North Metro Fire Buff.”

Managing Editor Shannon Granholm can be reached at 651-407-1227 or quadnews@presspubs.com.

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Caleb Koskela takes photos of a live burn training in Lino Lakes.

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