Quad Community Press

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Page 4 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS


Opinion St. Paul Saints baseball Last week we invited PUBLISHER’S my in-laws to a St. VIEW Paul Saints game. The new CHS Stadium was impressive, yet small enough that every seat is close to the action. The night we went, the ‘My Pillow’ company was sponsoring the World’s CARTER JOHNSON Largest Pillow Fight. Everyone in the stadium was given a free My Pillow, and after the second inning the crowd participated in a pillow fight that put us into the Guinness Book of World Records. The event was officiated by actor Billy Baldwin. As if that wasn’t enough excitement, they also celebrated the 40th Anniversary of “Saturday Night Live” that evening. The National Anthem was sung “Sinatra-style” by comedian Joe Piscopo, and various SNL characters – Coneheads, Blues Brothers, Wayne and Garth, the Church Lady — made appearances in the crowd throughout the game. If looking for a night packed with family fun, check out the new St. Paul’s Saints stadium — it’s a blast. Family cabin fun Our neighborhoods and communities turn into near ghost towns on the weekends because people go “to the cabin.” We have never had the experience of a family cabin, so it’s always a treat when invited to a friend’s cabin. Last weekend we took a break from the kids’ games and activities for a weekend with the Magnusson family at their family cabin outside of Webster, Wis. Amy Magnusson’s parents, Norm and Jane Swenson of White Bear Lake, built the cabin, named ‘Skogshem’ (Swedish for ‘home in the woods’) in 1978. It’s clear from the collection of nearly 40 years of photographs the cabin holds innumerable family stories and memories within its walls. As we settled in, the kids rushed down to the dock for a quick dip in the lake. They were swarmed by the pet sunfish, apparently trained on bread crumbs. The kids could catch (and release) the sunfish with plastic buckets. The lake was crystal clear with a sandy bottom like many Wisconsin lakes. We tried paddle boarding, tubing, wake surfing and diving off the boat in the middle of the lake. Periodically the kids went back into the cabin to cool off and play board games. That night we headed into Webster for the Burnett County Fair. Prior to coming to Press Publications I was publisher of the Burnett County Sentinel, so I enjoyed being back in the community for the evening. I toured the building displaying local nonprofits and businesses, and I always love the 4-H building showing off the art, crafts and garden gems. I noticed a blue ribbon on Hugo resident Laura Schwickerath’s photo titled ‘Monarchs Rule’ taken June 6, 2015 at Bluff Lake. When we returned to the cabin, the kids ran off the end of the dock for an evening dip prior to settling in for a movie and bed. Amy played cabin music featuring country songs she grew up with and the adults stayed up late talking. The next morning we had a breakfast of potato sausage, pancakes and eggs before heading out for another day of boating, swimming and fishing. It was neat to see that family traditions formed “up at the cabin” are passed on though the generations. The cabin life is about being outdoors and away from the stresses of daily life, but most importantly it’s an opportunity for family togetherness. We loved our weekend at the cabin. — Carter Johnson is publisher of Press Publications.

Top 5 at PressPubs.com: Week of July 18 – 25 Editor’s note: Visit www.presspubs.com to read the full versions of these most-visited stories

1. Rising sales: sisters pound out frozen pizza dough biz - Revenue keeps growing for True Dough, a frozen certified-organic pizza dough business operated by two sisters. Lowdown (SCV) > News + Mobile 2. Bank robbery suspect charged - A social media post lead to the quick identification of a suspect in the July 13 robbery of a White Bear Lake bank. White Bear Press > News + Mobile 3. Deputies make a birthday memorable - A Shoreview man rode to work in style on his birthday thanks to a group of sheriff deputies. Shoreview Press > News + Mobile 4. Melting the ice: White Bear Lake hopes to share sports center costs with neighbors Officials consider replacement cost for Sports Center refrigeration system. White Bear Press > News + Mobile 5. Trees, towers and tall tales - Irwin “Slim” Flaten, a fixture at Benson Airport famed for his storytelling, embellished or not, died July 5. White Bear Press > News + Mobile See Press Publications’ website www.presspubs.com for stories from the White Bear Press, The Citizen, Vadnais Heights Press, Shoreview Press, Quad Community Press, The Lowdown-Forest Lake Area and The Lowdown- St. Croix Valley Area.

Reflecting on 27 years with the CLPD As I look back at almost 27 years with the Centennial Lakes Police Department, I have some very fond memories. I did not get into law enforcement the typical way like most officers, first serving as a Reserve or CSO and the closest thing to having a family member in Law Enforcement was my grandfather serving as an MP during WWII. I was a young guy that liked excitement and looked at Law Enforcement as an exciting and interesting job. I learned very quickly it was exciting, every day was different and it was only boring if you let it be boring. I especially enjoyed interacting with the people I met. After a couple months on the job, I knew I had found my career. A few short months after graduating from Alexandria Technical College with an AA degree in Law Enforcement I was hired by the then Circle Pines – Lexington PD. We were a sworn staff of 7 full time and 3 part time officers, had two squads to share (and they sometimes worked) and the PD was housed in the basement of Circle Pines City Hall. There was one night early on where I came on duty at 11 p.m. to find one of our squads was out of service and I immediately got an emergency call. The officer


RON NELSON I was relieving showed up at the PD in the only working squad with a part time officer in the front seat and two arrestees in the back seat. I jumped in the back seat with the arrestees and off we went to the call. We arrested another person on that call, put him in the backseat and the part time officer walked back to the PD. He then jumped in with me and we took the three to jail. Through the years there have been a lot of firsts for me and the agency. In 1991 Centerville first began contracting police service with Circle Pines-Lexington PD. At that time we added 3 more officers. In 1998 I became the first Corporal and in 2000 Centerville joined the agency and we became Centennial Lakes PD, the first 3-city police department in the state. At that time we had 17 fulltime and 2 part-time sworn officers. In 2002 I became

the first Administrative Sergeant and in 2006 the PD moved into its first stand-alone building. That same year I became the first Captain. One of the things I am most proud of is the Department’s involvement in Problem Oriented Policing. That is taking Community Oriented Policing one step further. When recurring issues are identified officers work with residents to drill down to the root issue and begin problem solving there. Oftentimes officers are able to mediate issues themselves. They also refer services offered by the State or County that may be of benefit to the situation. Most of all they are a sounding board and work with residents and/or businesses to resolve issues as they arise. This is our strongest asset which truly staves off major crime. While I know the Police Department was first formed in 1976, long before I started, I feel as if I grew up with this Police Department and helped form it into what it is today. I will always call it home, a place where I started a fantastic career which has led me to my next career, teaching Law Enforcement. To those of you at the beginning of your law enforcement career, or the

middle, I cheer you on. We choose to do this for our communities and take on whatever burden may come with it. We miss many family celebrations such as birthdays, Christmas, ballgames, school activities and weekends with the family. While Law Enforcement in general has endured some negative publicity in the past few years, during the same timeframe I have had many, many people thank me for my service. We must always remember these people are the vast majority, and we spend our time positively interacting with all citizens we serve. As the Centennial Lakes PD motto states: Safety. Community. Service. Thank you to everyone I have worked with or met along the way. Thank you to the citizens of these three great cities. From the bottom of my heart I tell you that you have the best and most caring Police Department imaginable, one that is deeply involved in solving the everyday issues that may arise anywhere in these communities. Thank you all for allowing me such a great career. — Ron Nelson was a captain in the Centennial Lakes Police Department

Looking for something to do? Looking for something to do? This area has it all! As summer slowly winds to an end, take advantage of some of the activities happening in the Anoka County area. The 3M Championship, which will be taking place at the TPC Twin Cities in Blaine July 27- August 2, is an event to attend at least once in your lifetime. There are people who come to this area from all over just to be able to attend the event. We are blessed to have it right in our county. General admission is free. Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player are set to headline the Post-It® Products Greats of Golf Competition at the 2015 3M Championship. In addition, Tom Weiskopf and world golf Hall of Fame member Hale Irwin will be making their first appearance in the Greats of Golf. Autograph sessions will take place in the Pioneer Press Expo Tent on Saturday. In addition, the Family Fun Zone will offer fun activities for all. After watching the Greats of Golf and picking up a few tips, try your hand at a round of golf at Chomonix Golf Course in Lino Lakes ( w w w. c h o m o n i x . c o m ) . The course is beautiful and offers a North Woods experience. Have you ever tried curling? Curling lessons and leagues are available at the Four Seasons


RHONDA SIVARAJAH Curling Club at the Fogerty Arena in Blaine (www. fourseasonscurlingclub. com). You can learn to curl at the site that was recently named an Olympic training site. Are you in need of assistance with basic needs or looking for resources? The Convoy of Hope, a faith based organization, will be coming to Anoka County at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 1 at Spring Lake Park High School, 1100 81st Avenue NE, Spring Lake Park. Those who attend the event will receive free groceries, health screenings, a haircut certificate, family portrait, women’s and children’s shoes, hot meal and jobplacement assistance. There will also be a kid’s zone with inflatables, face painting and a DJ. These items will be available while supplies last; no ID required and will take place rain or shine. The Convoy of Hope (www.Convoyofhope. org) brings people and organizations together to transform people’s lives while inspiring compassion

and service. Mid-August ushers in the Blue Heron Days (www.blueherondays.org) events and festivities. The Shawn Silvera Memorial run will return to Lino Lakes to commemorate its 10th anniversary. Blue Heron Days will also offer a children’s Splash and Dash, a daisy run, a family picnic hosted by the American Legion, parade, dance, corn feed, business expo, inflatables, petting zoo, an art fair, kiddy carnival and coronation to crown the new Miss Lino Lakes Ambassadors. The festivities will take place August 14-16. Looking for activities to get your family out enjoying the great outdoors? Wargo Nature Center located in Lino Lakes offers canoe and kayak rental as well as GPS unit rental for geocaching. (www.anokacounty.us). In addition, there are classes/ programs offered ranging from stand up paddle boarding to birding in a boat. Our Anoka County Parks and Recreation Department has something for everyone. And if just relaxing in an inner tube is for you, then remember Bunker Beach’s lazy river. The final days of summer are drawing near; take time to enjoy all our area has to offer. — Rhonda Sivarajah is Chair and District 6 Commissioner, Anoka County Board of Commissioners

Distributed weekly in:

• Blaine • Circle Pines • Lexington • Lino Lakes Carter C. Johnson .............Publisher cjohnson@presspubs.com Gene Johnson ..... Publisher Emeritus ppinfo@presspubs.com Wade W eber ......................... CEO wweber@moraminn.com Debra Neutkens ....... Regional Editor citizen@presspubs.com Emma Theis ....................... Editor quadnews@presspubs.com Patty Steele DIrector of Sales & Marketing marketing@presspubs.com Neil West ......... Production Manager ppcomp@presspubs.com Greg Workman .. Circulation Manager ppcirc@presspubs.com COPYRIGHT© 2015 BY PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Material may not be reproduced in whole or part in any form whatsoever.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015 Page 6 QUAD COMMUNITY PRESS



Happening in... Night to Unite


Contact: ci.lino-lakes.mn.us

When: 5:30-8 p.m. Thursday, July 30 Where: Sunrise Park, 6918 Sunrise Dr., Lino Lakes Details: Community event offers an evening of entertainment, food and family fun. Bounce house, facepainting, games, whiffle ball contest, and concessions including locally-grown fresh roasted corn. Live music by country music artist Greg Michaels 6-8 p.m. Contact: ci.lino-lakes.mn.us

NATURE DETECTIVES When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 3 – Thursday, August 6 Where: Wargo Nature Center Details: Children finishing grades K-2 can explore the prairies, woods and waters of Wargo Nature Center. $150. Contact: anokacountyparks.com

‘TAKE HEART ANOKA COUNTY’ CPR CLASS When: 7-8 p.m. Wednesday, August 5 Where: SBM Fire Station 3, 11920 Ulysses St. NE, Blaine Details: Class covers adult CPR. Free. Contact: sbmfire.com



When: 5-9 p.m. Saturday, August 8 Where: Lino Lakes YMCA, 7690 Village Dr. Details: Go out for a night while the Y staff takes care of the kids. Pizza, a movie, time in the gym and bounce house, art projects and games. $20/members; $30/nonmembers. For ages 2-10. Sign up early for a discount. Contact: 651-259-2106 or Alissa. martinson@ymcatwincities.org

Throughout Lino Lakes, Circle Pines, Lexington and Centerville

LIGHTS, CAMERA, NATURE When: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10 – Thursday, Aug. 13 Where: Wargo Nature Center Details: Children finishing grades 1-3 playact with nature using theater games, music and movement. Campers explore different types of theatrical productions and produce their own show. $150. Contact: anokacountyparks.com


When: 4:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 11 Where: Aquatore Park, 9191 Lincoln St., Blaine Details: Blaine’s 50th Anniversary INTRODUCTION TO FISHING Committee hosts a Pig Roast, When: 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 6 Games and music by the Rockin’ Where: Rice Creek Chain of Hollywoods. Pig Roast served from Lakes Park Reserve, Peltier Boat 5:30-7:30 p.m. $5/person; tickets Launch must be purchased in advance at Details: People of all ages the Mary Ann Young Senior Center can learn how to fi sh with a or City Hall. Bring a lawn chair. knowledgeable instructor. Contact: blaineevents.com/50 Equipment provided; fishing license not required. $10, pre-registration required. Contact: anokacountyparks.com

CASCADE BAY WATER PARK FIELD TRIP When: 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7 Where: Pick-up and drop-off at Rice Lake Elementary Details: Lino Lakes Parks and Rec. brings children entering 2nd grade-7th grade to a waterpark in Eagan. Bring a bag lunch, sunscreen, swimsuit and towel. $22, includes transportation, chaperones and admission. Register by July 30.


When: 7 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 13 Where: Centerville Elementary School Details: One-day camp for children entering 4th grade, sponsored by Centennial Fire District, Lexington Fire Dept., Lino Lakes and Centennial Lakes Police Depts. And

neighborhoods nearby WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR When: 7 am-10 pm, July 29- August 2 Where: Washington County Fairgrounds, 12300 N 140th St. Lake Elmo Details: Hundreds of exhibits, music, food, animals, rides, fun events. Contact: www. washingtoncountyfair.org

MONARCH MADNESS When: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 29

Calendar • Thank you for sending us news of your upcoming event. The calendar is reserved for secular-themed community events that are likely to appeal to readers throughout our coverage area, which includes: White Bear Lake, White Bear Township, Mahtomedi, Hugo, Grant, Birchwood, Dellwood, Willernie, Gem Lake, Pine Springs, Forest Lake, Wyoming, Wyoming Township, Columbus Township, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington, Lino Lakes, Stillwater, Lake Elmo, Oak Park Heights, Stillwater Township, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights and North Oaks. • Deadline for event submissions is the Wednesday prior to the following weeks publication. • Due to space limitations, there is NO GUARANTEE whether, when, or for how long submissions will be published.

Send submissions: Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Ave. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 FAX: 651-429-1242 E-MAIL: calendar@presspubs.com

Post your own Go to www.presspubs.com and click on “Calendar.“ Follow the “Submit an Event“ link. Postings are subject to approval and do not constitute submittal for print editions.

5:30-9 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4

Where: Gammelgarden Museum, 20880 Olinda Trail N., Scandia Details: U of M Monarch Lab presenter Sarah Weaver shares the latest research related to the diminished numbers of monarchs, what’s causing it, and solutions to help turn around the trend. Free. Contact: scandiaparks. org

FREE SUMMER MOVIE SERIES – ‘PADDINGTON’ When: 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 29 & Thursday, July 30 Where: White Bear Township Theatre, 1180 County Rd. J Details: Free family films shown on Wednesdays and Thursdays from June 17-August 20. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Contact: 651-653-3243 or mullerfamilytheatres.com

MARKETFEST AND CLASSIC CAR SHOW When: 6-9 p.m. Thursdays, July 30 Where: Downtown White Bear Lake Details: Last week! Over 140 food, merchandise and service vendors; children’s activities including a petting zoo, inflatables and more; two stages with live music each night; classic car show. Contact: marketfest.org

BIRD WALK SERIES When: 8-10:30 a.m. Friday, July 31 Where: Arden Hills Army Training Site, 1245 County Highway 96, Arden Hills Details: Enjoy seeing

DETAILS: National event designed to build neighborhood involvement by bringing police and communities together, and bring awareness to crime prevention and local law enforcement efforts. Residents encouraged to plan a neighborhood party or cookout. Block party applications available online, and/ or contact your local police department to

schedule a visit. In Lino Lakes, party organizers will receive NTU Party Packs with party supplies such as napkins, paper plates, and cups donated by Target.

CONTACT: City of Lino Lakes: 651-9822400 or ci.lino-lakes.mn.us; Lino Lakes Public Safety: 651-9822351or kate.croteau@ci.linolakes.mn.us; Centennial Lakes Police Department: 763-7840082 or jwressell@clpdmn.com

Lino Lakes Parks and Recreation. Includes sessions on bike safety, fire safety, 911 procedure, water safety, personal safety, electrical safety, outdoor safety and first-aid. $20 registration includes lunch, snacks, helmet, shirt and giveaways. Contact: 651-982-2440 or ci.linolakes.mn.us

When: 7 pm Thursdays, through August Where: Centerville Lake in Centerville Details: Members of all ages perform waterskiing tricks. Club also performs at summer festivals throughout the state. Contact: 651-983-0161



When: Aug. 14-16 Where: Lino Park, 7850 Lake Drive Details: Annual Lino Lakes Community Festival includes carnival, parade, live music, medallion hunt, street dance, movie in the park, family picnic, business expo and art fair, and more. Contact: blueherondays.org

When: 8:30-10 a.m. Thursdays Where: St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Room 23, 171 Em St., Lino Lakes Details: Lose weight with portion control. Local chapter of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) invites men and women to weekly meetings. Contact: 651-483-6340



and/or hearing more than 25 species of birds on a guide-led walk. All ages and abilities welcome. $5/ person, pre-registration required. Contact: anokacountyparks.com

WHITE BEAR LAKE ROTARY STRIVE SCHOLARSHIP RACE/TACO JOHN’S RUN BABY RUN When: 8 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 1 Where: Lion’s Park, 4200 Lake Ave. S. Details: 5K Run/walk and 10K run. $25 before July 29; $35 Race Day and after July 29 Contact: whitebearrotary.org

DOG DAYS DOWNTOWN When: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 1 Where: Downtown White Bear Lake Details: Stroll around downtown with a favorite 4-legged friend and visit businesses with a water bowl in front of their location and the Dog Days Downtown logo for treats and specials, and relax on a pet-friendly restaurant patio. Learn about pet adoption, rescue groups, dog training and proper pet grooming. Contact: downtownwhitebearlake. com

WHITE BEAR LAKE AREA RELAY FOR LIFE When: 6 p.m. Fri., July 31 to 6 a.m. Sat., Aug. 1 Where: White Bear Lake Area High School South Campus, 3551 McKnight Road Details: Typically more than 100 teams and 1,500 participate in a run/walk and stay overnight to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. Contact: relay.acsevents. org

When: 1-2 p.m. Mondays Where: Centennial Early Childhood Center, 575 Birch Street, Lino Lakes Details: Meet a friend and their family for fun activity. Cost is $3 per

FREE SUMMER MOVIE SERIES – ‘DESPICABLE ME’ When: 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug 5 & Thursday, Aug 6 Where: White Bear Township Theatre, 1180 County Rd. J Details: Free family films, rated PG, shown on Wednesdays and Thursdays from June 17-August 20. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. Contact: 651-653-3243 or mullerfamilytheatres.com

PINE TREE APPLE TENNIS CLASSIC When: Aug. 6-9 Where: Lifetime Fitness, 4800 White Bear Parkway Details: Featuring more than 100 of the area’s top players in annual mixed doubles tournament, auctions, raffle, to benefit Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of MN.

5K/10K PINE TREE RUN & KIDS’ FUN RUN When: 8 a.m. Sunday, Aug 9 Where: Lifetime Fitness, 4800 White Bear Parkway Details: Chip-times, certified course around Birch Lake. Proceeds benefit Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of MN. Stay for tennis tournament and treats from Pine Tree Apple Orchard. Contact: www.ptatc. childrensmn.org

‘PAUSE THAT REFRESHES’ SPEAKER EVENT When: Noon-1:30 Wednesday, Aug. 12 Where: North Star Museum of Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting, 2640 E. Seventh Ave., North St. Paul Details: Guest speaker is Steve Elliot, Director of the Minnesota Historical Society, who has a background in history preservation and

child or $5 per family. Contact: 763-792-6101

FAMILY STORY TIME When: 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. Thursdays Where: Centennial Library, Circle Pines Details: Stories, songs and fi nger plays for children and their caregivers. Contact: 763-717-3294

BRIDGE AND CRIBBAGE When: 12:30 p.m. Thursdays Where: Lino Lakes Senior Center, 1189 Main St. Details: Seniors play games with friends. Contact: 651-982-2440

“500” CARDS When: 6:30 p.m. Mondays Where: Lino Lakes Senior Center, 1189 Main St. Details: Play “500” with friends. Contact: 651-982-2440

community connections. $12 includes light lunch. Contact: 651-748-2880

THEATER AFTERNOON WITH WILL ROGERS When: 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug 1 Where: Lakeshore Players, 4820 Stewart Ave., White Bear Lake Details: Mel Aanerud will provide a benefit performance presenting the life, wit and wisdom of cowboy, vaudeville performer, humorist, newspaper columnist social commentator and 1920’s actor, Will Rogers. Tickets $10. Contact: 651-429-5674 or lakeshoreplayers.org

‘HAMLET’ When: 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 1 Where: Outdoor Theatre, Century College West Campus Details: A Shakespeare & Company production of the story of corruption, betrayal, incest and murder. Outdoor environment with no scenery encourages imagination and is similar to Shakespeare’s original theatre. Contact: 651-779-5818 or shakespeareandcompany. org

‘TWELFTH NIGHT’ When: 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2 Where: Outdoor Theatre, Century College West Campus Details: A Shakespeare & Company comedy about a tangled knot of desires and dreams in the land of Illyria. Contact: 651-779-5818 or shakespeareandcompany. org

MUSIC LAKE COUNTRY CHORUS OPEN HOUSE When: 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Aug. 4, 11, 25 Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 3770 Bellaire Ave., White Bear Lake Details: Meet the members, learn a new song, try harmonizing on a tag, and learn about Lake Country’s 47-year history in the White Bear Area. Contact: 651-645-7222 or info@lakecountrychorus. org

ARTS IMPRESSIONISTIC LANDSCAPES When: 9:30-noon Tuesday, Aug 4 Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave. Details: Children ages 6-12 learn to paint with acrylics in an impressionistic style using shape, color, pattern, light and darks, focusing on tone, value and composition instead of details. $23/ member; $29/non-member. Contact: 651-407-0597 or whitebeararts.org

MOSAIC PANEL When: 9:30 a.m.-noon Wednesday, Aug 5 & Thursday, Aug. 6 Where: White Bear Center for the Arts, 4971 Long Ave. Details: Children ages 6-12 learn how to cut glass and assemble the pieces into a beautiful 8x10 mosaic panel. $46/member; $58/ non-member. Contact: 651-407-0597 or whitebeararts.org

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