4 minute read
Blue Heron Days August 17th -20th
Presented by the Lino Lakes American Legion Post 566
Front row seating for Royal Parade Starts at 11AM
Live Music • Meat Raffle @ 2PM
$2 Tickets for chances at Big Packs of Meat!

Burgers, Brats & Hot Dogs (Chips included)
FRIDAY Pig Roast 5PM
SATURDAY Family PicnicBurgers, Brats & Hot Dogs (Chips included)
DJ/Karaoke Outside starting at 6PM
Live music: Tailspin Band Outside from 2-6PM
DJ/Karaoke 7-11PM
Inflatables and kids games by ALA
Free activities by Boy Scouts of America

SUN-MON Pulltabs
+ E-Bingo!
Karaoke 1st Friday of the month
Sunday 3-4PM (Must be present by 3PM and present to win. Drawing is at 4PM)
Thursdays 5PM
Saturdays 2PM
See Bartender for information us for Burger Night!
Scrap meta l applianc e pick up 65 1-329-0815
Exp. trustworth y, dependable caregiver for seniors. 651-770 -177 8
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY, all real estate adv ertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Ho using Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion bas ed on race, co lo r, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or nationa l origin, or an intention, to make any such preferen ce limitation or discriminat ion.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 livin g with parents or legal cu stod ians; pregnant women and peop le securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not kn owingly accept any ad vertising for real esta te which is in violation of the law.
KMS PU BLIC SCHOOLS has midd le sch ool leve l Math
Teaching positio n beginn ing Fall 2023.
Qualifications: Current MN Educ ation licens Appl y: w ww. kms.k12.mn .us. Attach letter of inte est, resume, copy of license transcr ip ts three le tte rs of re commendation.
KMS PU BLIC SCHOOLS has Spec ial Educatio n Teaching positio n beginn ing Fall 2023.
Qualifications: Current MN Educ ation licens Appl y: w ww. kms.k12.mn .us. Attach letter of inte est, resume, copy of license transcripts and three letters of re commendation.
•FT Night Shift Custodian, ex cellent pay and benefit pac kage.
•PT Custodian, excellent pay , 4-9 pm M-F, ye ar-round.
•Cook's Helpers, 4.5 hours per day during the school year
•Sup erb su bs and helpers te achers, pa ras, custod ians and more! Pick your availability.
•Special ed parapr ofessional s, 6.5-hour days during th e school ye ar, exce llent pay
•Health as sistant
6.75- hour day s M-F, exce llent pay, other benefits. Join our team! Visit: w ww.isd876.org, human resources page.
Fancy Pawz
Robin Udstuen | owner 15190 Everton Av. North, Hugo, Mn. 55038
651-485-9774 tcdistributing@msn.com
Did you know that dogs can take natural herbs and vitamins and it might be beneficial for them. Herbs and Vitamins could help your dogs live a healthier and happier life. You can learn more on my website: HolisticHerbsForDogs.com - where you can watch my Podcast.

Toro Power Broom
Used for clearing sidewalks, ice rink & driveway. Toro profession al series $3,750 61 2-599-172 nine
Our readers ar e hereby informed that all dw ellings adv ertised in this newsp ap er are av ailable on an equal oppor tunity bas is To complain of discrimination call HUD toll free: 1-800-669-9 777.
The toll-free number for hearing impaired is 1-800-927-92 75
Now Hiring
Administrative Assistant

Part Time, Mon. & Tues., 7:55am-4:00pm

Press Publications publishes 6 community newspapers, magazines and coupon books, serving White Bear Lake and surrounding communities. Our publications brings news of school events, government, business, politics, and social events to local residents.
Desired Skills & Experience: High school diploma required.
Ability to interact well with a broad base of internal and external clients, both in person, telephone and written communication. Reliable, responsible, and dependable in fulfilling obligations.Strong attention to detail and the ability to organize, prioritize, and multi task effectively. User of Microsoft Office suite: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, as well as Microsoft Office.


Additional information regarding each district may be obtained from: Bill Petracek, City Administrator 9180 Lexington Avenue Lexington, MN 55014 (763) 784-2792; bill.petracek@cityoflexingtonmn.org
Published one time in the Quad Community Press on August 8, 2023.

TAKE NOTICE that at its regular board meeting on Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. in the Shoreview City Council Chambers, 4600 North Victoria Street, Shoreview, Minnesota, the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) Board of Managers will receive public comment on a minor amendment to the District’s 2020 Watershed Management Plan, intended to clarify existing capital improvement projects within the plan. Public participa-
PLEASE tion using interactive technology will also be possible using Zoom. Please contact Theresa Stasica at tstasica@ricecreek.org for instructions. In addition, by a declaration under Minnesota Open Meeting Law Section 13D.021, all meetings of the RCWD Board of Managers are in person and public while recognizing that a Manager may, based on advice from a health care professional, have a legitimate reason for not attending a meeting in a public place in person, such as COVID-19 exposure or infection, and in such circumstances may participate in the meeting remotely. The proposed minor plan amendment may be viewed on the District’s website under the Reports and Plans page: www.ricecreek.org or at the District office at the address below. Comments/questions can be directed to Matt Kocian at mkocian@ricecreek. org, 763-398-3076, or 4325 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 611, Blaine, MN 55449. Published one time in the Quad Community Press on August 8, 2023.