St. Croix Valley Lowdown

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7.24.15 Comedic attempt to perform all 37 Shakespeare plays in 97 minutes. Contact: www. or 715-483-3387


North around the lake

MUSICAL 'LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS' When: Through Aug. 16 Where: St. Croix Festival Theatre, 210 N. Washington St., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Details: $13.50 to $26. Contact: www. or 715-483-3387

'THE COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (ABRIDGED)' When: Through Aug. 15 Where: St. Croix Festival Theatre, 210 N. Washington St., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Details: $13.50 to $26,

When: July 23-26 Where: FLAHS, 6101 Scandia Trail N., Forest Lake Details: Cast of 66 local actors and 15-20 local musicians. Contact: Tickets at http:// or 651-464-5823.

When: July 23-26 Where: St. Croix Festival Theatre, 210 N. Washington St., St. Croix Falls, Wis. Details: $13.50 to $26. Local youth perform. Contact: www. or 715-483-3387

SUNSET KAYAK When: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 24 Where: Warner Nature Center, 15375 Norell Ave. N. Marine Details: $12. Paddle Lake Terrapin at sunset; maybe hear loons and see beavers. Repeats July 28. Contact: Register by July 22

in the valley When: Through July 26 Where: Phipps Center for the Arts, Hudson, Wis. Details: Noel Coward’s comic fantasy/ghost story. Stars Bruce Bell-Myers and Darcy Bell-Myers of Stillwater. $15 to $24. Contact: Tickets at 715-386-8409 or www.

ST. CROIX RIVERFEST When: July 21-26 Where: Hudson, Wis. Details: River cleanup, nature hike, Civil War encampment, river paddle, concert, kids' activities, etc. Celebrating the river. Contact: www. or 715-386-0124

BREWS CRUISE When: 7 to 9:30 p.m. July 24, Aug. 21 and Sept. 25 Where: St. Croix River via St. Croix Boat & Packet, Stillwater Details: $35.50. Buffet, Lift Bridge beers paired with cheeses. Live music. Contact: www. or

FOREST LAKE BLUEGRASS FEST When: 3 to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: Lakeside Park, Forest Lake Details: Bands are North Shore Trail Band, Sawtooth Brothers and the St. Croix Valley-based Blue Hazard. Concessions, silent auction, kids' activities. By Forest Hills United Methodist Church; benefits missions.



at 651-433-2427 ext. 10 or www. nature center


NATURAL HISTORY CRUISE When: 6 p.m. Friday, July 24 Where: Lakefront Park, Toll Bridge Road in Hudson, Wis. Details: $15. Presentation on St. Croix River by naturalists Danny Newbauer and Jennifer Vieth of Carpenter Nature Center, who will bring river critters. Aboard Afton Cruise Lines. Contact: RSVP to www. or 651-436-8883.

LIFT BRIDGE ROAD RACE When: 8 a.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: Starts at Lakeside Park in Bayport; runs between Stillwater and Bayport. Details: 5K or 10K. $40 to $55. Benefits valley-area nonprofits. Contact: www. stillwaterliftbridgeroadrace. com

'MONET'S TABLE' When: 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 25

'CHOMPED: THE CAMPFIRE EDITION' When: 10:30 a.m. To 3 p.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: William O-Brien State Park, Highway 95 near Marine Details: Fire building and safety followed by a fireside cooking competition modeled after the TV show. Contact: 655-433-0500

FIFTH ANNUAL BLUEGRASS AND LEMONADE IN THE SHADE When: 2 to 4 p.m. fourth Sundays from July 26 through Sept. 27 Where: Gammelgarden Museum,

Where: The Outing Lodge, 11661 Myeron Rd. N., Stillwater Details: Themed dinner. $90. Contact: Reservations at

RIVER VALLEY OYSTER FEST When: 11 a.m. To 4 p.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: Mallards on the St. Croix restaurant, 101 Fifth Ave. S., Bayport Details: $25 to $35 for 15 oysters and pint of Rush River beer. Live music, beer tent. Contact: Tickets at 651-342-0903.

GRILL AND GARDEN PARTY When: 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: Squire House Gardens, 3390 St. Croix Trail S., Afton Details: Store owner Martin Stern serves appetizers and offers preparation tips. Complimentary wine, beer. Music by Mark Keating. Contact: 651-436-8080

'A NIGHT IN HAVANA' When: 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 25 Where: The Outing Lodge, 11661 Myeron Rd. N., Stillwater Details: Cuban culinary feast followed by cigars. $90.

20880 Olinda Trail, Scandia Details: Free lemonade; listen or play along to bluegrass music. Contact: 651-433-5053

Where: Tanners Brook Golf Course, Forest Lake Details: Benefits FLAHS Rangers hockey. Contact: 612-309-0281.



When: 12:30 p.m. Sunday, July 26 Where: 15250 Homestead Ave N, Hugo Details: Donations accepted. Free lunch, farm tours, hayrides, milking demos, entertainment. Part of statewide effort by WashingtonRamsey County Farm Bureau and Washington County American Dairy Association. Contact: kristymiron@

When: July 25-26 1 to 4 p.m., July 29-30 4 to 8 p.m. Where: Franconia Sculpture Park, 29836 St. Croix Trail, Shafer Details: For all ages. Create a sand mold for casting metal artwork from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 1. Molds are $30 to $75. Contact: Sign up at www.


ARTS IN THE PARK When: 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 (music at 6:30 p.m.) Where: Lakeside Park, Forest Lake Details: City-sponsored summer concert series, craft fair and farmers market.

|3 Features The Elvis Experience Elvis tribute.

YMCA GROUNDBREAKING When: 3 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 Where: 19845 Forest Rd. N., Forest Lake Details: Speech by Mayor Stev Stegner. Community and YMCA leaders attend. New 53,000-square-foot facility to be finished by summer,2016.

'MONARCH MADNESS' When: 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 29 Where: Gammelgarden Museum, 20880 Olinda Trail N. In Scandia Details: Free. U of M Monarch Lab presentation on why fewer Monarch butterflies are being seen. By Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails.

Masquers Theater's 'Shrek the Musical' When: July 23-26 Where: FLAHS, 6101 Scandia Trail N., Forest Lake Details: Cast of 66 local actors and 1520 local musicians. Contact: Tickets at http:// or 651-464-5823.

Contact: Reservations at

PRESENTATION: HISTORY GRAND LODGE OF MINNESOTA When: 2 p.m. Sunday, July 26 Where: Warden’s House Musem, 602 Main St. N., Stillwater Details: Free, by Grand Lodge District Representative Greg Guffey. Also covers 150year history of Cottage Grove Accacia Masonic Lodge.

OPEN HOUSE AT MCKEAN SCHOOL When: 3 to 4 p.m. Sunday, July 26 Where: 150-year-old oneroom schoolhouse on Norwich Parkway at Boutwells Landing

SUMMER TUESDAY When: Starts 5 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 and three more Tuesdays through summer Where: Lowell Park, downtown Stillwater (rain location: Charlie's Irish Pub) Details: Vendor market, live music, movie. Locally sponsored. Band is Scottie Miller, movie is “Spaceballs.” Contact: www.

LIFT BRIDGE SUMMER PARTY/VALLEY REACH OPEN HOUSE When: 4 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 29 Where: Lot behind Valley Outreach, 1911 Curve Crest Blvd. W., Stillwater Details: Free. Tours, bouncy house, kids' games, food trucks, Lift Bridge beer, music by Thrift Store Sonata.

12TH ANNUAL TOM SHEURMAN MEMORIAL GOLF CLASSIC When: Noon Monday, July 27 (registration starts at 10:30) Where: Stillwater Country Club, followed by dinner cruise on St. Croix Details: Games, contests, silent and live auctions. $160/golfer by July 13. Benefits St. Croix Valley Young Life and InSports Foundation. Contact: www. or 651-303-5055


Do you have an event that you would like to see appear in this calendar section? Send the information to

Where: Stillwater Veterans Memorial, Third and Pine streets, Stillwater Details: Free popcorn. Bring lawn chair. Contact: www. stillwaterveterans

144TH ANNUAL WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR When: July 29 -Aug. 2 Where: 12300 40th St. N., Lake Elmo Details: Rides, games, concessions, exhibits, contests, entertainment. Contact: 651436-6009 or www.

ST. CROIX RIVER VALLEY VINTAGE CRAWL When: Starts at noon Thursday, July 30 Where: Seven Valleyarea vintage stores. Get map at My Sister's Cottage, Mama's Happy, Reclaiming Beautiful, Le Garage Girls, Farmhouse Inspired, Hello the House, 3:17 Vintage Furniture & Home Décor, Eye Candy Refind or Occasional Sales of St. Croix River Valley. Contact: 651-592-3100



community bits'n pieces Gene Johnson About the Town

T n hhall Town all survives surviivees HISTORY HISTOR RY WILL WIL BE BE preserved prres e erve ed because the White Bear Bea ar Township of July To T Town w ship ip p Board Board o of Supervisors Su Supe upe erv vis sors m made the decision on Ju uly continue 6 to co ontinu ue plans p an pl ans for for moving movi mo ving ng g and a restoring the old town tow wn Polar h to hall o Po Pola lar Lakes L ke Lake La kess Park Park in in the th he township. to ow wnship. There are details ironed Th her e e ar re a lo lot ot of o d etai ails ls tto o be b ir roned out, but according tto o this accomplished t Township the Tow sh Town To s ip p Clerk, Cle lerk rk, k, Bill B llll Short, Bi Sho hort hort r , tth is could be accomplishe ed without w with th thou houtt going go oin ing g to the the he taxpayers tax axpa p ye pa y rs s for fo orr funds. In 2008 MinnesoMinnes sottans tan ns passed ns passed a constitutional co ons nstititu tutititon tu nal amendment am me end ndme ment nt establishing est stab ablish shin ing g the provides Legacy Le ega gacy c Fund Fund d whic which hic ch in-part in n-p part a tp ar provid rovid ro des grants to communities comm nit This project may qualify. for preservation p es pr eser erva ation of of their thei eirr hist h history. ist sto ory. T White and rich history. The Whit Wh itite e Bear Bear Township Tow o ns nshi hip hi p has ha a unique un u rst established in 1858 on state and an nd the th he township town to wnsh wn shiip sh ip were firs the same d day. th Townships role of governing has been changing in Minnesota as cities become larger and the various governments merge together for efficiencies. However, White Bear Township has long been established as its own entity. Of course, they contract some services like fire protection and ambulance service with the city of White Bear Lake and the county in the case of policing. Township history needs to be preserved and shared with our young people growing up in and around the township. This was home to the Dakota and the Ojibway Indians for many years. From my recollection, there were four different railroads that passed through the township. Many of us remember the Northern Pacific and Soo Line. Stories have it that a still located at Otter Lake produced 200 gallons of whiskey a day. Jerry Spies made a name for himself in the township by building and sailing the 10 foot Yankee Girl alone across the Atlantic Ocean. Tom Weinhagen’s White Bear Water Ski Company produced skis for many years. The Bald Eagle Water Club was founded in 1953 promoting water safety and evolved into water skiing competition. Today two clubs continue. One is Midwest Ski Otters performing water ski shows Sunday evenings on Little Goose Lake. The other is Bald Eagle Waterski Shows with performances Thursday nights on Centerville Lake. At Polar Lakes Park, there are options like a solar energy field installation to serve the heat and lights year around for this museum building. The building would also need to have a basement for storage of the artifacts, space for exchanging displays and for exhibits which are being prepared for restoration. A climate-controlled room would be important for documents, pictures and books. The White Bear Lake Area Historical Society, under the leadership of Sara Markoe Hanson, is partnering with the township to manage the exhibits and building use. White Bear Lake has the Fillebrown House for its historic preservation of the 136-year-old lake cottage, but to date there is limited storage space for collection of artifacts of the city or township. One addition is the new Boatworks Commons community room where highlights of the local sailing industry are displayed. I take my hat off to White Bear Township and its current leadership of Bob Kermes, Ed Prudhon and Steve Ruzek for their vision and support in preserving and conserving history as well as providing an education of those who follow about their roots. — Gene Johnson is publisher emeritus of Press Publications.

Have the

UP NORTH • Applications are being taken for county residents 13 to 18 to enter the 2016 Miss Teen Washington County pageant. The winner will become a county ambassador and represent the state at the Miss Teen Minnesota pageant next March. No talent or swimsuit competition. Info: 952-432-6758 or pagunltd@ • The Wyoming Area Creative Arts Community show “Visionsâ€? continues throw Aug. 20 at Hallberg Center for the Arts, 5521 E. Viking Blvd., Wyoming. Mosaic artwork of Tree Croyle and oil paintings of Todd Clercx. • The St. Croix National Scenic Riverway offers 90-minute narrated pontoon boat tours on the St. Croix River Wednesday and Thursday evenings this summer, focusing on natural history. RSVP to 715-483-2275. • The Chisago County Sheriff’s Office holds a Community Crime Information Meeting at 7 p.m. July 27 at the North Branch Public Library.

• The Hugo American Legion Riders are staging a scavenger hunt at the Legion Aug. 1 to help fund the Veterans Campground on Big Marine Lake. Prize donations are needed: please call 651-587-4171. • Upcoming gigs by Forest Lake musician Randy Gildersleeve and co. include the following: St. Joseph's Church festival in Lino Lakes, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 9; Taylors Falls Boat Co. cruise from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 15; and Brookside Inn in Marine from 3 to 7 p.m. Aug. 16 and Aug. 30.

ents the family program “Leave No Traceâ€? at 7:15 p.m. Saturday, July 25, at Lake Elmo Park Reserve, C.R. 19 and C.R. 10 in Lake Elmo. Free with park permit. Info: 651-430-8370 • Washington County Parks has teamed up with Brown Dog Paddleboard Co. to offer standup paddle boarding (SUP) at Square Lake Park on the following dates. Discounts for bringing own equipment. Info: -SUP Yoga: 9-10:15 a.m. Saturdays July 25; Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22. $35. -Sunset SUP: 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday July 28; Aug. 4, 11, 18. $30.

OUT EAST • The Stillwater Library offers “Be a Superheroâ€? activities for kids and tweens from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 5. • The Stillwater Library offers Baby & Me “Edible and Bubble Artâ€? from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Friday, Aug. 7. Register at 651-275-7300. •



• Members of the Croix Chordsmen barbershop group from Stillwater will be among a chorus singing the National Anthem at the Minnesota Twins Game Aug. 30. Other local male singers are welcome; call 651-439-4527. Rehearsal is 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Olive Street, Stillwater.


New Marine store owners greeted with power loss




MARINE ON ST. CROIX — The new owners of Marine General Store got a rude introduction to the business last weekend when storms knocked out the store's power, resulting in the loss of a large amount of meat, dairy and frozen foods. "We're still totalling the loss, but we expect it to be significant," noted Gordon and Cheryl Arcand on Facebook. "Insurance will cover most of the loss.� The posting said Stillwater resident Sara Hayden, owner of Sara's Tipsy Pies, helped by calling in a freezer truck, while Marine's St. Croix Chocolate Co. lent the use of its dumpster. “We had planned to make public bathrooms our first major investment when we had the money, but that plan is on the back burner now that we see a greater need for a generator,� the posting read. “We can't afford one at this moment, but should be able to get the panels in place for a portable generator. Hopefully the weather will

PATTY STEELE Director of Sales & Marketing

NEIL WEST Production Manager

GREG WORKMAN Circulation Manager News

Submitted photo From left are Cheryl and Gordy Arcand and Andy Kramer at the store.

calm down to give us time to get everything in place.� The Arcands took over ownership July 15th. Gordon has longtime experience in the grocery business, according to a Facebook posting about the change. Former owners Andy and Karen Kramer continue to live in Marine. “We depart with some sadness, but with hearts and minds filled with a lifetime of incredible memories that we will always treasure,� the Kramers posted. -Michelle Miron












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Published Friday by Press Publications, Inc. 4779 Bloom Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Office Hours: 8 am - 5 pm, Monday - Friday


American Family Mutual Insurance Company, American Standard Insurance Company of Wisconsin, American Family Life Insurance Company 6000 American Parkway, Madison WI 53783 Š2012 006441 - 9/12

scoop for The Lowdown?

Please email news stories, briefs, tips, photos, letters and miscellaneous gossip to Michelle at, or if desperate call her at 651-407-1229.

Mailed Subscription Rate: In county & zip code 55092: FREE Out of county: $26 for 6 mo. The Lowdown is direct mailed through the US Postal Service for guaranteed delivery.

The Lowdown is a continuation of the Forest Lake & St. Croix Valley Press.

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Photos by Paul Dols Left, Eder last year during the Stillwater Relay Paint the Town Purple campaign. To the right, Eden with fellow Relay planner Sue Baldwin in September at the ACS National Leadership conference in Dallas, Texas.

manager Tim Nelson. Some Relay sponsors have seemed surprised when he stops by to pick up donations. Three years ago he was recruited for the “After they get over their shock, I get that planning committee and last year he cochaired with coaching from Raboin. After that story 'When I was 18, I was out at the beach he heard rumblings from committee members every day,'” he noted. One of his first management moves was about nominating him chairman. “It was kind of a little bit of an ambush after scheduling Relay so it didn't conflict with the Washington County Fair, an issue in the past. one meeting,” he said. “I didn't think I would be able to until I was older … I thought people He's also chosen to spotlight Hope Lodge, a Minneapolis lodging for families of cancer pawould be mad if some kid was doing it. But it tients similar to the Ronald McDonald House. kind of made me comfortable that people did want me to do it. I saw they all supported me.” He and other committee members recently prepared meals at the facility. As chairman, he's responsible for logistics He's also proud of initiating last year's — everything from planning activities to renting portable toilets to setting up refreshments “Paint the Town Purple” campaign to be repeated this year; volunteers paint ACS logos for volunteers. But he has help from Raboin, and catch phrases on windows of participating who's in charge of marketing and publicity; businesses throughout Stillwater, Bayport and longtime Relay assistant Sue Baldwin, who's Lake Elmo. handling fundraising and “Build the Fun”


“Not only is Alex a great neighbor, he is an exceptional young man,” said Raboin. “No matter what he has been asked to do throughout the years of Relay he has stepped up and done it, never asking for thanks or acknowledgment. Because of that I do not think we could have found a better chair. He is not afraid to ask for help. He has a great team behind him, and with Alex’ leadership I know we will grow our event to be the biggest and best in the state. “ This year's Relay day will find him in charge of a zillion details, but that doesn't stress him out. He'll be surrounded by family members, including one grandma who's fighting cancer, in addition to his 30-volunteer committee. His goals include making sure attending cancer patients and survivors are greeted and recognized as such. “This (event) helps build a support group,”

he noted. “People we know who've passed, we usually send a flower basket, and we send birthday cards to survivors. We try to keep the family together.” He's not bothered that some his age might see his interests as boring. “It's hard to say if this is taking away any fun, because I enjoy this so much,” he said. “I love all the people I'm getting to meet, and the community I've built with the different chairs and other people. We've gotten to be really good friends. “I get some crap about it sometimes. But this has been my sport throughout high school. It's important to encourage kids to do community service.” See page 12 for more information about Stillwater’s Relay for life Aug. 7 and 8.

Submitted photo Eder with members of the Stillwater Relay For Life committee this year during a visit to Hope Lodge.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Administration Assistant City Manager's Office The City of White Bear Lake seeks an individual to perform secretarial and administrative duties for the Mayor, City Council and City Manager's Office, including maintenance of departmental and municipal documents and records, preparation of City Council agendas, recording of City Council proceedings, preparation of meeting minutes and performance of general secretarial duties. Position also serves as designated responsible authority for data practices. Salary: competitive, DOQ, excellent benefits. Detailed description of position available at Submit application and resume w/cover letter and salary requirements to Personnel Office, 4701 Highway 61, WBL, 55110. Resumes will be accepted until position is filled; review will begin July 31, 2015.

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Mail or Deliver to: Personnel Office City of White Bear Lake 4701 Highway 61 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Application deadline: Applications will be reviewed on July 31, 2015 Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Part Time Classified Inside Media Sales Press Publications is seeking a professional, self-motivated, results oriented, outbound-call sales hunter to become part of our sales team. RESPONSIBILITIES: • Master the understanding and value of all product offerings and the process involved in selling print and digital advertising solutions. • Demonstrate the ability to apply needs-based selling to prepare advertising campaigns to meet client objectives and close sales. • Establish new advertising leads and prospects to build a qualified sales list. • Solicit help wanted orders with outbound telephone sales calls and emails. • Build client relationships with HR directors, close sales, achieve individual and group sales goals. • Track and enter leads, sales and client creative into software systems. • Work well and communicate with entire team and clients to effectively reach goals.

To apply please contact Patty Steele Director of Sales and Marketing at Press Publications. Email or call 651-407-1213 for more information.

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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Sporting Goods


The City of Lino Lakes is accepting applications for a Records Technician. A position description and application packets available at or at City Hall. Apps will be accepted until 7/31/15 at 4:30 p.m.

Beautiful antique walnut desk must be moved by 7/27 Best offer 651-263-6227


LINSMEIER TRUCKING A MN based company is now hiring owners/ operators to pull hopper

bottom in the upper midwest. Home weekends. Call 320/382-6644

NOW HIRING company OTR drivers. $2,000 sign on bonus, flexible home time, extensive benefits. Call now!!! Hibb's & Co. 763/389-0610

WBL Pizza Man NOW HIRING 651-653-9845

The pulse of Washington County

Customer Service RepsCall Center Products, Inc

JOB OPENINGS Assembly Multiple openings for assemblers of ventilation products. Position uses a variety of hand and power tools, fixtures, work instructions and test equipment. Must be able to lift 40 Lbs. Experience in LEAN manufacturing desired, but we will train. Basic math and the ability to read and speak English required. 10 hour daytime shifts M-Th. Medical, Dental, 401K and PTO. Tjernlund Products maintains a clean facility; air conditioned break and lunch rooms and a family business environment. Send resume to or complete application @ Tjernlund Products, 1601 9th St. White Bear Lake MN 55110.

WE MAKE FUN OF WORK SShoreview horeview Hiring Hiring DDays aayys Visit us on 7/25 at the Hampton Inn & North Metro Event Center to learn more information about becoming a Crewmember. 1000 Gramsie Rd, Shoreview

Visit www Ca Cani niac acCa Care reer erss com to apply. apply

Finally a career that offers variety, flexibility and growth! Time Communications, an Arvig owned company, is hiring Customer Service Representatives.

Full time and part time schedules available. Office and work-at-home opportunities! To learn more and to apply, visit us online at!


SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER! No Experience Necessary

Become a Professional School Photographer while making kids smile! Are you: energetic, reliable, sociable and team oriented? If you have reliable transportation, able to work early mornings and can lift photography equipment, then contact us! CALL (763) 416-8636 Lifetouch is hiring now to start training and photography in August. Learn from the BEST and get paid to have fun. * $250 hiring Bonus * Competitive Wage * Weekends OFF * Seasonal Position August to November * Holidays and Summers OFF Employment is contingent on a background check.

NOW HIRING (3) Laboratory Tech Positions ~ $2,000 sign-on bonus after successfully completing a 3-month probation period. Hospital Lab Tech ~ Full Time 1.0 FTE (80 hours a pay period). Primarily night shift working Tuesday to Friday for 10-hour shifts. Rotates holidays. Hospital Lab Tech ~ Full Time 0.9 FTE (72 hours a pay period). Rotating shifts, mainly day/evenings during the week and every third weekend night shifts. Rotates holidays. Must be a graduate from an accredited MLT Associates degree or MT (MLS) Bachelor’s degree program, or equivalent education and training, with national certification as a MLT or MLS/MT. New graduates must pass a national certification exam within 6 months of employment. Clinic Lab Tech (Pine City) ~ Full Time 1.0 FTE (80 hours a pay period). Primarily evening shifts, rotating weekends and holidays. Associates degree in Lab Science from accredited program with MLT certification from a national certification agency. New graduates must pass a national certification exam within 6 months of employment. Apply online at Or email resume to FirstLight Health System 301 Highway 65 South Mora, MN 55051 320-225-3612 EOE


PROGRAM/HOUSE MANAGER A nation wide provider with over 30 years of experience has opportunities for program manager in the Metro area. If you can work independently, multi-task, & have a desire to serve others with a variety of disabilities, Dungarvin is the company for you! You would manage multiple sites serving individuals with disabilities and training staff to the highest quality. If you have the desire to join a great team and the drive to make a difference working in the metropolitan area, apply today! Competitive pay and benefits, great 401(K) and PTO package. Apply at to requisition #15-0275 today!

Now Hiring Full Time Employees

REGIONAL SPECIAL PROJECTS DIRECTOR A Social Services organization with over 30 years of experience has a great opportunity. If you have proven decisionmaking and project management skills & have a desire to serve others with a variety of disabilities, Dungarvin is the company for you! Need to qualify with past operational experience at a Director level. Join a great team with the drive to make a difference! Apply at to requisition #15-0343 Apply Today!

LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSE Lino Lakes Assisted Living has a wonderful LPN position available. This position is full time and requires working every fourth weekend.

Job Summary The LPN will assist the RN and Director of Nursing to ensure that the day to day healthcare needs of each resident are met. The LPN will be a support to direct care staff to ensure that quality healthcare is delivered while maintaining excellent customer service. The LPN will help promote an excellent community environment through a positive attitude and excellent resident care while maintaining regulatory compliance. Please send resume and job interest to:

Amy Koehnen Executive Director 763-267-6183

Visit us online at

**Newspaper Carrier** Are you looking for a way to take in some fresh air, get fit & see more of your neighbors? People of all ages WANTED to fill newspaper carrier routes in White Bear Lake neighborhoods. Call Greg @ Press Publications for more information (651) 407-1241 or email

starting at $9/ hour! Looking for motivated/ reliable workers. Stop in to fill out an application & ask for Tyler. 14815 Forest Blvd., Hugo MN 55038 (Highway 61)

KinderGardens Child Development Center in Hugo is looking for qualified teachers and assistant teachers to join our early childhood teaching team. We offer competitive wages, paid vacation, holidays, and training. KinderGardens is a privately owned child care center that is dedicated to providing a premier education center in a fun and caring environment for both children and staff. Please contact Brittney at 651-204-5101 or brittney@ kindergardenskids. com

Lunch Server North Lakes Academy Part-time position with afternoon hours. Position starts in Sept. 2015. Must have good computer skills, organization and good communication skills. A Food Manager Cert. a plus. Send resumes to Attn: Jennie S. North Lakes Academy 308 15th St NW Forest Lake, MN 55434

North Suburban Grounds Maintenance Co. In search of reliable men & women for FT seas & yr round opportunities. Entry level & experience positions available Good driving record req. M-F. No weekends $10-15/hr. Call Bill @ 651-490-9755 to schedule appointment E-mail

PT Direct Support Professional positions available White Bear Lake group homes w/ men or women! Exp. preferred. M/H valid DL, clean driving record, proof of ins & pass background check. Call Carrie for info (651) 426-3517. $1000 Retention BONUS offered!

Tow Truck Driver position- light & heavy duty, exp preferred, nights & weekends, must apply in person at Stillwater Towing. 1656 S Greeley St. Stillwater, MN 55082

Cherry Dresser • Top - 69 1/2" Long X 16" Wide • Top "Jut out " - 19" Long X 33 1/2" Wide • Drawers (3) 27 1/2 L X 14 1/2" W X 6 1/2" D • 6 Adjustable Shelves - 16 1/2" L X 13 1/2 D • Drawers have Metal Full Extension Slides Excellent Condition - Heavy (will need 2 People to move) $370

368 Household/ Appliances 12 piece set of dishes $100 651-275-1227



Business Opportunities

Garage Sales

CONTRACT SALESPERSON Selling Aerial photography of farms on commission basis. $4225.00 first month guarantee. $1,500$3,000 weekly proven earnings. Travel required. More info or 877/882-3566

155 Education Love to grow on Child Development Center is hiring aides. Hours 3:15-6 during school year. Starts mid August. Competitive wages, great work environment. Contact Jodi if interested 763-792-4428


612-599-1729 Buffet dark wood $140 651-275-1227

361 Lawn & Garden Premium Lawn boy push lawnmower non propelled light weight, side bagger. High quality cast aluminum deck. $124 612-599-1729

362 Miscellaneous DISH NETWORK Get more for less! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months), plus Bundle & save (Fast Internet for $15 more/month.) Call Now

5763 Meadowview Dr WBT 7/23-24;8-5 7/25;8-12 colltbls, HH Large variety of items Elim Lutheran Church Rummage Sale. 7/24: Noon-4. 7/25: 9a-4p. Half of the monies raised go towards a Diaper Bank in Detroit MI. Lots of stuff! See you in Scandia! Grant 9300 96th St N 7/23-24;9-5,flwr pots HH,clothes,atv wheels misc & much more Huge Multi Family Sale.4590 Allendale Dr. ( Behind Cub) Wed. 4-8, Thur.-Fri. 9-5






Sale: Thu 7/30-Sat 8/1 10a-6p. Craft items, hh, kids stuff and kids clothes. Location: 1581 5th St, WBL

NSP – NO. ST. PAUL OKDL - OAKDALE OPH – OAK PARK HEIGHTS PS – PINE SPRINGS 800/297-8706 RV - ROSEVILLE SC - SCANDIA SV 437 Ash Street DO YOU OWE Part time help needed 7/23-24;9-5 7/25;8-2 STA - STACY over $10,000 to the nights and weekends. STP – ST. PAUL cash only,HH,sports IRS or State in back Looking for friendly STW - STILLWATER taxes? You could get helpful people. SV - SHOREVIEW a settlement for as low WBL 2560 Dorothy Av Lexington Liquors VH – VADNAIS 7/23;8-4 7/24;8-12 as 25% of previous 763-786-0198 HEIGHTS HH, kids items, furn, IRS settlements. WBB – WHITE BEAR decor & much more Call Now! 800/558-0486 Rose Floral Retail BEACH Sales PT positions WBL – WHITE BEAR avail weekdays & DONATE YOUR CAR WBT 5335 Anderlie Ln LAKE name brand clths,+sz weekends. Retail & truck or boat to WBT – WHITE BEAR clths, tools & more computer Heritage For The 7/22;5-8 7/23-24;8-5 TWSP experience preferred. Blind. Free 3 day WI - WILLERNIE Apply in person vacation, tax WDBY - WOODBURY 14298 N 60th St, STW WBT 5379 Cottage Av deductible, free WRW - WITHROW 651-439-3765 7/23-24;9am foosball towing, all paperwork WYO - WYOMING table,variety of items taken care of. 800/439-1735 WBT Daycare closing 2 home sale, 7/21;9-6 GOT KNEE PAIN? Back pain? Shoulder 7/22-23;9-4 Antqs,wms clths sz20 Estate Sales pain? Get a painHouse Cleaning/ yard & smaller, toys galore relieving brace -little work/ errands, or no cost to you. Estate Sale Vintage reasonable rates Medicare patients call glass, lots of old call Tim 651-323-7045 health hotline now! jewelry, furn,sales800/755-6807 men samples 7/2325;8-5 5243 W Bald SAWMILLS from only Eagle Blvd, WBT $4397.00-Make & Thrifties Buy & Sell Old save money with your Records Vinyl, LPs own bandmill. Cut 10x10 pop up canopy 45s,Cassettes,stereos WBL 2226 lumber any tent, mesh screen CDs Go Johnny Go Gardenette Dr S dimension. In stock $150 612-206-0946 4775 Banning Av 7/24;8-5 7/25;8-4 ready to ship.Free White Bear Lake antiques, furniture Info/DVD: Sun adlt Trike 3 speed M-F 1-8 Sat 10-4 HH & more www.NorwoodSaw Ex. Cond., has conv., 612-735-1643 $625 bo651-780-7248 800/578-1363 Ext. 300N Wood Swing Playset $250 651-332-9391


Part Time



Hire Me




Wooded glider/rocker green cushions,little use ($300 new)asking $80 651-439-3392

355 SOUTH CENTRAL GRAIN and Energy at Fairfax Mn is seeking a qualified General Manager. This is a multi-location grain shuttle, feed, energy and agronomy cooperative with sales of $300 million. Successful agriculture business management experience desired. To Apply: dz7—for more info contact Larry Fuller 701/220-9775 or email larry.fuller@chsinc. com


Minnkota electric trolling motor , Vector 3X, 80lb thrust, 24v system, 40” shaft, low hours Excellent condition $225/BO 715-570-1795


363 Musical Instruments '69Gibson es120t elec guitar case&sales rec $1100 651-429-6168

Tables for Sale Unique & Beautiful - two round coffee & end tables. Wood carved, heavy duty Larger one is 42" round 21.5" high, smaller one is 26" round, 26" high. Good condition. 651-278-6917 or email chevyjill69@ for more info & pics $195/both



Garage Sales

Garage Sales Fun Decor!

Shopaholics Mark your calendars & HURRY to downtown Forest Lake on Thursday July 30; 8-6 & Friday July 31; 8-?


You will find some unusual items, fun decorations, quality furniture, al a variety of household items, Unusu ! quilting fabrics, patterns & Items supplies, Christmas dishes, duvet cover, so much more.

Items are priced to sell.

See you soon...

65 1st Street SE, Forest Lake



| 19

Over heard The Washingto Submitted photo n County Sheriff ’s Office welcom Maia, a Belgian es K-9 malinois importe d from the Neth to its team. Mai erlands, a is the county’s first female patro since the K-9 un l dog it was started in 19 82 . She and her pa Deputy Clay Ev rtner, ens, started K9 Academy last month. Maia wi ll be trained in apprehension, suspect search , obedience, ag ility, tracking, article search an d narcotics dete ction.

Submitted photo spotted this rine rner Nature Center in Ma Campers at Lee & Rose Wa woods July 10. blue spotted salamander in the

Submitted photo The Forest Youth Service Bureau sponsored its annual TASTE event July 16 featuring samples of food and drink from local eateries. Location was Stars and Strike Entertainment Center, and proceeds went to Forest Lake Area Partnership For Families.

• Residents in St. Croix Falls, Wis. Have complained to city officials about the name of and signage for a local gun shop — “F-Bomb Ordinance.” • In a unusual history event co-sponsored by the WCHS, Gammelgarden Museum and Elim Lutheran Church, a “Living Cemetery” will be conducted in the Elim Cemetery in Scandia Oct. 11. Apparently on-site actors will portray historical figures buried there. • New owners of Marine General Store are Gordon and Cheryl Arcand. Gordon has longtime experience in the grocery business, according to a Facebook posting about the change. Former owners Andy and Karen Kramer continue to live in Marine. “We depart with some sadness, but with hearts and minds filled with a lifetime of incredible memories that we will always treasure,” they posted. • Shout out to the party boat that’s been appearing on Forest Lake. Apparently it recently hosted a wedding.

• Julie Johnson is new city clerk for the city of Lake Elmo. Locals may know her as former deputy clerk for Oak Park Heights and as co-host of Sen. Karin Housley’s radio show on AM 1220. Johnson replaces Adam Bell, who resigned earlier this year after citing a hostile work environment. • Did you know River Market Co-op in Stillwater has a complimentary bike repair station behind its building for those coming to and from the Browns Creek Trail? • Owners of the new JX Event Center in Stillwater have received approval to create a revised layout that can accomodate up to 1,200 guests instead of 800. Tenants are still being Submitted photo sought for adjacent space within the building, which is slated in Forest Lake recently rch Chu ads ssro Cro from to open next May. Youth nce called Covenant High in attended a regional confere • Washington County plans improvements to Beach Road/ Christ. Paris Avenue (AKA Country Road 23) in Oak Park Heights that include added sidewalk between 61st and 65th as well as roadway and drainage revamping. Submitted photo • Twin Cities Live named Lift Bridge Beer Co. Best Brewery ently posted this 1930 rec iety Soc cal tori His nty in its Best Summer Ever Awards last week. The Anoka Cou parade and ed at a local Fourth of July pic of a float that appear child ng enrollees in a Columbus the Anoka County Fair, featuri development project.

Submitted photo Participants attended a cowpoke-themed book club meeting at the Marine Community Library, discussing "Leroy Ninker Saddles Up" by Kate DiCamillo.

Submitted photo Sculptors James Shoop of St. Croix Falls and Elizabeth Belz of Stillwater received awards during the opening reception of the Annual Members Show at ArtReach St. Croix, 224 N. Fourth St., Stillwater. The show features 53 area artists. The Audience Award will be announced at a closing reception Aug. 15.

Submitted photo Masquers Theater's production of "Shrek" continues through July 26 at FLAHS. Tickets at ticket-information/ or 651-464-5823.

Submitted photo Vacation Bible School attendees at Hosanna Lutheran Church in Forest Lake assembled more than 200 sandwiches for the homeless July 13.

Photo courtesy of Carl Bliss The former Lyle's Grocery on Third Street in Bayport was demolished last week. Locals on Facebook reminisced about buying penny candy at a different store there in the 1950s, while Kelita Robertson said it housed The River Trader Antique shop from 1971 to 1986.

20 |

7.24.15 12.21.12

Fun Lovers log on to second Annual Log Jam

— Photos from Stillwater Log Jam photographer Drew Johnson Last weekend’s Log Jam festival in Stillwater drew good crowds all weekend, in spite of late Saturday storms that temporary displaced some tents and equipment. Clockwise from top right, attendees enjoyed kids’ activities; gondola rides on the river; a chance to try log rolling; lumberjacking demonstrations; a craft involving paper lanterns; a parade marshaled by the Kriesel brothers; a magic show by Karl Achilles; and a concert by Frankie Lee, who signed to worldwide record label Loose Music earlier this month.

Blues Traveler, Running Aces put on crowd pleaser music



COLUMBUS — Although they played up the nostalgia angle somewhat for Running Aces’ first ever outdoor concert, it is quite obvious the venue is leaps and bounds above its predecessor Trout Air, located on the site decades ago. To celebrate the connection, tickets started at just $22 for the inaugural concert featuring Blues Traveler, which last performed on the site 22 years ago. Beyond the affordable price, it wasn’t your parents' rock and roll show. It was better. For all who have wondered over the years why there were no longer concerts being held at this location, the answers are many and vary from logistics to politics. The great thing is, concerts are back. For all you nostalgia buffs out there, Running Aces is no Trout Air — and that’s a good thing. Trout Air Amphitheater was, in reality, a claptrap stage in the middle of an open field whereas Running Aces is a first-class venue, with infrastructure already in place to hold this concert and hopefully many more in the future. The stage was a self-contained semitrailer unit that could best be described as Transformerlike, located right on the horse track about 10 feet off the front railing. As for the show, Blues Traveler played about 100 minutes, including mid-90s hits that were definitely crowd pleasers as well as new material from its latest album “Blow Up the Moon.” The set ended with a flurry with hits “Hook,” “The Mountains Win

Photo courtesy of Running Aces About 1,500 fans attended the Blues Traveler show, which lasted about 100 minutes. At right lead singer John Popper, who’s struggled with health issues and gastric bypass surgery, seemed in fine form.

Again” and its version of “Devil Went Down to Georgia.” Lead singer John Popper, looking as if he hasn’t aged a bit in 22 years was in fine, friendly form. His expert harmonica play was featured in lieu of Charlie Daniels’ fiddle on the final number. Speaking of friendly, that also describes the staff at Running Aces from top to bottom. I’ve never, in all my years, experienced such a helpful and friendly staff from beginning to end from the ushers, security, vendors, maintenance and cleaning staff. The weather was a question mark heading in, but was not ultimately a factor. As is often the case for outdoor concerts, the gods smiled upon the event and the skies cleared just before showtime. In a thoughtful move, the venue moved the opening act — Dubuque, Iowa cover band Missbehavin’ — inside the Pacers Atrium just in case. That was an interesting touch as the room also contained three blackjack tables so one could gamble during the concert, something definitely unique to the venue. The first foray

Photo by J.J. Klein

into the concert scene would have to be classified as a success. For those in the area who still consider the Twin Cities to be a road trip — as well as for those who commute daily — the venue is a jewel right in our backyard. The majority of the approximately 1,500 concert goers seemed to be having a good time throughout, and isn’t that what rock and roll is ultimately about? - Jeff Klein is senior operations manager for the Minnesota Wild/The St. Paul Arena Co., the company that manages Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul RiverCentre and the Roy Wilkins Auditorium.

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