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New public works director is coming home
Jim Hauth will start his new job as the Vadnais Heights public works director on July 31.
“We’re really excited to hire Jim Hauth as our next public works director,” said Kevin Watson, city administrator. “Jim actually grew up in Vadnais Heights, so he has a lot of passion for the community and I think he will be heavily invested in its future and its success.”
According to Assistant City Administrator Kaylin Clement, the city received 16 applications for the position. Clement and Watson held Zoom interviews with seven qualified candidates and three of those applicants were invited to come into City Hall for in-person interviews. Hauth will replace former Public Works Director Jesse Farrell, who resigned in the spring.
“Jim comes from a background with the city of Columbia Heights as well as the city of Eagan, working in public works, kind of working his way up through those organizations and everyone I’ve talked to has nothing but high praise for him,” Watson said.
Clement noted that Hauth’s professional experience includes the Duke University’s Water Innovation Leadership Development program and the Public Works Leadership Academy at Hamline University.
“He’s passionate, very intelligent and has gone on and pursued, you know, education and learning and really seems to be a lifelong learner,” Watson said. “He’s bringing a different perspective on the operation side and not necessarily the engineering side. So there will be a little bit of a change in how we’ve done things, but I’m really excited to bring him on board. He seems like he’s gonna fit right.”
Other council notes:
• T he city of Vadnais Heights is looking for people to join the “green team” as part of its Gold Leaf Pilot Program. According to City Administrator Kevin Watson, the team is intended to coordinate and engage with community members on the implementation of sustainability best practices. The green team is open to residents, members of the business community, students and everyone in between. Throughout the summer, green team members will have the opportunity to volunteer, talk with sustainability experts on a variety of topics and brainstorm with other members about the next steps to continue to grow the program. Learn more about how to be a part of the green team at www.cityvadnaisheights.com/ vhgreenteam.
• T he city and the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO) are looking for volunteers for the adopt a rain garden program. According to Watson, rain gardens are important for flood mitigation and is a stormwater management tool that provides important pollinator habitat and beautification. More information is available on the VLAWMO website.
The next Vadnais Heights City Council meeting is at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 18, at Vadnais Heights City Hall.