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WDGY: Station celebrates Centennial
popularity, the station has managed to stay local. It broadcasts an impressive roster of live DJs, most having lived in the Twin Cities area for over 20 years. To celebrate their anniversary this year, the station has featured many themed weekends like ‘Back to the 50s’ and ‘Power of 100’ where they will showcase 100 nonprofits. The station will also have their own stand at the MN State Fair for the first time since 1987.
Names In The News
In the next few years, WDGY plans to continue to support the neighborhood. “We’re trying to do more things [to] be good stewards of the community with music,” said president Brent Borgen.
Readers can join the 100-year anniversary festivities by tuning in to WDGY on FM 92.1, FM 103.7, 107.1HD2, AM 740, smart speakers using the TuneIn app, their website WDGYRadio.com, or by using the WDGY phone app.
started keeping journals when I was 10 and wrote in them as if I was writing short stories. I read books continually. My favorite author was Jack London. His semi autobiography, “Martin Eden,” inspired me to not only write but to seek adventure, travel and never give up.
I did technical writing in my career as a biologist for the MPCA, writing the state’s first yard waste and solid waste compost book, and articles in “Bicycle Magazine.” For fun, I wrote children’s books to entertain my three kids. I retired after 33 years at the MPCA just as the pandemic hit, and used my isolation to reread my journals. My book was the result.
Q: Where did the inspiration for your book, “Looking for Martin Eden,” come from?
A: My inspiration came from two things — my need to use the body of writing I’d acquired in my almost 50 journals and from Jack London, who used his experiences in his short stories and novels.
Q: What should readers know about this story?
A: I use journal entries in my book starting at age 10 up until the time I retired with the arc being how Jack London influenced my life, including my interest in composting, my love interests and my need to hit the adventure path. I had a past-life regression at age 40 that included a Jack London vision. My book imagines traveling in space-time to view the events of my life. I’ve been fascinated by physicists (starting with Einstein) stating that the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Events in the past don’t sail past us and disappear forever. They just exist in a different part of space-time or the block universe.
Q: Tell us about the process of writing and publishing this book. How long did it take you?
A: I spent about a year rereading and ruminating over all my journals. Writing and deciding what to include and what to leave out took about six months. Publishing took another six months. But I’ve really been writing this book for 50 years.
Q: What do you hope readers will gain from reading this story?
A: I hope readers will keep journals, if they already don’t, and go back occasionally to reread them. It gives your life perspective. If I could be an example to someone who, like me, was a victim of domestic abuse or who had unplanned pregnancies, I wish I can give them hope and let them know everything will turn out all right, as it did for me.
Q: Where is the book sold?
A: In about two weeks, it will be available in paperback and online on Amazon and in Barnes & Noble. I also plan on signing copies I’m purchasing at some later event.
Q: Do you have any plans for future works?
A: I’d like to try my hand at fiction next. I also hope to publish my children’s books I’ve written. and a script I wrote on the life of Jack London. My dream is to have the Cohen Brothers make my script into a movie. I know they’re fans of Jack London.
Two boys from White Bear Lake, Josh Kohler and Makade Mastel, will star in the Circus Juventas summer production “Excalibur,” bringing King Arthur’s legend to life. Kohler, 13, from Hand in Hand Montessori and Mastel, 15, from White Bear Lake North Campus High School, will play knights in King Arthur’s court during the summer show. Kohler performs as a knight during the market scene and throughout his circus career he’s trained in mini vault, Rola-bola, juggling and acrobatics which is his favorite. “I feel a little nervous because I’ve performed in some of the other Circus Juventas shows, but not the summer ones,” said Kohler.
Mastel can be seen performing in the stunts Russian swing and mini vault. This is his second summer show and last year he successfully performed mini vault for the crowd. Lately he’s enjoyed practicing his Russian swing act and loves the concept of “Excalibur” and the excitement that follows when bringing knights into a performance. The show will take place in the air-conditioned, permanent big top, 1271 Montreal Ave. in St. Paul, from July 28 to Aug. 13, for 16 performances. The matinee at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5, will have ASL and AD interpretation. For ticket information go to circusjuventas. showare.com.

A bi-weekly section where readers will be informed on subjects of seasonal interest, upcoming events and other timely topics.
THE CLERK’S CORNER – Greetings from the Township! It’s midsummer and the number one topic that is being discussed is water conservation in the midst of a severe drought (again). PLEASE observe the Township Ordinance that spells out the irrigation requirements during the summer months, and know that how our water is managed and its impact of White Bear Lake will potentially affect us all.
In the meantime, the Township will continue its 10-year plan for road improvements around the area as well as working in conjunction with Ramsey County towards the final goal of upgrading our aging infrastructure and improving our overall community amenities.
Finally! Don’t forget Township Day coming up on September 16th!
Rebates are available to White Bear Township utility customers who replace existing products with specified water efficient products now through June 30, 2024 or until the remaining $26,962.61 is depleted. This funding is provided by the Metropolitan Council through the Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment.
The rebate is for 100% of the pretax cost of the item, up to the maximum rebate amount allowed on eligible water efficiency products. A minimum investment of $75.00 for homeowners or $200 for Commercial / HOA's is required on the Irrigation Audits.
Residents can get up to a maximum of $150 for Energy Star washers; $200 for Energy Star Certified Dishwashers; $200 for WaterSense toilets; and $200 for WaterSense irrigation controllers; and up to $500 for
Irrigation Audit by a WaterSense certified professional.
Commercial / Homeowners Associations can also get rebates for irrigation improvements. For more information about the Water Efficiency Rebate program, visit www.whitebeartownship.org/165/waterefficiency-rebate-program.
NIGHT TO UNITE – Night to Unite is Tuesday, August 1, 2023 and is held annually as a way to meet your neighbors & promote safe communities.
Night to Unite goals are to:
• Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.
• Generate support and participation in crime prevention and community policing programs.
• Strengthen neighborhood spirits and public safety-community partnerships.
• Let criminals know that you are committed to keeping your neighborhood safe.
Neighborhoods are encouraged to extend an invitation to all neighbors as well as inviting another block to join your party, especially if that block is not planning a celebration. Night to Unite Activity ideas and a Party Planning Grid can be found on the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office Website.
• Lobsters taste with their feet. Tiny bristles inside a lobster’s pinchers are their equivalent to human taste buds.
• There’s enough gold inside the Earth to coat the planet – 99 percent of the precious metal can be found in the Earth’s core.
• It’s impossible to hum while holding your nose. You just tested it, didn’t you?
• The brand name Spam (founded in Minnesota) is a combination of “spice” and “ham.”