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New fire truck to blaze into town in 2025
A new rescue fire truck will be parked in the garage at the White Bear Lake fire station in 2025.
Fire Chief Greg Peterson said rescue truck #923 has been in service since 2003 and has reached its expected 20-year life span. Its replacement is part of the Capital Improvement Plan and Financial Management Plan in 2025. He noted prices for fire trucks have significantly increased over the last few years.
“The first truck the council approved me to purchase five years ago was about $550,000 and now the same truck is going for $944,000,” Peterson said. “Each year we’re seeing significant price increases. And so we obviously need to replace the fleet and keep it up to up to par and working for another 20 years.”
Peterson noted that another dynamic that has developed over the years is the delay in getting a truck. “It used to be less than a year and currently, they average about 24 to 36 months before we can even get our hands on the vehicle,” he said.
According to Peterson, the city is a member of the Houston-Galveston (HGAC) Cooperative. MacQueen, the local vendor of Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., is the preferred vendor through the HGAC Cooperative for the purchase of the new truck for $944,000. There is a provision within their purchase agreement to purchase the current rescue truck via trade-in at a value of $60,000.
The final cost to the city for the new truck would be $884,000. Payment for the purchase would be due in 2025 which aligns with the Capital Improvement Plan, Financial Management Plan and 2023 adopted budget.
“The city’s mechanics enjoy working on the ladder truck and are impressed with how it is built,” Peterson stated. “Having a similar rescue truck with the fleet would be beneficial for the fire department and public works mechanics.”
Council Member Kevin Edberg asked Peterson how many miles are put on the truck and how many times a year does it go out on calls.
“We don’t travel a great distance, but usually around 70,000 to 80,000 miles over those 20 years,” Peterson responded. “Currently the rescue truck is kind of the backup role. So, this will become the primary truck that goes on every call. We do closer to 1,000 fire calls a year. But it also goes on accident scenes and so on.”
Mayor Dan Lousimet noted getting the truck is essential for the safety of the community. “It’s an essential piece of equipment for the fire department, and it’s time to replace it.”
White Bear Lake Honor