1 minute read
Three Current Threats to White Bear Lake
1 Starry Stonewort
Starry stonewort is a macro algae that that has NOT been found in WBL, but is a major threat. Once found in lakes, it is extremely expensive to treat with no hope of eradication at this time. Starry stonewort creates dense mats that can impede recreation and overtakes habitat for native plants and aquatic animals. Starry stonewort is primarily spread through the movement of waterrelated equipment. Fragments can attach to trailers, motors, anchors and boats. Small bulbils can stick to trailer bunks, anchors, ropes, fabric, footwear, as well as scuba, fishing and hunting gear. A fragment smaller than the tip of your finger can start a new population. (See star shaped bulbil at right)
Use extra caution when coming from the following starry stonewort infested lakes: Beltrami, Bemidji, Bowen, Camelian, Cass, Grand (Stearns County), Koronis, Leech,
Medicine, Minnewaska, Moose, Pimushe, Pleasant (Wright County), Rice (Stearns County), Thunder, Big Turtle, Turtle River, Upper Red, West Sylvia, Winnibigoshish, and Big Wolf. The Mississippi River is also infested with starry stonewort. For more information on starry stonewort please visit
2 Invasive Yellow Iris
(iris pseudacorus)
Invasive Yellow Iris grows along shorelines and in shallow water. It can crowd out native shoreland vegetation and can clog narrow waterways. Yellow Iris expands quickly and can form dense mats. It is a toxic plant to animals, and requires gloves to protect your skin when cutting it.

Invasive Yellow Iris was first discovered in WBL in 2020 in front of the Fillebrown House. It was eradicated the same year. In 2022, additional invasive Yellow Iris growth was found in Commercial Bay. The board is asking lakefront owners to check their shorelines and shallow water to determine the extent of the infestation. Please e-mail your address to office@ wblcd.org if you find it.
Instructions for identification and removal of invasive yellow iris can be found on our website.