2 minute read

Preserving White Bear Lake for Future Generations

Lakeshore owners and easement holders

WBL below the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL) belongs to the State of Minnesota for use by all. Lakeshore property owners and easement holders may erect a dock from the shoreline into the public waters. In order to maintain orderly use of the lake and minimize conflicts between neighboring docks, the WBLCD has defined an Authorized Dock Use Area (ADUA). This is an area that extends


200 ft into the lake as measured from the OHWL. In situations where, at a distance of 200 feet, the lake is less than four feet deep, then either that distance at which the lake is four feet deep, or a distance of 300 feet, whichever is less.

Some considerations for using your ADUA:

1 Your one dock should be configured so as to not encroach

Top five summer boating reminders

1 State law requires children under the age of 10 wear a lifejacket while watercraft are underway.

2 State law prohibits riding on the bow or gunwales while a boat is underway.

3 Personal watercraft (jet skis) may by operated from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or one hour before sunset whichever is earlier.

4 Avoid following boats towing a water skier, tuber, or wake surfer too closely as the skier or rider could fall into the water at any time.

5 No person shall operate a watercraft in such a manner that its wash or wake will endanger, harass, or unnecessarily interfere with any other person, wildlife or on a neighboring ADUA and so that you can navigate a boat into open waters without crossing into neighboring ADUAs. property. Under Minnesota law, the damage from a wake is treated the same as damage caused by an actual collision. Preserve the lake, enjoy the lake and share the lake responsibly

2 If a conflict with a neighbor cannot be resolved, the WBLCD can assist to reach a solution.

3 Docks may have up to four boats in your ADUA. A dock with more than four boats requires a permit from the WBLCD.

4 Leasing slips on your dock to others without a commercial dock permit from the WBLCD is prohibited.

5 You may not build a permanent dock or structure in the lake without a permit from the WBLCD.

Permitting agencies for White Bear Lake On the shore?

If there is an issue or project planned above the ordinary high water level (OHWL), your city government may have rules or regulations which could affect you. Contact the city planning and/or zoning department to find out if your project or issue falls within the city’s jurisdiction.

On the water?

For issues such as docks, water ski courses, rafts, buoys, or events happening on the water or ice of WBL, please contact the WBLCD.

The WBLCD handles permit applications for specific structures, events or activities on the lake. Please call us to determine if your project or issue requires WBLCD involvement. Placement of buoys in the lake requires permission from the Sheriff’s office of your county. Commercial marinas require permission from the MN DNR in addition to the WBLCD. In

the water?

If you see a new invasive species or other concern, please call the WBLCD and the MN DNR. The MN DNR handles issues related to projects in the water of WBL. This includes, but is not limited to projects such as removing vegetation or weeds from the shoreline, creating a sand beach, or any project that affects the lake bed or area of shoreline below the OHWL. The DNR has a webpage listing projects that may need a permit.

Four ways you can help protect WBL now

1 Search your shoreline for Invasive Yellow Iris

2 Watch for Starry Stonewort

3 Watch the amount of salt used in the winter

4 Stay up to date: follow us on social media

Emergencies and concerns on the lake

Please call 911 for any emergency, crime or urgent concern on the lake.

Please contact the WBLCD for non-urgent concerns.

Let’s connect

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, check out our website or contact the WBLCD office.

Website: wblcd.org

Facebook: “WBLCD” www.facebook.com/


Instagram: “WBL Conservation District”

Phone: (651) 429-8520

E-mail: office@wblcd.org

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