The City of White Bear Lake invites you to celebrate the completion of the White Bear Lake Public Safety Facility renovation and expansion. Thursday, August 22, 2024 | 5:00-7:00 PM
Opening remarks and ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 5:00 PM 4701 Highway 61, White Bear Lake, MN 55110
•The public will be able to view the Fire Department 1929 LaFrance truck from the outside of the facility on 2nd Street through tall windows. The city is working with the historical society to design, add signage and plaques explaining the history of the truck. The LaFrance is the truck that the City Council rides in during the Manitou Days parade.
•Since the 1960’s, the city has learned that cancer is the leading cause of firefighter deaths. This is due to the carcinogens they are exposed to while fighting fires. The new facility is designed to help mitigate this exposure in a number of ways. This includes a truck exhaust ventilation system that evacuates the hazardous fumes outside. The turnout
firefighters wear will be stored in a room with negative pressure ventilation that removes the gases that come off the gear by directing it outside through the vent system. There are also showers and a locker room nearby that allow them to easily change into clean clothes before they enter the rest of the building. This design will help to foster a healthier environment for everyone.
•Indoor, temperature-controlled parking for police vehicles and fire equipment will allow vehicles to be secure and ready to go at a moment’s notice.
•A larger evidence storage area •A large indoor police garage to accommodate a 19-vehicle fleet.
•An apparatus bay that will fit the fire department’s new ladder truck with
"We truly appreciate the support of the communities that we serve. The new facility is designed to support the health and wellness of our firefighters as well as improve our operational efficiency. It will serve us well now and into the foreseeable future."
“Our officers and staff have long awaited an indoor parking garage to make our jobs more efficient and allow us to be more productive. We are eternally grateful to our citizens for making this sacrifice and to our city leaders, both past and present, for making this dream of ours, a reality.”
Dale Hager Chief of Police