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Head of School from the
Dear Whitefield Community,
We are experiencing yet another amazing school year at Whitefield Academy as we see the hand of God steadily at work in and through the lives of people. I have enjoyed connecting with our students, families, faculty, and staff as we journey together in pursuing excellence in education that is centered on Jesus Christ. Foundational to this endeavor is understanding each person in light of God creating him or her in His image. That’s why Imago Dei has been an overarching theme for us this year, as we look at the dignity and worth of each person, created in God’s image, and the implications of this truth in all that we do.
As image bearers, our students are examining who God is to better understand their own identity. Their hearts, souls, minds, and strength are being fed as they strive to love God and love others, even ahead of themselves. They are deepening their relationships with God and with others as they encounter the living and active Jesus every day. It’s within this context that the Bible comes alive, and our students are best able to develop a relationship with this world that instills a “passion for learning” that carries students through college and beyond.
Meeting people in history becomes more interesting as students notice the great impact they have had on the unfolding of this world. Solving complex problems become more enjoyable as students notice the order of this world. Scientific discoveries are more fascinating as each one provides deeper understanding of the One who created us and this world. Connecting with characters in literature becomes more profound as students recognize the human struggle of living in a world that is created good, fallen in sin that has been conquered by Christ, and yet to be fully restored. Physical challenges that develop strength take on additional relevance as they mirror spiritual development. Artistic creativity provides added beauty as it displays the beauty of the ultimate Creator. The endless list of implications for the Imago Dei provides all of us an opportunity to rejoice and give glory to God as we watch our students and alumni, a widely diverse group of individuals, as they continue to impress us with their energy, commitment, and accomplishments in “running the race marked out for them.”
As you explore this issue of the Whitefield magazine, I hope you will draw the same encouragement and inspiration as we do from the daily interactions with our alumni, students, and community here at Whitefield. May we all continue to mature, master new skills, and journey toward lives continually transformed by Christ, reflecting the image of God in each of us.
In service to Him,
Kevin Bracher, Ph.D. Head of School, Whitefield Academy