8 minute read
2023/24 Budget
On 26 June, Council adopted the 2023/24 budget which will deliver great services, programs and initiatives across the municipality.
Informed by community consultation and the Council Plan 2021-2025, this Budget provides $174 million for the delivery of services to the community and a significant capital works program of $50 million.
Whitehorse City Council Mayor, Cr Mark Lane said the budget was developed in a challenging economic environment.
“The cost of living, inflationary pressures and challenging global events continue to impact Council and the community. Despite this, we’re proud to have kept rates low – capped at a 3.5% increase, while delivering new budget initiatives and keeping our community clean, healthy, engaged and connected.
“This budget is balanced and demonstrates Council’s commitment to financial sustainability and transformation, while meeting the changing needs and aspirations of our community.”
Cr Lane added, “Through this budget we look forward to delivering great outcomes and making Whitehorse a connected and resilient community where everyone belongs.”
Significant operational initiatives for 2023/24 include:
▪ the opening of The Round later this year, delivering our new performing arts centre that will be home to state-of-the art facilities for all the community to enjoy and use
▪ development of Open Space Master Plans that will guide the planning, design and development of key open space sites across Whitehorse, so they can be shared and enjoyed by everyone for a diverse range of purposes
▪ implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy, which will deliver key actions to better protect, enhance and connect Whitehorse’s natural assets.
L For more information about Council’s budget visit www.whitehorse.vic.gov.au/budget
$15.73 million Parks and Natural Environment (maintenance of sports fields, parks and gardens)
$15.58 million Leisure and Recreation Services
Delivering Highlights
$174 million spend
$11.91 million Health and Family Services
Great services, programs and initiatives
$23.87 million Kerbside and Public Waste Services
Delivering for you –Highlights of Council’s million services spend in 2023/24.
$11.06 million City Services (maintenance of footpaths, drains and roads, sustainability)
Snapshot of $50 million Capital Works Program
$20.9m Land, Buildings and Building Improvements
$3.8m To complete The Round (Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre Redevelopment)
$1.4m Box Hill City Oval Redevelopment
$3.0m Open Space Strategy and Strategic Land Acquisition
$2.4m To finalise Morack Golf Course Pavilion, Driving Range and Mini Golf Redevelopment
$6.7m Plant And Equipment
$6.4m Roads, Bridges And Off Street Car Parks
$5.4m Repairing and improving Local Roads
$0.6m Convert former Box Hill Bowls Club to carpark
$5.8m Recreational, Leisure And Community Facilities
$2.1m Upgrade Sportsfield – Elgar Park North East
$0.6m Renew Sportsfield Floodlighting
$0.4m Renew Sportsfield Training Nets
$9.52 million Community Safety (Community Laws, parking, school crossings and emergency management)
$4.5m Footpaths And Cycleways
$2.7m Renew Footpaths
$0.5m School Crossing Improvements
$0.4m Update Easy Ride Routes
$0.4m Improving Footbridges and Path Structures in Parks
$3.7m Parks, Open Space And Streetscapes
$1.0m Upgrade Program Play Spaces
$1.0m Upgrade Streetscapes
$0.5m Improved Park Furniture
$0.2m Improved Park Lighting
$2.2m Drainage Improvements
$1.3m Upgrade Stormwater Drainage Network
$0.3m Upgrade Drainage Works initiatives for our community
The views expressed are those of individual Councillors and do not necessarily reflect Council policy or the views of Council as a whole.
Whitehorse City Council is divided into 11 single-councillor wards. Our Councillors have been elected to serve until October 2024.
Cootamundra Ward
Andrew Munroe 0429 138 140 andrew.munroe@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Coinciding with the anniversary of our Sister City relationship with Matsudo, Japan, Box Hill Town Hall hosted the annual Japan Festival organised by the Japan Club of Victoria.
I was pleased to join the Mayor Cr Mark Lane and the Consul-General for Japan, Mr. Junji Shimada and his wife for the opening of this year’s festival. Returning after three years due to COVID-19, celebrating culture, language, food and more, it was fantastic to see thousands attend this year’s festival. I believe our relationship with Japan is of utmost importance as they are a good partner in our region.
Lake Ward
Denise Massoud 0409 230 499 denise.massoud@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Eley Ward
Trudy Skilbeck 0435 188 822 trudy.skilbeck@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Our power to drive change through volunteering
I continue to reflect on National Volunteer week, annually in May. Our Whitehorse Manningham Libraries have a backbone of 144 volunteers; some were able to celebrate with us at Vermont South Library; all are change agents supporting our libraries to provide safe and non-judgemental spaces of free access to services, programs, technology, social interaction and inclusion.
Mahoneys Ward Mark Lane – Mayor 0435 387 526 mark.lane@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Elgar Ward Blair Barker 0459 857 280 blair.barker@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
I am delighted the challenges with the booked hard waste collections appear to be mainly resolved. Targeted education, rapid response to dumped rubbish and continuous improvement will continue to improve outcomes.
Considerable changes to waste services continue to be imposed by the State Government that will impact households and Council. On-going increases in the levy on sending waste to landfill and a new container deposit scheme is slated to start later this year. It will be interesting to see how that works!
I recently met with the local cricket club and football club representatives at Koonung Park to discuss development opportunities. While there, I noted the towers for the new oval lights had been delivered and were set to be installed.
A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a resident as to why Council was patching their street and was not fully resurfacing the whole area. What residents may not be aware is that all roads across the municipality (excluding arterial roads) are routinely inspected and prioritised for resurfacing. Sometimes it is found that only a small area needs attention, which can be attended quickly, but where major works are deemed necessary the street will be added to the program. Whitehorse has an annual budget of approximately $450,000 for minor asphalt patching throughout the municipality.
Recognition is a really important means of nourishing the desire to stay engaged. On 15 May, we recognised service ranging between 5 and 15 years. Contributions include Conversation Buddies/Conversation Circles, the Home Library Service, Story Circle in Aged Care communities, and more. These programs could not run without volunteers, who hold both the work and the warm welcome that goes with it. These contributions are in themselves a diplomacy that deepens our collective sense of community place and belonging. I got reacquainted with my inner slow pace reading for the 2023 National Simultaneous Storytime, also in May; featuring The Speedy Sloth by Rebecca Young. Storytimes are fantastically communal, and together we are expanding them. Have a look at the storytime offering at the Whitehorse Churches Care Community Hub at Forest Hill Chase. And, in Eley Ward, check out the new storytime being provided by Whitehorse Manningham Libraries at Burwood Brickworks, upper level, one Monday a month, 10.30 to 11.15 am (24 July, 28 August, and more).
The food and garden organics bin and another purple bin for glass are also slated by the State Government to be mandatory in future years (how smaller properties will fit four bins is beyond me). Council is now also itemising the waste costs on your annual rates bill. Given the new mandates, community support for recycling and minimising waste and costs, I was delighted to gain the support of other councillors for a new ‘waste dashboard’. To be published on Council’s website, the dashboard will empower residents to keep track of Whitehorse’s waste performance, including diversion of waste from landfill.
This transparency is important so the community can see the impacts of their efforts to reduce waste, increase recycling and hold Council and our waste contractors to account. Other councils have already expressed an interest in our dashboard concept, so hopefully it’s another innovation from the Elgar Ward that we can share to help other municipalities.
Sparks Ward
Cr Tina Liu 0418 121 357 tina.liu@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Kingsley Ward
Cr Amanda McNeill 0435 158 360 amanda.mcneill@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Good news! Trains are running and the LXRP occupation is over. The car park behind the toilet in Hamilton Street Mont Albert has been returned to the community. It is now a 2P parking zone so more people can park and shop at the Village. Officers will be back patrolling so over stayers will be fined.
The Rotary Sunday Market is back too! It runs on the 4th Sunday of each month out of the car park. Contact MASH Rotary’s Pat Gagliardi on 0425 725 899 to book your stall.
The old Mont Albert station building is being re-erected for community use and the community space is taking shape. The platform outside the old pizzeria has been removed. This will tidy up the street and return a valuable parking space to shoppers.
It is good to see access improvements at Mont Albert Reserve, and streetscape safety improvements and new landscaping at Wattle Park Shops. These upgrades benefit all Whitehorse residents. Take a look for yourself.
Winter walking is a great way to keep well and community engaged. But damp footpaths, nature strips and roads can create safety issues for older residents, children playing and people with disabilities. If you see damaged footpaths, overflowing drains or potholes send a Snap Send Solve report to Council from your phone or contact me!
Wattle Ward
Cr Andrew Davenport 0407 652 145 andrew.davenport@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Walker Ward
Cr Ben Stennett 0448 375 937 ben.stennett@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Woody Weed Removal
Recently there have been some woody weed removals in some of our reserves in Mitcham. The sites include Yarran Dheran, Mullum Mullum Creek, The Horse Paddock, Moresby Dale and Antonio Newlands. This involves cleaning up exotic vegetation and woody weeds, such as Pittosporum, Privet and Cotoneaster.
The Round
I’m pleased to report the new performing arts centre, known as The Round, is nearing completion. Works should be complete soon, and I can’t wait to officially open the new facility in late 2023 ahead of some of our festivals which will return such as the Christmas Carols and Australia Day concert and fireworks.
Alwyn Street Works
In the 2022/23 Budget there was an approved project to install speed humps along Alwyn Street Mitcham. This followed a resident petition presented to Council requesting their installation. As part of the project, lighting had to be installed adjacent to the locations of the speed humps, which delayed the installation of these traffic treatments. I believe these will now be installed around August this year.
Britannia Mall
You may have seen a new installation at Britannia Mall – a large community notice board on the wall of the multi deck car park facing the mall. This is part of Council’s two placemaking activation sites in the mallas they say, watch this space!
Terrara Ward
Cr Raylene Carr 0400 886 889 raylene.carr@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
Simpson Ward
Cr Prue Cutts – Deputy Mayor 0409 867 540 prue.cutts@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
It was a triple treat to visit Simpson Ward’s three pre-schools – Eastmont, Heatherdale and Rangeview - who had their Open Days on the same day.
To top the day off, I joined a small gathering to celebrate Heatherdale PreSchool’s 70th anniversary!
Congratulations to all involved over the decades and wishing you another 70 successful, wonderful years!
In a busy couple of months of engagements, I was delighted to co-host the 1st Bennettswood Cubs with my colleague Cr Andrew Davenport at Council Chambers. The enthusiastic group of 20 cubs had excellent questions on all things local government and the democratic process. I also assisted with mock interviews for Year 9 students at Mullauna College with other Rotarians and Lions Club members. It was great to put my 20+ years as a Careers Counsellor hat back on in the role. I was honoured to be guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Box Hill Central and the Blackburn Bellbird Probus Club, and to open the Box Hill Hand Spinners and Weavers exhibition.
As a member of Mitcham Rotary, I assisted at the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness day for Vermont Secondary College Year 12 students at Box Hill TAFE’s Lilydale campus. This is a critically important road safety program with messages relevant for all. Stay safe on our roads this winter and always drive to conditions!