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Where ordinary cyclists see obstacles, BMX Freestyle Park riders see opportunities. They fly superherohigh off ramps, ride on walls and flip the script of what’s possible on a bike every time they ride.

Each rider has two 60-second rounds to combine as many tricks as possible and wow the judges and the crowd. Judges score each round out of a possible 100 points and the highest total takes gold.

Points are awarded based on tricks - style, technique, variety, originality, degree of difficulty - hang time - the higher the jump, the higher the score… but the scarier the fall! - use of the park - taking unique lines, performing wall rides - and overall flow of the routine.

The smallest details will make the difference on the podium, from how fully riders extend their arms while performing look-mum-no-hands tricks to how sweetly they stick their landings.

Every rider dreams of the perfect run. But to bag 100 points, they have to show the judges something truly spectacular which includes totally new tricks taking the sport to the next level.

Rider To Watch

Kieran Reilly (GBR)

The Newcastle-born BMX Freestyle prodigy has been wowing crowds since he was 11. In 2022, he performed the world’s first ever Triple Flair, flipping over three times in the air. He now holds the title of 2023 UEC European BMX Freestyle Park Champion. Instagram @kieranbmxreilly


Did you know?

Impress your pals with your cycling knowledge TEAM


The sense of camaraderie in the BMX Freestyle Park community is special. It’s one of the rare sports where you’ll see competitors cheering each other on from the sidelines. But make no mistake - the riders are here to win.

Anything Goes

The only rule is there are no rules … that’s why it’s called Freestyle! Riders are rewarded for creating tricks that judges have never seen before.

The Bike

The jumps may be huge, but the bikes are small. BMX bikes come in at a ready-for-takeoff 12kg and the 20-inch wheels are easier to control.

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