COMMON COLD The most common viral infection in the world, the common cold, can be caused by many different viruses. Most often, the cold is caused by an adenovirus, coronavirus or rhinovirus. COMMON COLD SYMPTOMS
Congestion Watery Eyes Itching in Nose, Throat or Eyes Feeling Tired Fever Cough Headache
GASTROENTERITIS (STOMACH FLU) Gastroenteritis, or the stomach flu, is a very common viral infection. This unpleasant illness causes symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, and is highly contagious. COMMON GASTROENTERITIS SYMPTOMS
Watery, usually nonbloody diarrhea — bloody diarrhea usually means you have a different, more severe infection Abdominal cramps and pain Nausea, vomiting or both Occasional muscle aches or headache Low-grade fever
INFLUENZA (THE FLU) Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus. Symptoms can be mild to severe. COMMON INFLUENZA SYMPTOMS
High Fever Runny Nose Sore Throat Muscle Pains Headache Coughing Sneezing and Feeling Tired
RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a viral infection that can be lifethreatening for premature babies up to the age of 2 but causes typical cold symptoms in older children and adults.
CROUP Croup occurs almost exclusively in children under the age of 8 but can be very scary for both the child that gets it and their parents. Croup is characterized by a cough that sounds like a seal barking. COMMON CROUP SYMPTOMS
Loud barking cough that's further aggravated by crying and coughing, as well as anxiety and agitation, setting up a cycle of worsening signs and symptoms. Fever Hoarse voice Breathing that may be noisy or labored
Runny Nose Coughing Sneezing Sore Throat Mild Headache Decreased Appetite Fever Wheezing, Rapid Breathing and Other Breathing Difficulties.