modern l oafers
Lef tt or i ght :Del gado,Seeker
stapl es with a twist Casualcomfortforevery day,whereveryou go.
endl essl y versatil e, infinitel y comfortabl e A perfectmi x ofmenswear i nspi ra on wi th femi ni ne detai l s. Lef tt or i ght :Del gado,Demar co
W hetheryou wearour l oafers to the offi ce or duri ng a weekend away, yourfeetwi l lthank you. Wi th modern,sporty sol es and cl assi c detai l i ng,you neverhave to sacri fi ce styl e for comfort.
Br i ana
Lef tt or i ght :Seeker ,Demar co
From work to pl ay,these fl atswi l lbecome a mai nstay i n yourwardrobe.