White Mountain Shoes Spring 2020 Platforms & Flatforms Lookbook

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pl atforms & fl atforms


Lef tt or i ght :Covi ngt on,Sar abel l a

need a l ift? El evate yoursel fto new hei ghts i n these whi msi calstyl es.

Gi ve yoursel fa verti cal boost.These retro-i nspi red shoes geta contemporary update wi th modern touches and vacati on ready vi bes.

Copel and

Lef tt or i ght :Samwel l ,Kol t on

summer stapl es Shoes forevery acti vi ty-from a day pool si de to an eveni ng out.

easy to wear Casual ,easy goi ng sandal s el evated to trendsetti ng status.

Lef tt or i ght :Ki mber l y,Nat asha

Athl ei sure gets an update wi th chi c and sporty sandal s.

Lef tt or i ght :Aust i n,Nel son

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