White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014 2015

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White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

White Ribbon Australia White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end men’s violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity. White Ribbon Australia, as part of this global movement, aims to create an Australian society in which all women can live in safety, free from violence and abuse. White Ribbon works through a primary prevention approach understanding that men are central to achieving the social change necessary to prevent men’s violence against women. We engage men to stand up, speak out and act to influence the actions of some men and demand change. White Ribbon is dedicated to ensuring men are active advocates for changing the social norms, attitudes and behaviours that are at the root of men’s abuse of women. Through education, awareness-raising and creative campaigns, preventative programs and partnerships, we are highlighting the positive role men play in preventing men’s violence against women and enabling them to be part of this social change. Contact Us PO Box 6303 North Sydney NSW 2060 Phone: 02 9045 8444 Email: admin@whiteribbon.org.au Website: www.whiteribbon.org.au


White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15


01 — A Year In Review 4 Chair and CEO Report 4 Purpose 6 Values 7 Nationwide Movement 8 Operational Framework 9 02 — Leadership 11 Ambassadors 12 Advocates 13 03 — Engagement Public Engagement Community Engagement Engaging Young People Partners and Supporters

14 15 16 18 19

04 — Tools for Change 21 Resources 21 Training 22 Programs - Workplaces 23 Programs - Schools 25 05 — Collaboration Global Engagement Lobbying and Advocacy

26 27 27

06 — Measuring Social Change Research and Data Capture

29 29

07 — Corporate Governance Board Members Operating Model

31 32 34

08 — Financials



01 A Year In Review Chair and CEO Report

This report provides an overview of White Ribbon Australia’s (White Ribbon) ongoing, successful national Campaign engaging men to prevent men’s violence against women. Review of the year also provides the opportunity to evidence the continued growth in community engagement and ownership of the White Ribbon movement, reflective of this national community owned and driven prevention campaign and programs working to prevent men’s violence against women.

The impact of the Campaign is demonstrated through the outcomes measured and captured as part of our social impact measurement framework. This framework plays a critical role in evidencing the gathering momentum of prevention action and the capacity to drive and deliver real and sustainable social change. It is also a reflection of a strong, nimble and maturing organisation operating from a resilient communitycorporate-philanthropic-government partnership model. This model has at its core a robust sustainability platform that provides for innovative solutions to manage risk and growth, responsive to the demands of the community who increasingly are realising their role as critical agents of change. White Ribbon is built on integrity, innovation and a business model that is agile and efficient. As the movement continues to gather momentum and our current strategic framework undergoes revision, the organisation has moved to enhance investment in a

model of community support and engagement that emanates from clarity of purpose, forward thinking and an agile business model. The latter part of the year commenced the review of the old and development of the new strategic framework, the launch of which will occur in December 2015. Key stakeholders are involved in its development, working with the Board and staff team to deliver a new strategic framework that will enable White Ribbon to continue its growth responsive to accelerating social change and a commitment to preventing men’s violence against women. The essence of this Campaign is the engagement of men to stop men’s violence against women because key is the voice and action of good men influencing those men who perpetrate abuse of women in all its forms, because men listen to other men and heed their words and actions. This year saw the first White Ribbon Regional Forum Series which showcased a whole of society, whole of community approach to driving long term change in the prevention of men’s violence against women. The forums were sponsored by Hills, Virgin Australia and the Australian Government Department of Social Services. They were held in ten locations across Australia. The forums brought expert international and national speakers to various capitals and regional centres and provided opportunities for delegates to network.

White Ribbon Australia in partnership with the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre, the Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia, Myriad Consultants and the Settlement Council of Australia, delivered a series of free training workshops across Australia for Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse men on preventing genderbased violence in our communities. These White Ribbon Diversity Workshops aim to promote understanding of the value of engaging men, increase men’s ability to take action to challenge gender-based violence, increase the capacity of men to work together towards violence prevention, healthy families and communities, and strengthen multicultural and indigenous men’s networks for positive role modelling. A total of 120 participants attended nine trainings in eight locations during May and June 2015. The revision of the White Ribbon Ambassador Program, to enhance the expectations and responsibilities of the role, resulted in the Ambassador re-committal process which will be complete by the end of the 2015 calendar year. There has been overwhelming support from key Ambassadors in the review and refinement of the Program and their input has been vital in determining key components of the revised approach. Our deep and sincere appreciation for their wisdom and advice. The launch of the Advocates Program has also been successful in demonstrating the commitment of so many men and women who are active in this prevention space.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

A Year in Review

“ Men are speaking out and acting to change attitudes and behaviours. “ The metrics of the Campaign reflect its enhanced traction and community engagement. This report highlights the following: • 75% brand awareness. • 230% increase in the number of White Ribbon community events since 2010. • A reach of 2 million people across social media channels per week. • Over 157,000 people have taken the White Ribbon Oath. • 70% of men accurately identify what White Ribbon stands for, an increase of 12% on 2013 figure. • Programs working with men from across the community in varied and diverse setting, including from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. • Robust and independently evaluated primary prevention programs. Men are speaking out and acting to change attitudes and behaviours. We are seeing the successful results of the work of the Campaign through primary prevention initiatives targeting youth, schools, workplaces and the wider community.

This year has seen an unprecedented rise in awareness of the insidious issue of violence against women and their children in the media, across the community and by government. We acknowledge the tireless work of many women and men who continue to advocate for prevention and widespread legislative and service response change required to adequately prevent and respond to the issue, including the outstanding Australian of Year, Rosie Batty. This focus of attention has been building on consolidated efforts of so many and White Ribbon is a vital part of this ongoing action. We look forward to building on the collaborations and networks established to progress prevention, response and reform related to the issue of violence against women. As an organisation we do more with less operating with administrative overheads of 12-15%, through a gifted, enthusiastic and innovative team of staff and with volunteers that support the White Ribbon primary prevention model. We work with the network of individuals, organisations and communities committed to the work of White Ribbon Australia and who actively participate in the Campaign. Our successful, independently evaluated programs are

evidencing positive change. We have successfully moved from the deliberate infrastructure building, deficit operating environment of the last three years to produce a surplus critical to enhancing our reserves and driving continued sustainability. And this will be maintained going forward. Sincere and heartfelt thanks to our volunteers, Ambassadors and Advocates, the Board, the staff team - all committed, tireless resources that work to give expression to our values of courage, integrity, respect, collaboration and leadership. Each and every one is a critical part of White Ribbon, driving change each and every day in their own respective ways. It is our great pleasure to be part of such an outstanding Campaign and organisation. Libby Davies CEO John Rosewarne Chair



White Ribbon Australia’s Purpose

Making women’s safety a man’s issue too

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

A Year in Review


In 2003, White Ribbon was brought to Australia through UNIFEM (now UN Women). Respecting and building on the tireless work and courage of the many Australian women, women’s organisations and some men, working to prevent and respond to violence against women, White Ribbon Australia was formed to work alongside these groups, but with a particular focus on bringing men in great numbers into the Campaign.

White Ribbon works through a primary prevention approach understanding that men are central to achieving the social change necessary to prevent men’s violence against women. We engage men to stand up, speak out and act to influence the actions of men and demand change. White Ribbon is dedicated to ensuring men are active advocates for changing the social norms, attitudes and behaviours that are at the root of men’s abuse of women.







We are committed to the following values and bring these to bear in all facets of what we do:

In facing challenges and finding creative and innovative solutions

Ethical, honest and accountable to all

Compassionate, honouring and acknowledging difference and upholding dignity

Working collaboratively to drive positive social change

Leaders in driving lasting, positive, normative change

Section A Year inHeader Review


Nationwide Movement Since its inception, the White Ribbon Australia Campaign has grown into a nation-wide movement, operating throughout the year and supported through primary prevention programs. There are a multitude of diverse, community led actions and events designed to promote gender equality, healthy relationships and a vision of masculinity in which abuse of women is never perpetrated or tolerated. There is a great pool of individuals, organisations and communities that have committed to the work of White Ribbon Australia and who actively participate in the Campaign. These are White Ribbon Ambassadors, Advocates, Partners and Supporters. They are the organisations that have committed proudly to being an accredited White Ribbon Workplace or a White Ribbon School. They are communities throughout Australia, including increasingly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and communities of diverse cultures and language, who have embraced the White Ribbon cause, made it their own and are actively working locally to create gender equality and to end men’s abuse of women within their community. They are men and women from across the community, and all walks of life, people who are known leaders, and those who have yet to see themselves as leaders of cultural change.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

A Year in Review


Operational Framework White Ribbon champions and supports community action in four critical ways:





White Ribbon supports and enables men and women to use the platforms of leadership and influence that they have, wherever they have them, to engage men to speak out and take action to prevent men’s abuse of women in all its forms.

The Campaign leads widespread action to end the abuse of women and the critical role that men must play, and facilitates the capacity of communities across Australia to take action to bring about needed cultural change.

White Ribbon develops tools and resources to build capacity and assist communities to create gender equality, foster respectful relationships and take action to end men’s abuse of women.

The Campaign is part of the bigger effort, working with other organisations and groups, to demand gender equality and the right of every woman, everywhere, to live in safety, free from the abuse of men in all its forms.

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The Hon. Malcom Turnbull MP, Prime Minister of Australia, White Ribbon Ambassador, 2015

Violence against women is one of the great shames of Australia. It is a national disgrace…Let me say this to you, disrespecting women does not always result in violence against women. But all violence against women begins with disrespecting women.


White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15



The Campaign is fundamentally based on the notion that everyone in the community has the responsibility to stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women.

White Ribbon supports and enables men and women to use the platforms of leadership and influence they have to engage men to take action to prevent men’s abuse of women in all its forms.



Ambassadors White Ribbon Ambassadors are the leaders and faces of White Ribbon; men and boys who incorporate White Ribbon values into their daily lives. They commit their time, resources and positions to model respect and gender equality, speak out against and act to prevent male abuse of women. They are men who use their voice and actions to influence others within their own networks to spread awareness of the Campaign, and engage and educate men across Australia to change the cultures and attitudes that lead to gender inequality and violence against women. 2,464 men across Australia from all walks of life led and championed the cause of White Ribbon in 2014/2015. Ambassadors across Australia

White Ribbon Ambassadors activate change in their community by: • wearing their Ambassador pin, raising awareness of the Campaign • starting the conversation with men in their lives • organising, fundraising, or speaking at White Ribbon community events • encouraging their workplace to become accredited as a White Ribbon Workplace • encouraging businesses to formally partner with White Ribbon Australia • encouraging local schools and Education Departments to become involved in the White Ribbon Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program • using professional and personal networking to advance the White Ribbon message • promoting the White Ribbon message via media/social media. White Ribbon works throughout the year to equip White Ribbon Ambassadors with practical tools and resources to increase their knowledge and awareness of the issue of violence against women and empower them to become confident, inspirational and respectful agents of change in their own spheres of influence.

NT 2%

QLD 11% WA 7% SA 14% NSW 23% ACT 7% VIC 32%

TAS 4%

To ensure all Ambassadors have undergone the same robust recruitment and vetting process (including an e-learning module, interview and reference check), White Ribbon implemented a re-committal process in 2014/2015 for those Ambassadors who became part of the Campaign prior to 2014. For information on how to become a White Ribbon Ambassador visit: www.whiteribbon.org.au/ambassadors

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15



Advocates Positive engagement of men underpins all our work. They are the critical influencers of change working alongside others in the community, to drive awareness and engagement about a complex and sensitive issue. They are supported in this work by White Ribbon Advocates who are other men and women helping to drive change at the grassroots level. Almost 1,500 men and women across Australia were proud White Ribbon Advocates over 2014/2015.

Over the last year our Advocates gave expression to the Campaign by: • volunteering for White Ribbon • hosting, supporting or participating in White Ribbon community events • fundraising by selling White Ribbon merchandise • encouraging their workplace to participate in the Workplace Accreditation Program • encouraging local schools and Education Departments to become involved in the White Ribbon Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program • driving the White Ribbon message through their personal and/or professional networks • promoting the White Ribbon message via social media. Many of our female Advocates have survived violent and abusive relationships. The relevance of the Campaign relies on women continuing to share their stories, provide context to the men in their lives and support initiatives that help prevent violence against women as part of the greater community.

Advocates across Australia

NT 1%

For information on how to become a White Ribbon Advocate visit: www.whiteribbon.org.au/advocates QLD 12%

WA 9% SA 8% NSW 22% ACT 27% VIC 19%

TAS 1%


03 Engagement

The Campaign works to push the boundaries and engage men in new and inspiring ways. Public engagement reflects the expansion of this work.

52 million

2 million




Over the period, the Campaign received over 52 million Facebook impressions.

In 2014/2015, the Campaign introduced thunderclap and electronic White Ribbons, taking advantage of opportunities to engage men on social media platforms. Each week, White Ribbon reached 2 million people on the issue of violence against women on social media.

On average, over 31,000 visitors to the White Ribbon website each month seeking information and resources on how to be a bystander in the community.

In May 2015, White Ribbon brought international expertise to ten metropolitan and regional areas across Australia as part of the White Ribbon Regional Forums, igniting local interest and discussion of the issue.

Over the year White Ribbon and Youth Action released results of the Youth Survey; the first of its kind in Australia since 1999.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15



Public Engagement

White Ribbon Day

White Ribbon Night

25 November

31 July

White Ribbon Australia observes the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women, also known as White Ribbon Day, annually on November 25. White Ribbon Day signals the start of the 16 Days of Activism to Stop Violence against Women, which ends on Human Rights Day (December 10).

We like to think family, friends, colleagues and neighbours are safe at home. This is a basic human right. But sadly, for many, this is not the case.

White Ribbon Day 2014 saw over 400 events take place bringing to a total 1,000 events throughout the year. Events ranged from sporting rounds, physical challenges to morning teas, social evenings, school exhibitions, community walks to corporate and government functions.

On average, one woman is killed every week as a result of intimate partner violence. And a woman killed by her male partner is most likely to be in her own home. This is the extreme end of men’s violence against women. White Ribbon Night, taking place on the last Friday in July, aims to focus on making our homes a safe place for women and their children by raising awareness and funds to sustain primary prevention.

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Community Engagement Fundamental to the Campaign is our community engagement strategy. Without the community, there would be no Campaign. Our primary prevention model is about enabling the individual to be an active agent of positive social change.

White Ribbon receives 90% of funding from community and corporate donations and fundraising. There are three ways White Ribbon supports this community owned and driven grassroots campaign:


Capacity Building

Ongoing Support

• State, Territory and Regional Committees provide guidance for grassroots activities • Increasing awareness of the issue of men’s violence against women via a Campaign, including through social media, that goes on all year round • Safe platform for inclusivity – men are part of the conversation and key to influencing other men to be active in driving change • Information via the media (social, mainstream, radio etc.) • Ambassadors and Advocates activation • White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Program • White Ribbon Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program

• Providing the tools/enablers to increase knowledge, awareness of and action to address the issue • Providing resources to facilitate action • eLearning, face-to-face training and community forums designed to maximise engagement and accessibility

• Developing accessible resources to sustain community engagement • Supporting the development of community resources and strategies of engagement • Support to hold White Ribbon events


White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15


Community Events We champion the need for widespread action to end the abuse of women and the critical role that men must play, and facilitate the capacity of communities across Australia to take action to bring about needed cultural change. Community events are local initiatives that raise awareness and challenge the attitudes and behaviours that lead to men’s violence against women. White Ribbon is very fortunate to benefit from a growing body of supporters, fundraisers, advocates and others that bring the Campaign to life at the grassroots. Our supporters are active across Australia. Our supporters play a key role in helping to raise funds for the Campaign. They bring many wonderful ideas to the fundraising table – imagination is key! In 2014/2015, the White Ribbon found its way onto buses, planes and even visited the most Northern point of Australia and Machu Picchu in Peru. Over the period, the community also turned to White Ribbon to host and attend events in memory of those lost to men’s violence against women. The community held many “In Memory” events across Australia during the year.

The Australian sporting community has held numerous White Ribbon Rounds over the past year across the country. These Rounds encourage fans to support the cause by starting conversations, donating and sharing on social media. The social impact of White Ribbon Rounds is that the Club enables men and women to start positive dialogues and reflect on their own and others attitudes and behaviours in relation to men’s violence against women.



Engaging Young People Young people are a core element of White Ribbon’s primary prevention campaign and are pivotal to driving community understanding and change. White Ribbon works to engage young people not just as leaders of tomorrow but as leaders of today.

Projects include: engagement with tertiary institutions, capacity building training with student college leaders, Macquarie University PACE internships, UniVative, supporting young Ambassadors, supporting events and the Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program.

Through a suite of programs and initiatives, White Ribbon works in collaboration with young people to increase community understanding and action in driving gender equality and the prevention of violence against women. White Ribbon’s youth projects aim to:







Increase young people’s awareness and understanding of men’s violence against women

Engage young people as active bystanders and leaders in the prevention of men’s violence against women

Create opportunities for youth participation and consultation so that initiatives are relevant and appropriate for young people

Build upon a sound research and evidence base to create tailored tools, resources and initiatives for young people

Develop and strengthen collaborative relationships with educational institutions and youth organisations to build community capacity and action

Grow the number of young White Ribbon Ambassadors and White Ribbon Advocates

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Thank you to all of our partners for their continued commitment and inspirational efforts.


Partners and Supporters White Ribbon Partners share a strong strategic alignment with the mission and values of the White Ribbon Campaign. Partners are an integral part of White Ribbon’s strategy to expand the reach and impact of prevention initiatives and do this by sponsoring activities and/or primary prevention programs. In 2014 White Ribbon Australia welcomed Hills as sponsor of White Ribbon’s Ambassador and Advocate Program and Policy and Research Group. Their engagement helps to drive innovative strategies amongst their workplace and networks. White Ribbon Australia also welcomed NRL Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs as the first NRL Club to become an official partner of the Campaign by positively engaging men through the Club, member base and local community. Suzanne Grae continued to financially support the expansion of White Ribbon’s Breaking the Silence

Schools’ Program through inspirational staff and customer engagement. The funds have helped roll out the Program across Australia and developed resources such as the online library and digital resources. White Ribbon merchandise are available every year in nationwide stores. Avon also support White Ribbon’s Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program and our work with youth via their global domestic violence campaign. As an accredited White Ribbon Workplace and partner, Telstra continues to raise awareness and funds through efforts such as implementing a Domestic Violence and Family Leave Policy and employee giving. This year Harcourt’s Real Estate showcased their ongoing support of the Campaign through a nationwide event which invited staff and the public to Walk a Mile In Their Shoes to raise awareness and funds to support White Ribbon’s prevention work.

The National Rugby League re-committed to a three year formal partnership working with White Ribbon on Club and grass roots initiatives to further drive positive culture change across the code. Virgin Australia supported White Ribbon’s Regional Forum Series across Australia by funding travel and raising general awareness of the Campaign through the airline’s communication channels. White Ribbon Day saw the Australian Army, Royal Australian Air Force and Royal Australian Navy, host a variety of public event activations. The Bean Alliance continued to share their commitment of support through print and billboard advertising and fundraising from their range of Bean Ground and Drunk coffee.

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White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Tools for Change



Over the period White Ribbon has further refined tools and developed new and innovative resources to maximise change in the community. To ensure inclusiveness, White Ribbon has received funding from the Federal Government to more effectively embed diversity across the Campaign. The Diversity Program tailors engagement of strategies and resources that will better engage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. White Ribbon has brought together two reference groups of leading individuals and organisations in this space to inform this work.

Informed by ongoing research with young people including our Youth Survey, White Ribbon is adding to resources that are a vital part of the national Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program. In January 2015, four schools in Sydney helped White Ribbon produce the Battle Plan Breaking the Silence Schools Video; an educational resource designed to increase awareness of the issue of violence against women, and highlight the critical role of young people in creating positive social change. The participating schools demonstrated the commitment and enthusiasm of so many White Ribbon Schools to be drivers of change: the video would not have been possible without assistance from Gymea Bay Public School, Endeavour Sports High School, Woolooware High School and Belmore Boys High School in NSW.

“ White Ribbon provides in-depth programs and resources based on research and evidence based best practice to drive positive cultural change. “

White Ribbon provides a full suite of resources for individuals, communities and organisations, including workplaces, to increase awareness and understanding of the issue of men’s violence against women and provide strategies and resources to enable culture change.

Section Tools forHeader Change


Training The White Ribbon Ambassador e-learning module is for prospective, new or established White Ribbon Ambassadors. It provides knowledge to further understand the causes, prevalence, types, and impact of men’s violence against women; and some practical skills to help Ambassadors stand up, speak out and act to prevent men’s violence against women. Over the year White Ribbon developed and rolled out across Australia a community accessible free e-learning module. The e-learning was independently evaluated by the University of NSW Gender Violence Network. The results evidenced positive shifts in participant attitudes towards men’s violence against women post-completion, as well as increased confidence and comfort in engaging in strategies to help prevent violence against women in their own community.

As part of the Diversity Program White Ribbon has partnered with the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre, the Migrant Resource Centre of South Australia, Myriad Consultants and the Settlement Council of Australia (SCOA) to engage men from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in face-toface and online training. Over the period, White Ribbon’s flagship programs have been strengthened with the further enhancement of accompanying e-learning modules. Training via e-learning format has increased the accessibility and reach of the Campaign across Australian communities.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Tools for Change




Following a successful pilot, the Workplace Accreditation Program was rolled out in August 2014. Across the financial year, 60 organisations comprising 230,000 employees across Australia began their journey towards accreditation. The Workplace Accreditation Program covers the following key areas: • Leadership and communication: Activating effective leadership and consistent, relevant and safe communication around a complex issue. • Prevention of violence against women: Increasing understanding of the issue and highlighting the role of employees and employers as active bystanders to safely speak out against disrespectful behaviour and building on existing workplace policies and procedures and employee training. • Response to violence against women: Introducing or refining policies and procedures to ensure effective response to incidents of violence against women, and enabling continuous improvement.

Over the year, over 500 organisations from government, non-government, not for profit and private sectors across many industries, registered interest in participating in the Workplace Accreditation Program. These organisations recognise the need to address the issue of violence against women head on, for the health and wellbeing of their employees, the community and the bottom line. In October 2014, the Premier of SA Premier, The Hon. Jay Weatherill MP, demonstrated the effectiveness of leadership in addressing this issue by committing all SA Government agencies to becoming White Ribbon Workplaces. Eleven agencies, led by the South Australian Equal Opportunity Commission, have since commenced the Workplace Accreditation Program. The Program framework encourages collaboration with local women’s services, refuges, training organisations and employee assistance programs, to provide specialist support and response for employees experiencing and perpetrating violence respectively. As with all White Ribbon primary prevention programs, ongoing development and refinement of the Program is carried out in consultation with reference groups of industry and sector experts.

“ It is important to us to gain accreditation as a White Ribbon Workplace so that we know how to deal with violence against women and support each other to build our resilience and achieve cultural change. “

The White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Program is our internationally recognised, world leading accreditation program that provides the tools for organisations to actively prevent and respond to incidents of violence against women whether it occurs inside or outside the workplace, accrediting them as White Ribbon Workplaces.

Workplace undergoing accreditation


“ I want to represent myself as a role model and show the people around me, my peers, friends, family, everyone in the community, how women should be treated and make them feel safe. “ White Ribbon School student

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Tools for Change

We now have 203 White Ribbon Schools reaching over 220,000 students



Schools Since 2009, White Ribbon’s Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program has been creating attitudinal and behavioural change in Australian schools across the states and territories, leading to generational change in preventing violence against women and girls.

Demand for the Program has expanded greatly in line with the national political agenda and heightened awareness of the need for more effectively embedding respectful relationships education in schools. The growth is also a testament to the relevance and richness of the Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program.

It is a professional development program that engages and informs school leadership on how to embed respectful relationships using a whole of school approach. The Program is:

In 2014/2015, the Program expanded into SA, TAS and WA. During the period, 146 schools commenced the Program across NSW, VIC, WA, SA and TAS and a further 82 schools completed their training to become ‘White Ribbon Schools’.

• • • • •

Since inception, 203 schools have completed Breaking the Silence. A further 150 schools are mid-way through the process. Our aim is to deliver the program nationally, in every state and territory, in 2015/16.

suited to both primary and secondary schools endorsed by all State and Tertiary Departments of Education fully adaptable to the cultural contexts of each school builds on classroom action already being undertaken by the school emphasises the importance of and links schools with local services.

This is made possible by the financial support of the community and our corporate sponsors. Thank you to our sponsors - Suzanne Grae, Avon, Harcourts, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, the Tasmanian Community Fund and the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs and a philianphropic trust, for collectively funding this vital initiative.

This financial year, Breaking the Silence was implemented in schools comprising:









Male students

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

disadvantaged schools

students with a language background other than English


05 Collaboration

The work of White Ribbon is built on the efforts of many men and women across the globe standing up for the rights of women and fighting to ensure a world where gender equality is a reality. Over the period White Ribbon partnered with the Australian Government to develop culturally appropriate strategies and resources to raise awareness of, and engagement with, the issue of men’s violence against women. The White Ribbon Diversity Program aims to build on White Ribbon’s existing strengths and networks and enhance our cultural competence as a learning organisation by nurturing relationships with organisations with expertise and knowledge in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Ngukurr School in Arnhem Land engaged Indigenous Hip Hop Projects and White Ribbon Australia in 2015 to help develop its Break the Silence music video. The video captures the commitment of the school and community to create a safe space to explore the issue of men’s violence against women, gender roles, safe and respectful relationships, strong culture, leadership and being a safe active bystander. Ngukurr School was supported by community services and the wider community throughout the project, with the final video celebrated during the 2015 Beswick Walking with Spirits Festival.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15



Global Engagement

Lobbying and Advocacy

White Ribbon Australia is part of a global campaign and works in collaboration with many other countries that are embedding White Ribbon across their communities. In March we participated in the International Conference on Masculinities: Engaging Men and Boys for Gender Equality in New York where we showcased the White Ribbon Australia Campaign and impact of our prevention work to date.

White Ribbon is an active lobbyist and advocate committed to assisting drive reform of service provision for those who experience violence as well as enhance appropriate support for primary prevention.

In November 2014 we combined with White Ribbon Ireland and the AFL to use the International Rules Match played in Perth to help raise awareness of men’s violence against women. The match, a hybrid game between Australian Rules Football and (Irish) Gaelic Football, showcased the need for global action to drive change. Both Ireland and Australia used the game to focus attention on the issue of violence against women with Tom Meagher, husband of Jill Meagher, at the centre of the event.

This year we have made submissions to the Queensland Taskforce investigating the nature of domestic and family violence which resulted in the Report Not Now Not Ever, and to the Victorian Royal Commission into Domestic Violence. We have participated in relevant on line petitions and calls for sustained support for women and their children experiencing violence and systemic reform highlighted through the Council of Australian Government’s Advisory Panel on Reducing Violence against Women and their Children. Over the period, White Ribbon has further developed relationships with community service providers, training organisations and peak bodies such as Our Watch, 1800 Respect, ANROWS, Lifeline Australia, Anglicare WA and NAPCAN to name a few.



White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15

Measuring Social Change


Research and Data Capture

White Ribbon is committed to providing the community with sound tools to achieve social change. The organisation aims to work innovatively and effectively, using and developing the best resources and building on research available to help prevent men’s violence against women. To this end, the White Ribbon Research and Policy Group provides expert advice to White Ribbon to ensure our work is evidence-based and best practice.

In December 2014 the White Ribbon Research Series released Women’s Safety is a Men’s Issue: Men’s attitudes to violence against women and what that means for men by Dr Kristin Diemer, examining key findings from the National Community Attitudes Survey on Violence Against Women 2013 with a focus on men’s attitudes.

White Ribbon’s flagship programs, the Workplace Accreditation Program and Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program, are both independently evaluated to ensure robust and continuous improvement. These programs are built on and informed by the research that informs primary prevention practice. The second evaluation of the Breaking the Silence Schools’ Program was completed by the University of New South Wales’s Gender Violence Network in July 2014. The evaluation found that those schools engaged in the Program agreed students were more likely to stop others who were being unfair or disruptive, and schools were more likely to have procedures in place to promote a culture of non-violence. Schools also described improved behaviour amongst their students following program implementation.

In 2014, White Ribbon and Youth Action NSW conducted the online National Survey of Young People’s Attitudes towards Domestic and Family Violence. Over 3,000 young people shared their views on domestic and dating violence. Two reports were produced by the University of New South Wales following analysis of the data in March 2015. The reports examined the perceptions and attitudes of young Australian adults toward domestic violence and dating violence, and the role that gender, age and educational status play in attitudes towards, and perceptions of, domestic violence and dating violence. Over the period, the Workplace Accreditation Program surveyed over 45,000 staff on their understanding, awareness, and attitude towards men’s violence against women. The data captured provides organisations with areas on which to focus in order to achieve lasting cultural change and provides White Ribbon with a wealth of information to inform the ongoing Campaign.

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Measuring Social Change through the Social Impact Measurement Framework The outcomes of our work informs the White Ribbon Social Impact Measurement Framework identified below:

Captures: Outputs

That Deliver: Outcomes

That Create: Impact

• White Ribbon Schools; White Ribbon Workplaces • Attitudinal and Behavioural Change • Public Engagement - events, media etc.

• School/Workplaces policy, procedures, practice • White Ribbon all year • Behavioural change amongst students and employees • Ambassadors and Advocates developing public profile, spreading reach

• Safer communities • Improved understanding of men’s violence against women • Improved understanding of gender equality • Changing contemporary masculinities • Public engagement to stop men’s violence against women

07 Corporate Governance White Ribbon Australia

White Ribbon Australia, a company limited by guarantee, is a wellestablished national not-for-profit organisation governed by a skilled Board and operational team which invests at least 85% of its income into primary prevention initiatives focusing on developing community leadership and capabilities to drive positive social change to prevent men’s violence against women. The organisational structure and governance framework reflects core capabilities to deliver operational competency against the strategic plan. The Chief Executive Officer and staff bring expertise from law, criminology, academia, business development, project management, financial and risk management and analysis, social policy, social enterprise, community development and social impact measurement. White Ribbon Australia is supported by the White Ribbon Research and Policy Group and Board sub-committees that cover governance, procurement, audit and risk. The organisation is funded largely by corporate, philanthropic and broader community partnerships. White Ribbon Australia, and the prevention strategies working to stop men’s violence against women, evidence the community driving and becoming active agents of social change.

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15


Corporate Governance


Board Members John Rosewarne — Master of Business (Banking), Chair John was appointed to the White Ribbon Board in June 2011. John has decades of financial experience gained in the banking industry, specialising in administration, human resource management and change management. Professor Rosemary Vivian Calder — BA (Hons), Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa,), Director Rosemary was a co-founder in 2003 of the reestablished White Ribbon Campaign in Australia, and became an inaugural Board Member of the White Ribbon Board in July 2007. Rosemary has had an extensive career in not-for-profit organisations and in public administration focussed on health policy and health service administration.

Ian Carter AM — Director

Dan Gregory — Director

Ian Carter has served as the CEO of Anglicare WA since 1995. Ian’s career in community service, particularly in community capacity building and social justice, has been extensive and prolific. He has been involved in both creating and governing a wide range of community organisations at local, national and international levels, and serving on state and federal advisory boards, committees and task forces.

Dan Gregory is an author, educator and social commentator. He is the President and CEO of The Impossible Institute™, an innovation and engagement organisation founded to make what’s not… possible. Dan’s specialisation is human behaviour – our motives, drives and belief systems, the things that make us buy, the things that make us buy in and the things that pull our strings.

Chiu-Hing Chan — Director

The Hon. Robert Bruce McClelland — Director

Young Queenslander of the Year in 2009, ChiuHing Chan is the Australia China Corporation Managing Director, Vice Chairman and CEO of the Australian Chinese General Chamber of Business, and Chairman of the Brisbane Chinatown Committee. A solicitor, government consultant and corporate director, Chiu-Hing is an appointee to the Queensland Civil & Administrative Tribunal and to the Queensland Law Society’s International Relations & Law Committee. Mr Chan is a solicitor admitted in the High Court of Australia and the Queensland Supreme Court.

Robert was first elected as the Federal Member for Barton in March 1996. In October 1998 he was appointed Shadow Attorney General and later served in a range of shadow portfolios including Workplace Relations, Justice, Homeland Security, Defence and Foreign Affairs. Following the election of the Federal Labor Government in November 2007, Robert was appointed Australia’s 33rd Attorney General. He is a Judge of the Family Court of Australia.

Corporate Governance

White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15


Murray McInnis — B.Juris, LLB, Director

Carole Molyneux — Director

Mr McInnis was admitted to the legal profession on 1 June 1977, he signed the Victorian Bar Roll on 13 March 1980, he is an Accredited Mediator as at 17 February 2000 and became a Nationally Accredited Mediator on 12 June 2008. Mr. McInnis practised in a wide area of commercial, civil, criminal and administrative law for a period of 20 years at the Victorian Bar. He was appointed as a Chapter III Justice of the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia in June 2000. He retired his Commission on 28 January 2008 and returned to the Bar on 4 February 2008.

Born and educated in London, Carole graduated in 1969 with an Honours degree in Psychology. She migrated to Australia in 1971 and has occupied a number of senior retail management roles since including 3 years as General Manager of Grace Bros Sydney City store and 18 years as CEO of specialty fashion chain Suzanne Grae. In June 2013, Carole left Suzanne Grae to start CMR Consulting, which specialises in helping a company use its unique ‘DNA’ to develop effective business strategies.

Paul Edginton — BA Communication, CDC Dip, FAICD, Director Paul brings executive and board level experience in strategy, corporate governance and communications. Paul has established and developed successful businesses, coached business owners, consulted and delivered effective business turnaround and improvement strategies in a variety of industry sectors. Mr Edginton joined SYC Limited in 2002 as General Manager of Training Prospects and has been Chief Executive Officer since 2004. In 2015 he was invited to become a member of the Australian Government’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) Advisory Board which advises the Department of Training and Education as it undertakes reforms to the Australian VET sector.

The Senior Executive Team Libby Davies – CEO; Fayssal Sari – Engagement and Partnerships Portfolio; Richard George – Shared Services Portfolio; Stephen Carter (until Dec. 2014) Peterson Opio (commenced as Executive Manager in February, 2015) Ambassador and Advocates Portfolio; Jessica Luter – Programs Portfolio.

Accessing External Expertise and Pro Bono Support White Ribbon Australia is supported by a range of professional organisations providing pro bono advice and expertise in relation to legal, risk, taxation, financial, IT, creative and design, public relations, marketing and media matters. The campaign is strengthened by the assistance of expertise and advice from: Gilbert and Tobin; Allens; McCullough Robertson; Corrs Chambers Westgarth; More Strategic; Zenith Optimedia, Sally Burleigh PR; Archibald Williams; Diiigy; Meltwater; Banner Builder; Sculpt Communications; Weber Shandwick; Creatio and eCreators and Sunny’s Silver Service Taxi group.

Operating Model


State/Territory/Regional Committees Voluntary Committees represent and help coordinate White Ribbon Campaign within the respective regions/ state/territory. They are supported by the National Office to maintain the integrity of and consistent with the objectives and responsibilities of the legal entity of White Ribbon Australia.

White Ribbon Board The Research and Policy Group Issue Specific Reference Groups White Ribbon CEO

Stakeholder Consultative Groups



White Ribbon


Young People and Schools

Ambassadors are individual men who lead and champion the cause of White Ribbon.

A White Ribbon Advocate gives expression to the White Ribbon Campaign, particularly at the local level. This role gives women and men the ability to break the silence over men’s violence against women through the activation of people, networks and opportunities to make violence against women a man’s issue too.

The White Ribbon national operational activity:

The Accreditation Program recognises workplaces taking active steps to prevent and respond to violence against women, accrediting them as a White Ribbon Workplace.

The Breaking the Silence Schools Program (BtS) is unique within prevention education in Australia. It is an award winning, best practice professional development program that works with school leadership to embed models of respectful relationships in school culture and classroom activities. Participating schools are recognised as White Ribbon Schools. The Youth Strategy has been informed by a Forum of 8 young people selected from across Australia.

Some individuals take a leadership role and are known as Lead Ambassadors. They come from all sectors of the Australian community.

- Research - Programs: Ambassadors, Advocates, Youth and Schools, Workplaces - Corporate and Community Partnerships - Fundraising and Events - Communication and Marketing - Administration

Partners / Supporters

It is an award-winning, world first accreditation initiative based on research and best practice.

Partners include corporate, community, government and non-government organisations and operate at local, state/territory and national level.


White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15



Financial support for the primary prevention work of White Ribbon Australia reflected the heightened community awareness and engagement on the issue of men’s violence against women in Australia. Revenue increased $905,097 (34%) to $3.6m, substantially underwritten by a $597,136 (52%) increase in community support from donations and fundraising events. This community contribution equated to 49% of our total revenue. This financial period saw the commencement of the “fee for service” commercial operation of the White Ribbon Workplace Accreditation Program and which represented 5% of revenue. Sale of White Ribbon merchandise, through community and corporate sponsors, increased 6% to $873,442, which contributed 24% of our total revenue. Government grants of $330,000, directed to diversity program initiatives, accounted for 9% of our revenue. Expense growth was limited to 17% which enabled us to record a modest surplus of $62,385. Reflecting the growth of our advocacy activity and Schools and Workplaces Programs, our employee expenses increased 20% to $1.9m. Administrative expenses were contained to 15% of revenue, considered to be within the best practice benchmark. Balance sheet ratios remained positive. Current assets of $1.2m were 1.6 times current liabilities of $748,239. Total equity increased 14% to $496,413.

Income Donations






Partners and Philanthropic Organisations




Workplaces Accreditiation Program




Expenditure Shared Services








Diversity Program






Partnerships and Grants













White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15





White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15





White Ribbon Australia Annual Report 2014-15





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