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this fall!
Registration opens October 18, 8:30am
See page 13 for Holiday Break Skates and Pro-D Day Skates at Centennial Arena
School Age
Skating Lessons 6 - 12 years
Centennial Arena
Level 1: Red For skaters who have not been on the ice before. Skills taught in this level include; ice safety, standing, balance drills, gliding and an introduction to stopping and skating backwards.
Level 4: Yellow For skaters who have completed Gold. Skills taught in this level include: backwards “C” cuts, backwards stopping, T-pushes on outside edge, and 2 foot turns while skating.
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Level 5: Green For skaters who have completed Yellow. Skills taught in this level include: 2-foot side stops, backwards 1 foot glides, 1-foot backwards stops, and 2-foot turns on a circle.
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Level 2: Orange For skaters who have completed Red. Skills taught in this level include: 1-foot snowplow stops, backwards walking, and gliding on a circle.
Level 6: Blue For skaters who have completed Green. Skills taught in this level include: backwards pumping, backwards crossovers, forward to back wards 3 turns, and combo sequences of 3 skills in a row.
Level 3: Gold For skaters who have completed Orange. Skills taught in this level include: sculling across width of ice, stationary 2-foot turns, and 1-foot glides on a circle.
Adult Skating Programs
(see page 22)