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Who Cares? Scotland’s Members’ Newsletter
Who Cares? Scotland Call for End to the Young Parent Penalty
We were one of over 100 signatories who wrote to the Department of Work and Pensions urging them to end the Young Parent Penalty in Universal Credit, as Care Experienced people often don’t have the kind of familial support this penalty assumes those under 25 have.
Who Cares? Scotland Call to increase Scottish Child Payment
We are part of a coalition of over 120 organisations which has written to the Scottish Government calling for the Scottish Child Payment to be doubled. Our helpline has shown us the impact that the covid pandemic has had on those struggling with poverty and increasing costs, and we believe action must be taken.
Disclosure Guide
The Training & Education team have collaborated with Disclosure Scotland to create a guide to support the disclosure process and to overcome barriers to employment. You’ll find this guide and others on www.corporateparenting.org.uk
Communities That Care Highlighted
Our Communities That Care project has been highlighted in the latest issue of the Teaching Scotland magazine. In it we discuss the importance of community education to change attitudes towards Care Experienced people.
Redress Scotland Panel
The Scottish Government is supporting the creation of a new independent public body called Redress Scotland to establish a redress scheme for historic survivors of child abuse in care. The Deputy First Minister is now looking to appoint up to 12 Panel Members to Redress Scotland. These appointees will be responsible for making decisions over eligibility and the levels of financial redress awarded to survivors.

Who Cares? Scotland Welcomes the Change Programme
Having welcomed The Promise we now welcome the Change Programme, which sets out what work is needed to realise the conclusions and promises made to transform the lives of children, young people and their families.
Exploring Digital Wellbeing
We’re delighted to announce that Nominet will be funding us to explore Care Experienced people’s experience of digital wellbeing! This will help us create opportunities for our members to get involved with our National Representative Body, and influence policy and practice. Keep an eye out for our Annual Participation theme ‘Digital Wellbeing’.
Every month we send out a digital newsletter called Newsflash to our members. However, we know that not all of our members will have an email account or access to the internet. That’s why we are including a roundup of important headlines from the last couple of months and sharing them again, here in SpeakOut, so you don’t miss out!
If you haven’t been receiving NewsFlash but have a working email address, just email membership@ whocaresscotland.org and we’ll update your details.
Care Experienced Learner Journeys
Our Training and Education team have released a series of guides sharing the learner journeys of 4 incredible Care Experienced people: Josh, Jeanette, Rebecca and Leanne. These detail the journeys of each person through education and work, and provide some information along the way. They can be found at www.corporateparenting. org.uk

SQA Affirm Commitment to Care Experienced Learners
We worked with Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to better understand the alternative certification model and the appeals process for 2021 and how this might impact Care Experienced learners The Scottish Government had asked the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to review the Curriculum for Excellence programme that manages how and what you are taught and what qualifications you study at school or college from when you are 3 until you are 18. The OECD report was published on 21 June, and amongst other recommendations, it was announced that the SQA will be replaced by a new organisation. We are in conversation with SQA, and Scottish Government, about what this may mean in the future for Care Experienced learners. We will keep you updated as things progress and how you may be able to add your voice to the shaping of the new organisation.
Free Dental Care for Young People
In August it was announced by the Scottish Government that all young people under the age of 26 in Scotland will have access to free dental care. This is a change welcomed by the Who Cares? Scotland, especially given the findings of our dental care survey completed by many of you in 2019, although we are still asking for more consideration to be given to Care Experienced people over 25. www.nhsinform.scot has been updated to reflect these changes and more information can be found on the Scottish Government website. NHS Inform also has a list of regional dental helplines to contact if in need of immediate dental care.
New Sibling Rights - Important Changes to the Law!
From Monday 26th July the relationships between brothers and sisters in care in Scotland will be better protected, with new legal rights. We are proud of the work Care Experienced people have done to campaign for these legal changes, alongside partner organisations in Stand Up for Siblings. Renfrewshire are one of the first local authorities to commit to keeping brothers and sisters together. You can learn more about the process of bringing about this change from Care Experienced activist Theighan, in the Summer issue of Speak Out. If you want to chat through these changes or have any concerns, contact our helpline by calling 0330 107 7540,
or emailing help@whocaresscotland.org
Please reach out to an advocacy worker if you have one and they can chat to you about this too!