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Chelsea’s Circus Trip
Chelsea’s Trip to the


Our member, Chelsea Ely, wanted to share her trip to the circus she took with Joanne Hunter, one of our Advocacy and Participation workers. Find out all about her trip and Chelsea’s favourite act that they saw on the day.
We went to the Circus Xtreme in Greenock with Joanne our APW in West Dunbarton and it was amazing. We got Burgers and Juice and the show was amazing from start to finish. We were on the edge of our seats the whole time!
It was such a great experience
we loved it ��
We love to hear what our members are getting up to! If you’d like to submit a piece to be included in the next issue of SpeakOut, email your article and photos to comms@whocaresscotland.org.
My favourite part was the motor bikers where they were all in a massive ball. They started with one guy on his bike just going round and round and then upside down. Then they brought in another 2 guys on their bikes so there were 3 bikers all in the wheel, it was crazy.