Undergraduate Portfolio

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Hooman Salyani

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Augmented Virtuality Project team: SynthoLab(Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha, Hooman Salyani, Soheil Bagheri)

DIOD Digital Index Ontogenesis Display Instructors: Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha Teammate: Hamid Peyrov, Hadis Atarzadeh, Mohammadhossein Fallahian

14 19 22 26 28 30

Hyperloop LA Workshop by Zaha Hadid Architects and CAA Instructors: Stephano Paiochi, Arian Hakiminejad Teammates: Hamed Zahedmanesh, Bahar Bagheri

Non-Design Studio I Instructor: Isa Hojjat

Qarasm Park Studio II Instructors: Saeed Haghir, Saeed Khaghani

Wet-i Instructors: Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha Teammate: Hamid Peyrov


Pixellate Studio V Instructors: Alireza Einifar, Hamidreza Ebrahimi

MoVS Studio III Instructor: Saeed Haghir, Saeed Khaghani


Future Traditions Workshop by Iaac and CAA Instructors: Alexandre Dubor, Sofoklis Giannakopoulos, Ali Shaikholeslami Teammate: Hesam Mousavinejad, Faeze Pakravan


Plant vs. Construction AIA Indiana Idea Competition Teammates: Yasaman Tahouni, Masih Barin, Arshia Eghbali


Superskyscrapers Pacific Ocean competition Teammates: Masih Barin, Arshia Eghbali, Soha Niasti



Arch(k)inetic Workshop by itke and CAA Instructors: Axel Koerner, Vahid Eshraghi, Ali Zolfaghari, Leila Asrarhaghighi, Maryam Kalantari Team Project: (Names at www.archca.com)



Arch(k)inetic Workshop by itke and CAA Instructors: Axel Koerner, Vahid Eshraghi, Ali Zolfaghari, Leila Asrarhaghighi, Maryam Kalantari Team Project: (Names at www.archca.com) Contribution: Computer Programming(Grasshopper), Cell and Joint Development, Actuation


he proposed system is composed of curvedline folded kinetic elements which are pneumatically actuated and assembled along a tessellation pattern of an underlying double curved surface. The components are reinforced along the tessellation edges to ensure the necessary elastic energy to open the components after pressure release and to provide structural integrity of the system. The depth of the stiffer edge parts follows the force flow within the structure. In each node the components are connected by bent joints which are able to compensate the contraction of the edges during the folding movement by elastic bending deformation. Therefore, no rotating or sliding connections to a substructure are necessary. The component system is based on edges and therefore suitable for all polygonal tessellation patterns and adaptive to synclastic and anticlastic curvature.

Published in

CAA Yearbook2016-2017, Contemporary architects association, Tehran, Iran, P.P. 76-81 Watch “ARCH(K)INETIC 2016� on Vimeo


Proposed Cell and Development

At the first place, each triangle as a independent cell is divided to 3 equal small triangle which can be bent toward each sides of primary triangle One of the most reliable reasons to select this alternative as a suitable pattern is about optimization of whole fabrication in order to improve the capability of chosen pattern to expand gradually and more to have less materials consumption In this case each part can work along with adjacent parts Under considerating different sizes such as flap size, fold angle , actuation displacment , anchor point displacment, fold angle panel to reach optimized state of cell.


Each cell displacement should remain in cell and not to spread in whole structure otherwise it would affect the other cell behaviours. So in order to damp displacements in each joint a star shape is used which acts in an elastic way. Moreover they are made of spring steel which amplify the elastic behaviour of joints. The star shape also provides the need for connectivity.


One of the key aspects of the here developed system is its possibility to act as a self supporting structure without moving or sliding connections to a substructure. The components consist of an edge part wich is connected to star shaped bent connection made of spring steel, and a flap, connected to the edge part by a curved line fold hinge zone. By inducing bending deformation to the edge part the folding is actuated and lead to closure of the component. Due to time constraints the single flaps consist of thin polypropylene (0.5mm), while for technical application of larger scale glass fibre rein- forced polymers would be more suitable. Therefore the used material was not stiff enough to store sufficient elastic energy to unfold the components after pressure is reduced or the provide structural integrity. To overcome this lack in stiffness the edge parts of the compo- nents are reinforced with spring steel. The structural depth of those reinforcements is dependent on the stresses in structure.


Different methods of actuation were investigated throughout the workshop. Among those, pneumatic actuation was selected for further development due to its superiority in terms of energy consumption(by storing elastic energy actuation only in one direction is required), reversibility, simple control, less mechanical parts; and in general provision of high force with low weight and few consisting parts or low maintenance. the inflatable cuff of the blood pressure meter was selected providing the required strength and tightness in conjunction with a more accurate air pressure regulator.

Augmented Virtuality Project team: SynthoLab(Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha, Hooman Salyani, Soheil Bagheri)


he project ‘Augmented Virtuality’ proposes a consideration of change in both the spatial and temporal scales of interaction between social media users and a visual representation of the network of their connections. The network will be extracted from users’ behavior on Instagram since they have registered on Instagram until now and simultaneous change if it occurs. What distinguishes this project from the multitude of apparently alike projects is the fact that the input to the project will be provided by the real social media data meaning that a change of behavior in the project requires a real change of behavior on the social media. This causes a widening of the scale of the project as well as posing critical questions about what constitutes an action and what makes and interaction meaningful.

In Progress

This is an on going project of data analysis on social networks that is modified and scaled for the purpose of an exhibition


users will be initiated into the project by registering their Instagram account on Avsocialbot in Telegram, their general information will be transferred into a database and an agent will be added to the project representing the user. Agents as users, displaying some info such as posts and followers counts, interact with each other in a visual environment by some defined rules, simulating their behavior on Instagram.

Agents Rules: • If the ratio of followers to following is less than 0.5 then the agent tend towards crowded areas in nearby. • If the ratio of followers to following is greater than 2 then the agent absorbs neighboring agents. • If an agent of type 1 uses chaos option it will repel all of its neighbors chaotically.

Audiences are asked to connect to the “AV” and interact with, by “avsocialbot” on Telegram by registering their Instagram account.

After registering an Instagram account in our Telegram bot, user’s Instagram general information will transfer to “AV”. For each user an agent will be introduced and by processing these informations, considering the agents’ rules, their interaction will be simulated.

Audiences can watch the interaction realtime in their cellphones, moreover they will recieve their own agent video after the show through the telegram “avsocialbot”.

Agent based Interaction The interaction of initiated modules follows an agent-based system in order to enable agents to treat freely by some simple defined rules to simulate the users’ social attitude on Instagram. Additionally users can change their attitude realtime on Instagram or even try simulations provided in Telegram Bot such as repeling others or increasing their activity in order to observe how they will treat if some changes occures in their accounts. Therefore this portrays individuals’ social attitude in networks and may lead into a higher attention in how people treat in social networks.


Create agent Agent rules Simulation

• All agents circle around center with minor perturbation.


Superskyscrapers Pacific Ocean competition Teammates: Masih Barin, Arshia Eghbali, Soha Niasti


he idea was conceived as a Constantly Floating Source of Food for such vulnerable context. Contrary to conventional construction methods that capitalize on every possible features of the context, this project attempts to cultivate the context, furthermore it puts the correlation between the Subject and Context first without overlooking the potential conflicts. This structure helps foster the life in its surrounding by constantly providing nutrition for the sea creatures ranging from sharks to minuscule species. It discharges basically anything of organic essence that requires great deal of energy and resources for treatment such as organic waste, human refuse, through a vertical arm that stretches down into the sea and assures that an assortment of sea creatures can feed on the organic substances from the human activities. This process provides food for the species and also eliminates the cost of transport, treatment of the overwhelming amount of waste from such a formidable structure. This fleeting creature, can be a compensation for all the ill-treatments and damages to the natural habitat, by creating a joint benefit for both people and animals. Mobility of such structure, allows for roaming across the ocean, serving as a food resource, as opposed to negative impacts associated with ordinary buildings.This conventional inherent segments of every process is replaced by feeding the innocuous organic residues to other animals, therefore, it promotes the underwater life as well as cutting down on the costs.


producing unlimited electricity by constant spining

hotel primary spaces

distributing “Organic Materials” produced in the hotel

Water flow through generators

Honorable Mention in “Pacific Ocean” competition held at www.superskyscrapers.com

Replacing the Burden The conventional costly and energy-wasting process of recycling used natural resources is replaced by feeding the innocuous organic residues to other animals, therefore, it promotes the underwater life as well as cutting down on the costs.

Diagrams The constant water flow spins the crown of the tower, producing unlimited electricity.

Considering the depth of the tower, water can produce massive energy when carried through the vessels, and dropped down into the generators.

The vertical needle-shaped arm is responsible for distributing “Organic Materials� produced in the hotel. Through this organic pattern on the surface, it can develop into a massive sustainable habitat.

The elongated vertical arm, sprawls deep into the ocean to enable a constant convection flow through the structure that can generate electricity.

The hotel primary spaces sit in the top center part of the tower, composed of residential and other facilities stacked on top of one another in a certain manner. This layout creates an imposing courtyard that reveals the true essence of the Super Skyscraper. Hotel areas are located in the center. The gradual pivot of the structure imperts different qualities to rooms. Given the red cube as the primary mass, by attaching several lightweight cubes, the overall density is dropped to the point that the whole structure becomes lighter than water. The same principle applies when the parts are disperesed downward or sideways. Here, the cubes are arranged to reach furthest both horizontal and vertical points, former to minimize the shadow cast underwater, latter to meet species from different depths within the sea.

Floatability Concept


Instructors: Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha Teammate: Hamid Peyrov, Hadis Atarzadeh, Mohammadhossein Fallahian Contribution: Development, Computer Programming(Grasshopper, C#)


he ability of making almost anything was always a wish for human being. Lately, according to fast developments of digital fabrication the role of human being may become inconspicuous in fabrication process, even handicrafts could turn into industrial merchandises. The challenge was to design a prototype robot helping individuals in fabrication process to build whatever they demand with more accuracy and speed. n other words, making a machine that helps us to make almost anything.


Published in

CAA Yearbook2016-2017, Contemporary architects association, Tehran, Iran, P.P. 124-127 Selected Selected as 3rd project of the year by public vote

Plant vs. Construction AIA Indiana Idea Competition Teammates: Yasaman Tahouni, Masih Barin, Arshia Eghbali

Planting the Buildings The competition brief asked participants to picture an idea in one drawing : a picture of an urban lot was given to the participants and a nobel idea should have been placed instead of the existing building. Faced with dilemma of demolition and construction, the primary goal of our design is to propose a new approach towards man-made environment, which is conceiving buildings as natural organisms, and planting as a substitute for the construction process. Using such integrated structure that encloses water, soil and waste water passages within one single vessel with numeroussmaller sub-vessels that can detach from the main vessel and weave together to make nests that resemble the primitive tree huts. This method provides a self-sufficient and sustainable organism for living.

Shaping of the Nests

Detail of the Vessels


Future Traditions Workshop by Iaac and CAA Instructors: Alexandre Dubor, Sofoklis Giannakopoulos, Ali Shaikholeslami Teammate: Hesam Mousavinejad, Faeze Pakravan


ow modern architecture can be adapted to local needs, materials and traditions? How new digital tools can help redesign vernacular architecture able to fit our modern lifestyle and exigences? Can digital fabrication reintroduce traditional craftsmanship in modern constructions? and how to integrate those tools in the design of an architecture which is respectful of its environment? During the workshop bioclimatic architectural elements, inspired by vernacular Iranian architecture, have been 3D printed with earth material to be composed in a wall facing south in a theoretical house in Tehran. The performance of the wall has been judged by the hygrothermal comfort provided within the house.

Published in

CAA Yearbook2016-2017, Contemporary architects association, Tehran, Iran, P.P. 155-159


Studio III Instructor: Saeed Haghir, Saeed Khaghani


he aim of this project is to argue with the protocol of design for people as consumers instead of people as designers of the space. Concentrating on poeple’s engagement with buildings, it is percieved that every building has nugatory spaces fully designed but nonused, what is the reason? This project states a new protocol for designing a building, by aiming a certain shopping mall, studying its circulations and simulating the new alternative of it by the study.

Selected Selected as 2nd project of the semester


Gate Zer

Hyperloop LA Workshop by Zaha Hadid Architects and CAA Instructors: Stephano Paiochi, Arian Hakiminejad Teammates: Hamed Zahedmanesh, Bahar Bagheri


ate Zeroo is an attempt to revive the river of LA by building the Hyperloop station between LA and Sanfransisco. Here a wide range of areas are designed in order to bring different communities of LA back together in between the industrial, educational and dwelling zone of the city.

Published in

CAA Yearbook2016-2017, Contemporary architects association, Tehran, Iran, P.P. 164-177

Sun Analysis Having put the solar panels, based on solar studies, in points which receive the maximum radiation, energy absorption would be maximized as well. Date: yearly from Jan 1st to Dec 31 Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM


Non-Design Studio I Instructor: Isa Hojjat


his project, called Experts’ House, must represent a new paradigm that has never been before in Tehran. It is a place which invites and draws together both visitors and the community of Tehran to learn and visit artworks. Tomorrow’s architecturehas to be thought in terms of flexibility and public engagement, other approaches belong to the past. This project enables a conversation between the visitors, the staff, the art, and the urban fabric. It is not a place to display; artisic productions, artists and their exertions permeate the building and its acitivities by their presence. These activities do not take place in confined or hidden rooms but in transparent and open areas allowing social and surprising discourse to happen in a cultural context, in order to challenge minds and emotions.


The idea was Designing a reconstructable system instead of a building. A solid edifice cannot respond to people who are changing incessantly, solid architecture belongs to the past, people and technologies are changing chronically, therefore, designing systems should supersede designing buildings. A simple structural system such as columns and beams can create a modlular base for any design, even non-modular ones. Here a foundation is designed witha supply of columns and beams to connect them as legos to add or remove a space whenever it is needed or nugatory.

Qarasm Park Studio II Instructors: Saeed Haghir, Saeed Khaghani


arks based on culture instead of nature, play a vital role in society. Qarasm could be concieved as an enormous building as a cultural center, but instead, a discontinuous structure, carefully arranged fragmental volumes, create a variety of promenades throughout the whole site, passages that allow flexible access in-between different scaled spaces and free platforms to let every activity be taken place. It celebrates openness, encourages public engagement and social activities that include workshops, playgrounds, exhibitions, concerts, open-air movie theater and games. Challenging the ordinaries it also splashes new colors on the monochromic face of the city. Trying to make a change in every day routine life, this new combination of color, nature and culture brings back the freshness to the city.

Four pavilions, one play ground and three garden pits -inspired by Traditional architecture of Iran- are designed. The “Yellow“ pavilion provides an indoor space and two outdoor but closed spaces including a cafe. The “Green“ pavilion is consisted of an indoor stair-space as a gallary and an all around balcony that enables visitors to take a look to the whole park. The “Orange“ pavilion has five closed but outdoor spaces in different levels best suit for children. The “Red“ pavilion can be used as an outdoor cinema or stage and an indoor one.


Instructors: Ali Sheikholeslami, Roozbeh Shaikhha Teammate: Hamid Peyrov

Statement Most people owning plants and flowers face the question about when and how much to irrigate their plants, just in case not to drain it by desiccated soil and also not to putrefy it by drowning into water. WETi is an intelligent flowerpot which detects when does the plant needs irrigation and also notices us when the water is more than enough, measuring the humidity range(by SoilMoisture sensor), by different light modes such as constant, flashing or alarm lights.

.45 layers of plexiglasses fixed by bolts and nuts to let WETi breathe .Light turns the curves of contours bright

For further information on projects please visit my website


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