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Book Reviews
"Shatter Me": Book #1
The first book, “Shatter me,” is constantly following Juliette's point of view Throughout the book she is very unsure of herself, her past, present, and her future. As the reader’s POV, we get an insight of her thoughts, which can appear very heavy and dark We meet other characters, Aaron Warner being one of them Aaron Warner is the Chief Commander and Regent of Sector 45 while also being the son of the Supreme Commander His role is leading Sector 45 in The Reestablishment, which is where Juliet is being held. Another character that is followed through the series is Adam Kent He is a soldier of Aaron’s and gets paired with Juliette as part of his assignment
'Shatter Me' Series cont. to page 5
Later on, the reader finds that Adam and Juliette's connection goes deeper than anticipated. The book goes into a great deep-dive of emotions and explores the mind of Juliette perfectly Sharing her point of view, her story and what will come next
"Unravel Me": Book #2
In the second book, “Unravel Me,” there’s much more character development Things move fast for Juliette and the book takes you on a ride of emotions. A group of “rebels” are introduced as Juliette’s allies and get the courage to fight against The Reestablishment When seeing the outside world, she realizes just how much damage has been done The Earth, that was once beautiful, is filled with toxins and hatred on the streets. The rebels are actually just plain, poor citizens finding a way to survive When she realizes this, it makes her hatred for The Reestablishment grow stronger
The mix of strong emotions and her power forces her to learn about her powers and how deep they really go, now exploring them instead of being scared This book introduces the question 'Is Warner the bad guy, or is it all an act?'
"Ignite Me": Book #3
Character Growth. Omega Point destroyed/ everyone might be dead? Relying on Warner Warners feelings for her
"Ignite Me,” is intense. Emotions are high between friendships, romantic interests and especially enemies. Where Juliette felt safe and at home is now gone and she has no sense of direction on how to get it back Only thing she can feel is anger With strong feelings, come her powers that she tries to keep tame. Juliette continues her character growth and turns as a person. Juliette Ferrars is angry, and she will let that be known to the world
"Restore Me": Book #4, "Defy Me": Book #5, and "Imagine Me": Book #6
In the final three books, Juliette changes majorly and so does almost everything learned throughout the entire book Her main goal in the world is to change what it has become and with the support from her friends, she works to meet it The first three books are all about her growth. The last three, these books are all about her power.
She’s learning how to separate her emotions from her abilities and only use her powers when appropriate Instead of revenge, she wants peace More than anything, Juliette wants people who feel hopeless and unloved, like she once did, to feel supported and know they’re not alone
Overall Writer’s review
“The Shatter Me” Series was the first series I read and didn’t stop reading for one second I saw lots of discussion online where some people loved this book and others hated it I, for one, side with the fans of this series. I think this series captures real, raw emotions beautifully while adding a little fun in the mix I loved how this book was all about Juliette and her world, especially the world through her point of view But I also loved the funny jokes that were made The humor made reading less tense
Mostly, I love how my opinions on almost everyone in this series were constantly changing Kenji was my favorite character throughout this series because of his fun and witty personality, but also his protective and loyal personality too And with Aaron Warner, he was a character I thought I was going to hate throughout the entire series. He quickly redeemed himself and I am very thankful for that “The Shatter Me” series will always have a special place in my heart and the world inside this book is living forever in my mind I hope many people find this series as enjoyable as I did.