Wicklow Commuter Survey 2007

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Wicklow County Council

County Wicklow Commuter Survey 2007 Report of Research Findings M Maarrcchh 22000088



Page Introduction


Overview of County Wicklow




Objective of the Survey


Structure of the Survey


Main Results




Other Aspects worth noting


Appendix I – Sample Survey Sheet



WICKLOW COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY WICKLOW COMMUTER SURVEY (2007) Report of Research Findings. Introduction: County Wicklow is one of the most rapidly growing counties in Ireland. Its strategic location within the Country’s fastest growing region, its proximity to the Dublin Metropolitan Area and location on the Dublin - Rosslare corridor gives Wicklow a competitive advantage which offers inwards and other economic and commercial investment opportunites. Possessing a rich and available skill base and a strong socio-economic profile, the County holds a key asset for economic development and growth. It is a priority for Wicklow Local Authorities to promote County Wicklow as an ideal investment location and encourage appropriate economic and development opportunities in accordance with its planning policies. It is recognised that industrial and commercial investment in the County needs to be increased to match the growth in population.


Overview of County Wicklow. Over recent years County Wicklow has experienced rapid population growth with a population of 126,194 being recorded in the 2006 Census of Population. The population of County Wicklow has experienced a lot of variation over the period 1841 to 2006 as can be seen in Table 1. Table 1 Population of County Wicklow at each Census since 1841 Census Year Population 126,143 1841 98,979 1851 86,479 1861 78,697 1871 70,386 1881 62,136 1891 60,824 1901 60,711 1911 57,591 1926 58,569 1936 60,451 1946 62,590 1951 59,906 1956 58,473 1961 60,428 1966 66,295 1971 83,950 1979 87,449 1981 94,542 1986 97,265 1991 102,683 1996 114,676 2002 126,194 2006 Source: CSO Census 2006

Actual Change -27,164 -12,500 -7,782 -8,311 -8,250 -1,312 -113 -3,120 978 1,882 2,139 -2,684 -1,433 1,955 5,867 17,655 3,499 7,093 2,723 5,418 11,993 11,518

% Change -21.5 -12.6 -9.0 -10.6 -11.7 -2.1 -0.2 -5.1 1.7 3.2 3.5 -4.3 -2.4 3.3 9.7 26.6 4.2 8.1 2.9 5.6 11.7 10.0

As can be seen from Table 1 the population of County Wicklow is now at its highest level since the mid nineteenth century. In 2006 the County’s population stood at 126,194 an actual increase of 23,511 or 22.9 percent on the 1996 population. According to the County Development Plan, 2004 – 2010 the population of the County is projected to grow to in the region of 150,000 by 2016. The increase in population has had knock on effects on the labour force structure within the County as over the period 2002 to 2006 the labour force increased by 10,353 to 62,369. While the number of people living in the County at work increased by approximately 20 percent over the same period.


Table 2 Persons aged 15 and over, classified by principal economic status Economic Status





Persons 2002

Persons 2006

1996 In Labour Force At work




Looking for 1st regular job








Total in Labour Force








Home Duties








Unable to work (sickness/disability)








Total Not in Labour Force




Not In Labour Force

Source: CSO CENSUS 2006 Principal Socio-economic Results

The Census of Population also provides valuable information on Wicklow commuters, providing details on journey time, distance to work and time leaving home in the morning. The Census figures show that 4,799 people travelled 50 kilometers and over to work, while a further 9,914 travelled 25 to 49 kilometers. The Census also shows that 9,619 persons commutted for one hour or longer to work and of these 2,478 spent more that one and a half hours commuting to work. The following tables summarise the main results from the Census on commuting. Table 3 : Persons at work aged 15 Years and over by distance travelled to Work 2006 in Kilometers 1 Total Distance Travelled 0





2 to 4

5 to 9

10 to 14

15 to 24

25 to 49







50 and over 4,799

Source: CSO Census 2006, Volume 9 Travel to Work, School and College

As can be seen from the above table approximately 8.5 percent of the persons at work travelled 50 kilometers and over to work. While Table 3 highlights the distance travelled by persons at work, it is worth examining the situation as regards time leaving home to travel to work among people in the County and to see how the figures compare between 2002 and 2006. 1

A direct comparison was not done with the 2002 Census of Population figures as they were in miles.


Not Stated


Table 4: Persons aged 15 years and over (excluding those who work mainly at or from home) by time leaving home to travel to Work County



Time Before

06:31 –





07:00 – 07:30

07:31 – 08:00

08:01 – 08:30

08:31 – 09:00

09:01 – 09:30


Not Stated
















2002 Wicklow





Source: CSO Census,Volume 9 Travel to Work, School and College According to the 2006 Census of Population 10,714 people leave home to commute to work before 7 O’clock, this represents 20.1 percent of the commuters. Table 5: Persons aged 15 years and over (excluding those who work mainly at or from home) by time taken to travel to Work County Total Time Travelling <¼ ¼ hour ½ hour ¾ hour 1 hour 1½ Not hour -<½ –<¾ -<1 < - 1½ hours Stated hour hour hour hour and over 8,821 6,388 4,122 6,284 3,202 4,623 Wicklow 44,331 10,891 2002 Wicklow









2006 Source: CSO Census, Volume 9 Travel to Work, School and College While excluding those who work mainly at or from home 24.1 percent of the persons at work in County Wicklow travel for less than a quarter of an hour to work in 2006, this is very similar to 2002 when the percentage was 24.6 percent. While 18.1 percent in 2006 travel on average for more than one hour to work, this is slighthy less than in 2002 when the percentage was 21.4.


County Wicklow Commuter Survey 2007 Background Issue County Wicklow is a fast growing County experiencing huge growth, particularly with people from other areas chosing to live in County Wicklow. Thousands of County Wicklow Residents are commuting to high-quality jobs in Dublin and it is preferred that they would have the opportunity to work here in Wicklow, close to their homes. Commuters represent a tremendous opportunity on which to build a strong local economy as they contain a rich variety of employment skills and experience. The challenge therefore is to provide high-quality jobs in Wicklow for both the newcomers and those native to the County, to reduce the numbers commuting to Dublin, to improve their quality of life and to make their lives more sustainable.

Objective of the Survey Little research or analysis of the composition of County Wicklow’s commuter population or of its attitude to commuting, versus a preference for working locally has been carried out previously. This research project sought to quantify the potential represented by the commuter population, analyse their profile, ascertain whether they wish to obtain employment in the County and then attempt to measure how strong this desire is. The survey also sought to ascertain, from those who indicated a willingness or a preference to work in Wicklow, whether or not they were prepared to consider a reduction in income for the benefit of working locally and also would they be willing to work in a different sector in order to work closer to home. Wicklow County Council will use the information collected to compliment the data obtained from the census of population to inform economic development and planning policies. The data will also be used to strengthen the case to attract employment opportunities into County Wicklow that would compliment the skillnet available in the County. At the outset of the research it was important to define what was a ‘commuter’. Could a person travelling to work in the east of the County from the west of the County, or vice versa be considered a commuter. For the purpose of this research a commuter was defined as someone who was living in County Wicklow but working outside the County. Therefore people who worked in County Wicklow were excluded from the research as were people not living in the County.


Structure of the Survey The survey was undertaken over a five month period June to October 2007 on a county wide basis and was aimed at commuters who were commuting to work outside the County. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed to commuters at train stations, dart stations and bus stops across the County. To facilitate ease of response and to encourage as many commuters as possible to participate the paper based questionnaire was accompanied by a prepaid addressed envelope. In order to capture as many commuters as possible who were commuting by private transport a special website was developed for this purpose and the questionnaire was made available on line by logging onto www.workinginwicklow.ie. The study was also publicised by an extensive local media campaign consisting local radio and newspaper. Billboards were strategically located on the N11 targeting commuters working in Dublin and coming from south Wicklow, Arklow, Rathdrum, Wicklow Town and environs, Greystones and Bray. The billboards on the N81 captured commuters heading out of West Wicklow to South County Dublin and also to City West. To encourage as many commuters as possible to take the time to complete and return the questionnaire those persons who did so were entered into a free draw for an exclusive hamper of Wicklow produce valued at â‚Ź200. The Questionnaire stressed the purpose of the research and provided an assurance that any personal information collected would be held only for the purpose of profiling and that all data collected would be subject to the strictest standards of protection in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. 1,100 responses were obtained to the survey of which 1,056 were deemed valid. The analysis contained in this report is obtained from these returns.


Main Results of Survey Age and Gender Of the 1,056 valid responses 44.4 percent were female and 55.6 percent were male. The age category of the respondents is outlined in the following table

Age Category Up to 25 Years of Age 26 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60 60 plus Not Stated Total

Table 6: Age Category Frequency 96 659 189 100 11 1 1,056

Percentage 9.1 62.4 17.9 9.5 1.1 0.1 100

As can be seen from the above table the overwhelming majority of the respondents are aged between 26 and 50 years of age, with the largest age category being 26 – 40 at 62.4 percent. Education The survey also looked at the educational attainment of the commuters and this is highlighted in Table 7 Table 7: Educational Attainment Education Level Number Junior Cert or equivalent 31 Leaving Certificate 199 Third level Qualification 820 Postgraduate Qualification 2 Not Stated 4 Total 1,056

Percentage 2.9 18.8 77.7 0.2 0.4 100

Table 7 highlights the fact that approximately 78 percent of the respondents had a third level qualification. The Census of Population 2006 results showed that approximately 31.5 percent of the total population that have completed their education have a third level qualification.


Residency It is also worth examining where the commuters were travelling from. In order to attain this respondents were asked to indicate their nearest town of residence. Table 8: Residence of Respondents Frequency Bray 225 Greystones 224 Wicklow 132 Arklow 96 Blessington 73 Kilcoole 61 Delgany 44 Baltinglass 24 Ashford 20 Newtownmountkennedy 31 Rathdrum 25 Other 99 Not Stated 2 Total 1,056 Town

Percentage 21.3 21.2 12.5 9.1 6.9 5.8 4.2 2.3 1.9 2.9 2.4 9.4 0.2 100

As can be seen from table 8 the respondents to the survey are distributed across the County, though it would be true to say that the majority come from the east of the County. 21.3 percent of the respondents come from the Bray area and a further 21.2 percent come from the Greystones area. While 12.5 percent are from Wicklow and 9.1 percent from Arklow. Work Status The questionnaire also asked respondents to describe their current work status and the overwhelming majority 89.3 percent were working full – time, while a further 2 percent who were working full – time were engaged in shift work. Only 7.1 percent of the respondents were working part – time.

Work Status Working Full- Time Working Full-Time (Shift Work) Working Part-Time Working Part- Time (Shift Work) Other Not Stated Total

Table 9: Work Status Frequency 943 21

Percentage 89.3 2.0

74 1

7.0 0.1

11 6 1,056

1.0 0.6 100


Distance travelled and length of time taken The distance which commuters have to travel to work can have implications for sustainability and quality of life. The average distance travelled by respondents when non responses were excluded from the analysis, was 36.41 kilometers. In examinng the distance to work, and related tables, it is important to note that a number of respondents had a relatively short commute to work in another County, because their residence is close to the border of the County in which they work. The results from these respondents is included in the research. Table 10 Distance travelled to work in kilometers. Distance Frequency Percentage 1 – 10 38 3.6 11 – 20 216 20.5 21- 30 268 25.4 31 – 40 178 16.9 41 – 50 106 10.0 51 – 60 65 6.2 61 – 70 50 4.7 71 – 80 23 2.2 81 – 90 32 3.0 91 – 100 14 1.3 101 – 110 1 0.1 111 Kilometers and over 4 0.4 Not Stated 61 5.8 Total 1,056 100 The average journey time for respondents commuting into work in the morning is just over an hour at 64 minutes. For 45.9 percent of the respondents the commute to work in the morning takes between half an hour to an hour, while for a further 36 percent of respondents the commute takes between one hour to one and a half hours. Table 11: Length of time to get into work in the mornings

15 minutes or less 15 minutes to half an hour Half an hour to an hour 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes Over 2 hours and 30 minutes Not Stated Total

Frequency 22 61 485 380

Percentage 2.1 5.8 45.9 36.0







20 1,056

1.9 100


As a follow up question respondents were also asked the length of time it took them to get home in the evening. The average length of time it took respondents to get home in the evening from work was one hour eight minutes. The majority of respondents were commuting for between a half and one and a half hours to get home from work in the evenings, 81.9 percent. While approximately 1 percent of the respondents commute home from work was two hours or longer. Unsuprisingly there is a high degree of correlation between the distance travelled to work and the length of time it takes to get to work and get home. Table 12: Length of time to get home in the evening Frequency Percentage 15 minutes or less 18 1.7 15 minutes to half an hour 49 4.6 Half an hour to 1 hour 453 42.9 1 hour to 1 hour 30 397 37.6 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 103 9.8 hours 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 12 1.1 minutes Over 2 hours and 30 2 0.2 minutes Not Stated 22 2.0 Total 1,056 100

Table 13: Time respondents usually leave home to go to work Frequency Percentage Before 06.00 33 3.1 06.01 – 06.30 56 5.3 06.31 – 07.00 174 16.5 07.01 – 07.30 327 31.0 07.31 – 08.00 260 24.6 08.01 – 08.30 123 11.6 08.31 – 09.00 57 5.4 09.01 – 09.30 16 1.5 After 09.31 9 0.9 Not Stated 1 0.1 Total 1,056 100 Over half of the respondents, 55.6 percent, leave home to go to work between 07:00 and 08:00 while it is worth noting that 80.5 percent have left home for work before 08:00.


Table 14: Means of travel to work Frequency Motor Car (Driver) 518 DART 215 Train 77 Bus or Coach 46 Motor Car (Passenger) 25 Motorbike 10 Car and 93 DART/Train/LUAS On Foot then 21 Train/DART/Bus Train/Bus/DART 12 Bicycle/DART/Train 8 Other 25 6 Not Stated Total 1,056

Percentage 49.1 20.4 7.3 4.4 2.4 1.0 9.3 2.0 1.1 0.8 2.4 0.6 100

Respondents were asked how they usually travelled to work and from table 14 it is clear that the motor car is the dominant way of travelling to work, with 49.1 percent driving to work, and 2.4 percent travelling to work as a passenger in a car. It is worth noting that only 0.3 percent car pool to get to work and that 9.4 percent use their car to get some of the way to work and then use another form of transport to get the remainder of the way. While 27.9 percent of respondents use the DART or train when commuting to work. Respondents were also asked about the location of the employment where they worked and as can be seen from the following table respondents worked mainly in Dublin City with only 0.7 percent indicating that they work in an area outside of Dublin. Table 15: Location of Employment Frequency Percentage Dublin North 41 3.9 Dublin South 341 32.3 Dublin East 221 20.9 Dublin West 92 8.7 Dublin City Centre 245 23.2 Other / Dublin 81 7.7 Dun Laoghaire 28 2.7 Co. Meath 2 0.2 Co. Kildare 5 0.5 Total 1,056 100


Employment Sector As well as examing commuting times and location of employment it is also worthwhile to examine the employment categories among Wicklow’s commuters. The results of the 2006 Census of Population showed that those living in Wicklow at work have a wide range of employment skills and are employed in a wide range of sectors. While Table 16 reflects this to some extent it is also worth noting that the majority of commuteres who participated in this research are employed in the professional and financial services sector.

Table 16: Employment Sector

Financial Services(Eg. Banking, insurance, etc) Information Technology/Software Public Service (e.g. Civil Service, teacher, local authority, nursing, etc) Professional Services/Legal/Accountancy/Consultantcy Engineering/Manufacturing Retail/Sales/Distribution Construction Health Care Hospitality/Tourism Education/Academia Telecomunications Other Not Stated Total

Frequency 216

Percentage 20.5

190 151

18.0 14.3



71 55 34 41 28 17 10 77 31 1,056

6.7 5.2 3.2 3.9 2.7 1.6 0.9 7.3 2.9 100

Table 17:Commuting Patterns Frequency Commute to work every 948 week day Commute to work some 101 week days Not Stated 7

Percentage 89.8 9.6 0.7

The survey found that the overwhelming majority of the respondents commute to work every week day, 89.7 percent, while 9.6 percent commute to work some weekdays.


Less than €15,000 €15,000 - €20,000 €20,000 - €30,000 €30,000 - €40,000 €40,000 - €50,000 €50,000 - €60,000 €60,000 - €70,000 €70,000 - €80,000 €80,000 - €90,000 €90,000 - €100,000 More than €100,000 Not Stated Total

Table 18: Average Annual Salary Frequency 17 25 123 185 186 148 192 62 34 28 44 11 1,056

Percentage 1.6 2.4 11.6 17.5 17.6 14.0 18.2 5.9 3.2 2.7 4.2 1.0 100

Respondents were asked to indicate their average annual salary. As is illustrated in table 18, approximately 15.6 percent, earn on average €30,0000 or less per annum, while 35.1 percent earn between €30,000 and €50,000. It is also worth noting that 34.2 percent of the respondents average annual salary was in excess of €60,000, while the majority of the respondents earned between €20,000 and €60,000, 60.7 percent. Respondents were also asked if they would prefer to work in County Wicklow in order to gauge their interest in obtaining employment in the County. 81.9 percent stated that they would prefer to work in County Wicklow which is an overwhelming majority and a clear indication that commuters would prefer to work closer to home and avoid the daily commute.

Yes No Don’t Know Not Stated Total

Table 19: Prefer to work in County Wicklow Frequency Percentage 865 81.9 110 10.4 69 6.5 12 1.1 1,056 100

As a follow up question respondents were asked if they would work in Wicklow for less income and 59.2 percent of all the respondents indicated that they would. This is a significant finding as it provides evidence of the wish among the respondents to work closer to home in County Wickow. Table 20: Accept a decrease in income to work in County Wicklow Frequency Percentage Yes 625 59.2 No 415 39.3 Not Stated 16 1.5 Total 1,056 100


In order to further gauge the desire of respondents to obtain work locally, respondents were asked how much of a drop in income they would countenance to work in Wicklow. The following table outlines the view of respondents who would consider less income for the opportunity to work locally.

Less than 5% 5 – 10% 11 – 20% 20% + Not Stated Total

Table 21: Amount of decrease countenanced Frequency Percentage 221 35.4 295 47.2 82 13.1 18 2.9 9 1.4 625 100

Only 2.9 percent of respondents would countenance a decrease of over 20 percent, while the majority 82.6 percent would accept a decline of ten percent or less. The results contained in tables 20 and 21 suggests that respondents were willing to make a trade off in terms of income for improved quality of life as a result of less commuting. It is worth noting that when respondents were asked if they were willing to work in a different sector to work closer to home 67.9 percent of the respondents indicated that they would. Given the difficulties some respondents might experience in changing employment sector 67.9 percent willing to change sector is significant.

Yes No Don’t Know Not Stated Total

Table 22: Willing to change Sector Frequency 717 331 1 7 1,056

Percentage 67.9 31.3 0.1 0.7 100

The results of this question and the results highlighted in tables 19, 20 and 21 show that the desire among commuters to work closer to home. It suggests that the respondents would be willing to make ‘trade offs’ for less time commuting, working closer to home and improved quality of life. The results show that the desire to end the constant commute is very strong among the respondents.


Yes No Total

Table 23: Future Contact Frequency 419 637 1,056

Percentage 39.7 60.3 100

As a final question respondents were asked if they would be amenable to follow up contact and 39.7 percent indicated that they would.


Conclusions. •

Businesses considering locating in County Wicklow can reasonably conclude that there is a highly skilled, educated and experienced workforce living in the County from which to recruit employees.

It is reasonable to conclude that a very large percentage of the County’s commuter population would be attracted to the possibility of working in their own County and would be willing to consider a drop in income and a change in employment sector to do so.

The survey shows the need for the Council to continue to encourage and facilitate the expansion of existing enterprise/business and the creation of new enterprise/business and to create an environment that encourages employment generation and is attractive to potential employers.

It is interesting to note that 596 ( 56 % ) of respondents are working in sectors which are transferrable in terms of location such as financial services, information technology, professional services, etc. hence the need for enterprise and planning policy to recognise future trends in enterprise development which are likely to see the development of high quality business parks by the private sector.

Recent improved infrastructural development has seen vast tracts of land released for new residential development. This needs to be balanced with increased enconomic investment in the County in order to sustain the growing population of County Wicklow into the future.

From a quality of life perspective the high commuting trend cannot be sustained in the long run in terms of ¾ Economic cost of the commuting journey ¾ Environmental costs viz a vis growing traffic congestion on routes into and out of Dublin. ¾ Adverse social implications in terms of family life and quality of life for the commuter.


Other aspects of the research worth noting: ¾ Education – 78% of the respondents have a 3rd level education highlighting the extent of the education of the workforce within the County commuting to Dublin. ¾ Of the 1,100 persons who completed the survey 848 (or 80.3%) are between the ages of 26 to 50 highlighting the age profile of the worker. ¾ Residency – 833 (78%) of respondents live in towns on the east coast and most likely travelling the N11 into Dublin. This is probabaly because the principal towns in County Wicklow are located along the east coast with the principal transport routes being the N11 and the east coast being served by the mainline railway and DART where there is a higher concentration of commuters. (The survey does not take into account commuters who may be travelling from Gorey on the N11 into Dublin which appears to be a trend as house purchasers seek to acquire their first home and are being pushed further south with increasing house prices within Dublin and East Wicklow.) ¾ Distance travelled to work – 484 (46%) of commuters are travelling between 11 and 30 kms to work. This would indicate that the majority of respondents in this category are from Greystones/Bray area and most likely using DART. – this conclusion would tie in with the 485 respondents taking half an hour to an hour to get to work and those respondents who indicated using public transport.

End 27th February, 2008


Appendix I


WICKLOW COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY WICKLOW COMMUTER SURVEY The purpose of this research is to gain an insight into the level of skills etc. of the workforce which is resident in County Wicklow, but working outside of the County. The information obtained will be instrumental in informing Wicklow County Council’s economic development and planning policies. To take part in this survey it is not necessary to include your contact details requested at No. 16. However, personal information collected will be held only for the purpose of profiling. All data will be subject to the strictest standards of protection in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. This information may be used to attract employment opportunities matching existing local skills and qualifications. RETURN COMPLETED SURVEY IN THE PREPAID SAE ATTACHED OR LOGON TO WWW.WORKINGINWICKLOW.IE Commuters who complete and return this form will be entered into a free draw for an exclusive hamper of Wicklow produce to the value of €200.

1. Gender:



2. What age category do you belong to? Up to 25 41 – 50 26 – 40 51 – 60


3. What is the highest level of formal education completed by you to date? Junior Cert Leaving Cert 3rd Level 4. Home Location (nearest town of residence) 5. How would you describe your current work status? Working full- time Working full-time (shift work)

Working part-time Working part-time (shift work)

6. What distance is your work place from home and how long does it take you to travel to and from work? (Please write distance to the nearest kilometre and time to the nearest minute) Distance in Kilometres (one way only) Time Going to Work in the Morning Time Returning Home in the Evening

7. What time do you usually leave home to go to work? Before 07:00 07:00 – 07:30 07:31 – 08:00 08:01 – 08:30

08:31 – 09:00 09:01 - 09:30 After 09:30


8. How do you usually travel to work? On Foot Motor Car (Driver) Bicycle Motor Car (Passenger) Work mainly from home

Train Bus or Coach Other means

Dart Drive to take Luas

9. Location of Employment 10. Employment Sector Financial Services

Public Service (e.g.

(e.g. banking, insurance, etc)

Gardai, civil service, teacher, local authority, nursing, etc)


Information Technology/Software Health Care

Engineering/Manufacturing Retail/Sales/Distributions

Professional Services Legal/Accounting/ Consultancy Call Centre

Hospitality/Tourism If other, please specify

11. Normal Commuting Pattern Commute to work every weekday

Commute to work some weekdays

12. Would you prefer to work in Wicklow? Yes


Don’t Know

13. How much on average do you earn annually? Less than €15,000 €15,000 - €20,000 €20,000 - €30,000

€30,000 - €40,000 €40,000 - €50,000

€50,000 - €60,000 More than €60,000

14. Would you consider working in Wicklow for less income: Yes If YES, how much lower would you countenance? Less than 5% 5 – 10% 11– 20%



15. Would you be willing to work in a different sector to work closer to home? Yes




Please include my Details on Wicklow County Council Data Base Yes No Name: _____________________________________ Mobile: _____________________________________ Email: _ ____________________________________ Copy of Wicklow County Council Data Protection Registration is available by contacting cosec@wicklowcoco.ie


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