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Kids Party

Make a kiddie table, it's better for everyone if they are kept happily occupied. Try: Cover tables with butcher's paper, then set out textas & stickers to decorate the tablecloths. Have buckets of chalk for drawing on the patio floor. For younger kids, try a sensory experience like a water table, Play-Doh table or sandbox. Put out bubble machines & turn on fun music for an instant dance party. Older kids can document the party with instant cameras and post their photos on a cork-board. Bring the show to your party, can you buy showbags online? Yes! Kids love the excitement of choosing bags of toys, practical jokes, dress-ups & lollies. Water bombs with teams in a park can be lots of frun, especially for active kids. A DIY themed Birthday Party is an inexpensive & fun party game idea. Nerf party, small nerf guns & foam bullets are readily available. Playing with guns isn’t allowed by all parents, so advise of this before. Hire a jumping castle or a water slide. It keeps the kids occupied the whole time & you don't have to worry with too many games. The price can be as low to suit & the need to do anything else for entertainment. Start & finish times are a must and will reduce your stress.