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We love hearing from Lethbridge College alumni! You can find additional updates online at widerhorizons.ca. To submit your news to share with your classmates and the college community, drop us a note at WHMagazine@lethbridgecollege.ca.
Jordyn Koples
Practical Nursing
Jordyn works as an LPN on a medical/ surgical unit at Chinook Regional Hospital and is continuing her education in the field of public health. She also volunteers teaching kids how to skate with the North County Skating Club.
Aaron Lowe
Massage Therapy
Aaron is currently working as a registered massage therapist in Lethbridge, while also continuing his education to become a manual osteopathic therapist.
Trinity Walker
Child and Youth Care
Trinity sent the Alumni office this update: “I have been working full time at a rural community organization that takes a prevention stance, while also working part time at a women’s shelter in Lethbridge. I have learned about so many gaps in resources in both rural and urban communities, as well as had the opportunity to experience the vast diversity between the two organizations.”
Emma Bohn
Criminal Justice – Policing
Emma sent the Alumni office this update: “I was accepted into the Paralegal program at MacEwan University and am trying to make my way to law school. Lethbridge College paved the way for me and I wouldn’t do anything differently.”
Charity Chibanda
General Studies –
Psychology and Sociology
Charity is a supervisor at Salvation Army working with people with disabilities.
Nichole Ham
Criminal Justice – Policing
Nichole told the Alumni office: “I am now a tattoo artist – not exactly related to the diploma I completed at the college, but I carry the knowledge I gained with me. I’m working at a shop out of Calgary and I love what I do.”
Amy Pearson
Child and Youth Care
Amy is the director of a before- and after-school care program in Calgary.
Faith Aileen Perez
Multimedia Production
Faith told the Alumni office: “I’m practising what I learned from Lethbridge College and working full-time as a media specialist. I work at a food plant facility which sustainably grows and processes haskap berries, and one of my jobs is to make haskap berries known!”
Nicholas Taylor
Criminal Justice – Policing
Nicholas joined the Canada Border Services Agency and is now working at a border in southern Saskatchewan.

Amy Jenkins
Civil Engineering Technology
Amy shared: “After graduation, I got on with EllisDon/PME in civil construction. From there, I have now moved onto residential construction and am loving every minute of it. I think I have so many opportunities in this field and I cannot wait to see what the future brings.”
Cassidy Langridge
Digital Communications and Media
Cassidy is a digital branding specialist at 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union in Lethbridge, where she and her team handle the marketing for all six branches in southern Alberta.
Peter Regier
Correctional Studies
Wider Horizons received an update about Peter in March. It noted that he was the first person in his family to get a college education. After graduation, he applied to work in the federal corrections system, and he passed all three stages of the federal training program and graduated in P.E.I. He is currently stationed in Grande Cache Correctional Centre.
Jessica Wolf
Interior Design Technology
Jessica has been working as a designer and scheduling coordinator at Genica Custom Builders in Taber since August 2020.
Geoffrey Sage
Bachelor of Ecosystem Management 2019, Renewable Resource Management 2017 After graduation, Geoffrey went to work as an environmental consultant, starting as an aquatic biologist and now working as a planner/project manager for the same consulting agency.
Kohl Wandyka
Fashion Design and Sustainable Production
Kohl sent the Alumni office this update: “After college and playing with the Kodiaks men’s soccer team, I continued playing soccer with Edmonton Scottish. I am currently running a clothing store in the West Edmonton Mall and completed the Digital Marketing program at NAIT.”
Zachary Wigand
General Studies
Zachary told the Alumni office “I am working on bettering my mental health and helping to create a better, more inclusive world.”
Amber Clarke
Conservation Enforcement 2018, Natural Resource Compliance 2017
Amber was featured in a March story in the Echo Pioneer about her work as a forest educator hired by the Northern Lights Forest Education Society, which provides forest education and experiences for youth in the Mackenzie region in northern Alberta, including campus, classroom presentations and outdoor activities such as skiing and snowshoeing. In the article, she said: “I’ve always liked the outdoors. During my time at Lethbridge College, I started getting into the cultural side of things, such as trapping, beading and sewing. With the forest educator position, I have the opportunity to do both, so I’m happy to share my knowledge with students.”
Katherine Gratrix
Criminal Justice – Policing
Katherine is in law school at the University of Saskatchewan.
Tiffany Trinh
Bachelor of Nursing
Tiffany told the Alumni office: “I’m currently in my last semester of the Master of Nursing program at the University of Lethbridge! I am so excited to share this and celebrate this exciting milestone. The pandemic brought on many challenges and obstacles I had to overcome. I hope to come back and teach at the college one day as a proud alumni. I still rep my LC Nursing sweater I got when I was in my second year of nursing. I’m so grateful to be an LC alumni and can’t wait to share these experiences with my nephew and niece as they grow up.”
A proud supporter of several local organizations and initiatives, Scott Murakami has used his standing to help build major projects in Lethbridge and southern Alberta while teaching and inspiring the next generation of local trades professionals.

Scott joined KB Heating and Air Conditioning in 1990 as a residential installer and had several roles and responsibilities over the following years, working his way up to general manager and, in 2014, managing partner. Scott has been instrumental in helping the business grow from its foundation of residential heating and air conditioning to include commercial and industrial customers, such as the ENMAX Centre, ATB Centre, Red Crow College and Lethbridge College, among others.
Scott has fond memories of his time at the college and makes an effort to support the trades programs in any way possible. Not only does KB Heating and Air Conditioning employ several grads, but Scott – through his partnership with Keith Broadbent and Greg Broadbent – has given generously in support of college fundraising initiatives, student awards, capital campaigns and more. He’s also keen to support the development of the future trades workforce and places a high value on mentoring and teaching youth about the opportunities available in the industry. Because of Scott’s considerable career success, steadfast support of Lethbridge College, and immense service to his community, he has been named this year’s Distinguished Alumni.