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Holland Club of the Tampa Bay area, Inc.

Since 1973

www.hollandclubtampabay.org Dedicated to keeping alive the spirit, culture and knowledge of Holland in the Tampa Bay area

TULIP TALK Volume 42, nr. 3 Winter 2015 - 2016

Inside this issue:

New Year’s Get Together Other events


Presidents message Editor’s Note Sinterklaas


Pontjesbrug Stappenplan


Boeken Boeken en Andere zaken


Dancing Horns


You and your guests are invited to a ‘Get together’ to start the year 2016 Let’s meet on Sunday, January 10 beginning at 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM at the Compton recreation building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa 33647 This is a ‘pot-luck’ event at no charge.

 We hope that some of our members would bring a dish to share.  Oliebollen and appelflappen are most welcome.  There is no pre-requisite for your participation Bring a friend

Other upcoming events For the next months we are looking at the following events:


Sunday, February 8, from 2-5 PM annual general Meeting Recr. Building


Sunday, March 8, from 2-5 PM, Picknick/Barbecue


Sunday, May 1, from 2-5 PM, Koningsdag (Kings-Day) @ the home of Peter & Kim Schreuder, Tampa

@ Compton

@ same place

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Holland Club of the Tampa Bay area, Inc.

Presidents message Dear members/Beste Leden We celebrated our Dutch tradition; “Sinterklaas’. We had a good visit of the holy man in our clubhouse. The children welcomed him by singing. Since he takes care of the presents we can focus on the spiritual time of the season. This part of the year also provides an opportunity to look back. We mourn the passing of Adrie de Vries, a longtime member who gave us many stories to share. Pleased are we, to see young couples signing up, intrigued to find out more of their heritage and our Dutch culture. Your board wishes you a merry Christmas and we are looking forward to opening the year with you on January 10 with oliebollen and Champaign.

Happy New Year! Mieke Caris President

Editor’s Note This is the last issue of ‘Tulip Talk’ in 2015. It’s also the largest Tulip Talk ever (since the good old days of the ‘Orange’ booklet) Five pages this time, thanks to the wonderful and interesting stories of our members! If you have something to share - a travel report - something interesting from the past - maybe a joyful moment - or something funny - don’t hesitate and send it to me (wieringa.usa@gmail.com) You don’t have to be a ‘Pullitzer-prize’ winner. Just a few lines in your own words will do. We all love to read those stories! By the way, it does not necessarily have to be in English. Since most of our members are bi-lingual you can also come up with something in our ‘mother-language’ beter bekend als Nederlands….. Happy 2016 - Keep smiling! Bert Wieringa

Sinterklaas visited Holland Club in Tampa St.Nicolas (Sinterklaas) birthday party at the Holland club in Tampa on Sunday afternoon (Dec 6) was a great photo opp for parents and grand-parents. The kids loved him, and even more his presents! Two black Pete's (zwarte Pieten) did a fantastic job in helping the old bishop with handing out presents and spreading out cookies and pepernoten. Great job!

Holland Club on Facebook

Our club is also present at Facebook; check us out at: https://www.facebook.com/HollandClubTampaBay

Volume 41, Issue 3

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De Pontenbrug Door Inez de Koning Tijdens W.W.II woonde ik in Amsterdam Noord. De verbinding met A'dam Centrum was over het IJ-meer met een pont. Bij gebrek aan brandstof tijdens de oorlog, kwam men op het grandioze idee om de ponten met elkaar te verbinden en zodoende een brug over het 'IJ' te maken: ‘de Pontenbrug.’ Ik kan me nog goed herinneren er met mijn ouders overheen te lopen naar de "STAD". Afgelopen 5 Mei dit jaar met de herdenking van het einde van W.W.II 75 jaar geleden ,heeft men de pontenbrug tijdelijk gereconstrueerd. De bevolking kreeg de gelegenheid om er nog eens over te lopen tegen een kleine vergoeding. Tegenwoordig is de verbinding tussen Amsterdam Noord en Amsterdam centrum via de IJ-tunnel, die onder het IJ-meer loopt.

Stappenplan (Count your steps) By Peter Schreuder I’m not a cruise guy, but since 2008 my wife and I have taken 4 cruises. When we took the first one, in the Baltic, I resolved not to get fat on the cruise and decided the best way to avoid weight gain was to climb stairs instead of taking the elevators. We just returned from the most recent cruise and once again I followed my program. Our cabin was on the Main Deck (Deck 1) and the food was on the Lido Deck (Deck 9). So each morning as my wife got into the elevator I told her I would meet her for breakfast up on the Lido. I took all 140 steps to get up there and usually I was the only one on the stairs. By the time I got there I was good and hungry. Other activities on Deck 2 or 3 required more ups and downs. All the while I was wearing my Vivo‐Fit, which counts my steps, not just on the stairs but also around each of the decks. To reach my daily quota of about 10,000 steps, I would walk around the Promenade Deck to get to my goal. Three laps around equaled 1 mile.

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Bedankt voor de boeken en nog veel meer…………. Door Bert Wieringa Opnieuw is de Holland Club verblijd met een fikse hoeveelheid Nederlandse boeken. Maar daar bleef het niet bij.


Het begon allemaal met een dike 100 NL romans en reisboeken die de familie Ruijs uit Port Charlotte ons cadeau deed. Het was de ‘literaire oogst’ die Jan en zijn vrouw Thea in de loop van vele jaren hadden verzameld.

Newsletter of the Hollandclub of the Tampa Bay area, Inc.

Medio oktober keerde de familie terug naar het Brabantse Oss. Hun boeken bleven achter in Florida en zijn beschikbaar voor de leden van onze Holland Club.

Editor & Secretary Bert Wieringa 4314 Narvarez Way S. Saint Petersburg, FL 33712 727-754 0439 E-mail: wieringa.usa@gmail.com Membership Administration Paula van Leeuwen 13976 Clubhouse Drive Tampa, FL 33618 813-962 8436 & 813-920 2864 President Mieke Caris home 813-972 9394 cell: 813-528 2289 e-mail: miekecaris@Gmail.com Treasurer Chris van Leeuwen Jr. home 813 - 908 6271 cell: 813 - 352 1418 E-mail: vanleeuwen107@yahoo.com

We’re on the web hollandclubtampabay.org

Daarna was het de beurt aan de familie McDade (erven van Adrie de Vries). Dozen vol romans maar ook kinderboeken vulden de ruime kofferbak van onze Town-Car. De Lincoln zakte haast door de veren toen wij vanuit Dunedin huiswaarts keerden. Als klap op de vuurpijl kreeg de Holland Club nog een uitgebreide collectie oer Nederlandse spullen. Van ‘Brabantse’ zwarte boerenpetjes tot klompen die ooit bij het Volksdansen werden gebruikt. Maar er waren ook boeken, schaatsen en andere typisch Hollandse zaken zoals een Delfts-Blauwe asbak met roterende dispenser- van het type dat in de vorige eeuw op iedere tafel in de woonkamer te vinden was. (Toen er tijdens verjaardagen e.d. gewoonlijk ook vaasjes met sigaretten stonden (en men mekaar door de rook nauwelijks kon zien, hetgeen overigens de stemming vaak verhoogde). Fantastische spullen die ongetwijfeld tijdens onze volgende ‘Koningsdag’ auction hoge ogen zullen gooien! Deze laatste aanwinsten zijn gedoneerd door onze trouwe leden Dale en Sonja Horn - van Moorsel uit Clearwater. De Horn’s zijn beroemdheden op volksdans gebied. Niet alleen de simpele ‘klompendans’ maar ook Square dancing, Scottish dances, Shuhplattler dances and Italian dances om maar een paar te noemen. Hun periferie bestreek 45 verschillende landen en evenzovele ‘Folk Dance’ groups. Op de volgende pagina een beknopt overzicht van hun lange en succesvolle carriere op dansgebied . Indrukwekkend!

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Volume 41, Issue 3

Dancing Horns By Sonja & Dale Horn We started with old time Square Dancing in Colorado Springs, Colorado. (The home of Lloyd Shaw, who started the craze for Square Dancing in the 1930’s and 1949’s) We were in their Demonstration group which danced at Dude Ranches and Parties. We danced in the park, for and with tourists in the summer. Our group was invited to dance in the movie “Comes A Horseman” with Jane Fonda, but we had a prior commitment. We joined “High Country Cloggers” , This group did Demonstrations. We danced in a “Salute to the Pike Peak Region” in the “ Pikes Peak Center” in Colorado Springs. This program later appeared on local T.V. We danced on top of Pikes Peak during the “Pikes Peak Hill Climb”, on the 4th of July. We were cofounders of “Pikes Peak Polka and Waltz Club” which sponsored weekly dances. We retired and left Colorado, moved to Florida and began Scottish Country Dances. We danced Scottish at Epcot in Orlando on Scottish Heritage Day for many years. We also danced Scottish at SPIFFS (St. Petersburg International Folk Fair Society Inc), which featured the cultures of approx. 50 Countries, for 4 days each year. We danced Scottish at the Florida State Fair for many years on Celtic Day. Some of this group got us interested in International Dances. We had costumes for the following dance group: We danced Irish on St. Patrick’s Day We danced Italian in Venice, (Florida) for Italian Heritage. We danced for the opening of an Italian restaurant in Sarasota . We danced International dances with a group from Elder Hostel. We wore Russian costumes. Dale did Shuhplattler dances with the “Gulf Coast Enzianer Shuhplattlers” . This group did demo’s and danced at SPIFFS for Austria. We clogged at the Florida State with a local Florida Group. We joined the Dutch Group who were SPIFFS members. They had no dance group. Sonja found Authentic Music and Dance instructions that were in Dutch. She translated them to English and taught them to some Dutch people, international dancers and Scottish dancers. We got Wooden shoes and we had authentic costumes. The other dancers made light weight versions of our costumes. We were called “ The Wooden Shoe Dancers “ We danced at Spiffs many years and had approximately 16 Dancers. We danced at Epcot for “International Food and Wine Festival” We danced at an opening act at the “Van Wezel Hall” in Sarasota. We danced at the opening act of Ruth Eckerd Hall in Clearwater, Florida. Sonja and Dale danced Dutch dances for several gatherings. The Dutch group dropped out of SPIFFS because some members got too old and the younger people were not very interested. We have traveled a lot, visited approx. 45 countries and watched many local Folk Dance groups.

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