1 minute read
from Marina Industry June 2022
Linked cradles for sailboats Multi-colour boat primer
Non-slip boat decking

Apair of cradles (Code CIRCIF) for sailing craft that can be easily linked together and moved as one unit quickly and safely in boatyards by a forklift truck has been developed by Naval Tecno Sud.
The new cradles can be supplied with either an adjustable tilt or a fixed tilt and are connected by a coupling bar.
The capacity and height of the cradles can be supplied to satisfy the specific requirements of customers and range from capacities of 7-60 tons and heights from 800/1,200 mm to 3,500/5,900 mm.
Naval Tecno Sud Srl navaltecnosudboatstand@gmail. com www.navaltecnosud.it
Intended only for use by professional boatyard staff, Awlgrip Quick Build is a high performance yacht priming system, which has been formulated to provide quick and convenient application.
Using just six coloured primers, Quick Build can closely match any finish, reducing the number of stages required to produce a result that will satisfy the most demanding customer. It can be applied directly to certain substrates with no other primers required and provides vibrant colours in just a few minutes.
An easy application system enables preparation and application to be achieved in a single day.
Awlgrip Europe awlgrip_eu@akzonobel.com www.awlgrip.com

A flexible, medium-grained
polyurethane elastomer complex, TBSafe offers yards installing boat decking very high anti-slip performance on a non-woven, rot-proof polyester backing. The surface is hard-wearing, nonabrasive and performs well in temperatures ranging from -30 °C to 80 °C.
TBSafe is available from its French manufacturer for gluing directly to the deck or in a self-adhesive form.
It is 2.1 mm thick and weighs 2.5 kg per square metre.