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Pump-out service to prevent pollution
The Canal & River Trust reports that more than 500 pollution incidents are reported to the organisation every year, costing between £50 and £50,000 each to resolve. All of the UK’s waterways are vulnerable to these problems, from small accidental spills that quickly disperse to major problems causing significant damage to the environment. Marinas, whilst not major sources of pollution, sometimes need to deal with leaks from pump-out units or badly maintained on-board toilet systems from boats at their moorings. Lee Sanitation has been servicing and maintaining pump-out systems for over 20 years, specialising in pump, valve and pipework supply, installation and maintenance, and provides a quick and efficient pump repair service either on site or within the company’s own workshop.
In the event that a pump is uneconomic to repair, LeeSan’s purchasing agreements with major pump manufacturers enable a competitive price to be quoted for a replacement unit.
LeeSan also offers planned service maintenance contracts for waste water pumping stations, pumps and transfer plants catering to specific needs. A three-tier system for servicing and call-outs is available: Bronze for one full service per year; Silver for one full service and one inspection per year; and Gold for two full services per year (see advertisement on page 5).
its customers’ experience, MDL has launched a new online dry stack booking system, allowing dry stack and dry berthing customers to make advance bookings to have their boats launched, ready for their next onwater adventure.
Access to the new online dry stack booking system is via the MY MDL customer portal on MDL’s website.
Offering even greater flexibility and convenience, customers can also make bookings through the new system for their boats to be moved to a maintenance berth or pre-book refuelling slots at all MDL fuel berths.
For those customers unable to get online, the marina teams will be able to make a booking over the phone.
“We’re delighted to be expanding dry berthing and dry stack facilities, offering our customers more choice and greater flexibility,” said Tim Mayer, Sales and Marketing Director at MDL Marinas.
“The benefits of storing a boat out the water, like reducing maintenance time and costs and a cleaner, faster and more fuel-efficient hull, make it a very attractive proposition and it’s becoming increasingly more popular.
“With dry stack facilities at our Cobb’s Quay, Hamble Point and Saxon Wharf marinas comprising 482 dry stack berths, we want to offer people the convenience of booking a launch or lift via their computer, phone or tablet at a time when it’s convenient for them.”