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from Marina Industry April 2022
Fixed-tilt cradles to support the hull
An Italian specialist in designing and supplying boatyard equipment, Naval Tecno Sud offers a comprehensive variety of boat stands, fixed and transportable cradles for boats and a wide choice of trailers and racks for moving and storing all types of vessel. The well-established company collaborates with a number of experienced engineering workshops that represent a guarantee for the reliability of its products.
Its fixed-tilt boat stands for sailing craft and motorboats are available in a comprehensive range of capacities and sizes.
Easy to adjust, they provide safe and reliable support for small, medium and large sailing craft and can be placed against the beam and along the bow of large motorboats to ensure the hull is securely held during repair or maintenance.
Naval Tecno Sud Boat Stand navaltecnosudboatstand@gmail. com www.navaltecnosud.it

Orbital sander for curved surfaces

The flexible orbital sander FSB 028071 is a unique, patented tool for hand-sanding flat and curved surfaces. With this tool, it is possible for boatyard staff to quickly and easily sand and create ideal curves and surfaces, the sanding paper being fastened to the abrasive plate with Velcro.
Due to its size and high flexibility, this type of sander is particularly suitable for sanding smaller surfaces or those with a very small radius of curvature and therefore has many uses in boat building and repair.
It is designed for sanding both concave and convex surfaces due to the action of the abrasive plate, which is torsionally flexible.
Innovia sfo flexisander@flexisander.com www.flexisander.com
Biocidefree antifouling
Formulated for trailer boats, the biocide-free Seajet 2300 Hard Coating protects the hull and can be washed with a high-pressure hose after every haul-out without damaging the boat’s finish.
It is recommended that two coats per season are applied below the waterline whether the craft is sailed in salt water, fresh water or brackish water at a maximum speed of 70 knots. The anti-fouling can be applied by either roller, brush or airless spray gun and it achieves a coverage rate of 10 sq m per litre on either wood, fibreglass, steel or aluminium surfaces.
The pack size is 2.5 litres.