2 minute read
‘Party like a Pirate’ Cartouche box from the ‘Whydah Gally’
Nautical shot glasses from
Nauticalia are printed in blue with their customers’ most popular ranks and messages.

In addition to Party
Like a Pirate, these are: Ancient Mariner; Captain; First Mate; Skipper; Bottoms
Up!; and Cheers!
The glasses are also embellished with an anchor motif.

Although a single glass can be bought for personal use, a handsome discount is given for a set of four and these can be in any combination to reflect the crew’s role or drinking habits!
More information from www.nauticalia.com

This is, of course, a replica of the cartouche or cartridge box found in the wreckage of the Pirate ship ‘Whydah Gally’. She was the flagship of the pirate ‘Black Sam’ Bellamy, which sank in a storm off Cape Cod on 26 April, 1717, taking Bellamy and the majority of his crew with her.
It is made from leather stitched together using linen thread and is useful for holding paper cartridges, percussion caps for a flintlock or simply for stashing wallets, mobile ‘phones, bars of chocolate (not in view of the general public), etc.
It comes as standard with belt loops, but can be made with a choice of two different widths of shoulder strap instead if desired.
Inserts that can be supplied for the cartouche box include either a 24hole wooden cartridge block, a six-hole wooden cartridge box with tool trays either side or just one large wooden tray. It is 3 inches wide, 6 inches long and 5 inches high.
More information from www.lettersofmarque.co.uk

Unless ye intends to steal a ship or become a mutineer if ye are already on one, then the best course of action is to sign on with one of the active pirate crews listed on these two pages. If retired from a life of piracy, then ye’ve a duty to keep faith with The Brethren by celebrating ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’ on 19th September every year!
Appledore Pirates www.facebook.com/app.pirates/ Blackwater Pirates www.facebook.com/groups/2968567940086465/ Brixham Buccaneers www.brixhambuccaneers.co.uk

Brixham Pirate Festival www.brixhampirates.com
Brotherhood of the Black www.brotherhood-of-the-black.co.uk
Cambridge Skeleton Crew www.facebook.com/Cambridge-Skeleton-Pirate-Crew-21145581 05283991/?ref=py_c

Coastal Union of Pirates Privateers Aviators & Steampunks www.facebook.com/groups/564365187654696

Cutthroats, Pirates, Thieves an Fun Lovers www.facebook.com/groups/626925014509041/permalink/986442898557249
Drumskullz www.facebook.com/drumskullz

East Coast Pirates (Whitby) www.facebook.com/groups/187485482170319
Essex Pirate Society www.facebook.com/groups/245074562902068

Greyhounds of St Edmund www.facebook.com/groups/156887281148110/members
Hastings and Eastbourne Pyrates www.facebook.com/groups/192667164601226/?fref=nf
Hawkhurst Gang Bonfire Society www.hgbs.org.uk

Heart of the South West www.brotherhood-of-the-black.co.uk/fullscreen-page/ comp-jb2kqfu4/d3247830-2479-4c4c-9b37-75d6cc43dd1e/9/%3Fi%3D9%26p%3Df1lx9%26s%3Dstyle-jf9xgtpi
International Talk Like a Pirate Day www.talklikeapirate.com
Peninsular Pyrates www.discoverlandguard.org.uk
Pirates and Smugglers of the UK www.facebook.com/groups/1503592149898698/permalink/2941689819422250
Pirates of Poole, www.piratesofpoole.co.uk
Piratical Union of Buccaneers, Corsairs and Associated Trades www.pubcat.org.uk
Plundering Pirates of the North East www.facebook.com/plunderingpiratesnortheast
Purbeck Pirates www.facebook.com/groups/1224784210899407

River Rogues (Pirate living history re-enactment, Oxford) www.facebook.com/groups/riverrogues
Sea Dragon Pirates www.facebook.com/frank.sharman.79
Sheppey Pirates www.sheppeypirates.co.uk

Suffolk Free Company: Pirates www.suffolkfreecompany.org.uk/piratesuffolks
Sully Smugglers www.sullysmugglers.webs.com
The Jolly Rogers – Dorset www.jollyrogersdorset.co.uk

The Pirate Castle www.thepiratecastle.org

The Pirate Society (University of Sussex) www.facebook.com/sussexpirates

The Pirate’s Rum Bible www.facebook.com/groups/3461839360611139
The Sea Dragons www.facebook.com/frank.sharman.79
Vectis Buccaneers Re-Enactment Society www.facebook.com/Vectis-Buccaneers-Re-enactment-society-499770177437687/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Whitby International Pirate Society www.whitbypirates.co.uk