2 minute read
Valmet’s climate program Forward to a carbon neutral future
100 percent carbon neutral production for all our pulp by 2030. We believe that technology plays a key role in mitigating climate change and global warming in the transition to a carbon neutral

We have estimated that around 95 percent our value chain's environmental impact is caused when our customers use our technologies over their entire life cycles. In our climate program − Forward to a carbon neutral future − we have set ambitious targets to enable 100 percent carbon neutral production for all our pulp and paper customers and to improve the energy efficiency of our current offering by 20 percent by 2030.
Already today we offer an extensive range of solutions for reducing CO2 emissions and other environmental impacts.

Explore how on www.valmet.com/climateprogram

Welcome to the first issue of Pulp Paper & Logistics for 2023. With energy costs showing no sign of easing, pulp and paper mills are turning more to technology to help reduce power consumption and improve productivity.

While new technologies are helping to monitor energy consumption, it is data acquisition and analysis that has the greatest potential to highlight how items such as pumps or valves are not running at optimum levels or are mismatched to the production process.

Management and optimisation systems are being increasingly integrated and embedded deeper into a mill’s processes and equipment. Monitoring is of course not limited to just production processes but extends to areas such as environmental emissions – both direct and indirect –and managing the targets set by higher authorities.

As an industry, the long-term aim is to create a circular closed-loop system. This starts with the efficient use of water through to the recovery of paper and board at recycling centres for feeding back into pulp production. There is then the next area of importance which includes waste water recovery and re-use, and production waste recovery for conversion into alternate revenue streams or even bioproducts and sources of energy.
These are all areas that readers of Pulp Paper & Logistics have highlighted as the editorial topics they want covered. So for the March-April issue we will be inviting contributions about steam generation, mill management and software technology plus the optimisation of processes and production.

Submissions for the March issue should be with us ideally no later than 10 March. Vince Maynard, publisher
Vol. 13 Issue No. 76, January/February 2023
ISSN 2045-8622 (PRINT)
Vince Maynard
Tralee, Hillcrest Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6JS, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1732 505724
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Email: pulppaperlogistics@virginmedia.com
David Young
Tel: +44 (0) 1737 551687
Mobile: +44 (0) 7785 796826
John Nutting
Email: johnnutting47@gmail.com

Einar Johansson
Tel: +46 8 540 255 15
Mobile: 0046 70 234 80 85
Email: einar.lennart@gmail.com
Anthony Wiffen
ASTAC Business Publishing Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1460 261011
Mobile: +44 (0) 7557 280 769
Email: anton_print_1@mac.com
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