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UPM sells recovered paper sorting plant in Germany

UPM has agreed to sell the ASK Kinsau recovered paper sorting plant in Germany to Fisel Holding, a recovered logistics and municipal waste disposal company.

The value of the sale, which includes the site and buildings, was not disclosed. All employees of ASK Kinsau will be transferred to the new owner.


Marco Kulterer, responsible for RCP Supply Chain & Operations at UPM Sourcing, said: “We are pleased, having found a long-term oriented and innovative buyer for the Kinsau site. The Fisel Group has a high level of expertise in handling recovered paper. As an integral part of this recycling company the sorting facilities could be better developed and optimised.”

Managing director of ASK, Matthias Fisel, added: “ASK Kinsau will remain an important site for sorting and processing further recovered paper in Bavaria. We plan to invest in the sorting plant and the site in near future, as well as to improve the logistical capabilities on site. We are pleased to welcome the longserving and competent employees to our company and look forward to the future with optimism together with them.”

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