2 minute read
ANDRITZ has gone to great lengths not only to comply with tissue machine safety regulations, but also to go beyond them to ensure that every customer enjoys the highest level of safety in every machine the company supplies.
The tissue safety experts follow three main principles when it comes to tissue machine safety: a safe machine ensures the safety of the operating personnel and the surrounding environment, a safe machine is the basis for a reliable process to create maximum output, and a safe machine is obligatory to fulfill legal requirements.
One important factor is the fact that in different regions there is a different approach to safety in the tissue industry. Our tissue experts are always providing the very best safety solution for the respective market with additional features to choose from.
For further information, please contact us at tissue@andritz.com
Welcome to the May-June issue of Pulp Paper & Logistics. As consumers increasingly avoid the use of plastics in packaging products, so the major brands are providing a lead with moves to more sustainable alternatives.

The pulp and paper industry is responding to these demands and developing fibre-based alternatives, with recent development including kitchen and toilet roll wrapping thereby reducing the reliance on traditional flexible plastics.

The development of these alternatives by paper and corrugated manufacturers presents its own challenges. These may involve a change to the mill’s configuration and even the purchase of new converting machinery. There is also the need to ensure any new alternative will have comparable performance. Strength, durability and print ability are also key attributes that buyers and specifiers will be looking for if they are to replace traditionally-used but difficult-to-recycle options.
In general, and despite the costs, mill owners are continuing to invest for the future and develop sustainable and innovative products for the replacement of plastics within many sectors, including food and beverage and personal hygiene. At the same time, the mills are succeeding in cutting carbon emissions and providing a lead for other industries.

For the next issue of Pulp Paper & Logistics for July-August, we will be featuring machine clothing developments, mill re-configuration for packaging grades, plus pumps, valves and drives. Contributions for the issue should arrive no later than 13 July as a Word document and supporting print ready images.

Vol. 13 Issue No. 78, May/June 2023
ISSN 2045-8622 (PRINT)
Vince Maynard
Tralee, Hillcrest Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6JS, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1732 505724
Mobile: +44 (0) 7747 002286
Email: pulppaperlogistics@virginmedia.com
David Young
Tel: +44 (0) 1737 551687
Mobile: +44 (0) 7785 796826
John Nutting
Email: johnnutting47@gmail.com
Einar Johansson
Tel: +46 8 540 255 15
Mobile: 0046 70 234 80 85
Email: einar.lennart@gmail.com
Anthony Wiffen
ASTAC Business Publishing Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1460 261011
Mobile: +44 (0) 7557 280 769
Email: anton_print_1@mac.com
Tissue production – make it safe!
Brown Knight and Truscott
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3BW
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1892 511678