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Recyclability certification service for fibre-based packaging launched in UK
A system that is claimed to assess the recyclability of fibrebased products and materials in a consistent and credible way has been developed in the UK by Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) with support from its member companies. Papercycle is described as certification service for fibrebased packaging products and materials for the UK and beyond.
With Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation on the horizon, this new service could not arrive at a better time, says the CPI.
The tool identifies whether fibre-based packaging materials can be recycled in the UK and which type of recycling mills are able to reprocess them.
Recyclability can be tested at any stage, for both finished and semifinished products.
Papercycle provides an instant diagnosis on recyclability following the online assessment, but for more complex products or materials, Papercycle can provide a technical review service on how a product behaves under lab conditions to give an insight into how the various components interact with each other, diagnose the most critical parts and signpost potential solutions for material modification. Papercycle can thus help prepare fibre-based packaging for certification and expansion in the UK and other markets, subject to local variations and requirements.
The CPI says that although all fibre-based packaging is recyclable in principle, innovations in material development means that some products more challenging to recycle.
The CPI suggests that with the EPR reforms under way, Papercycle’s certification service could enable a standardised labelling system where customers would receive a ‘recycle’ label as will be required by the UK’s mandatory recyclability labelling on packaging.
Packaging certified as ‘recyclable’ will also attract lower Producer Responsibility (modulated) Fees associated with complying with the reformed
Packaging Waste Regulations. Dimitra Rappou, CPI’s director of recycling, said: “As packaging materials have become increasingly complex, we have seen growing confusion over their recyclability, with an oversimplified assessment approach threatening the quality of recycling.
“Papercycle’s new service can remove the uncertainty faced by packaging designers, brands, retailers, and policy makers on the recyclability of fibre-based products. We see this playing a crucial role in promoting a circular economy for fibrebased packaging, helping to reduce waste and lower carbon emissions by keeping materials in use for longer.”