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Mondi’s Neusiedler mill in Austria goes upmarket

The product portfolio of Mondi’s Neusiedler mill in Austria is being ‘refocused’ on the growth markets of Luxury Packaging, Professional Print, and Technical & Converting Papers.
Mondi says it will invest in the mill to get the best performance by changing the structure of its operations.
One paper machine will be closed, and the capacity of the finishing lines will be streamlined. Mondi admitted that the change in production capacity will inevitably have workforce implications and as such, the paper maker has entered into consultations with its workforce at Neusiedler. and thorough permitting process. The Uruguayan environmental authority has monitored the construction of the mill on site throughout the project. The operating authorisation process has included several inspections by the authorities, as well as third party audits by industry experts. UPM has an extensive environmental monitoring programme covering water and biota, air, soil, noise, and socio-economic aspects.
In addition, an investment of €20 million has been approved to increase energy efficiency at the mill and to ensure the necessary upgrades to machines, infrastructure and buildings. The investment is said to be also in line with Mondi’s MAP2030 sustainability commitments which includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions according to sciencebased targets.
“We now have a balanced asset base and wood supply in two hemispheres. With two pulp mills in Uruguay and three pulp mills in Finland, we have a strong offering of sustainable hardwood and softwood pulp for our customers,” said Bernd Eikens, executive vice president of UPM Fibres.