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2021 State Showmanship Results Dodge County Holstein Futurity Winners
Gundrum wins 2021 Dodge County Holstein Futurity
We had another competitive contest for the 2021 State Showmanship competition. Participants placed in the top three at their respective district shows in order to compete at the state level. Brian Coyne served as official judge and the contest was sponsored by Andis Clippers and Mill Wheel Show Clinics. Congratulations to our winners!
12 & Under Division 1. Kayla Trustem, Evansville 2. Payton Sarbacker, Verona 3. Abby Meyer, Chilton Junior Division 1. Lauren Breunig, Sauk City 2. Brianna Meyer, Chilton 3. Paige Sweatt, Dane Senior Division 1. Ashlynn Sarbacker, Edgerton 2. Grady Wendorf, Ixonia 3. Kaelynn Weigel, Platteville
Marybee Absolute Lovin-Red, owned and exhibited by Mary Gundrum of Marybee Holsteins, Hartford, won the annual Dodge County Holstein Futurity held during the Dodge County Fair, Beaver Dam, on Saturday, August 21, 2021. Eddie Bue of Kaukauna, Wis., judged the show.
Nehls-Valley Holsteins, Hustisford, picked up second and third place with Nehls-Valley AW Limited-Red and Nehls-Valley Sidekick Sisco, respectively. Limited-Red was also awarded best udder of the show.
Sam Pitterle, Watertown, was first place junior with Smith-Crest Dback Vixen-ET, and Ian Spoke, Waterloo, was second place junior with Northcrest Toohot 3318. Sam Pitterle was best dressed female; Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford, was best dressed male; and Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford, was named best dressed group.
An impressive 139 animals were entered as calves for this year’s show, and 24 of those entries were exhibited as cows.
Numerous businesses in the Dodge-County area provide monetary donations to sponsor the futurity every year; Compeer Financial was the champion-level sponsor for 2021.
The Dodge County Holstein Futurity looks forward to celebrating its 20th anniversary at the 2022 Dodge County Fair, August 17-21, 2022. More details about the Dodge County Fair can be found by visiting www. dodgecountyfairgrounds.com.
A red and white Holstein owned by Mary Gundrum, Hartford, won the 2021 Dodge County Holstein Futurity on August 21. Pictured left to right: Dodge County Fairest of the Fair Alexis Luedtke; Wisconsin Holstein Princess Attendant Emily Stumpf; Marybee Absolute Lovin-Red; Mary Gundrum; Wisconsin Holstein Princess Zoe Ertel; and Judge Eddie Bue, Kaukauna.
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