1 minute read
Haircare.wiki is a free wiki encyclopedia on all things related to hair care, hair loss and the latest in haircare products. We have articles on everything from how to grow your hair long and healthy (with in-depth tutorials) to reviews of the best new haircare products on the market. The goal of haircare.wiki is to provide the most up to date and accurate information regarding hair health. With this aim in mind we are constantly updating articles on the site. We hope you enjoy the site and find it to be as helpful as we have intended. For questions or comments, please contact one of us.
At the moment we have 8 main articles and about 20 sub-articles under them. At the end of every month, about 10 new articles are added and if you are seeing an article that seems incomplete or could use more information, go ahead and add it. All articles on here are fully contributed by active users.
All articles on here are fully contributed by active users.
Our style of writing is similar to Wikipedia, but you can also write without having to worry about the formatting as we have auto-formatting enabled. You can just type what you want to say and you'll automatically be given the proper punctuations, section headers, images, etc. We have also added new tabs that will help you with any formatting problems or even with finding the right category for your content.