College News m a rc h 2 0 1 2
WISHINGYOU GOOD LUCK in your exams! We hope you have had a good Easter, and have used the break to get some revision done. Here at Wilberforce, students have been attending revision classes to ensure that they get the fantastic grades they deserve in the summer. Check inside for some words of revision wisdom which you may find helpful! Aside from classes and revision, Wilberforce students have been involved in lots of exciting projects, such as the Spring Lights art show and running the Hull Marathon; take a look inside for more details because this could be you next year! We are looking forward to you joining us on Welcome Day for a real taste of college life, and will be in touch over the coming weeks with more details. Until then, we wish you the best of luck in your summer exams. The Wilberforce College Liaison Team
Cover Photo: the college light show celebrating the start of spring
Top tips to get you through your revision!
Revision advice from heather gregg current A-Level student
If there was a class on being a stress head during exams, my friends would say I would get an A! I can’t help getting stressed. There are many different ways of dealing with exam stress; I’ve tried many of them, but only very few seem to work. Go for a walk On your own or with some friends. Taking a breather is not a bad thing and it could even help you vent out some of your frustrations. Being with your friends is good as well - their topic of conversation will prevent you having a mental breakdown! Breathe Breathing is good - it keeps you alive for one matter, but also allows you to calm down and ask yourself “what do I need to do?” Read another book for a while If you’re feeling that your brain may explode, move onto another book for a while. Harry Potter, Darren Shan, Vampire Diaries or, if you really want, Gok Wan’s autobiography. Transporting your mind somewhere else for a while gives it the rest it needs; just keep an eye on the time, giving yourself an hour of reading. Eat something Brain-food is needed; just make sure some of it is healthy! Chocolate bars and crisps will only go so far - fruit such as apples or bananas are much better. Wholegrain cereals are also foods I recommend. Drink lots of water too. Fizzy drinks do not count (rolls eyes), water means water whether flavoured, pure or tap. Listen to some music Sorry rockers - heavy metal won’t do it; you need mellow music to play.You may have heard the old wives’ tale of playing classical music to babies to make them smarter. Well, playing it for teenagers means that you have a calm atmosphere to work in; you may even find some music you like.
take Time to reflect Have a long soak in a bath or a shower, wash away your troubles and come out squeaky clean. The therapeutic waters allow you to unwind, be refreshed. and ponder over what you have been working on. Let your hair down Have fun if you need to! It doesn’t always have to be all work with no play - a balance is important to make sure your revision is effective. Organise yourself Don’t leave it all to last minute. Seriously, it doesn’t do anyone good! The best thing to do is to organise your time, for example, doing an hour of each subject at a time. Organisation is the key to making sure you won’t be overwhelmed (it has helped me a lot over the years). Stop! If you feel overwhelmed and as if you have pushed yourself to your limit then STOP! Do it the next day or in the morning. It is important for you never to push yourself too far, as if you do your level of work is reduced and you may not get the marks you usually would. Try one or two of these ideas to start with, and see how you get on! Good luck in your exams!
lighting up
the night!
In late February, we showcased some of the fantastic work produced by students across the college in a very unusual way. You may have even had the chance to see it for yourself! To create the ‘Spring Lights’ show, students submitted over 300 works of art, including images of paintings, photographs, textiles, and animations which were then used to create a moving gallery on the front of the college building. This unique show marked the most unique day in our calendar - the leap year day, 29th February. We wanted to create not only a spectacular light show, but also the largest picture we have ever made. Our theme was spring, but we also included a selection of work that celebrated the full range of talents our students have. Staff, students and local residents gathered at the front of college to watch the show, and as the sun set, the lights rose, with the art show kicking into colorful action. The response from spectators was incredible, and we are so proud of the hard work of all staff and students in Visual Arts. You can watch the full show on our website at
How to get your dream job At Wilberforce, we offer a series of specially developed programmes to help you achieve your long-term career goals. There are lots of different programmes, covering a wide variety of career paths, including Medicine, Teaching and Law. Having these programmes in place means that our students get the extra support and specialist experience they need to get university places on relevant courses they need to take the next step towards their dream jobs. In addition to specific programmes, we also offer general careers support for all students; whether you are considering university, an apprenticeship or employment. all students have access to individual careers guidance and support throughout the college term. Students can access support whenever they need it, at any time throughout their course. If you would like to find out more about the career programmes we offer at Wilberforce, are looking for ideas about what you would like to do in the future, or need help deciding what courses to study after your GCSEs, we have produced a guide which you can read online by visiting our website:, if you haven’t already got a copy.
acheiving our
PErsonal best Sunday 8th April was the first ever Hull Marathon, and we entered two relay teams made up of staff and students and raise money for the Help For Heros charity. You can see the full story and find out how much money we raised on the news section of our website.
spotlight on... Hair and beauty Our new hair & beauty salon is very much up and running, with students learning how to give manicures, pedicures, facials and lots more. Last month, our current students pampered a few lucky parents with Mother’s Day manicures to put their skills into practice! From September 2012, students will be able to study BTEC Level 2 Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy or BTEC Level 3 Beauty Therapy with Hair. These courses are great for students who want to work in the hair & beauty industry, giving invaluable skills and experience employers will value.
new bus service for west hull MAXIMUM
Due to new student demand we have introduced a new bus service for those travelling to college from West Hull. The new 10W service will stop on Hessle Road, Askew Avenue, Boothferry Road, Calvert Lane, Spring Bank West, Chanterlands Avenue, Bricknell Avenue, Hall Road, Beverley Road Tesco, Sutton Park, North Point and Howdale Road. The bus will be scheduled to run at the key times of the college day, although exact timings are yet to be confirmed. Please check our website for updates. It is operated by Stagecoach, so students can use their weekly Megariders which we sell for a subsidised price of £5 - a deal exclusive to Wilberforce students.
Don’t forget welcome day!
Friday 29th june 2012
Welcome day is a great opportunity for new students to come into college before the start of term to spend a bit of time exploring the campus, sampling courses and settling into college life. All students who have been offered a place at Wilberforce will receive further details in the post, but make sure you keep this date free!
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