departments: Faculty Fun Facts
Titan Faculty: Outside the Classroom
Mark Aimone Director of Advancement Mr. Aimone was interviewed by CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) for the July/August edition of its magazine “Currents.”
Fabienne Dubois Chair, World Languages Madame Dubois participated in weeklong seminars with ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages), AATF (American Association of Teachers of French) and MaFla (Mass Foreign Language Association) for professional development. She wrote an article for the French Review, a professional magazine for language teachers and professors. The article was accepted and will be published in the spring. She also studied and worked on getting the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) rater certification.
Michael and Sue Dziura Faculty: (Michael) History & Global Studies (Sue) Fine & Performing Arts, English Mr. and Ms. Dziura’s fourth child, Josie, celebrated her first birthday on July 22.
Maureen Kelly Chesky ’02 Faculty, College Counseling Ms. Kelly Chesky and her husband, Phil ’02, celebrated the birth of their third child, William Dean, on Feb. 19, 2020.
Mike MacDonald Faculty, Admission Mr. MacDonald and his wife, Stephanie, celebrated the birth of their second child, Maximo William, on March 26, 2020.
Trevor Portlock Faculty, Science Mr. Portlock released the 8-Bit Fit app to the Apple App Store — a customizable workout timer with an 8-Bit workout buddy.
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