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Upper School 2023-2024

In order to avoid end-of-year maintenance charges, students must use only removable substances such as 3M marking squares to hang wall decorations, which are available in the Campus Store.

An off-campus vendor provides summer storage of student belongings at the families’ expense. This is coordinated with the Dean of Residential Life.

D. Personal Belongings

Students’ families should ensure that their homeowner’s insurance policy covers students’ belongings in the dormitory. The Academy is not responsible for students’ lost or broken belongings. Items lost or damaged during the school year are not covered in the Academy’s insurance policy, and the school is not able to assist in replacement costs. Students are expected to secure valuables appropriately. If there is a need to have large amounts of cash, students should ask a dorm parent or the Deans Office to secure the money for them. Also, students are to close and lock room doors when they are not in their rooms. The ability of the school to respond to theft is very limited, especially when belongings are left unsecured. The Academy reserves the right to search a student, their room and all of the contents therein.

E. Vacations, Overnight Visits and Weekend Returns

Any boarding student wishing to leave campus for a weekend must complete a Weekend Leave Request through Reach, our boarding student portal, and submit it digitally to the Deans Office by 3 p.m. on Thursday. In certain situations the advisor, the head dorm parent, the Athletic Department or the Deans Office may deny weekend privileges for individual academic, athletic, social reasons or health protocols.

Weekend privileges begin when students sign out and leave campus after their last obligations. Students must return from weekends and be ready for room check by 7:30 p.m. on the evening before the next academic day. In the event of an unavoidable delay in returning from a weekend, a student must call the Administrator On Duty or dorm parent on duty. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

If a student is planning on taking a trip outside of a 30-mile radius, they will need to complete the appropriate REACH sign-out form, requiring parental permission. Once the student has received permission from their parent/guardian and the Deans Office, the student may leave. The expectation of signing out and signing back in, face-to-face, remains the same.

Upper School 2023-2024

Before leaving campus, boarding students must ask permission in-person ("face-to-face check out") from the dorm parent on duty. Upon their return to campus, they must complete an in-person check-in.

Boarding students who have signed out for the weekend cannot drive a car to campus without permission from the Deans Office. On-campus students must ask permission and sign out to visit any faculty residence not in their own dormitory.

The Academy does not condone students staying in hotels unsupervised. However, permission will be granted for such plans if permission from the parents/guardians is included in the REACH request.

F. Transportation

Boarding students are not permitted to have a car on or near campus. However, in order to allow our boarding students similar access as day students to training and preparation for their Afternoon Program concentrations, we will allow students with an approved concentration to apply to have a car on campus for the duration of their concentration.

It is the Academy's policy that students may only use licensed taxi and car services. Students are not permitted to access or use rideshares (e.g., Uber, Lyft, Via) for transportation to/from campus unless they are 18 years or older and the school has received a signed Rideshare Permission Form.

If a student is 18 and they have a younger sibling attending WMA, the younger sibling may accompany the older sibling in the car, provided the younger sibling also submitted a Rideshare Permission Form.

Any parent who wishes for their child to be allowed to use a rideshare service in accordance with WMA policy must complete the Rideshare Permission Form, which must be on file in the Deans Office before a student will be allowed to use this service. The permission form can be found on the Parent Portal at www.wma.us/parents. Drivers should be instructed to pick students up outside of their dorm.

School Provided Transportation

At times when students are required to leave the Academy (fall, winter, spring and summer vacations), the Deans Office arranges transportation to and from ONLY the following locations.There is a fee for the school shuttle to and from Logan Airport.

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