Wild Apple February 2018

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till the cows come home


POD 38291 Close Up I Aledanda



till the cows come home


through the lens








flora fauna


i do



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courtney prahl

Print on Demand ( POD):


perfect patterns


at the lake


eat, drink, be merry








we love illustration


feature - fashion week


artist index

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All images in this catalogue are available for Print on Demand. Order any image up to 51” on canvas, fine art paper or quality poster paper.

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tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

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TILL THE COWS COME HOME For the past few months, we’ve been watching one farm animal gain in popularity ... the cow. Whether you love spotted cows, brown cows or baby cows, designers and artists are in love with this adorable farm animal. From photography and fine art collections to farm-chic designs, cows have captured our hearts.


My heart will always have a soft spot for cows. I grew up on a dairy farm in South Africa where I would spend time with my dad and older sister wandering through the herds. You don’t have to have a farm-inspired home to love decorating with cows.We’re seeing this look in up-town lofts and down in the country.


See more of this trend on the Wild Apple Graphics



till the cows come home

POD 38292 Close Up II Aledanda

POD 38293 Close Up III Aledanda

6 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Aledanda Š Wild Apple Graphics

till the cows come home

POD 38316 In the River Aledanda

POD 38312 Waiting BW Aledanda

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š Aledanda Š Wild Apple Graphics | 7

till the cows come home

POD 38315 Busy Day Aledanda

8 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Aledanda Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38317 Its Snowing Aledanda

through the lens

POD 38350 Barnyard Dog

POD 38352 Get Out of Dodge Sepia Jim Dratfield

10 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Jim Dratfield © Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38801 Reclining Buddha Wild Apple Portfolio

POD 38776 To the Beach Laura Marshall

through the lens

POD 38773 Sankaty Head Light

POD 38778 Through the Mist

POD 38777 Beach Treasures Laura Marshall

12 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Laura Marshall Š Wild Apple Graphics


















“I use photography to capture images that communicate the thoughts and feelings I have experienced. First and f o r e m o s t, I m a k e p h o t o g r a p h s f o r m y s e l f.�

Memories from her childhood, extensive travels, challenges of motherhood in her forties, and a never-ending sense of restlessness have been the most influential factors in Aledanda’s photographic journey. Originally from Milan, Italy, Aledanda left for America at 20 years old, eager to experience a different way of life. After initially spending time in Hawaii and California, it was in her forties that she settled on the East Coast, where she divides her time between a small horse farm in Pennsylvania and a home in Lake Como, Italy. Although she has had no formal photography training, she feels fortunate to have studied under John Paul Caponigro and Alison Shaw, who have both helped her refine and consolidate her vision. Do you always carry your camera with you? Yes. I either have my camera or my iPhone with me at any given time. I keep most of my gear in the car, as I never know when something will grab my attention. Some of my favorite images were shot as a result of being in the right place at the right time.

What is your favorite activity to do when you are not shooting? Traveling and being outdoors.The less I am in the house the better. Having grown up in the Italian Alps, nature, hiking, and running are a big part of who I am. We live next to a large conservation area so I am often out exploring with our daughter and our four dogs. I also love tending to our farmette. It is hard work but extremely rewarding. Reading is also a great passion of mine but I still do not like to read in English after 20+ years of living in the States. Do you have a favorite subject to photograph? Trees. I can shoot trees all day long! I have always had a passion for them, particularly in the winter when the leaves are gone and their true essence comes to life. I have often bypassed a tree in the summer only to get struck by its beauty in the wintertime. I love to shoot on a snowy day and will rarely photograph landscapes in the summertime. I also love shooting horses, so I feel fortunate to live in the middle of Pennsylvania horse country where horses abound. I also love black and white portraiture.


POD 38289 Winter Farm

POD 38288 Fall Farm

POD 38322 Down the Road Aledanda

POD 38325 What Beautiful Clouds

16 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Aledanda © Wild Apple Graphics


POD 38286 Looking Up I BW

POD 38319 In the Distance

POD 38324 In the Fog

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Aledanda © Wild Apple Graphics | 17


POD 38327 Dressing Up Aledanda

POD 38328 Reflections Aledanda

18 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Aledanda Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38326 Silhouette Aledanda


POD 35846 Evening I

POD 35847 Evening II Albena Hristova

20 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Albena Hristova Š Wild Apple Graphics


POD 38537 Simplicity I

POD 38538 Simplicity II Wild Apple Portfolio

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š Wild Apple Portfolio Š Wild Apple Graphics | 21


POD 37336 Sakura I

POD 37337 Sakura II

POD 38247 Haiku Silvia Vassileva

22 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Silvia Vassileva Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38246 Crimson Waves Silvia Vassileva

POD 38692 Feeling Zen Farida Zaman


POD 38270 Persian Essence Albena Hristova

POD 38265 Moonlight Garden Albena Hristova

sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š All images are copyright protected Š Wild Apple Graphics | 25


POD 38012 September Barns

POD 38396 Cloudland View Sue Schlabach

26 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Sue Schlabach © Wild Apple Graphics


POD 38245 Golden Sunrise Silvia Vassileva

POD 38751 Lake Edge I

POD 38752 Lake Edge II Sue Schlabach

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© All images are copyright protected © Wild Apple Graphics | 27

flora fauna

POD 38341 Gracefully Blue I

POD 38342 Gracefully Blue II

POD 38343 Gracefully Blue III

POD 38344 Gracefully Blue IV

POD 38345 Gracefully Blue V James Wiens

28 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © James Wiens © Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38232 Beautiful Butterflies Danhui Nai

POD 39228 Swan Lake I Janelle Penner

POD 39229 Swan Lake II Janelle Penner

POD 39230 Swan Lake III Janelle Penner

i do

POD 39238 Swan Lake IV Mint

POD 39231 Swan Lake IV

POD 39239 Swan Lake V Mint

POD 39232 Swan Lake V

POD 39240 Swan Lake VI Mint

POD 39233 Swan Lake VI

POD 39241 Swan Lake VII Mint

POD 39234 Swan Lake VII

POD 39237 Swan Lake III Mint

Janelle Penner

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Janelle Penner © Wild Apple Graphics | 31

i do

POD 39236 Swan Lake II Mint

POD 39235 Swan Lake I Mint Janelle Penner

32 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Janelle Penner Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38747 Swan Love I Farida Zaman

POD 38749 Swan Love III Farida Zaman

POD 38748 Swan Love II Farida Zaman

POD 38750 Swan Love IV Farida Zaman

POD 37344 Lovebirds III

i do

POD 37346 Lovebirds Sign I

POD 37347 Lovebirds Sign II

POD 37342 Lovebirds I

POD 37343 Lovebirds II

POD 37345 Lovebirds IV

Courtney Prahl

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Courtney Prahl © Wild Apple Graphics | 35


POD 38886 Simply Petals II

POD 38887 Simply Petals III Anne Tavoletti

36 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Anne Tavoletti Š Wild Apple Graphics


POD 38885 Simply Petals I

POD 38889 Simply Petals V Anne Tavoletti

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š Anne Tavoletti Š Wild Apple Graphics | 37

POD 39286 Fields of Gold I Lisa Audit

POD 39289 Fields of Gold IV

POD 39290 Fields of Gold V Lisa Audit


POD 39287 Fields of Gold II

POD 39288 Fields of Gold III Lisa Audit

40 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Lisa Audit © Wild Apple Graphics


POD 38252 Beautiful Garden Stems I

POD 38253 Beautiful Garden Stems II

Silvia Vassileva

POD 38254 Delicate Garden Silvia Vassileva

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š Silvia Vassileva

Š Wild Apple Graphics | 41


POD 38720 Pink Impressionism Farida Zaman

42 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š All images are copyright protected Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38229 Roses and Anemones Danhui Nai

POD 38696 Folk Floral I Farida Zaman

POD 38697 Folk Floral II Farida Zaman

POD 38698 Folk Floral III Farida Zaman

POD 38719 Midnight Floral Farida Zaman


Carol Rowan

For over a decade, Carol Rowan made fine art her primary focus. Carol received her Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art. She retired from teaching and devoted all her time to creating art. Her artistic style centered upon color relationships, the presence of light, and a sense of energy. Her inspiration came from her immediate surroundings — her flower gardens and her home. 1938-2012

POD 38629 Spring in the Greenhouse Carol Rowan

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Carol Rowand © Wild Apple Graphics | 45



46 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š All images are copyright protected Š Wild Apple Graphics

POD 38633 Blooming Succulent III Carol Rowan


POD 38631 Blooming Succulent I

POD 38632 Blooming Succulent II

POD 38634 Blooming Succulent IV Carol Rowan

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Carol Rowan © Wild Apple Graphics | 47


POD 38949 Sweet Succulents IV

POD 38950 Sweet Succulents V

POD 38947 Sweet Succulents II Pela Studio

POD 38948 Sweet Succulents III

48 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Pela Studio © Wild Apple Graphics


Stick Together

Cacti & succulents in splendid shades of green,aqua, coral and sunny yellows are a top pick for today’s savvy trend lover. The best part? No watering required.

POD 38946 Sweet Succulents I Pela Studio

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Pela Studio © Wild Apple Graphics | 49


Courtney Prahl studied art at both Marymount University and Clarion University of Pennsylvania. Her focus was primarily on the 3D arts that later translated into her work in mixed media collage. Color plays a big part in her work, and she always incorporates vintage paper, loving the juxtaposition of old and new materials. Believing that art should be attainable to all, she is an elementary school art teacher and teaches art to children at a local shelter and contributes art to local charities. Courtney resides in Maryland with her husband and two sons. Tell us more about your “real” job. How long have you been a teacher? Favorite age group? I teach art at two local art studios and at the community college, working with both kids and adults. I am also an academic assistant within the school system. I find the uninhibited approach that children have to their art most inspiring. They end up teaching me more than I could possibly teach them! I always want to take their projects home with me to hang on my wall. What is your favorite activity to do when you are not creating art?

I love going to tag sales & vintage markets

I have two very busy teenage boys, so I can often be found cheering them on at their games. When we aren’t busy at their athletic events, you can find us outside. We hike, bike, walk and run everywhere! I also love going to tag sales and vintage markets. I collect old gas station numbers so I am always looking for a find. I have been teaching for 12 years, but my dream job would be to illustrate children’s books. I often peruse the children’s section of the library for inspiration. I cofounded a charity in Frederick with a local gallery owner and friend, called “Lend a Hand.” We use art to connect people with a cause. Every year, going on six years now, we select a new recipient and all proceeds from our art auction go to their charity.

courtney prahl

POD 37393 Southwest Cactus V

POD 37389 Southwest Cactus I

POD 37390 Southwest Cactus II

POD 37391 Southwest Cactus III

POD 37392 Southwest Cactus IV

POD 37394 Southwest Cactus VI Courtney Prahl 52 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Courtney Prahl © Wild Apple Graphics

courtney prahl

POD 32828 Whimsy I

POD 32829 Whimsy II

POD 32830 Whimsy III

POD 32831 Whimsy IV

POD 32832 Whimsy V

POD 32833 Whimsy VI

Courtney Prahl

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Courtney Prahl © Wild Apple Graphics | 53

All Tiled Up

Tile patterns can be found around the world. This season Moroccan, Mexican and South American designs are popular with artists and designers. These colorful patterns and designs add a whimsical touch to any room in the house.

POD 37874 Colorful Journey II Blue Pela Studio

perfect patterns

POD 37875 Colorful Journey III Blue

POD 37867 Colorful Journey VI

POD 37868 Colorful Journey VII

Pela Studio

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Pela Studio © Wild Apple Graphics | 55

perfect patterns

POD 38893 Simply Petals IX

POD 38894 Simply Petals X

POD 38895 Simply Petals XI

POD 38896 Simply Petals XII Anne Tavoletti

56 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com Š Anne Tavoletti Š Wild Apple Graphics

at the lake

POD 38930 Lake Moments III

POD 38931 Lake Moments IV

POD 38932 Lake Moments V

POD 38933 Lake Moments VI

POD 38928 Lake Moments I

POD 38929 Lake Moments II

Daphne Brissonnet

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

Š Daphne Brissonnet Š Wild Apple Graphics | 57

eat, drink, be merry

POD 37549 Thoughtful Vines I

POD 37545 Thoughtful Perk I

POD 37550 Thoughtful Vines II

Splashes of Color

We’re loving the look for paint splashes on art. This fun and whimsical technique adds a fun twist to art. Combine that with fresh colors for Spring and you have a look that will bring a colorful vibe to walls and accessories for the home. POD 37548 Thoughtful Perk IV

POD 37552 Thoughtful Vines IV

POD 37547 Thoughtful Perk III

POD 37546 Thoughtful Perk II Katie Pertiet

58 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Katie Pertiet © Wild Apple Graphics

POD 37551 Thoughtful Vines III

eat, drink, be merry

POD 38531 Citrus Garden V

POD 38532 Citrus Garden VI

POD 38534 Citrus Garden VIII Kathleen Parr McKenna POD 38533 Citrus Garden VII

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Kathleen Parr McKenna © Wild Apple Graphics | 59

POD 38709 Pumpkin and Vines I Kathleen Parr McKenna

POD 38710 Pumpkin and Vines II Kathleen Parr McKenna

POD 38711 Pumpkin and Vines III Kathleen Parr McKenna

POD 38712 Pumpkin and Vines IV Kathleen Parr McKenna


POD 38541 Autumn Bounty III

POD 38542 Autumn Bounty IV Courtney Prahl

POD 38715 Autumn Offering I Dark

POD 38716 Autumn Offering II Dark Jenaya Jackson

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© All images are copyright protected © Wild Apple Graphics | 61

POD 38268 In the Wind I

POD 38269 In the Wind II Albena Hristova


POD 37589 Farmhouse I

POD 37590 Farmhouse II

POD 37593 Farmhouse V

POD 37591 Farmhouse III

POD 37592 Farmhouse IV

POD 37595 Farmhouse VII

POD 37594 Farmhouse VI

POD 37596 Farmhouse VIII Beth Grove

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Beth Grove © Wild Apple Graphics | 63

POD 39042 Thoughtfully Frozen II Katie Pertiet

POD 39043 Thoughtfully Frozen III Katie Pertiet

POD 39044 Thoughtfully Frozen IV Katie Pertiet

POD 39045 Thoughtfully Frozen V Katie Pertiet


POD 38768 Christmas Cheer IV

POD 38769 Christmas Cheer V

POD 38770 Christmas Cheer VI

POD 38771 Christmas Cheer VII Laura Marshall

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Laura Marshall © Wild Apple Graphics | 65

POD 38734 Christmas Bloom VIII

POD 38732 Christmas Bloom VI

POD 38733 Christmas Bloom VII

POD 38735 Christmas Bloom IX Janelle Penner

POD 38728 Christmas Bloom II

POD 38729 Christmas Bloom III Janelle Penner

POD 39026 Iconic NYC I

POD 39030 Iconic NYC V

POD 39028 Iconic NYC III Michael Mullan

POD 39027 Iconic NYC II

POD 39029 Iconic NYC IV

New York is always a good idea There really are no bad days in New York City. Whether it’s the landmarks, or the shopping, the restaurants, the people or the amazing neighborhoods, nothing beats NYC. Michael Mullan’s new collections captures the colorful energy and fun of this incredible city, all hand-drawn in his signature style.

we love illustration

POD 38781 Laundry Room I

POD 38782 Laundry Room II

POD 38783 Laundry Room III

POD 38784 Laundry Room IV

POD 38785 Laundry Room Sayings Chris Paschke

70 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Chris Paschke © Wild Apple Graphics

POD 37401 Floral Skull I

POD 37402 Floral Skull II Wild Apple Portfolio

For a look that is so haute this season, look no farther than fashion-inspired art. We’ve curated a runway-worthy collection from artists like Anne Tavoletti, Faida Zaman, Emily Adams and Jenaya Jackson in gorgeous, fun and flirty colors that will make every fashionista smile.

fashion week

POD 29042 Fashion Strokes I

POD 29045 Fashion Strokes IV Anne Tavoletti

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Anne Tavoletti © Wild Apple Graphics | 73

POD 11598 Modern Fashion I Crop

POD 11599 Modern Fashion II Crop

Anne Tavoletti

POD 11722 Fifties Fashion I with Red

POD 11725 Fifties Fashion IV with Red

Anne Tavoletti

fashion week

POD 35863 Floral Fashion I v2

POD 35864 Floral Fashion II v2

POD 35865 Floral Fashion III v2

POD 35866 Floral Fashion IV v2

Anne Tavoletti

76 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Anne Tavoletti © Wild Apple Graphics

fashion week

POD 18542 Red Flair VII

POD 18543 Red Flair VIII Anne Tavoletti

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© Anne Tavoletti © Wild Apple Graphics | 77

fashion week

POD 17012 Moda Splash I Light Wellington Studio

POD 37318 Furry Fashion Friends II Emily Adams

POD 36164 Fashion Feet II Anne Tavoletti

If the shoe fits It’s true, you can never have too many shoes. But, if you find yourself low on closet space our artists have designed enviable shoe collections that will make any fashionista swoon POD 34363 Fearless Fashion II Marco Fabiano

POD 36163 Fashion Feet I Anne Tavoletti

POD 34364 Fearless Fashion III Marco Fabiano

POD 37319 Furry Fashion Friends III Emily Adams

POD 17013 Moda Splash II Light Wellington Studio

78 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © All images are copyright protected © Wild Apple Graphics

fashion week

POD 35195 Girl Power V v2

POD 35196 Girl Power VI v2 Jenaya Jackson

POD 31070 Beauty and Sass Pink I

POD 31071 Beauty and Sass Pink II Sue Schlabach

tel: 802 457 3003 sales@wildapple.com www.wildapple.com

© All images are copyright protected © Wild Apple Graphics | 79

fashion week

POD 39717 Think Pink I

POD 39718 Think Pink II

POD 39721 Think Pink V

POD 39719 Think Pink III

POD 39720 Think Pink IV Farida Zaman

80 | please verify availability. www.wildapple.com © Farida Zaman © Wild Apple Graphics

POD 39722 Think Pink VI

POD 23685 Colorful Fashion IV Anne Tavoletti


Emily Adams Pg. 78 Aledanda Pg. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19 Lisa Audit Pg. 38, 39, 40 Daphne Brissonnet Pg. 57 Jim Dratfield Pg. 10 Marco Fabiano Pg. 78 Albena Hristova Pg. 20, 25, 62 Beth Grove Pg. 63 Jenaya Jackson Pg. 61, 79 Laura Marshall Pg. 12, 13, 65 Michael Mullan Pg. 68, 69 Danhui Nai Pg. 29, 43 Kathleen Parr McKenna Pg.59, 60

Chris Paschke Pg. 70 Pela Studio Pg. 48, 49, 54, 55 Janelle Penner Pg. 30, 31, 32, 66, 67 Katie Pertiet Pg. 58, 64 Courtney Prahl Pg. 34, 35, 52, 53, 61 Carol Rowan Pg. 45, 46, 47 Sue Schlabach Pg. 26, 27, 79 Anne Tavoletti Pg. 36, 37, 56, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81 Silvia Vassileva Pg. 22, 23, 27, 41 James Wiens Pg. 28 Wellington Studio Pg. 78 Wild Apple Portfolio Pg. 11, 21, 71 Farida Zaman Pg. 24, 33, 42, 44, 80

800 756 8359 (toll free in the US) 802 457 3003 (international) sales@wildapple.com | www.wildapple.com 2513 West Woodstock Road, Woodstock,Vermont 05091 COVER: Aledanda 38291 Close Up I



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