Photo by @anninvan
Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in Conservation Work A Research Symposium from the Wild Bird Trust of BC Saturday, Nov 30 10:30am-3:30pm
ow do your research practices, education and conservation programs connect to reconciliation in Canada? We are inviting birders, conservationists, students, Indigenous scientists and Wild Bird Trust members to a day of learning about birds and conservation. Through a keynote address and panel discussion, we will share best practices and methods to integrate TEK in your conservation work. Are you curious about integrating Indigenous knowledge, but lack the models or organisational know-how
to do this? Learn how to conduct an inventory about how your research and conservation work is in the way or out of the way of millenia of Indigenous stewardship practices here in BC. Through the symposium we hope to strengthen WBT habitat restoration and management policies, as well as encourage and support others to do this in our sector. Join us early for a nature walk, and hear our keynote on the nature of effective co-management agreements, including the role of TEK, and how they can achieve conservation? WINGSPAN FALL/WINTER 2019