Sandhill Crane. Photo by John Lowman
The South Coastal Sandhill Crane Project PROJECT OVERVIEW — MYLES LAMONT, TERRA FAUNA WILDLIFE SERVICES. The South Coastal Sandhill Crane project is an initiative to obtain a better understanding of the highly unique and threatened population of Sandhill Cranes that inhabits the Fraser Valley and south coast portion of British Columbia. This subpopulation is unique for several reasons: It is the northernmost, non-migratory population of Sandhill Cranes anywhere in the world. It has faced some of the most extensive habitat loss and degradation of any species within British Columbia. The population has been facing incredible humaninduced pressures since the early 1900’s when most bogs and wetlands were drained and converted to agricultural or commercial use. This subpopulation has never been formally surveyed to obtain a population estimate. The genetic and subspecific status of this population remains largely unknown without further study.
CURRENT THREATS A number of threats face the South Coastal population of Sandhill Cranes, these include: Loss and conversion of wetland habitats into agricultural or commercial, residential or industrial use. The Fraser Valley has lost nearly all of its original bog habitats except for a handful scattered throughout the Lower Fraser; those being Burns Bog, Langley Bog and the Pitt Polder. Poor recruitment into the breeding population as a result of low chick survival. Predation pressures due to increases in mammalian and avian predators such as coyotes, raccoons and Bald Eagles. Injuries and deaths as a result of golf ball strikes for birds nesting or foraging on golf courses in the Fraser Valley. At least 5 adult birds and one chick are known to have been injured or killed as a direct result of foraging and occupying golf courses, particularly in Richmond. The near complete loss of original wetlands in the south coast has forced Sandhill Cranes to utilize these suboptimal landscapes which have proven to be highly dangerous. To learn more about The South Coastal Sandhill Crane Project, visit