10 Page Plan-signed

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Brand New Now Now 4th: Field 3rd: Consciousness 2nd: Self 1st: Mind 4DBrian Time|Space|Place

Consciousness It|Self

The Future is Now! Competition Ken Wilber Gangaji Adi Da A.H. Almaas Otto Scharmer Parker Palmer Jean Gebser Sri Aurobindo Eckart Tolle

New 4D: Field 3D: Space|Time 2D: Ego|Mind

3DBrain 1st World Revolution

Michael Peterschmidt

Wild Blue Studio A|XYZS A X Y Z S Brand New

Proof of Concept Holy Still Quite Empty Silent Knot Red Blue Green Yellow

Whole Indigo Violet Clear Hole Black

1st World Revolution A Free EnterPriZe United World Peace Incorporated John Michael World Trust

A Free EnterPriZe Wild Blue Studio SkY.tv

Picture Pixel Photo Print Display Desktop Panel Glicee Sign Seal

Wild Blue Studios

John Michael Art Clear Water Records Human Cube Dance Stand

United World Peace Incorporated United World Peace Corps United World Peace Plan United World Peacemakers Brigade 1st Peacemaker

World Trust Revolutionary Endowment

A|XYZS 2DBrain Wild Blue Studio Wild Blue Studios

myArt|Work Black|Light & White Blue|Light & White Tri|Light & White

John Michael Character Actar Beautiful Vision Wild Blue Sky

Glicee Print Pixel Photo Video Object Glicee Painting Good Mission An Individual Collective The Collective Individual 10 Free EnterPriZe Rights Lifetime Health Care 20 Year Education Home Ownership Living Wage Stable Finance Significant Leisure Childhood Care Mental Health Care End of Life Care Surviving Will United World Peace Plan Return the Dalai Lama Free Israel | Free Palestine Objective Truth World Trust 1111 World Trustees 1st Chair Vote 10 Chairs Vote 100 Chairs Vote 1000 Chairs Vote 1111 Chairs Vote 111 Chairs Vote

Value Assumption Essential Worth Being Consciousness

True Nature Self System Mind Body Personality Soul Being Spirit X-Change Model Personal Private Public Government Global System Organization Wild Blue Studio Wild Blue Studios A Free EnterPriZe New American Revolution Water Dragon Press Narcissus Prints Torture Memos st

1 Private Constitution 2nd American Declaration 3rd World Revolt 4th Field Map United World Corps John Michael World Trust Competitive Cooperation A Free EnterPriZe Preamble Declaration Constitution Bill of Rights We the People Establishment Signatures Revolution $20B Cash $200B Capital

11.223.335 X-Change Agents Vote Work Spend Play Community Vote EnterPriZe Vote Company Vote Founder Vote General Vote Counsel Vote Outside Vote Partner Vote State Vote Complex Self Organization Vertical

Self Replication

“Blue” Print Factory Control Replicator Red Blue Green Yellow Emergent Organization Turquoise Sky Blue


Capital Democracy Exact Closed Complex Adaptive Structured Competitive Democratic Cooperative Self-Organizing Emergent Present Whole Technology Team Vision Mission Objective Product Process

New Consciousness Lead Follow Tools New Q Photon


Live American Revolutionary New American Digital Dance Stand

A Story Thesis God the Father Christ Michael Final Prophet Machiventa Melchizedek Planetary Prince Resurrection Archangel Holy Mary Counsel of 24 The Liar The Wicked Priest The Wicked Antichrist Babylon America Coast Lines The Elect The 10 Tribes Israel Why Capital?

New Vision $1M $250K: Home $250K: Office $250K: Studio $250K: Gallery Income Terms

1st Tickets: $9.99 2nd Seats: $99.99 3rd Chairs: $999.99

Mile Stones

1|20|09 12|12|12 Founder 4th: Field Clear Light U-Violet Violet

3rd: Consciousness Indigo

2nd: Self Blue Yellow

1st: Mind Green Orange Red Magenta

Michael Peterschmidt Adept Artist Author Activist Avatar Actor Architect Attorney Angel Agent 6th Order of Change Sort Sync Share Sign Send Search Find

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