2 minute read


Josh Steenekamp
An insert from "Cooking in the Apocalypse - Recipes for the End of the World"
Every fiber of your being is going to resist wanting to try this, but it definitely doesn't get more primal... so put your big boy pants on... or your big girls blouse, and get ready to transcend back to an era, where life had one simple rule, Eat or be Eaten!
So just like our neanderthal cousins, you are going to cook this right on the coals, that's right...not on a grid, directly ON the coals! Now the real trick here is to make your fire using either hardwood or lump charcoal, avoiding briquettes due to the chemicals.

Get your hands on some venison or beef fillet, crack lots of black pepper and sea salt and roll the fillet to coat. Once your coals are call-thefire-brigade hot, fan with some newspaper to blow away as much ash as possible, and toss your steak on. Resist the urge to panic.
Your steak will not be covered in ash, but what will happen, is you are going to get this smoky, earthy crust that is going to blow your mind.


Turn until seared on all sides, take off the heat, brush away any ash, place on a board and rest for 5-1 0 min.
Slice, season with cracked black pepper, sea salt and you can drizzle a little olive oil over if you like, our caveman cousins didn't, but you can.
Cooking over an open fire is about as traditional as it gets for South Africans. There is simply no better way to connect with your fellow man, than standing around the braai, trading war stories over some hoppy beverages and laughing the night away. The food is almost secondary to the occasion.
Over the forthcoming issues, we will be sharing some great over the fire ideas that every outdoor cooking enthusiast should add to their wheelhouse of expertise, so tong up, get the petrol and lets light this sucker!